
The Adventures of Vesper

Join Vesper as she journeys through the world and makes discoveries. What will happen? In a world of humans and monsters will there be balance or destruction.

Inkythedeamon · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 30/ setting sail

Vesper and Andras walk through the busy festival looking for any sign of them. Vesper looked worried with each passing minute she did not see Lilly, Kiyan, or Hiroshi. "Relax starlight we will find them all in due course" he tried to reassure her. "I know. I just don't want them to get hurt or in trouble." Vesper stated as they pass by more people. "Fair point but they are strong and can handle their own. Did Hiroshi give you many scares while he had his adventures?" Andras questioned her. "His first few they did scare me, little brother was not much help with it either, I stayed awake for days waiting for him to come back. Passed out several times but when he came back, he told me of his and Kiyan's adventures." She states with a calm expression. "Makes sense for you to be back then. You did not know much of the world aside from what others told you. Not all is dark and not all is light" Andras replies with a look of understanding.

"Without the right amount of balance things would begin to fall apart into despair." Vesper replies looking to her father then ahead of her. "Very good but knowing the true balance one won't know until it happens. Not all things are fifty-fifty in this world we live in" Andras responds as he pets her head like a proud father. They make it to a clearing in the crowded plaza. "Hey guys" Lilly says spotting them before they saw her. Andras and Vesper turn their heads spotting Lilly heading their way. "Hey Lilly, how are you doing?" Andras questioned as she reached where they were at. "I'm doing well wanted to check up on you both and bring you two to the boys when you were ready" Lilly replies with honesty. "Look Lilly father made me a festival coin purse to hold my earnings" vesper smiles holding the bag up for her to see. Lilly looks at the coin purse with a smile then looks up to Andras with a questioning look. Andras gives her a disappointed growl "not like that she danced to the festive music and the patrons gave her money." Andras crosses his arms offended by what Lilly could have thought. "That's good to hear," Lilly replied with relief in her tone. Vesper put her coin purse away. "You should have seen how proud he was of the praise" Vesper commented with a smile. "I bet he was glowing with pride. As he should be proud of his daughter." Lilly stated giving Andras a content expression. "Where did the boys go?" Vesper asked Lilly with curiosity. "Oh, they were heading to the tipsy sailors. They wanted something that was not festival food" Lilly informs them. "Okay let's head on over to there then." Andras replies nodding to Lilly to lead the way.

Lilly leads them to the tipsy sailor "they should be inside eating" Lilly says opening the door for them to enter. Andras and Vesper enter the building with Lilly behind them. Andras looks around looking for the boys in the crowd. Laughing could be heard "pay up man you can't out drink me" Kiyan says drunkenly loud making them easy to spot. Andras leads Vesper and Lilly to the boys. They walk up to Kiyan and Hiroshi seeing them drinking beer. Vesper looked awe stunned by Hiroshi drinking. Lilly looks at Hiroshi with more interest in him. "I wonder what else this little angel is hiding" Lilly says aloud sounding curious. Hiroshi looked at her with a drunk look saying to Lilly. "You have no idea" while Andras looks at the boys not amused. "Why the face Andras we are having fun" Kiyan states laughing enjoying himself. Hiroshi lightly laughs not as drunk as Kiyan. A semi drunk female patron walks up next to vesper arm propped on vespers shoulder speaking to her. "Are you looking at that beef cake too?" vesper looks at the women with confusion on her face. Lilly leaned close to Vesper saying to her. "she's talking about Kiyan dear" Lilly leans back away as some of the male patrons of the pub notice Lilly and Vesper. Vesper lets out a low growl "he is my partner now go away please" vesper kindly commands the women. The women back away from vesper with her hands in a drunken surrender wondering off. The other patrons tried to flirt with them from their tables and some walked up to them. Music playing in the background makes the atmosphere cheerful. Lilly ignored the cat calling from the patrons with ease. "Alright you both had your fun lets head back to the inn so we can all rest" Andras tells the boys with a calm but firm tone crossing his arms. "You did agree we should live a little before our trip" Hiroshi states sounding a little bit more sober than earlier. Andras opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by Vesper. "That didn't mean get drunk off your asses" Vesper spoke in an angry tone. A patron approaches Vesper putting their hand on her right shoulder saying. "Hey babe live a little they're just having fun."

