
The almighty Land management system

Disclaimer: This story contains detailed scenes of sex, bloody and brutal combat, torture, and other crazy stuff. Read at your own risk. - In my life, I don't think I've offended any cosmic entity, especially not to the point of it killing me. At least the entity was kind enough to reincarnate me after his mistake. Although I admit that Westeros wasn't my first choice, at least I have a system for living peacefully. What, did you expect me to aim for the crown or to go and help "the mother of dragons"? Hell no, I just want to be rich and prosperous.

badhuman · TV
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9 Chs


[293 AC]

My eyes suddenly open, allowing me to see a slightly dingy wooden ceiling, not unlike the bed I'm on if the discomfort I'm currently feeling is anything to go by, I stand up with a little stiffness in my back to find that I'm in a room one would find in a very mediocre quality hotel.

"It's that bad, huh?"


[Alexander Harlow

15 years old

Finance: 123 gold coins

State of territory: catastrophic

Number of vassal houses: 2

Number of inhabitants living in your territory: 54,000]


[Economic infrastructure

Military infrastructure

Decorative infrastructure


[You have a welcome pack, would you like to open it?]

"Catastrophic outright, good thing I asked for a super-powered system, otherwise I'd be in deep shit."

I sit on the edge of the bed and stare at the wall of my room for a few minutes that feel like hours before finally accepting that I'm in Westeros and have to deal with it. 'Well, now that I'm here, I might as well do what needs to be done.'

"Yes, I want to open the welcome pack."

[Opening the pack.]

[Composite V x1, 200,000 gold coins, economic infrastructure: hunting lodge, economic infrastructure: iron mine, military infrastructure: blacksmith, military infrastructure: Barracks, Valyrian steel sword x5, Deus ex machina x2]

"Deus ex machina? Maybe I'll use that later, preferably when I've stabilized my territory." I get dressed in the best clothes I can find before leaving my room and wandering the corridors, and to say the least, joy is not the emotion most on display, shit, even the environment and the sky seem gray and depressive.

After an hour's walk, I manage to sort out my thoughts and memories, and it's all a mess.

I am the lord of the island of Skagos which was moved to the center of Westeros at my request, the island is indeed part of Westeros, but thanks to Ryan (the name I gave to the entity) the island was left abandoned until it was given to my father after Robert's rebellion, fortunately for my father, the island is under the jurisdiction of no houses, unfortunately, because nobody wants this island, barren, supposedly cursed and supposedly inhabited by savages and cannibals, a dream place in short.

I'm the eldest of four siblings, with a little brother aged 13, a little sister aged 10, and another little sister aged three, my mother died two winters ago and my father died last week, leaving me in charge of Skagos.

"Which I intend to do, don't worry father, I'll make sure even the Lannister will think twice about trying anything against us."

For that, I'm going to need several things, starting with what I got from my welcome pack....as soon as I get to where they are.

[In your inventory]

I have an inventory?

[Just think of the inventory, and you'll automatically know what's in it, it only takes a thought if you want to remove something from the inventory or to bring something in].

[You can store both organic and inorganic things].

"That's pretty cool, okay, let's see the coumpound V."

I take out the compound V from my inventory which is contained in an injector and I don't ask myself any questions before injecting it, the surprisingly cold liquid runs through my body and I can feel a flush of heat throughout my body, and...nothing, I don't really feel any difference in my body, did it fail?

[No, the V compound worked well, every aspect of your body became superhuman].

Cool, at least as far as my body is concerned, now it's time to take care of my land.


A few weeks of investigation have enabled me to find out what was wrong, the most pressing problem is food, something that can be solved thanks to one of the economic infrastructures I won with the welcome pack.

[Hunter's lodge]

[Infrastructure for hunting various animals to obtain food or ingredients, placing adult villagers in the hut to learn how to hunt].

Surprisingly, animals started appearing a few hours after I built the hunter's hut which just appeared and nobody thought it was weird, for everyone, I just built it at some point to the delight of my inhabitants who started eating.

Which led to another problem, chaos.

I've become aware of the flagrant lack of order in my territory, resulting in insurrection and even a rumor of rebellion.

Needless to say, I need to deal with this quickly.

To do that, I'll have to use my two military infrastructures and my economic infrastructure to maintain a certain stability.

[Iron mine]

Infrastructure for extracting iron ore for various purposes, placing adult villagers in the mine to extract iron]


[Infrastructure for making a variety of tools using a variety of materials, placing adult villagers in the forge to learn blacksmithing].


Infrastructure for training adult villagers to fight with melee weapons, place villagers in the barracks to learn combat and discipline]

With this, security will be assured in no time, and once the streets are calm and safe, I'll be able to start dealing with another problem, my two vassal houses.

Just a few days after my father's death, the two houses each sent me a letter subtly telling me to fuck off and that from now on, they'd no longer be my vassals, so you might as well say that it made me angry and that I have every intention of killing those little rats, however, that's for later, for now, I've got to deal with things here.