
The Adventures of Vesper

Join Vesper as she journeys through the world and makes discoveries. What will happen? In a world of humans and monsters will there be balance or destruction.

Inkythedeamon · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Chapter 25 / The Fall of Hiroshi

in the heavenly realm Hiroshi returns landing in the courtyard searching for his mother to give her a report on his little sister's whereabouts. She happened to be tending to the repair from the last attack running an evaluation on damages and what was needed for supplies. He picks up his pace getting closer "mother I have returned with news on Vesper" Hiroshi states while he moved around avoiding bumping into anyone reaching his mother. "What have you learned Hiroshi?" she asked as she looked down at her son gently with a soft concern in her eyes. " She was found by two elves in the forests during the storm and are tending to her injuries she had received in flight back to where Kiyan's father lived." he says, looking up at his mother with a happy expression thinking she is safe. She knelt caressing Hiroshi on the cheek. "She was last seen with one elf and a water dragon departing out to sea Hiroshi. I am sorry this news arrived with you so late. Your sister also has an incredibly unique gift. She is only your half-sister Hiroshi. I am afraid to admit she is also part daemon as well.... " Narina stated with her shuddering at the thought of it but, quickly shook away the feeling. "Her father is a daemon and my life mate, but I left him long ago our bond felt to wrong and impure. I thought he was a human once, but he is an exceptionally good liar. Like most grown men I have learned to know." Narina remarked with a heavy sigh as her wings sank with memories. Hiroshi pauses trying to process what his mom had told him "Mother I am sad that had happened to you. life mates do not change, do they?" Hiroshi questioned then suddenly his expression changes to fear and worry "wait if she is part daemon does that mean she is doomed to die like in the scrolls of history? we must find her and find a way that she can still live." He inquires as his wings fluffed up in panic.

"No Hiroshi I don't believe so. But please show me this scroll you read this in? " She asked him wanting to know more. " I have it in my room with a few others scrolls that I used to read to Vesper sometimes to help her sleep when she couldn't." he says as he leads her to his room then picks up the scroll from his desk handing the scroll in question to his mother. "This talked about people who were born like Vesper but were killed. one reason was they were used for power control over others. the second one was out of fear since they were part daemon" Hiroshi explains the scroll to her. "Vesper should be safe from death. These things have very ancient laws that protect her because she was born from life mate partners also considering her mate is gone now as well. There should not be any trouble.... she must be in pain... the loneliness... " Narnia lost in her own thoughts then she snapped back to reality. "No time to dwell. on lost souls now we have much to do Hiroshi. Rest for now you need it my child." Narina says gently to him. Hiroshi looks at his mother with concern. "Mother, you should find a moment to rest as well. how has Abaddon been holding up with all this going on?" he says in a worried tone for his brother. "It's been a lot for him to take in at once, but I believe he is in his room processing everything now as we speak. " She looks down at her son with a small smile. " I will rest soon Hiroshi. Stay here and sleep while you can you have pushed yourself far and you have yet to mourn your best friend, I know how close you were to the crossroads boy. If you do not mourn you will grow sick, I have seen many humans and immortals alike become I will from this I will not see it happen to you, my child. " She tells him as she exits the room softly clicking the door shut behind her walking away to complete her duties hopeful her son will understand and will be all right.

Hiroshi nods his head understanding sitting in his chair reminiscing of the adventures he and Kiyan had together weakly chuckling at some. "I wish you didn't die my friend" as a few tears fall down his face letting his emotions out while holding an old necklace Kiyan made him when they were younger. The necklace shatters in Hiroshi's hand as a strange tugging sensation could be felt in his chest as if it were pulling him someplace as the necklace bits begin to fall from his hand. Hiroshi put his hand on his chest feeling the sensation. He picks up the pieces, places them in his pocket, stands up then leaves his room to follow the sensation he is feeling. Hiroshi thinks to himself *what is this sensation I am feeling is it for mourning or something else? * A larger gust of wind sends him off his feet and off into the clouds beneath him falling through the air as if urging him to not give up. Possibly the work of a strange higher unknown power it felt to Hiroshi pure and heavenly. While a storm brewed in an instant covering his field of view it raged as if it had its own agenda. He flapped his wings fast and hard doing his best to navigate through the storm. * I will not give up hope* he thinks to himself trusting the feeling inside him flying onward. He gets buffeted around hard then a hard under draft yanks him down almost into the muddy road below him outside of a small town. Hiroshi roughly lands and hides his wings and goes into the town looking for an inn for shelter. A small sign swung in the wind creaking as it did.