Lilly turns her attention to the patrons around them. "Andras make sure they get back to the inn in one piece please" Vesper commands getting more irritated by the minute. Andras nods to her "Lilly stays with her just in case. Come on boy's time to get you both sobered up." Andras spoke to Lilly while Kiyan and Hiroshi pouted at Vesper thinking it could work. Vesper looks at them with a cold dark stare sending chills down the boy's spines. Hiroshi and Kiyan get up following Andras out of the pub without a word. Then Vesper turns around to face the patron with a small glare. Lilly turns to look at the patron, not amused by him. Vesper lightly shoves his hand off her shoulder while she begins to sing. "Why am I always hit on by the boys I never like? I can always see them coming from the left or from the right. I don't want to be a priss, I'm just trying to be polite. But it always seems to bite me in the." She pushes him away from her, giving them more space. Another patron walks up about to speak to her. Vesper holds up her index finger stopping him from talking. "Ask me for my number, yeah, you put me on the spot. You think that we should hook-up, but I think that we should not." She sang to him then turned to the first patron that touched her. "You had me at hello, then you opened up your mouth and that is when it started going south." She sang with annoyance in her tone. Another patron snuck up trying to grab her hips. "Get your hands off my hips, 'fore I'll punch you in the lips. Stop staring at my— Hey! Take a hint, take a hint. No, you can't buy me a drink, let me tell you what I think." She leans into a patron to get closer to them. They lean close to her thinking they are going to get a kiss from her. "I think you could use a mint. Take a hint, take a hint. La, la, la. T-take a hint, take a hint La, La, La." She sang backing away fanning her hand in front of her face smelling the alcohol on their breath.

"I guess you still don't get it, so let's take it from the top. You asked me what my sign is, and I told you it was Stop. And if I had a dime for every name that you just dropped. You'd be here and I'd be on a ship. Oh! Get your hands off my hips, 'fore I'll punch you in the lips. Stop staring at my— Hey! Take a hint, take a hint. No, you can't buy me a drink, let me tell you what I think. I think you could use a mint. Take a hint, take a hint. La, la, la. T-take a hint, take a hint. La, la, la." Vesper sang making the patrons back up away from her, but they still try to flirt with her. "What about "no" don't you get? So go and tell your friends. She's not really interested. "It's about time that you're leaving" Lilly sings to them as she moved up in front of Vesper getting annoyed by them now. "I'm goanna count to three and Open my eyes and You'll be gone." Vesper sang darkly making Lilly turn to face her with surprise. "One. Get your hands off my—Two. Or I'll punch you in the- Three. Stop you're staring at my—Take a hint, take a hint" Vesper takes three steps forward her eyes glowed like moonlight was shining on them. Lilly watched her with confusion as to why her eyes are glowing, she is a mortal. "I am not your missing link. Let me tell you what I think. I think you could use a mint. Take a hint, take a hint. Take a hint, take a hint. Get your hands off my hips, 'fore I'll punch you in the lips. Stop staring at my— Hey! Take a hint" Vesper finished singing she turns around to leave having enough of it. Vesper and Lilly leave the pub they take the long way to help Vesper cool off before they get back to the inn. Meanwhile Hiroshi is walking through the alley ways walking of his alcohol he drank earlier. He walks alone in silence or so he thinks a shadow appears on a wall following him as he walks. The shadow got closer to him but disappeared quickly from view. While Hiroshi turned his head looking around behind him. He gets a feeling of being watched and states aloud. "Show yourself" no replies were given in the empty alley way. After a few minutes Hiroshi sighs thinking he was just imagining it then turns around to continue his walk. Right as Hiroshi turned around, he came face to face with a daemon made of shadows. Hiroshi jolts back reaching for his weapon only to realize he left it at the inn. "Your sister has so much power within her" The daemon spoke sounding neutral with no weapons drawn. "What do you mean by that she's no longer what she was?" Hiroshi states with confusion while keeping a straight face. The daemon lightly chuckles at Hiroshi cluelessness. "Oh, she has more power than anyone could ever witness in this lifetime. It is just sleeping if you will until just the right moment in time. But sadly, once it starts time is ticking away for her. She will have to make a deadly choice in the future." The daemon warns Hiroshi of the possible path she could cross. "You lie daemon!" Hiroshi hollers at them not believing a word the daemon says. The daemon lowly laughs then states in a deep aggressive growl slowly approaching closer to Hiroshi. "Such a naïve angel you are. You have no clue the power to what is locked away within her." Hiroshi takes a few steps back keeping some distance from them Hiroshi then takes a swing at them. The daemon disappeared then speaks to Hiroshi. "Time will tell, and we shall see who is left standing" Hiroshi looks frantically around trying to find them and finds that he is now fully alone. He makes his way back to the inn still on edge from what they had said. The following morning, they make it to a narrow pathway leading them along the cliff side close to Argo's shipyards. Andras is in front with Lilly, Vesper, Hiroshi, and Kiyan behind him. "Careful everyone this pathway can be tricky if you are not careful" Andras warns the group. After a while of walking, Vesper questions her father "Father why is the ship hidden and not where the other ships are?" The others listen closely, curious to know as well.

