
The Adventure Of Felix Grindelwald In The Harry Potter Universe.

A 20 year old orphan died while saving an little girl from an incoming truck, Good news the girl survived bad news he died or good news i think. Anyways the [@#£&] seems to be amused by the guy's bravery so he reincarnated him, With an gift. -End Of Synopsis ... ... ... ... ... (A/N: This is writen by an 15 year old loner that has no social life be warned force plot and weird [REDACTED] that won't add up ahead.) (A/N: Im gonna post 1 chapter a day.) (A/N: Don't read this is wish fulfillment in a way.) (A/N: This is slow paced.) (A/N: Don't get mad because im boutta school life this [REDACTED] For 100 chapters.) (A/N: F*ck you're stones go trow them at someone else just give me memes that i can copy.)

DaoOfCopying · Película
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16 Chs

⚡What is?⚡

[🔥Every Chapter I'll Update This🔥]

[🔥Spoiler Alert!🔥]

[🔥What Is?🔥]

[🔥What is Apparation?

* Apparition was a magical form of transportation, in which the user travelled instantly from one location to another, without traversing the space in-between. ... According to Harry Potter, Apparition felt like being "forced through a very tight rubber tube."

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[🔥What is The Knight Bus?

* The Knight Bus was a triple-decker, purple AEC Regent III RT that assisted stranded individuals of the wizarding community through public transportation. It operated at a very fast speed and obstacles would jump out of its way, and it could also deceptively fit through small spaces.

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[🔥What is The Scouring Charm?

*The Scouring Charm (Scourgify) was a cleaning charm used to make an object clean. ... Many wizarding families used this spell, both for cleaning and punishing people who swore, as the spell caused human mouths to be filled with soap.

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[🔥What is The Leaky Cauldron?

*The Leaky Cauldron was a popular wizarding pub and inn located in London. ... The pub was built by Daisy Dodderidge, the first landlady, in the early 1500s "to serve as a gateway between the non-wizarding world and Diagon Alley." It had a bar, several private parlour rooms, and a large dining room.

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[🔥What is The Gringotts Wizarding Bank?

* Gringotts Wizarding Bank was the only wizarding bank in Great Britain, and was owned and operated by goblins. It was founded by a goblin named Gringott in 1474. Its main offices were located around the North Side of Diagon Alley in London, England.

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[🔥What is The Mulligrubs Materia Medica?

* Mulligrubs Materia Medica was a herbalists shop in Diagon Alley in London, England, sharing a building with S. Starling.

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[🔥What is The S. Starling?

* S. Starling was a pet shop in Diagon Alley in London, England, specialising in birds. It shared a building with Mulligrubs Materia Medica.

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[🔥What is The Potage's Cauldron Shop?

* Potage's Cauldron Shop was a shop on the North Side, Diagon Alley that sold all types of cauldrons, displaying them in a stack outside the shop, under a sign displaying what cauldrons they had available. It was the first shop encountered when entering Diagon Alley from the Leaky Cauldron. It was owned and run by Madam Potage, A branch shop is also located in Knockturn Alley.

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[🔥What is The Apothecary?

* The Apothecary was a shop located at North Side, Diagon Alley, which supplied merchants with ingredients for potion-making. This seemed to be Harry Potter and the Weasleys' apothecary of choice.

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[🔥What is The Flourish And Blotts?

* Flourish and Blotts Bookseller was a bookshop in North Side, Diagon Alley, about halfway down the street on the left hand side. Established in 1654, it was where most Hogwarts students purchased their schoolbooks. The shop was filled with bookshelves stacked to the ceiling.

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[🔥What is Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions

* Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, also known as Madam Malkin's Robes or simply Madam Malkin's, was a shop in North Side, Diagon Alley. Students got their Hogwarts school uniforms there, and wizards and witches could also purchase dress robes, travelling cloaks, and also, on very rare occasions, invisibility cloaks.

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[🔥What is Goblin's?

* Goblins were a highly intelligent race of small magical humanoid beings with long fingers and feet that coexisted with the wizarding world. Their diet consisted of meat, roots, and fungi. Goblins conversed in a language known as Gobbledegook, and were adept metalsmiths notable for their silverwork; they even minted coins for wizarding currency. Due to their skills with money and finances, they controlled the wizarding economy to a large extent and ran Gringotts Wizarding Bank.

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[🔥What is The Mine-Cart?

* The Mine Cart is what is used to transport customers between vaults of Gringotts Wizarding Bank from the Harry Potter franchise. Only goblins employed at Gringotts bank can operate these and have special places for lanterns. They move on specially laid tracks at the bank and are magically operated.

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[🔥What is An Porkey?

* A Portkey was a magical object enchanted to instantly bring anyone touching it to a specific location. In most cases, a Portkey was an everyday object that would not draw the attention of a Muggle. Travelling by Portkey was said to feel like having a hook "somewhere behind the navel" pulling the traveller to their location.

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[🔥What is An Vault Key?

* These were gold keys owned by anyone who had a bank account at Gringotts Wizarding Bank, enabling them to unlock and withdraw from their vaults.

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[🔥What is The Accio Charm?

* The Summoning Charm (Accio) was a charm that summoned an object toward the caster. It was able to summon objects in direct line of sight of the caster, as well as things out of view, by calling the object aloud after the incantation (unless the spell was cast nonverbally).

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[🔥What is An Moleskin Pouch?

* Mokeskin pouch was a kind of small magical bag made of Mokeskin that was used for storing items, which no one but the owner could get out. It appeared small on the outside, but an enchantment allowed it to have much greater carrying capacity than any non-magical pouch of comparable size.

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[🔥What is The Extension Charm?

* Extension Charms were advanced magic and subject to strict Ministry of Magic control. This was because of its potential to create breaches of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy. There was a law in place that Extension Charms were not to be cast for private use, but only for the production of objects. These objects had been individually approved for manufacture by the relevant Ministry Department.

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[🔥What is An Plain Work Robes?

* Plain work robes were the main constituent of the Hogwarts uniform. Three sets of plain work robes were required for Hogwarts students. In the early 1900s, these robes were navy blue, however in later years, these robes changed to black

Plain work robes were sold at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, at four Galleons and twelve Sickles each in 1991.

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[🔥What is Plain Pointed Hat?

* A pointed hat, or pointy hat, was a type of hat commonly worn by wizardkind. A plain black pointed hat was permitted to be worn during the day by all Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry students as part of their school uniform. Pointed hats were sold at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions for 3 Galleons and 7 Sickles each in 1991.

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[🔥What is An Protective Gloves?

* Protective gloves were gloves that protected the wearer's hands. They were made of dragon hide or similar materials, and were useful in Herbology for handling odorous compost or vicious plants.

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[🔥What is An Winter Cloak?

* A winter cloak was a type of cloak designed to keep the wearer warm in cold weather. A black winter cloak with silver fastenings was required for all Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry students, and expected to be worn as part of the school uniform in colder weather. In 1991, winter cloaks were sold at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions for eight Galleons and fourteen Sickles each in 1991.

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[🔥What is The Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop

* Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop was a shop located in South Side, Diagon Alley that sold a wide range of joke items and other products that served as entertainment. It was presumably the favourite shop of Fred and George Weasley, and Lee Jordan. It was there that they stocked up on Dr Filibuster's Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks in 1992. It was run by a man with a white beard and moustache. It was located between Obscurus Books and Twilfit and Tattings.

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[🔥What is An Self-Writing Quill?

* A Self-Writing Quill was a type of magical quill.

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(A/N: Thank you mister obvious.)