
The Adventures of Vesper

Join Vesper as she journeys through the world and makes discoveries. What will happen? In a world of humans and monsters will there be balance or destruction.

Inkythedeamon · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Chapter 29/ harvest festival

After a few hours Andras comes out into the main room heading the kitchen to get a midnight snack. He picks up an apple from a small bowl on the counter. He quietly made his way back to his room looking over to the couch that vesper was sleeping on. Seeing she is soundly resting he re-enters his room sighing in relief. Lilly is in her room looking through her orb into her domain in hell keeping an eye on her underlings before heading to bed herself. Hiroshi and Kiyan are preparing for bed. Hiroshi lets out a distressed sigh as he finished getting dressed into his night clothes. Kiyan finishes getting dressed for the night. he turns around seeing Hiroshi looking glum "everything will work out brother" Kiyan states to calm Hiroshi while patting his shoulder. "I worry for her Kiyan. The world will be really harsh on her. she will be like a small child with no idea on what to do" Hiroshi remarks turning to look at Kiyan. "She has all of us to help her when she needs it. She has more support than we could ever ask for when we went on our adventures" Kiyan replies to Hiroshi in a matter-of-fact tone. Hiroshi nods his head thinking then replies to him. "You are right she does have all of us to help. Now let us head to bed so we are well rested for the plans ahead of us." Kiyan nods agreeing as they both get into bed slowly drifting off into sleep. Everyone sleeps soundly through the rest of the night. Some of the clouds separate revealing a waxing crescent moon up high in the night sky. The moonlight pours in through the curtains in the windows appearing to reach to where vesper sleeps. Vesper tosses and turns, opening her eyes sitting up to get a better look around her. she looks around seeing that the room is dark and calm showing that it is not morning yet. She can hear light snoring coming from some of the other rooms signaling that they are all still sleeping. She stands up walking over to the window feeling drawn to it. She opens one of the curtains looking outside seeing clouds sparsely covering the sky with the moon glowing bright. She smiles at the moon commenting to herself "it looks like the sky is smiling tonight" she closes the curtain up sitting by the window not feeling the need to sleep. She looks at the bookshelf full of books noticing a book titled 'An Explorer's Guide to Fairimoore' Vesper smiles "this will be helpful for me to learn about the world even if it's a little bit" she says to herself then lightly removes the book from its resting place to read it. She reads into the early morning reading like the world is in temporary peace with itself. Shuffling movement can be heard from the boy's room signaling that they are waking up. vesper does not acknowledge the sounds right away, fully focused on reading her book. The door opens with Kiyan and Hiroshi walk out one behind the other with both of them yawning not fully awake yet. "What should we do for breakfast today?" Hiroshi tiredly asked Kiyan.

"let's make something vesper can eat since she's not feeling well" Kiyan responds back while straightening up his posture popping his back in the process. "let's ask her and make whatever she wants to eat" Hiroshi states as he finished stretching. Vesper's attention changes from the book to the boys hearing her name being called. "Ask me about what guys?" she asked curious about what they could be speaking about. Kiyan flinched taking a defensive stance from vesper talking thinking she was asleep on the couch still. "Holy star dust sister do not scare us half to death like that." Hiroshi said in lower-than-normal volume trying not to wake the others. Vesper softly giggles setting the book back in its resting place. "That was not my intention but, your startled expression makes me think when we were younglings" Vesper responds softly to her brother with a smile. The boys pause looking at her stunned by how healthy she looks compared to how she was just last night. "How are you feeling sis?" Hiroshi questioned her with concern laced in his voice. "I feel great like I'm revived from where I was before" she states honestly to the question. "I'm happy to see you are well again. I wonder what caused it?" Kiyan ponders thinking of potential causes. "She is a mortal now. Anything could have sent her system into overdrive without warning" Andras bluntly states standing behind Hiroshi and Kiyan sipping on his hot coffee. The trio looked to Andras, hearing his words with a stunned expression. Kiyan and Hiroshi wondered how long he was there without them noticing him. "That is true but what can we do to prevent it from happening again? I know she was a little sickly as a youngling, but she didn't get sick as she got older." Hiroshi replies sounding confused. "If I recall correctly angels start off mortal their system is weak like one, then when they come of age to become an angel, their system becomes stronger." Andras states looking at Hiroshi. "So, she has reverted back to before she was an angel" Hiroshi says trying to understand his explanation. "Yes, but only creature type wise. Other than that, she is still the same vesper we all know and love" Andras clarifies for them to help them understand. "That makes sense in a way for vespers case" Kiyan comments as Lilly walks into the main room stretching.