"Well about that it's not a normal ship either per say" Andras answers her as he lightly scratches his cheek with his index finger. "What do you mean by that?" Hiroshi questioned with confusion written on his face. "Well, to put it bluntly it is a cursed ship that I gotten from them" he states like he had forgotten to mention it beforehand. While everyone has what in the world look or an annoyed one. "That would have been helpful to know earlier dad." Vesper remarks not amused by his forgetfulness. "What kind of curse are we looking at Andras?" Kiyan questioned worried for vesper well-being. "If I recall they said mortals could not stay on the ship for lengthy periods of time. Only creatures of the supernatural can stay on the ship with no effect to them." Pride informs them with one eye closed while remembering about it. "But what about vesper would she be effected by it?" Hiroshi asked as his voice had concern laced through it. "I do not think it will affect her she was born a supernatural. The ship could think she is going through a transition phase for her kind. Like how you saw before she never took a daemon form until now." Lilly suggested an idea to the group. "It is possible. Ah we are here" Andras states as they all walk into the cave slowly as they rounded a corner, they see the cursed ship. The ship was in good condition with a hauntingly eerie vibe to it. Andras snaps his fingers, and the group appears in the captain's quarters of the ship. The group walks over to the desk and lays down a good-sized map. "You all should have enough supplies to last you for a while. At least until you get to this land here to restock and get more people to help run this ship properly." Andras spoke as he points to a spot on the map for them to go.

While everyone was working out a planned path, vesper looked around the ships cabin thinking. As they are discussing things to do vesper states "Krieger shall be the ship's name" they stop to look at vesper as the ship shivers and creaks liking the name. "Well, I do not think the ship would harm her now for sure." Lilly states as they chuckle. "That is a fine name for it vesper" Kiyan complimented on the name. "I shall head back to hell, and I will send word when I can" Andras states as he disappears. "Alright let's get Krieger moving out to sea" Hiroshi replies as they all head out onto the main deck getting to work to get Krieger out of the cave. After a few hours they managed to get the ship out onto open waters.