The inn was named Pleasures quarter. A small bar was across the street from the inn with vendors of a very provocative manner all built into a small town like a lovers get away. Hiroshi turns slightly red thinking how did he found this place. He looks between the options he has in front of him. Then looks around for any other places he could go. A wooden post was placed stating the last stop for five hundred miles. Then a sign in the bar was placed up by an older man that read booked for the night. Hiroshi lets out sigh speaking to himself. "The inn it is I guess" he calmly walks into the inn. A man stood behind the counter as he looked at Hiroshi with a smirk. "Just you tonight sir or would you like us to send you some company tonight" he winked as he got Hiroshi a room key ready as he walked up. Hiroshi stutters in reply. "I'm good thanks for the offer though sir I wouldn't want to be a bother to anyone. The storm hit faster than I expected it to " A strange man with green eyes with a ridiculously hot women both place a hand on Hiroshi's shoulders. Her eyes seemed to shimmer with a lovely honey hazel with flecks of gold. The women spoke to the inn keeper. "Oh, don't worry doll he is my plaything he just got a little lost on his way in isn't that right sweetie " she smiled sweetly down at Hiroshi. "Oh, here let me get the bill tonight hot stuff." the green-eyed man said as he proceeded to pull a nice sized bag of coins out. Hiroshi looks up to her with a lost and confused expression.

"Yes ma'am" was all Hiroshi could say as he tried to understand what had just happened in front of him. The woman smiled warmly playing with Hiroshi's hair. as she did, a dark creeping sensation crept up his spine as the woman guided him up the stairs with ease her ruby red lips shone in the candlelight. Hiroshi shivered at the sensation he received. "Miss who are you?" Hiroshi asked calmly and quietly to her. he had a Feeling that something was strange about her. "Oh, most people call me baby, sugar, sweetheart, hottie, desire, sexy, but you can call me Lust. " She smiled brightly as the man's hand came down on Hiroshi's shoulder. "I'm Greed. And if I am not mistaken your just the thing, we are looking for a sad lost little man willing to make a deal. " Greed says in a low tone with a toothy grin. Hiroshi moves away the best he can to get away from them. "What are you talking about?" Hiroshi gets in a defensive stance with his nerves on end. "I'm looking for someone. I am not here for deals." Hiroshi states harshly to them. " Oh, who are you looking for then we will tell you who we are looking for sweetie" Lust says in a lustful tone as she slides close pinning Hiroshi to the wall, her slender figure dangerously close to him. "Why should I tell you Lust. You might harm them if I do." Hiroshi pulled his wings out to push her away from him not liking how close she is to him. Greed grabbed his wings tight in a crushing grip. "Well angel boy we offered to make a deal didn't we to be quite frank I'm not the hurtful type like Wrath or Gluttony. You best hold your tongue because Lust likes her toys and playthings alive not dead. " Greed growled out a warning tone while his grip goes painfully tight on Hiroshi's wings. "Now will you answer me dear?" Lust asked as she stroked his feathered wings, her leg sliding between his legs. she leaned in close whispering in Hiroshi's ear.