"Morning boys and good morning to you too sweety feeling any better today?" Lilly speaks in a cheerful tone seeing everyone is up. "I am feeling much better Lilly" vesper replies to her with a smile. "What are the plans for today Andras?" Lilly asked with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I would like us to press on for the ship" Andras says raising an eyebrow at her with a suspicious gaze. "let's live a little for today then head that way please" Lilly gives Andras a pout with a pleading look. "Why Lilly? We could be sitting ducks if we do not continue moving forward quickly" Hiroshi argues with Lilly while looking annoyed at her antics. "Brother she may have a point in staying back for a day" Vesper pipes up standing up from her chair. Everyone's attention is now on Vesper, interested in what she has to say. "What do you mean little sister?" Hiroshi questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Think about it they are going to act based on my last disappearance. Me, Andras, and Kiyan were moving quickly to finish our mission to bring Kiyan fully back. They will go by what mom knows." Vesper states to them bringing her strategy to light. "And since she knows your father is with you, she can only assume you are awfully close to leaving. If we do lay low, they will think we are in another town hiding away from them to escape" Kiyan speaks up following vespers lead on the plan at hand. "Vesper will know more about her mother's actions than the rest of us will. Since she was always watching over her like a hawk. But this could potently play in our favor." Lilly adds in making vespers plan stronger. "That is an excellent point everyone. She would try to get to vesper as fast as possible no matter what it would take. She won't be paying attention to her surroundings as much as she should, missing any key signs of our presence. Let's take a step back and glide under her radar" Andras states agreeing with vesper and Lilly understanding their strategy behind it. "Excellent you guys freshen up. I'll give Vesper a bath and get her ready for the day" Lilly states as she grabs Vesper's hand taking her to her room. Lilly closes her door before Hiroshi or Kiyan could protest with her. "Do not worry Lilly will take good care of her" Andras says as he finished drinking his coffee. "How do you know that for curtain?" Hiroshi questioned Andras not fully sure to trust Lilly just yet. "Well for one she's not stupid enough to cross not only just one but two sin lords that would tear her to shreds if she did. Two she has grown fond of vesper meaning she will protect her in her own way like you do." Andras states in a matter-of-fact tone. Hiroshi ponders on his words thinking. Meanwhile with vesper and Lilly in her bathroom she gets a nice hot bath ready. Vesper walks closer watching Lilly put a few different bottles in the water making it bubble up. "What are you putting in it?" she questioned curiously looking at the bottles sitting by Lilly. "a few oils and herbs to help get you clean also to help keep you from getting sick" Lilly states adding the last one to the bath water. "All done now get undressed and hop on in. I think you will like it" Lilly tells vesper with a smile.