They all cheer and smile at their hard work seeing the vast ocean before them. The group hears the flapping of angelic wings as they get the ship out into open waters. They all get a sinking feeling they know who it is. Kiyan, Hiroshi, Lilly, and Vesper tie down the sails securely. After that the boys stand Infront of vesper with Lilly next to her, so she does not get taken away from them. Narina lands before them looking "where do you think you're going?" she commands an answer from vesper. "Away from this land and from you. They have helped me since you and the heavens stripped me of who I am as a whole. Kiyan and Hiroshi have been there for me far more than you did as my mother" vesper retorts as she moves the boys to the side with taking a few steps forward. "I won't let you leave with this pathetic excuse of a dragon and the disgrace of a son" Narina says in anger and frustration. Vesper's expression goes to shock at her mother's distasteful words. Kiyan is unfazed by Narinia's words, he was used to being called worse by people. While Hiroshi looks broken by his mother's words. Music begins to dance in the air as vesper voice rises. "He is a hustler, he's no good at all. He is a loser, he's a bum, bum, bum, bum. He lies, he bluffs, he's unreliable. He is a sucker with a gun, gun, gun, gun. I know you told me I should stay away. I know you said he's just a dog astray. He is a bad boy with a tainted heart and even I know this isn't smart. But mother, I'm in love with a criminal and this type of love isn't rational, it's astrological. Mother please don't cry, I'll be all right all reasons aside I just can't deny, I love that guy" the boys smirk seeing vesper stand up to Narina. Vesper stretches her arms out to her sides emphasizing her emotions and what she knows. Narina looks at Vesper with an angry expression with her wings flaring out beside her. Narina opens her mouth to speak but vesper cuts her off. "He is a villain by the devil's law. He is a killer just for fun, fun, fun, fun. That man's a snitch and unpredictable. He's got no conscience, he got none, none, none, none. All I know, should've let go, but no I won't. because he's a bad boy with a tainted heart and even I know this isn't smart. But mother, I'm in love with a criminal and this type of love isn't rational, it's astrological. Mother please don't cry, I'll be all right all reasons aside I just can't deny, I love that guy" Kiyan and Hiroshi stand tall behind vesper arms crossed with their wings spread out making vesper look bigger.

Narina's wings folded a faint amount feeling like she wouldn't stand a chance against them. "He's got my mated mark, tattooed on his right side his lucky charm. So, I guess it's okay he's with me and I hear people talk. Trying to make remarks to keep us apart. But I don't even hear. I don't care." Kiyan lightly twirls his index and middle finger making shadows appear around vesper looking like they are murmuring. Vesper covers her ears then waves her hands through each one making them disappear. Vesper pauses to calm herself taking in a big breath. Then she continues to pour her heart out. "Because mother I'm in love with a criminal and this type of love isn't rational, it's astrological. Mother please don't cry; I'll be all right. All reason aside I just can't deny, I love that guy. Mother, I'm in love with a criminal and this type of love isn't rational, it's astrological. Mother please don't cry; I'll be all right. All reason aside I just can't deny, I love that guy" vesper stands her ground. Narina looks right at Vesper speaking coldly "do not say I did not warn you child" she disappears in a plume of feathers. After a few minutes have passed them Kiyan and Lilly rush up to Vesper making sure she's okay. "You did amazing vesper good job" Lilly compliments her with Kiyan agreeing. Vesper turns her attention to Hiroshi looking sad. Vesper runs over to him giving him a big hug. "Do not listen to mother. You are the best big brother I could ever ask for" vesper states hugging him tighter. Hiroshi smiles softly while gently patting her back. "Thank you, little sister, I'm glad you think so" Hiroshi replied wiping the tears from his eyes. Lilly and Kiyan walk up to the siblings having a bonding moment. "Well, if we are all good to go let's get sailing away to the land we need to get to" Lilly states excitedly. Everyone nods agreeing with her and begin to work together sailing the ship further out to sea.

After several hours, the ship was sailing smoothly with only four people running it. Everyone took the chance to relax again, feeling accomplished with their hard work. Vesper strolls over to Kiyan "Kiyan I would like to talk to you" she tells him gesturing to the captain's cabin behind them. "Sure, thing vesper" he follows her inside the cabin. Once inside Vesper closes the door behind her. "I realized I hardly know anything about you but, you know me quite a bit from my brother. Can you tell me more about yourself?" Vesper asks him wanting to know more about him. "You do know a little bit about me from our adventures so far and from Hiroshi too" he replies trying to avoid it. Vesper smile drops and a light click sounds behind her signaling the door was locked. Kiyan's ears twitched upon hearing the lock click then He looked at her with confusion. "Please Kiyan. I know you do not tell him everything no one fully does" Vesper said while walking up to him now standing in front of him. Kiyan lets out a defeated sigh "I can tell you some things but, some I will not tell you at least not yet. I do not wish to overload you with information or hurt you with my past mistakes I have made" He admits to her sincerely. Vesper pouts a little but nods understanding more about it remembering what her mother showed her. "So, you have stolen from others, flirted with other people, and fought in fighting rings?" Vesper asked him, wanting to understand what she knew. Kiyan looked at her surprised but composed himself. "I lived a rebellious life before I met your brother and they were not the brightest choices but, it was what I could do to get by back then. I still have some of the habits like the drinking you saw last night." Kiyan explained to her while shuffling a bit. Vesper ponders at his words making Kiyan feel nervous waiting for her to respond.

