

Ray's POV:

"The whole school shouldn't know about the wolves, Alpha let's do something about it! We can't kill innocent humans and it's dangerous for humans to know about our kind." Max said in a worried tone

"I know what to do" I answered; walking to Lewis office when a girl bumped into me.

The scent!!

Smells good!!

Smells fuckin great! Mate!!!

Oex roared in excitement.

'Shut up oex, you'll scare her away' Ray said in his head.

She stared at me with her mouth hung open.

Well who wouldn't? I chuckled. I finally met my mate! My beta half! I will love and cherish her all my life.

Oex howled in excitement.


Oex is Ray's wolf. They communicate in his head, he is Ray's beast and they are one!


Temzrah's POV

I heard a loud howl which made me recover from my shock. Wtf?? So strange.

Realizing how much I stared at him I quickly regained my composure

"Sorry, my fault" I said quickly to the handsome boy. "But wtf was that?"

"What?" He questioned back.

"Nothing, I was probably hallucinating" I said quickly walking away to avoid my shame.

Getting to my dorm, I unpacked my things and decided to read the rule papers which I was given.

1. Get into your dorm before 9:30pm or get detention.

2. Respect all teachers except none.

3. Do not pass the Zone off sign.

4. Don't go further into the woods.

5. The dorm gate to the class building opens at 7:45am and gets closed by 8am.

6. During the sports day, help teammates clean when it is over.

7. No internet service, No calls!

8. Stay away from Ray.

9. Don't talk back at teachers, detention if you do.

10. Obey Ray.

11. No fighting or get detention.

12. Rule 3, 4, 8, and 10 are compulsory!!!


I wonder who this Ray is, really curious as to why we have to stay away from him. I stood up wanting to take a look around. I walked outside the dorm towards the woods. It looked quiet but then I heard a howl again!

My necklace began to glow. It gave some kind of direction sign. My curiosity increased.

I fought the urge not to walk in but it seemed my body was faster than my mind. I kept on walking, following the directions which my necklace gave. Then I heard it again~

A loud howl!

Then it came, A wolf^ ^

It was beautiful, lt looked like a male.

"Wow" I said walking towards it.

Right. I should be scared but why am I going towards it?

My subconscious mind hit me.


Writer's Pov:

Temzrah walked slowly towards Ray who was in his wolf form. She touched him gently and felt the soft hairs on him.

She then sat down near a tree. She was surprised when the wolf laid next to her.

He had a green emerald eyes. It was so beautiful; Temzrah thought.

"You know what?" She started talking to it.

"It's my first day in this school and I met a freaking handsome boy. He had the same eyes as yours and I can't get him off my head. I know It sounds very funny" she said chuckling.

She looked at the wolf and saw some unknown emotions flickering through his eyes. She smiled gently and continued

"My last school was a torture. I never had someone to talk to. I started putting on lens for some reason. My family story is complicated and…and…" Temzrah got choked with her tears. It started rolling down her cheeks uncontrollably.

Ray's POV:

I changed to my wolf form and decided to run in the woods. I needed to clear my thoughts and think of a way to get close to my mate. I need her!

I ran back after some while and saw a shining light glowing in the dark. I was burning with desires; I knew she was near.

I walked towards the light and I saw her. She looked beautiful under the light. The light??

It was coming from her necklace!! Why!?

She walked towards me. Her warm hands gently patting my hairs.

She suddenly sat under the tree next to her and started saying things. I knew she was talking about her life, her previous high school and how much torture she had been through.

The suddden urge to kill them. How dare they hurt my mate!!!

She started crying.

I wanted to hug her, to stay beside her always but I needed to take things easy.

Suddenly, I realized I was back to my human form. Shit.

She looked up at me obviously surprised and shocked. She took few steps back.

"It's.. y.ou!

Wh..who are.. you?" She stammered

"Listen baby, I didn't mean to scare you okay? Just listen to me please" I said quickly feeling confused on how to explain.

"I'm a werewolf, Temzrah you're my mate and you're mine !" I said stressing the last word.

Temzrah's POV:

"Mate? What is mate? Me? You're wrong"

Will Temzrah accept to be Ray’s mate!!?

Whaat is she??

_Ayomy_creators' thoughts