Vesper nods, removing her clothes then gets into the hot tub. The warmth of the water soothes her body as she sits down in the tub. The smell of eucalyptus, spearmint and roses hit her nose. Her body with her mind felt clear and relaxed vesper hums in content. "I thought you would like this. I'll make sure to have some made for you when you wish to bathe" Lilly says satisfied as she cleans vespers hair getting knots out of her hair. "That sounds lovely. hey, do you think you can trim my hair some. It is exceedingly long, having it shorter could help me not look the same. So, my mom can't find us so easily" vesper asked as taps her index fingers together. Lilly smiles saying in a happy tone. "I would love to sweety. You have a clever idea that can make it harder for her to spot you." Vesper smiles then informs Lilly "I would like it reach just below my shoulder blades please" Lilly picks up a pair of scissors from the table by the tub. "As you wish vesper" Lilly says as she begins to trim vesper's hair to her desired length. After a few minutes Lilly had finished trimming her hair back. She taps vespers shoulder telling her she's done. "Time to get out and get dressed huh" vesper states with her head feeling lighter from her hair cut. She gets up out of the bath grabbing a towel to dry herself off. Lilly brings vesper a fresh pair of clothes to put on. "Here these should work for now" Lilly suggested the clothes to her. Vesper nods a thank you then begins putting the clean clothes on. Her pants are a light black color, lightly snug to show off some of her curves. Her blouse is white, flowy, a size bigger than her normal size. Lilly puts vespers hair up into a bun completing her fresh look. "Now let's go show the boys. You look stunning my dear" Lilly cheered holding vesper's hand leaving the room with vesper right behind her. They return to the main room seeing the boys sit on the couch waiting. "We are ready boys" Lilly smiles with vesper still behind her keeping her hidden from view. "What took you both so long?" Kiyan asked Lilly with a raised eyebrow. "This" Lilly moves to the side to reveal vespers latest look. Kiyan stands up in shock upon seeing vesper's fresh look. Vesper looked down shyly not sure what she should be doing. Kiyan's scans his eyes over her features as he walks closer to her lifting her face with the side of his index finger under her chin. They look directly into each other's eyes for a moment then Kiyan states "you look stunning vesper" he leans down kissing her forehead. Then moves to her side with a happy smile plastered on his face.

"Thank you, Kiyan that means a lot to me. What do you think father, brother?" vesper questioned Andras and Hiroshi. "You look great" Andras replies to vesper nodding in approval. "a nice change for you" Hiroshi comments sincerely. They get up and hug her, giving her support. "And it will make it harder for them to spot me in a crowd of people. "If they cross our path" vesper adds in. "No surprise that you are thinking ahead. You are crafty when you need to be" Hiroshi complements his sister. "Now let's go out and enjoy our day before we continue our journey" Andras states smiling happily. "Awesome lets go" vesper giggles grabbing Kiyan's hand heading out the door with the others following behind them. The group make their way out of the inn they are greeted by the town decorating for a festival. Vespers' eyes light up in wonder as the citizens are hanging colorful lanterns and decorating the streets. Sweet smelling confections fill the air as the group moves closer to the festivities. Lilly puts her hand on Andras's shoulder getting his attention. "Go spend time with her Andras I'm sure she will love it. I will watch over the boys." Lilly offers Andras an idea. Andras looks to vesper then nods to Lilly. "I should do that since after I get them to the ship I will have to return to hell." Andras replies to Lilly. They watch the trio in front of them looking at the villagers move about with smiles on their faces. Lilly and Andras walk up to them leading them through the festival like a family. "Hiroshi, Kiyan do you have enough money for the festival?" Andras asked them as they walked through the streets. "Yes, sir we do" the boys spoke in unison to Andras. "that's good. Go with Lilly and enjoy the night. I would like to spend quality time with my daughter" Andras replies to them. The boys nod to each other understanding. "Hey Lilly try to keep up!" Kiyan shouts as him and Hiroshi take off into the crowd of villagers. "Hey, wait up you two!" Lilly hollers at them chasing after them.

Vesper laughs at them as they disappear from view. "Where would you like to start first?" Andras asked Vesper, turning her attention to him. "Can you lead the way father?" Vesper questioned as she moved closer to him nervous about how many people were there. "it's okay I got you vesper." Andras calmly states as he wraps his arm around her shoulders to comfort her, leading her around. After a few minutes of walking vesper began to feel better. "What is this festival about?" vesper asked him while looking at a vender nearby with interest. He followed her gaze then led her to the vender. "It is a festival to celebrate a bountiful harvest of wheat." Andras answers her with a smile. They reach the vendor vesper looks at the items they're selling. "Welcome travelers. Is there anything I can help you find?" the vender questioned in a cheerful tone. "I'm not sure ma'am it's my first time here. My father wanted to bring me here before we return to our homeland." Vesper replies to her looking up with a smile. "Wonderful choice. Here may I recommend these crescent moon earrings" she suggests to vesper as something she could like. Vesper looks at the earrings taking in the intercut detail. "How much for them ma'am?" Andras questioned while Vesper wasn't paying attention. "Well, I normally sell them for four gold coins but, since it is her first time at the festival, I will only ask for two gold coins." She replied to Andras. "That is a fair deal ma'am here you go" Andras states as he hands her two gold coins from his satchel. The vender kindly takes the coins then hands a pair to Vesper. "Here you go miss your father got them for you. please enjoy the rest of the festivities tonight" the vendor tells her with a smile. Vesper looks up gently taking them from the vendor. "Thank you so much ma'am" vesper replies to the vendor. They begin to walk away while she puts the earrings on. "Their awesome father thank you" she says in an excited tone.