"Thank you for helping me understand the reason behind it. even though I feel some I would not understand right away." Vesper states looking up to him. "I will do my best to try and help you understand but I might not always be able to. Trust will slowly be earned between us all. We are all going through change, yours being the heaviest of changes. Taking things slow when we can, will be beneficial for you." Kiyan replies to her while patting her shoulder. "But what about?" Vesper asked him then Kiyan replied to her before she finished her question. "The angels? They cannot pursue us so freely anymore without a mission given to them to do so since we left Bibicalas. They will not bug us easily unless by random chance of crossing paths." Vesper felt relieved upon hearing that information. "How can I protect myself if you guys are not close by?" She asked him since she no longer has her abilities. Kiyan looks at her thinking about what she could use, then produces an idea. "I have an idea take this Colt Single Action Army to protect yourself when we are not close by" Kiyan states to her while removing the colt from his belt. "Are you sure Kiyan? I have never used one before." Vesper inquires while watching him with curiosity. "I am sure of it. I will show you how to use it safely okay" Kiyan replies to her encouraging her to learn. Over time Kiyan explains to her how to use it then attached it to her belt for her to keep close. Vesper smiles with nervous confidence about having the colt. "Do not worry you will be just fine with it I have faith in you" Kiyan encouraged her calming her nerves. He notices that vesper was appearing a little pale and clammy. "Hey, let's go outside to get you some fresh air since it is your first-time sailing" Kiyan says wrapping his arm around her shoulder guiding her back to the door. "okay" Vesper replies sounding a little disoriented while walking. Kiyan unlocks the door then opens it for them to walk out onto the deck. As they stepped out onto the deck, they squinted their eyes adjusting to the sunlight. They hear Hiroshi and Lilly talking while moving barrels around. Kiyan and Vesper approached the two gaining their attention. "Hey guys what's up?" Hiroshi says to them as they approach him and Lilly. "Doing okay she needed some air. She might be developing sea sickness." Kiyan replied to Hiroshi the ship rocked back and forth as the small waves pushed against the ship. Kiyan and Hiroshi were used to the feeling of having traveled by boat on their missions in the past.

Vesper and Lilly were not as lucky and while the boys were talking to each other they started to feel uneasy. They both felt weak, becoming more sensitive to the ships rocking, making them look paler than normal. "Are you two, okay?" As soon as the words left Hiroshi's mouth the girls ran to the edge of the ship and threw up. The boys cringed seeing it, but they walked over to them rubbing the girls backs to comfort them. After a few minutes passed the girls took deep breaths, unable to hurl any more. The boys handed them canteens of water to help them. The girls nodded their thanks then rinsed out their mouths then drank the rest. "Will this happen often?" Vesper questioned not liking the feeling it gives her. "No, it's only temporary it will be over soon." Hiroshi replies in a calm tone. "I'm surprised you got seasick Lilly. You seem to be the type to travel and such." Kiyan admits with a curious surprised look. "Yeah, no ships never really crossed my mind to travel on." Lilly replies slowly, feeling better. "Good, this feeling sucks" Vesper states as she sits up looking better off than Lilly. The boys shared a curious look between them seeing she is doing better than a supernatural creature. "Vesper if you feel up to it could you make dinner tonight?" Hiroshi asked her to hope she would so he can talk to the others alone. "Sure, is there anything specific for you guys?" Vesper asked the group with curious eyes.