"I know you desire something it may not be love. but Lust is a desire my child so tell me please " Lust said with a hurt puppy voice and eyes. Hiroshi flinches from Greed's grasp on his wings. He looks at Lust flustered at what she is doing to him. "I'm looking for my sister. I want her to be safe. Can you please remove your leg from there it feels weird." Hiroshi asked with face turning red with embarrassment while trying not to stutter. "Hm well we are looking for an angel his name is Hiroshi. I think you're him, are you not?" Lust smiled as she leaned in against him kissing his neck gently, her lipstick leaving a kiss of desire mark. Hiroshi gets a sudden urge to tell her everything about his wants and his sorrows. Hiroshi speaks feeling compelled by her kiss. "I am Hiroshi. I want to find my sister Vesper and keep her safe from any harm." Hiroshi quickly covered his mouth with his hands trying to stop himself from saying more. Lust grabs Hiroshi by the throat wrapping her other hand around his waist with a smile. "Come with me, someone wants to see you. He is quite the charmer right Greed?" Lust asked Greed, turning to him. Greed grinned then stated, " Wrath is goanna be so happy" Greed bounced with joy. Hiroshi flinches coughing from Lust grabbing him by the throat. "Meet Wrath what does he want with me?" Hiroshi tries to wiggle out of her grasp in a panic. "Don't know but we're goanna find out soon so lights out boy scout" Greed said then he knocked Hiroshi out upside the head. Lust pulled a small bead from her pocket, smashing it on the ground. They slipped into a perfume filled void Stepping out into a rain filled field outside of a wooden cabin in the woods.

Meanwhile Kiyan and Vesper make it back to the cabin. The atmosphere is calm and quiet Vesper walks up onto the deck leans on one of the pillars sighing. Kiyan took himself to the washroom drawing himself a hot bath sinking into the water relaxing his body in the heat. Vesper walks into the cabin then she sits down in a chair in the main room. Pulling her hair braid Infront of her undoing her braids combing her hands through her hair softly humming. Kiyan sank low into the bath as he exhaled reheating the water with his breath. He curled his knees to his chest thinking wondering what Vesper was doing now. *it's so warm and relaxing when was the last time he could feel this at ease? * He thought to himself quietly. Vesper re-braided her hair after a few minutes of braiding her hair she gets up walking towards the washroom lightly knocking on the door. "Kiyan how are you feeling?" she asks in a soft tone. Kiyan sat up as if in a jolt *I nearly forgot she was here* he thought to himself. The water splashed a bit from his sudden motion. "I'm all right. " He replied quickly. As he calmed himself down quickly his short hair soaked his chest, rising and falling as he paced his breathing.

"O-okay as long as, you are sure. Just thought I would check on you. Would you like me to make some tea and something to eat?" Vesper replied as she fiddles with her hair. "Oh, uh yes please thank you." He said cherry red as he rose up grabbing a soft cotton towel drying himself off. Vesper walks to the kitchen to start the tea on the kettle. Then they start preparing food for them to eat. Kiyan finished drying himself as he reached for his attire his clothes appeared on him as if from the shadows. He looked down at himself in surprise. He sighed then stepped out his white hair tossed around from the towel giving him quite the mischievous look. Vesper moves around the kitchen grabbing ingredients to pan sear some meat and veggies. Kiyan walked outside standing on the front porch leaning on the wooden rail as he inhaled deeply sighing watching the storm begin to brew outside, he hollered to Vesper. "I Think a storm is rolling in. I'll get some fresh firewood and be back in a bit, so we will stay warm tonight." He paused, waiting for her to respond to him. "Okay be safe out there please" she replied to him her footsteps can be heard as she moves around the kitchen. He set out to fetch some firewood just as the rain began to fall, he walked in with firewood in arms with more stacked under the balcony to stay dry outside as he stoked the fire. He inhaled deeply and softly blew white hot flames over the fresh wood relegating the chimney, bringing warmth into the cabin as he lit a few candles to light up the darkening room. He hears Vesper grab plates putting food in them. "Food is ready Kiyan" Vesper says as she gets the tea kettle off the burner pouring the tea into two cups. Kiyan sits down on the sofa taking his plate graciously as he waits for Vesper. Vesper picks up her food sitting down on the sofa. She puts her hands together out of habit then begins to lightly eat her food. Kiyan ate his food slowly. He paused, setting his fork down he slowly stood. "Someone's here." He sniffed the air once more as he looked to the doorway. " Wait here Vesper. " He stated as he walked to the doorway. Vesper nodded her head "okay be safe" she took a sip of her tea. Then gathers up the dishes, takes them to the kitchen to clean them.