"I'm glad it makes you happy my little starlight" Andras states sincerely while his heart melts seeing her so happy. They continue to look at more venders as well as getting some festival food along the way. They make their way through to the festival center eating some snacks. As they get closer to the center the music gets louder and louder. Vesper bounces to the beat as she puts her stuff into her bag. She walks a little away from her father, so they have some space. Vesper closes her eyes beginning to dance feeling the rhythm flow through her body. Patrons at the festival noticed her dancing, they stopped to watch her dance. With grace she spins with the speed of the music. Mid spin she jumps into the air landing on a handstand with one leg sticking up with the other one bent. The crowd claps while a patron sets down a festival hat to put coins in for her. she continues to dance while hand standing still focused on the music. She flips back to her feet moving swaying to the music. Andras watches her dance with a smile, his pride building within him seeing her express herself without fear or care in the world. The pace of the music begins to build up making vesper dance faster and sharper. She does three more back flips pushing on the ground with all her strength on the last flip. She spins into the air landing on a tall pedestal. The music slows down to a calm pace making vesper slow her movements. When the music finally slows to a stop, Vesper is posed where she is curled around the shadowed side of the half-lit moon. Giving the impression she is holding it in her hands with only her eyes and earrings giving off a soft glow. Everyone began clapping loudly, snapping her out of her trance like state of mind. She looked around at everyone shocked by everyone around her clapping. Andras walked to the base of the pedestal holding out his hand to her. Vesper takes her father's hand getting down she stayed close to him becoming her shy self again. Andras rubbed her back to comfort her while some of the patrons walked up to them. "Spectacular job miss I have not seen dancing like that in a long time here" one stated in awe. "Your father must be proud of your hard work." Another commented happily. "I am immensely proud of her and if you all can give her a little space. She's not used to this kind of attention" Andras asked the crowd kindly with an underlining growl. The crowd nods their head seeing vesper partially hiding behind him, they all back up to give her space. "Here miss this is for you. For our appreciation for the stunning performance" a patron steps forward carrying a festival hat full of coins. They stretch out their hands toward Vesper for her to take the hat. Vesper looks up to her father to make sure it's okay. He gives her an encouraging nod to accept the coins. Vesper moves out from behind Andras. She kindly took the hat then lightly bowed her head to show thanks of gratitude. After a few minutes, the crowd dispersed leaving the two alone like nothing had happened. "That was astonishing vesper. You danced with such elegancy." Andras states in awe with her skill. She looks up to her father "it's nothing father really it…just…" as her face looked lost in her trail of thought of why she felt like she needed to dance. "It just felt right." Andras replies softly while giving her a gentle smile. Vesper blinks a few times then smiles "I did dance in heaven but didn't feel the same as I did just moments ago." She looks down at the hat full of coins. Andras nods to her words, snaping his fingers making the hat into a satchel. "That can be your personal coin bag for you to use my starlight. You're acclimating slowly to the world around you. Making it easier to connect with others nearby" Andras suggests as an idea. "Maybe so father. Do you think we should check up on the others?" Vesper asked as she ties her coin purse to her waist.

Andras thinks about it then replies. "That would be a promising idea. No telling if any of them might have gotten drunk or in trouble by now" Vesper looks at Andras confused asking him. "What do you mean by that father? I thought you said it is a festival of harvest" Andras pats vespers head "It is the harvest of wheat they use it to make a variety of alcohol for people to drink." He informs vesper more about the festival. Vesper gives an understanding look. "But Hiroshi never drank that, at least not that I know of. Kiyan and Lilly, I could see that" vesper states feeling a little defensive at the thought of her brother drinking considering he is still an angel. "Fair point vesper lets go find them shall we" Andras states looking to vesper on her choice. "let's go find them" she says determined. Walking by Andras's side searching for Lilly and the boys.