

Writer's POV:

Temzrah got up early feeling excited to meet new friends at her new school. She was nervous but then shook away the feeling 'It's normal girl' She encouraged herself. 'Temzrah!! Don't get late' She heard her mom calling her from downstairs as she walked into the bathroom staring at her messy hair in the mirror. She brushed her teeth, bath and got dressed into a baggy jean and a long white top. She packed her long brown hair into a ponytail and applied a lip gloss which matched her perfect well shaped pink lips. She never applies make up because she knew she was very pretty. After taking one last look at herself in the mirror , she hurried downstairs not to get late.

Temzrah's Life has been full of Ups and Downs. Her mother; Brenda played the role of the father and mother to Temzrah and her little sister. Her father abandoned the family when she was six. It's been thirteen years since she saw her father. Her mom struggled very hard to make sure Temzrah and her little sister Priya were not lacking in any areas.

Temzrah wanted to study hard just to make her mom happy and make her forget about her crazy dad but she knew it was impossible.


As soon as she got down, Priya ran to her giving her a hug. Temzrah knew she would miss her little sister a lot.

Her mom moved her luggage to the car and reminded her about her necklace;

'Baby do not take this necklace off okay?'

'Yes mom, I remember so don't bother'

What's so special about it? She had always questioned herself. She tried asking her mom but she would always say a time will come when she would discover about her true self and until then she should stay happy!

As they drove off to her new high school, she remembered how she had no friends other than Nyla~


(Dream Teens High School)

"Temzrah!!!!! You fuckin bitch!" She heard Kaite yelling from her group side and immediately she was near she pulled her hair;

"Ouch. Wtf!!" Temzrah reacted to the pull•

"Do something to that witch eyes of yours before I pluck it out you whore!

No one likes you here_ not even Bryan!!" Kaite said walking away.

'Tch. Whack School, Psycho friends' Temzrah said angrily not minding the people watching her from afar.

"Are you okay?" Nyla asked

"Yeah, I guess so" Temzrah replied ignoring the sudden headache she was feeling.


Temzrah sighed as she remembered how her previous school was full of annoying bitches and how she started putting on lens.

When they arrived, Brenda helped Temzrah offload her luggage. She kissed her daughter goodbye as well as saying her wishes to her. Temzrah hugged Priya and said she would visit when she's free. As Temzrah watched them drove off, she looked at the gate in front of her and sighed….

She entered looking at how neat the environment was. She heard some howls-wait what? Wolves? Hell nah. She laughed at her stupid thought.

The necklace her mom gave her to put on glowed and she was confused. She quickly covered it with her hands thinking it would stop but it didn't. To her surprise it stopped when she uttered the word

'Stop glowing'

She walked for what felt like hours before she saw a gardener who told her to enter the big block building by the left.

"Hello little miss" the young man said smiling at her.

"Hello sir"

"You're on the right track, turn to your left and enter the building"

"Thank you very much sir" she said to him.

She went to the principal's office with the few directions she got from the students passing by.

"Hello ma'am" Temzrah said when she saw the woman whom she assumed to be the principal"

"Hey miss, here are the things you need- your dorm key and the regulation papers"


She thought about what the rules might be but couldn't come up with one.

As she dragged her luggage out she bumped into a wall? She thought but when she looked up she was amazed and shocked. Her eyes was full of admiration!

He was freaking hot!

So elegant!

Everything about him was great

So sexy!!

Who is he?

Find out in chap 2

_Ayomy_creators' thoughts