Kiyan's hair rippled black as his ears sharpened, his eyes gleamed red his pajamas rippled into formal suit like attire. * This perfume is Lust's. * He thought as he opened the door, his gaze narrowing as the rain pouring outside suddenly stopped in an instant. "Hello Lust. " His voice a low growl. "Hello Wrath, how's your evening" Lust replies in a calm manner with Greed in tow behind her caring Hiroshi over his shoulder. "Quiet until I was interrupted." He said with irritation. "Take him to the study Greed and meet me back in the living area." Kiyan instructs greed on what to do. "Yes sir" Greed replies swiftly moving to the study putting Hiroshi in the study room. Then heads to the living area to meet up with Lust and Kiyan. Kiyan was in the kitchen with Vesper as Greed entered the room to Lust was sitting with her arms folded and looked rather upset as she gestured for Greed to sit down as well. Greed sits next to her softly asking "what got you in a twist?" While he waits, he moves a coin through his fingers. "He just walked away and ignored me as if I were you. " She seethed not liking the feeling. "Ouch maybe he's focused on whatever is going on in his head. He did sound angry when we arrived. " Greed replied holding the coin between his middle and index finger.

Kiyan stepped out with his arm around Vesper's waist as he did, he stepped into the middle of the living area. He looked down at both sins. "Take her shopping in town and bring her home safely or I will personally make you both feel what the real meaning of hell is. " He said coldly as smoke rolled from his lips, he ended his words as if to warn or to spook them. Both Lust and Greed nodded " we will do so" Greed replies quickly lightly waving his hand to Vesper. Lust looked a little annoyed but startled. Vesper lightly waves back to him. Kiyan smirked and closed his eyes. "Greed this is my life partner Vesper. If you get any ideas, I will rip your head off. " Kiyan warns greed in a threatening tone. "Wouldn't dream of it at all. I do not wish to piss you off" Greed says quickly putting his hands up in surrender. Lust snickers under her breath at Greed's fear.

" Vesper my dear be safe I will have everything sorted out. When you get home there will be a lovely surprise too. " He smiled gently to her. "I will darling. It will be an interesting change of pace and cannot wait for your surprise dear" she lightly hugs Kiyan. She turns the Greed and Lust "ready when you two are" she smiles warmly to then. Greed and Lust stand up the trio head out of the house heading to a nearby town. Kiyan made his way up the stairwell. "When he wakes, he will not recognize me." He spoke quietly as he got to the door, he held out his hand. "What if I" he thought aloud... His hair became flaming red, and his father's coat rested on his shoulders in his old attire. As he entered the room sitting in the chair across from Hiroshi with his back to him, he locked the door behind him. The study only had one small window to boot, with a single candle burning on the table center to light the dim room. Hiroshi begins to stir then sits up fully now awake looking around the room quickly. "Where in the great heavens am I?" he asks aloud, not noticing Kiyan right away. "Oh, you're safe now. It would have been a real shame had I not come to get you." Kiyan said his voice rough the chair blocking Hiroshi's view of him. Hiroshi looks at his direction confused. "Who are you? Why was I brought here by Lust and Greed?" he asked, remembering what happened before he was knocked out. "Who am I?" Kiyan chuckled "think Hiroshi who did they say they were bringing you to? " Kiyan questioned Hiroshi. "They said they would bring me to Wrath." Hiroshi then looks at him with fear and confusion "wait how would you know my name? I have fought that sin before face to face." Hiroshi questioned Kiyan, not believing he is wrath.

"Have you now?" Kiyan chuckled as he closed his eyes leaning back relaxed. "Yes, but you don't sound like the one I went up against with a team in heaven in the past" Hiroshi admits to Kiyan. "Why do you want me?" Hiroshi asked now curiosity overturning his fear. "Well think about the possibilities of holding an angel captive like I am. yet you're not bound by anything, you want information just as curious as me, don't you? Just to talk is what I want would you grant me that wish? " Kiyan smirked at the end knowing Hiroshi very well. Hiroshi thinks about what he had said, feeling his words are true. "Very well I will grant that wish. Since we both are currently neutral" Hiroshi relaxes some seeing he does not have to fight. "Hmmmm... When I was younger there was a song, I'd sing with my brother only when we were alone and when we would fight together." he said softly as he waved his hand back and forth as if to find the right rhythm.