The group shakes their heads no "make whatever you would like to okay." Kiyan replies to her with a smile. "Okay I will be back soon guys" vesper says while she walks to the door heading down to the halls before the kitchen. As she walks down the hall Abaddon appears behind her "Vesper you still have time to return home now please we miss you" Abaddon says to try, and guilt trip her. Vesper turned around startled drawing her gun from its holster aiming it at him. "no. I will not go back there they did horrible things to me brother." Vesper said with fear as some of the memories flash before her eyes. "They removed the daemon from you to save you. It would have killed you from the inside out." Abaddon tried to reason with her taking a step closer thinking she does not know how to use the colt. Vesper takes a step back trying to stay away from Abaddon knowing his tricks too well. "Stay away from me" vesper states to him. Abaddon smirks saying "like you can do anything to stop me sister. You will come home with me." He steps closer to her not giving Vesper a choice. "No, I will not" Vesper replied as she focuses her shaky aim on her brother. She feels Kiyan's presence fold around her helping her aim better. Abaddon's eyes widen in surprise seeing Kiyan standing behind her with a menacing glare on his face. Abaddon tries to reach for his sister to take her back home. Kiyan's hands help her hands from stop shaking. To Vesper it seemed like an illusion of Kiyan is with her. She pulls the trigger the bullet leaves the barrel hitting Abaddon in the shoulder causing him to stagger back. The stomping of feet could be heard making their way to her. Abaddon disappears in a puff of feathers escaping from the others. Lilly and Hiroshi make it to vesper looking worried. "Vesper are you alright what happened?" They both inquired at the same time. Vesper stood in place like she was spaced out with her hands to her side. Kiyan gently removed the colt from her right hand. Kiyan gently touched her shoulder to try and bring her back to reality.

Vesper registers that Kiyan is fully there and not an illusion she turns around crying burying her face into his chest crying with incoherent words. Kiyan rubs her back "Shhh it's okay it is over he is gone now." He softly talks to her to help calm her down. Her cries slowly die down as Kiyan explain what had happened. "Well, it's a good thing we just got out of the angel's jurisdiction before it got too late" Lilly stated with a sigh of relief. Hiroshi moves closer to his little sister in a calm tone and speaks to her. "Hey Ves, you did the right thing in standing your ground and stopped him from getting too close to you" Vesper turned her head to face him and managed to speak "really? It was scary I even had flash backs too" as more tears fell down her face. Hiroshi gently rubbed the tears from her face "yes sometimes you have to use force to make some people understand you mean it" Hiroshi explains to her. Vesper nods her head understanding while Kiyan puts the colt back into her holster. Vesper took a deep breath then said "we won't get far on empty stomachs now, will we? Let me get something cooked up for us." Vesper gives a small smile trying to push the feelings back. "Would you like one of us to stay with you?" Lilly questioned Vesper worried about her. They watched her with worry and concern for her wellbeing. Vesper looked between everyone "I will be okay guys and I'm sure you need all hands-on deck to make sure Krieger is going in the right direction." She replied knowing that they did need to do that. They knew she had a point, but they were not convinced she was okay mentally from the previous encounter with her younger brother. "We will take turns checking on you while you cook." Kiyan speaks with a firm but gentle tone Hiroshi and Lilly no their heads agreeing with him. "but" Vesper tries to argue with Kiyan. Kiyan turned to face her, his eyes glowing a fiery red color "it is final vesper" he replied to her vesper looked down avoiding his gaze feeling she got in trouble. Kiyan sees that he had scared her, he felt guilty and thought of a different approach. While he was thinking Hiroshi was holding back the urge to strike Kiyan for making her feel bad. Lilly put her hand on his shoulder then says "I know you want to hurt him, but you should know how stubborn she is at putting others before herself" Hiroshi looked at her skeptical that she could know Vesper that well.

