
The Abandoned Alpha

As soon as I started pulling his arms to take him to my favourite place along the coastline it electricity seemed to pass through my skin. "Shit I'm sorry I am again being over-friendly", I muttered out in a voice was laced with guilt "Hey it's ok, See we are not in the office and even if we are we can always be friends right?", he said thrusting out his hand for a handshake "Friends right that sounds good", I shook his hand with a grin on my face and the electricity was back as soon as our hands touched "Ok now come along I'll show you the best place around here", I said taking my hand back and thus bring him out of his dream. Zachery Mathew Collins is not only the owner of a multinational business empire but is also the Alpha King of the werewolves. Over the 24 years of his life, all he has known is to strive every day to get a step forward from where he was. But what happens when he is put into a whirlpool of feelings and emotions towards his mate. What happens when she becomes his top priority? But most importantly what happens when he learns about secrets she has been hiding all these years? Amber a 20-year-old independent friendly woman, but there is a lot hidden behind the smile on the face. Will she ever accept an outsider as her family? Will she be able to accept her true identity when the time comes?

ELeena · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Forced to leave


Xander and I looked cluelessly at each other and then we realised the shit got real and dropped our plates on a nearby table and walked towards their room.And just before Beth could close the door Xander put his right foot between the doors, "Bethy I am sorry", he said holding his ears with a guilty face, she had tears in her eyes.

"How could you two be so insensitive?", she replied crying as she walked over and sat on the bed with her face in her palms.

Xander went and pulled her closed and I went and sat on the other side, I couldn't just leave I surely had hurt her feelings.She looked up at me and pulled me into a hug, I hugged her back.

"I shouldn't have said that I'm sorry", she muttered out crying, "you are like my little sister Amy I shouldn't have said that Zach won't hurt you, he is a nice guy trust me", she continued

"Beth it's ok, I am sorry I was too insensitive about the situation"

"Forgiven" she replied pulling out from the hug and clearing her face.

"Group hug", I shouted opening my arms and both Beth and Zander squeezed the life out of me. They were the only family I had all these years I could do anything to make them happy and keep them safe.

Soon we realised our missed breakfast and lunch due to the day's drama and therefore Beth went down and warmed a plate of leftovers for each of us and then the day went by as we played pillow fight and then Zander left for some business and Beth and I chatted.I told her all about Zach and the university and everything and she supported me on the fact that I should open up to Zach.

In the evening Xander didn't return till dinner, Beth, Cami, and I had our dinner together as Xavier had gone with Xander for the meeting and Beth offered to drive me home. Cami wanted to come along but we didn't want her to be out in the woods at night and therefore after wishing her goodnight Beth and I left.

Beth dropped me to my place and I told her to text me once she reached back. I knew she was able to look out for herself but she was family. Once home I showered and got ready for bed with Zach's laptop as I thought I would scroll through the course. Then the realisation hit me I hadn't called or texted him all day.I quickly took out my phone and text Zach.

Me: Hey!

Zach: Hi, How was your day?

Me: Good. I went over to Xander's. Wbu? How was the meeting?

Zach: It went well. I have got to inform you of something. Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow.

Me: Ok. I am sleepy. Good night.

Zach: Good night. Take care. Call me if you need anything

Me: Sure <3

And with that, I put my phone on the nightstand. I tossed myself a few times thinking about what he might have to tell me but soon sleep took over.


Nic, Javour, and Stella left yesterday and now I came back to Iwar to look over the company and they informed that everything seemed to be in place before Javour called up to tell us that yesterday night that the White wolf pack reported some rogues and since they were a small pack and we shared a border it was important to be attended to.

I called up Zach and he decided that Javour will come back and handling the business and we go back and attend the rogues' activity.

Therefore we are leaving today as soon as Javour arrives and Zach informs Amber about him leaving. I offered him to tag her along but he is right first it's not safe and second she might not understand the whole situation.

"You buddy. Why did you even send me back?", my stream of thoughts were cut by Javour who took two flights in the last 24hours back and forth the same place.

"Hey Javour, it's 7.30 and everyone arrives by 9 so how about breakfast?"

"Ya sure I almost had all my meals yesterday", he said sarcastically

"Where is Zach?", he asked

"Well, he is busy figuring out what to tell Amber,"

"Ha! I feel bad for him"

And with that, we left the office and walked towards a cafe nearby.While we waited for the order he explained the situation. First, it seemed the rogues were just passing by but then it was more like they were walking along the borders and trying to gain information about the shifts and duties of both the packs.

Therefore Mark informed us about the spotting and we were unable to track them earlier as they did get much closer to our border and used masking sprays to hide their smell. The white wolf pack detected them only when the wolves on their borders had reported the continuous visits of the humans and Isa used some spell to unmask their sprays.

Soon we were done with the breakfast and Zach called up. He was in the office and even Amber was there.As we walked in I saw Amber entering her office, as soon as she looked at me she waved, "Hey there Ash, Welcome back", she said smiling

"Hey Amber, well I would be leaving again so Javour will cover me for some time", I said pointing at Javour

"Oh Hey Javour", she said waving at him

"Hey lu-sorry Amber"

"Well, we got to me, Mr. Boss. I will meet you before leaving", I said

"Oh ok bye", she said entering her cabin.


"Where the hell were you two?", I shouted as soon as Ashton and Javour entered my office

"We were talking to our luna. I didn't want to disobey her", Ashton replied. He knew how to work around me.

"Fine", I mumbled passing a file to Javour as I continued, "the file as all the information you would require. Further queries can be cleared by Amber, let her attend the meetings with you she know how this business run"

"Ok Alpha", Javour replied. He wasn't a man who would beat around the bush and that's what I liked about him.

"And I think Ashton has already introduced you to her so I would better be going and giving an explanation to my mate while you to clear all doubts here and Ashton get ready and Claire is coming along"

"Yes Alpha"

And with that I left my office and dragged my legs towards Amber's cabin, I didn't want to leave her and go but with the situation there I wasn't sure. I didn't know if the rogues were harmless or not but even then I couldn't put her into any danger.I knocked before entering and she looked up from her screen.

She looked like a fairy with her hair open and her minimal make up.

"Hey Amy"

"Hi, Zach, What's up?"

"Nothing I just came by to inform Javour will be handling the business for a week or so. Just look through it he isn't accustomed to the ways here"

"Uh Oh, the guy Ash introduced earlier. Yes, sure and anyways you will be there. So this is what you were talking about yesterday", she said smiling at me.

She was so happy and I couldn't make myself tell her that I am leaving but I had to."Amber actually I am also leaving with Ashton. So the business is on your and Javour's shoulders"

Her shoulders dropped, "But...but you were e just back and we had such an amazing weekend.", by then she had tears in her eyes. I didn't know if she knew about the mate bond or not but wolf or not the thought of your mate not being close hurts.

"Shit I irritated you too much, right?That's why you are leaving", by now she had her tear dropping from her eyes

"Amber no no you are great, it is some family issue I need to go and look into", I said rubbing the tear of her cheek with my thumb

"Oh", she said looking at me with teary eyes

"I will be back soon. Till then take care ok? And if you need anything ask Javour for it", told her pulling her into a hug

"Take care. Be back soon", she mumbled in the hug and soon Ashton knocked to inform that we should be leaving.

She pulled back and said her bye to Ash.I mind linked Ashton to leave and told him I will be down soon.

I went to Amber and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "I will miss you, Amy"

"I will miss you too", she said squeezing my hand, " you should leave you will get late", she said looking up to me.

As soon as I stepped away from here I already missed her but neither could I ignored my responsibilities towards my pack nor could I put my mate in danger.