Hiroshi watches Kiyan's hand movements thinking as a song slowly plays in his mind and begins to hum a tune. The scenery changes to a town Kiyan and Hiroshi walking through a town searching for a group of imps causing trouble in the town. The day turned to dusk, and they have had no luck finding them so far. "Hey, Hiroshi lets sing a song to attract them to us" Kiyan gives an idea. Hiroshi thinks for a moment then replies "that could work as long as they see it as a sin, they will flock to it" the two make their way to an alley to attract the imps. They stand side by side holding hands like a couple. In the middle of the alley, they heard movement and the atmosphere had changed. Hiroshi begins to sing while, dancing around Kiyan in a sexy style. "I want your ugly, I want your disease. I want your everything as long as it is free. I want your love. Love, love, love, I want your love, oh, hey. I want your drama, the touch of your hand (Hey!) I want your leather-studded kiss in the sand. I want your love. Love, love, love, I want your love.

The imps begin to appear around them creeping closer being drawn to them. Kiyan follows Hiroshi's lead holding him close singing. "You know that I want you and you know that I need you. I want it bad. Your bad romance." The scenery jumps to the imp jumping out to lay an attack on the duo. Kiyan and Hiroshi smile drawing their weapons fighting the imps head on while Kiyan continues to sing. "I want your love, and I want your revenge. You and I could write a bad romance. I want your love, and all your lover's revenge. You and I could write a bad romance. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh. Caught in a bad romance. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh. Caught in a bad romance" some of the imps die on impact others deflect the attacks calling for more to their aid. The duo grinned knowing they hit the jack pot continued as Hiroshi takes his turn to sing. "Ra-ra-ah-ah-ah. Roma-Roma-ma. Gaga, "Ooh la-la. Want your bad romance. I want your horror; I want your design. Cause you are a criminal as long as you are mine. I want your love. Love, love, love, I want your love. I want your psycho, your vertigo schtick Want you in my rear window, baby, you are sick.

I want your love. Love, love, love, I want your love" More imps come to the fray as Hiroshi attacks them. Two imps appear out of nowhere to jump on Hiroshi. Kiyan swings his sword cutting them in half singing. "You know that I want you. And you know that I need you. Cause I am a free bitch, baby. I want it bad. Your bad romance. I want your love, and I want your revenge. You and I could write a bad romance. I want your love, and all your lover's revenge. You and I could write a bad romance. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh. Caught in a bad romance. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh. Caught in a bad romance" Hiroshi nods thanks to Kiyan as he dances around Kiyan killing eight imps around him in one swift movement. The alpha imp twice the size of a normal imp walks in to see the mess and coordinates the rest of the imps under its command to attack the boys. The imps attack in waves keeping them on their toes making them go back-to-back to cover each other's blind spots.

"Ra-ra-ah-ah-ah. Roma-Roma-ma. Gaga, Ooh la-la Want your bad romance. Ra-ra-ah-ah-ah. Roma-Roma-ma. Gaga, Ooh la-la Want your bad romance." A voice sings as the boys both turn to face the alpha imp and thirteen imps. Hiroshi nudges Kiyan's shoulder "hey race yah to the alpha imp" Kiyan looks at him and grins ear to ear and says with confidence "oh you are on. Ready set go" Hiroshi replies to Kiyan's challenge. they take off cutting through the imp's wave by wave both singing together "Walk, walk, fashion, baby. Work it, move that bitch crazy. Walk, walk, fashion, baby. Work it, move that bitch crazy. Walk, walk, fashion, baby. Work it, move that bitch crazy. Walk, walk, passion, baby. Work it, I am a free bitch, baby" they cut through half leaving six imps and the alpha left. The alpha screeches and commands the other six to kill the boys. The boys smile fighting them head on. "I want your love, and I want your revenge. I want your love, I do not wanna be friends. Je veux ton amour et je veux ta revanche. Je veux ton amour, I do not wanna be friends No, I do not wanna be friends. I do not wanna be friends. Want your bad romance Want your bad romance. Kiyan and Hiroshi reach the alpha together pinning it to the ground, with their swords on either side of the alpha's neck. The alpha hisses and tries to land a blow on one of the boys. Causing nicks to appear on the alphas neck. Hiroshi sings in a deep tone "I want your love, and I want your revenge. You and I could write a bad romance. I want your love, and all your lover's revenge. You and I could write a bad romance. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh. Caught in a bad romance. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh. Caught in a bad romance." The boys avoided the alpha attack by dragging their blades across the alpha's neck severing its head from its body. The body turns to ash as the head rolls away slowly turning to ash. Kiyan finishes singing "Ra-ra-ah-ah-ah. Roma, Roma-ma. Gaga, "Ooh la-la" Want your bad romance." The vision fades and melts back to where Hiroshi was before he started singing.