"It may not be as long as you have known her but, from what I have seen she is if not the purist hearted individual I have met. She needs to know some limits for her safety don't you think?" Lilly reasons with Hiroshi making think through her words. He lets out a sigh replying, "You're right and I would rather it would be us or her father." Kiyan kneels to vespers height lift her face up to him with the side of his index finger. "Vesper it was not my intention to scare you. We all are just concerned for your health considering what happened not too long ago." Kiyan's eyes are giving off the same fiery eyes as before but, while Vesper looks at his eyes, she sees them go soft showing sincerity in them. After a few minutes past Vesper speaks "okay I see your guys' concern about it" Kiyan gently cups her cheek in his hand in a loving manner. "You can get started cooking dinner on your own. but we will check up on you to be safe" Vesper nods agreeing with him "okay now you guys make sure we are heading in the right direction" she replies as she walks toward the kitchen. Vesper makes it to the kitchen seeing it is a little dusty from the lack of use. Vesper rolled up her sleeves getting to work on getting the kitchen cleaned up. some time passes by Vesper begins getting food prepared for dinner. Light footsteps can be heard heading her way. As the person gets closer, they stop at the door watching Vesper "you may enter Hiroshi. Instead of standing at the doorway" Vesper calls to him with her back facing him. "Even though you are mortal you can still feel my presence" Hiroshi replies to her walking up next to Vesper. "It feels like a gut feeling instead of just knowing that it is you and not someone else" Vesper admits as she begins to cut up veggies on the counter then puts the chopped veggies into a bowl beside her. Hiroshi watches her work around the kitchen with a calm demeanor to her. Hiroshi softly smiles thinking then he goes to an insulated crate pulling out preserved meat bringing it to vesper. Vesper looks to Hiroshi seeing the meat he grabbed she cracked a smile. Vesper moved over then set a knife on the cutting board. "How did you know I needed this for dinner?" Vesper questioned with a curious tone as she put a big cooking pot over the metal stove top. "You did this when our family were going through challenging times. If I remember you used to call it your happy soup" Hiroshi replies smiling at the memory he is thinking of.

Vesper chuckles at the memory then replies "that was when I was a youngling at that time big brother" she puts the veggies into the cooking pot with broth in it then started a small fire under it. "And it was something you have seen help others and yourself as well." Hiroshi states while he chops the meat into cube sized pieces. While he adds the meat to the pot, Vesper stirs the ingredients together. "I'm going to head out sis. i want to make sure the other two are not killing each other." Hiroshi admitted to Vesper while he patted her shoulder in comfort. She turns to him smiling back "fair point. But be nice she has not showed any ill will and plus having another woman around would be nice." Vesper replies to Hiroshi who still seemed skeptical about Lilly. "I know you do not trust her but give her a chance you never know what could happen. She may fit in well within our group brother" Vesper replied in a candid tone while she watches over the food. Hiroshi nodded then said "I will try my best, but it will take a while to trust her. you know from how we were raised to believe." He replies to her as he leaves the room thinking about his sister's words. Vesper looks through the pantries on what else she could combine with the stew. Time passes by she looks at all the dried herbs hanging up above thinking.

"I would recommend using these three herbs for your stew" Lilly suggested appearing right beside Vesper. Vesper jumped a little bit startled by Lilly's sudden presence. "Hi, Lilly, you startled me for a moment," Vesper spoke to Lilly. "It's a habit that most people do when the person they're going to is focused on other things" Lilly replied as she got the herbs down for vesper. Vesper nods then notices a small bundle of herbs that she had not seen before. "What about those would they be any good?" Vesper asked Lilly pointing to the herbs in question. Lilly looked in the direction she was pointing then gave a sly smirk stating in a light playful warning tone "oh you do not want to use that unless you want to get a little frisky with Kiyan" Vesper looked at Lilly confused for a moment. "Okay thank you" Vesper replies as she lightly takes the herbs from Lilly's hand then walks over to her stew adding it in. Lilly watched Vesper thinking to herself *how innocent minded is she? * Vesper turned looking up to Lilly asking with concern seeing Lilly seem stunned by her statement. "Is everything alright Lilly?" Lilly shakes her head, bringing herself back to reality hearing Vesper's question. "Hmm? Oh yes, I'm all right I will check on the boys and tease your brother some" Lilly says in a mischievous tone. "Okay just don't break him too bad please aside from Andras he's the only family I have left that will accept me for me" Vesper warns Lilly but her tone faulters as she finished her sentence. Lilly's expression softens while she walks over to Vesper. Lilly lightly kisses Vesper's forehead then states "over time it will change and grow. You will be around those that care and that's what matters" Vesper looks up to Lilly with a small smile. "Thank you, that's reassuring to think about," Vesper tells Lilly. "Just remember to go at your own pace only you know when you are ready" Lilly reminds Vesper in hopes Vesper does not push herself too hard. Vesper nods to Lilly with that Lilly smiles then pats the top of vesper head. She then turned around to head back on deck to help with the ship.