
The Abandoned Alpha

As soon as I started pulling his arms to take him to my favourite place along the coastline it electricity seemed to pass through my skin. "Shit I'm sorry I am again being over-friendly", I muttered out in a voice was laced with guilt "Hey it's ok, See we are not in the office and even if we are we can always be friends right?", he said thrusting out his hand for a handshake "Friends right that sounds good", I shook his hand with a grin on my face and the electricity was back as soon as our hands touched "Ok now come along I'll show you the best place around here", I said taking my hand back and thus bring him out of his dream. Zachery Mathew Collins is not only the owner of a multinational business empire but is also the Alpha King of the werewolves. Over the 24 years of his life, all he has known is to strive every day to get a step forward from where he was. But what happens when he is put into a whirlpool of feelings and emotions towards his mate. What happens when she becomes his top priority? But most importantly what happens when he learns about secrets she has been hiding all these years? Amber a 20-year-old independent friendly woman, but there is a lot hidden behind the smile on the face. Will she ever accept an outsider as her family? Will she be able to accept her true identity when the time comes?

ELeena · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Being Far


Though I haven't ever dated anyone before but Zach leaving felt like a part of me left with him. I quickly walked back to my cabin and drowned myself in work to try and get over the feeling.By 3 in the afternoon my work for the day was done and I started going through the material provided by the university, though I hardly understood anything and I couldn't make myself go to Javour to ask about them as that room reminded me of Zach.

I now I was acting like a lovesick teenager but something felt off, something wrong.I quickly took out my phone and texted Zach.

Me: Hey! Did you reach?

Zach: Yes. I landed half an hour ago. Is everything ok?

Me: Yup. Take care :)

Zach: You too. I miss you <3

Me: I miss you too

And then there was a knock at the door

"Come in, it's open", I replied putting my phone aside.It was Javour.

"Oh hey"

"hey, Javour. What's up?"

"Umm actually I wasn't involved in the business a lot before so could you help me with a few deals and contracts"

"Sure", I replied signalling him to sit

An hour later we were exhausted discussing the deals in detail, he was the latest better than Nic."I will get us coffee", Javour said getting up from his chair

"Ok", I said fidgeting with my click pen, I realised that he was more of an introvert and didn't indulge in long conversation expect the ones regarding business.

"Can I ask you something?",I asked as soon as he entered

"Yeah sure", he said placing the coffee in front of me.

"You see Zach enrolled me into a Management course at the State University and promised to help but he isn't around so can you just guide me through the course. Like if you are ok with that since you have got a degree in management I assume, if not if ok"

"I will finish off with the leftover work and then we can work on it"

"Ok thanks" and he left with his coffee and I went back to scheduling meetings and other stuff.After the days work Javour came over and explained a few topics. By the time we finished, it was 9 at night and I was sure I was walking home now.

I got out of the office and started walking when a car stopped in front of me, the glass rolled down, it was Javour.

"You walking back alone?"

"Yup my apartment's nearby"

"Nope, you are not. Get in I will drop you"

"Its ok Javour- "

He cut me off before I could finish, "I am sure you could but trust me I am doing this for myself. I don't want to lose my job and Zach would surely fire me if he came to know about this"

"Ok", I accepted his offer and open the door of the passenger's seat.Throughout the ride, I gave him directions to my apartment and finally wished him a Good night once we reached.

The next few days passed on in a similar way except for the fact each day I was waking up with a headache and as the days passed on it felt worse. Today was the fourth day and it felt like someone was hammering inside my head, I couldn't get myself to stand.

After a long time on the bed, I finally picked up my phone to inform Javour that I will only be joining in the second half and got an appointment with a doctor in the next two hours.I struggled out of my bed and made my way to the kitchen to get some coffee.

As I was sipping on it my head felt lighter and soon I realised my phone was ringing and the caller id made my lips curve up, it was Zach.

"Hello, ssup?", I asked receiving the call

"Nothing much, Javour called me saying you weren't well. Are you ok? Do you want me to send someone?"

"Slow down Mister. I am fine it's just a headache and I took an appointment as well, so no worries"

"Is it that serious that you need a doctor?", he asked in a serious tone and that's the point I regretted informing him about the appointment

"No no it isn't but I haven't had headaches in a long time so I thought a daily checkup won't hurt", I stated as convincingly as I could

"Oh ok. Don't attend the office if you don't feel like it and take care. Call Javour if you need medicines or anything"

"First I am fine, second I have lived here longer than you and third Javour's busy with meeting today I will call Beth if I need anything Ok?"

"Ya ya fine but call someone at least if you don't feel well"

"Okay Zach", I said frowning at him, I knew he couldn't see but still.

"Ok, I got to go know. Take care and keep updating me."

"Bye Zach"

"Bye"And the call ended, his call seemed to have a better effect on me than the caffeine.


Ever since I was back I kept having troubling thoughts regarding Amber. Even when I am busy discussing the rogue situation my head would turn towards thinking if she is fine or not, I get the fact that if anything happens to her I will feel that instantly and that Zander's there to take care of her and even Javour's there to look over her but you can't completely trust anyone else but yourself when it comes to your mate.I just wanted her safe and that was the reason I kept her back there was the justification I gave myself every time my mind wanders to her whereabouts.

I would keep calling Javour to ask about her and he would call me every day to tell how she was doing, I wouldn't call her 10 times a day because I didn't want to think I was a creep or something. Though I messaged her whenever I got time and she would do the same.

Ray was insecure about the fact that what if she had no wolf and what if she moved on but her messages would calm him down as well. Her messages gave us the satisfaction that our mate was safe and didn't leave us.

But when today Javour called me up and told me the Amber texted him that she was sick and wouldn't attend the office in the morning I couldn't hold my shit but knowing her I didn't tell Javour to go the right way and check on her as I knew she would have got offended. But I had to calm myself and there was no way I could do that without listening to her today text messages won't work.