Kiyan was standing with his back visible to Hiroshi now his father's red coat his tall stature and his short flaming red hair a mess on his head. "I sure missed you brother." Kiyan softly said this sending chill into Hiroshi last he knew Kiyan had died. "K-Kiyan is it really you? I saw you die before my eyes how is this possible?" Hiroshi stares in disbelief standing up walking closer to Kiyan. He turns facing Hiroshi. "Did you doubt me Hiroshi? I kept you safe like I swore to on my holy duties even hell could not stop me from making sure you both lived. I trust my father, but it would be a waste if I could not make sure myself. Besides how would Vesper feel if I just died like that your sister's so innocent death is still a bit much for her to manage do not you think? Know where she is by chance, I would like to see her she is still a cutie" he taunted Hiroshi making a kissing face jokingly knowing good and well he would not know. "I'm overjoyed you are alive brother" Hiroshi said then looked down as he turned sad. "Sadly, I do not know where she is at this moment" Hiroshi sighed. "Well, let us go have some hot coffee and discuss what you have been through shall we?" He walked to the door, his coat billowing as a strange aura was about him as he opened the door his smile bright as ever as he closed his eyes waving Hiroshi on. Hiroshi followed after Kiyan.

"Quite a bit has happened since you passed and returned back to this world. I hope my sister is still okay" Hiroshi states letting out a defeated sigh. "When did you see her last?" He asked curiously as he coughed stifling his laughter "dry air that wood is a bit brittle on the fire." Kiyan said making it to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee on the wood burning stove. "One when we returned home, she was distraught you had died in her lap. The second time not fully since a pair of elves were treating her injuries at that moment in time. And from what my mother told me Abaddon saw her traveling with an elf and dragon to travel over the sea." Hiroshi informs Kiyan as he lets his shoulders droop low " am I a horrible brother?" Hiroshi asked Kiyan feeling like he failed his sister. Kiyan clasped his hand on Hiroshi's shoulder. " Nah she got treated well by good people. You know that dragons are my specialty and elves are sacred beings. I am sure she is doing simply fine Hiroshi that is more information than what a lot of experts could have gathered she is an angel you know. "

Kiyan states while He passed Hiroshi a fresh cup of coffee with a bright smile. "Besides brother she won't get far before I have to remind her, she asked to date me. she can't run away before we have at least a dinner date." He teased, trying to lighten his spirit. Hiroshi takes a sip of his coffee. "Thank you, brother. True she is an angel. She did ask you wow I am surprised she had the courage to try without mom freaking out. But I know mom cannot really fight against it this time" Hiroshi replies with a stunned expression. "Your mother should really let up on you, but I wouldn't know too much about mother's either. I grew up with just a father my mom was killed by a bunch of mortals who hunted dragons for their hide and bones. " He shrugged it off like it did not bother him. "I think every mother is different in their own way. at least from what I have observed in my travels" Hiroshi replied slightly cringing at his statement but remains relaxed. "What are your plans after you see my sister" Hiroshi drinks more of his coffee. "I think I'll give her a kiss." Kiyan chuckled, leaning back in his seat. "I feel as though we have much to discuss Hiroshi." Meanwhile Vesper, Lust and Greed make it into a nearby town. The town looks lively with people bustling about. Vesper looked around with curiosity in her eyes. There were goods available at a few markets' stalls and many people were passing through the area at the time.

