Disclaimer: This story contains detailed scenes of sex, bloody and brutal combat, torture, and other crazy stuff. Read at your own risk. - In my life, I don't think I've offended any cosmic entity, especially not to the point of it killing me. At least the entity was kind enough to reincarnate me after his mistake. Although I admit that Westeros wasn't my first choice, at least I have a system for living peacefully. What, did you expect me to aim for the crown or to go and help "the mother of dragons"? Hell no, I just want to be rich and prosperous.
"One more, please." My little sister Laena asks me in a small voice as we both stand in her room, she is in her bed, wrapped up in those blankets while I sit on a chair next to her.
She has long black hair down her back, like all the members of the family, she has gray eyes, slightly tanned skin, and round cheeks, all in all, a beautiful woman in the making.
I think the only thing that sets her apart from the rest of the family is that her gray eyes are so clear they look like diamonds.
As for me, my hair is short and black with gray eyes not as light as Laena's, of course, the V compound has made me more handsome.
At the moment, I'm telling my dear little sister a story to put her to sleep, Harry Potter seems to be very effective, if not too effective.
"No, a growing little girl like you needs sleep to grow well," I tell her, stroking her head.
It's quite strange to feel affection for a child I've only known for a month, but, I already had a little sister in my past life, it's the same here.
"Okay, but I can have another one when you get back, please." She asks me with puppy dog eyes that have no trouble breaking all my willpower.
"All right, all right, now it's time for bed." I kiss her on the forehead before exiting her room, which looks a little better thanks to one of the economic infrastructures I bought.
[Lumber Mill] [Cost: 10,000 gold dragons]
[Infrastructure for harvesting wood for various uses, placing adult villagers in the Lumber Mill, so they can learn the lumberjack's trade].
[Construction Center] [Cost: 30,000 gold dragons]
[Infrastructure to build or renovate various buildings using different materials, place adult villagers in the center, so they can learn to build]
[Distillery] [Cost: 70,000 gold dragons]
[Infrastructure allowing various alcohols, place adult villagers, so they can learn to make alcohol]
[Harbor] [Cost: 85,000 gold dragons]
[Infrastructure to store ships created at the construction center, place adult villagers in the harbor, so they can learn to become seamen]
I only have five thousand gold dragons left, however, I have a plan to make the most of everything I've spent, a great corn-wise man once said, "In a world where whores and alcohol rule, you need to capitalize on one of the two."
Not having bought a brothel, I'll use alcohol to enrich myself.
How can I be sure that alcohol will make me rich, in simple words, my system is ridiculously powerful, thank the entity for that.
Wanting to see the infrastructure I'd placed, I set off in the direction of the barracks, and what I saw shocked me, to say the least.
Soldiers giving the impression of having years of experience and the discipline of a Spartan soldier, that's what I saw, the weak villagers I saw a month ago were now strong and ready to go to war, man and woman alike.
Being pleasantly surprised by the barracks, I decided to see the other infrastructures, which are just as efficient as the barracks. The iron mine produces very good quality iron, which the forge uses to create very good tools.
The lumber mill produces large quantities of very good lumber out of nowhere, which the construction center uses to renovate buildings in my territory, except for buildings in the territory of the two traitorous vassal houses or which need stone, but this problem will be solved after my trip.
All this to say that it seems that every infrastructure in the system turns your average villager into someone highly skilled in a specific field in a short space of time, and that's without the upgrades, because yes, I can upgrade infrastructures, but that costs money, so it'll have to wait.
Let's get back to how I'm going to earn some serious cash.
Essos, more precisely, the free cities, at least for now.
I have no doubt that I'll be able to sell off my huge stock of alcohol, especially nectar from the system, and when all the stock is bought, news will travel around the continent, and before long, gold dragons will be raining down, and I'll be able to start interacting with Westeros.
"Is everything ready?." I ask one of the guards, like all guards, he is equipped with a black and red tunic with some parts of beautifully made iron armor and armed with a spear he holds in his right hand, a short sword hanging from his waist, and a shield in his left hand.
"Yes, the provisions are ready, the crew is in place and the final preparations are in place, we're ready to go." The guard says to me in a serious, calm tone as we head for the port, which even though it currently has only five ships is very impressive, and the ships in it even more so, including my personal vessel.
A three-masted galleon with sails and a hull as black as a moonless night, with our house seal on each of the three sails, a seal that made me laugh out loud when I first saw it.
Ryan certainly has a great sense of humor, and while Marvel's Hydra isn't my favorite group, having their logo as a house seal doesn't really bother me. On the contrary, House Harlow will soon become as powerful as Hydra, so I'd say the seal is well-chosen.
"BROTHER." My inner thoughts are interrupted by the familiar voice of my little brother running towards me, like me, he has short black hair with gray eyes a little darker than mine and is dressed in a black and red outfit worthy of a lord.
"Alran, you've come to say goodbye before my trip, I know you'll miss me, but I'll only be gone a month, two at the most." I say to my little brother, who catches his breath after running up to me.
"I know, but the waters are dangerous and contain pirates, why do you have to go, can't you let someone go in your place?" Despite the tough look he wants to give, I have no trouble seeing the concern in those eyes and it warms my heart.
Knowing that my family is worried about me only strengthens my resolve to protect them and secure their future.
I place my hand on my brother's shoulder, smiling at him. "A lord's duty is to sometimes do things personally so that all goes well and while I'm away, I'm counting on you to protect our lands, our people, and our family, can you do that for me, brother?"
Determination crosses those eyes as he nods before setting off again as I head for my personal ship, which I've soberly named "the black pearl", mostly because of the captain at the start of my fleet.
"Capitán Salazar, are you ready to leave?" I say to the man standing at the helm, a rather classy black and red uniform, the seriousness and severity clear on his face as he turns those sharp eyes towards me.
"Ready to go at your command, Señor." He says in his rather present accent as I nod to give the go signal to the five ships full of booze that are going to make me rich.
After that, what better customer than pompous assholes who'll spend lavishly to prove they're better than everyone else?
Quick question.
Does anyone know how old Missandei is?