Vesper looks at some of the stalls, then she stops then turns to Greed and Lust "how often do you two visit the human world?" she lightly asked them. Meanwhile a hooded young man sneaks behind Vesper acting like he is looking at the goods in the stall. they grab a sack of coins pushing past Vesper running off. Greed watched and he could hardly help but laugh before Lust shoved her elbow deep into his side. Vesper stumbled forward a bit then looked over her shoulder asking, "I wonder where their off to in a hurry?" "You can't possibly be so dense to realize that Greedy little man just robbed you" Greed said with a snicker. Lust sighed "He has a point dear you were just robbed blind." Vesper sighs with her eyes closed.

"Well then that means I need to search for them and get it back somehow then" she states then looks in the direction the person went to starting to walk that way. Lust looks over at her saying. "You know we have money Vesper it's pointless to chase down some fool for it. " Greed looks over to Lust "ahhh I love Greedy people." Greed says taking in a deep breath. Vesper looks to Lust stopping in her tracks "but it is still not right. even though you are a sin would it not upset you if someone took from you?" Vesper asked them with her looking at them with a calm expression but a hint of anger in her eyes. Greed grins "unfortunately since it's an act of Greed I get proud and filled with strength because someone was Greedy enough to try to take from me!" He says flamboyantly. Lust let out a sigh seeing vespers small point. "Unfortunately, that is true for him. But Vesper dear take a closer look at this thief." Lust replied with her pushing through the crowed to reveal the man caught with a flintlock at his back. "See dear now he is going to die, and you didn't have to do a thing" Vesper looks at Greed not surprised with his response then looks to the thief. "I see what you mean miss Lust. but why die and not something else?" Vesper asked while she watches the scene unfolding Infront of her. Lust smiles and stands next to her singing "Look at how they crawl around. Upon the ground. Like little ants. Yes, but how they fascinate. Confusing fate. With what is merely chance" Vesper sees the thief slowly die. Vesper moves toward them wanting to help them.

Greed grabs her hand pulling her to him. "Isn't it a laugh? Isn't it a shame? Thinking there is someone in heaven to blame. Yes, but even while blaming fate for the lives that they lead. They hope for the lives that they need. Living every day 'til the day they die." Greed says turning her to see people praying and blaming others for their misfortunes. Vesper had an odd feeling in her chest she did not understand. Lust appears on the other side of her with her arms crossed. "Never getting answers. Yet still asking why. Going through the motions as if there will be a reward. While we stay eternally bored! They are only human. They do not see" she turns Vesper around to see more people in various stages of life. Greed floats around the people invisible to them. "Who they are is who they will always be. Only human, after all. So, they push, and they shove. With this thing they call love. 'til they fall!" Greed says as some of the people move around each other like any other normal night for them. Lust sings in a disappointed tone. "Isn't it a farce? Isn't it a waste? Struggling to face what can never be faced. Yes, but maybe death can release something more than we share. I really do not know and do not care. They are only human" she spins Vesper around dancing with her.

Greed grabs Vesper snaping his fingers making the people stop moving. "Standing still. Doomed to live pushing boulders uphill. Only human, after all. So, they give, and they take. Hoping someone will help break their fall. They will pray, curse, live, die. Never knowing their truth is another man's lie" he snaps his fingers the people start to move again while holding Vesper in his free arm. Lust states with an annoyed tone. "Eat, sleep, love, hate. Like a leaf blowing in the wind. Watch them all vacillate! They are only human. They cannot see. All the years they could give you and me" Greed on Vespers right side and Lust on her left they both sing together. "Only human, after all. So, they give, and they take. 'til their silly hearts break. Looking down from above. I am intrigued by their love. So, let us call. Let us call!" They finish singing as they stand in front of Vesper now looking down at her. "Let us return home" Vesper softly says she turns around heading home with them in front of her.