
The A.I wars

"Within every individual lies a dormant beast, concealed beneath the surface, carefully hidden as if it were nonexistent. Yet, in truth, it slumbers in a profound state of rest, waiting for the right moment to awaken." In the year 3088, society is governed by AI practitioners, humans with the ability to control advanced artificial intelligences that enhance their skills. Jai Deshmukh, born into a prestigious family known for producing powerful A.I. masters, faces adversity due to having a seemingly weak A.I. companion in the form of a sparrow. Despite being looked down upon by his family, Jai remains determined to pursue his dream of becoming an A.I. master. In pursuit of his goal, Jai decides to enroll in the Avian Academy of A.I. Practitioners. Here, he must navigate the challenges of proving himself with a seemingly inferior A.I., uncovering hidden potential within, and confronting the societal prejudices against those with unconventional A.I. companions. As Jai strives to awaken the dormant power within him, the narrative unfolds against the backdrop of a futuristic world where the true strength of individuals lies in their ability to awaken the dormant beasts within, even if society may judge them based on appearances. authors patreon page: patreon.com/animostudio Have a good read!!

Captain_doubloon · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Jai Deshmukh

My name is Jai, Jai Deshmukh let me explain it without wasting time I'm a son of elite family who has a lot influence in Maharashtra [ a state in India], who was kicked out of his family cause he was weak and was becoming a disgrace for the family. Though it's not the important topic the important topic is that right now!

I'm running for my life from some random A rank practitioners cause they think that there girl cheated on them cause I was flirting on them some another day, well it happens to me every often now and then when I have to run for my life . "Where are you running you perverted chicken, I'm gonna fucking kill you today!"( in a temper) someone from the practitioners who were chasing jai said.

"I don't even know who your girlfriend was! And I swear to god I didn't did anything wrong, I don't even touch girls when if they don't want me to touch them" Jai says.

"Just shut the fuck up! Then why was their naked photo in bed of yours in her phone" randoam guy from the group chasing him.

"Ehh? What the... Gaja I'll fucking kill you, hear me out Brother I… it's not my fault its Gaja! please spare me!" Jai says,

'Pew' (sound of something came from my back so I just bended down not to protect myself just because there was a photo of hot female model). But as soon as I looked upward I saw an angel on whose face there was dirt I guess it was from that guys thanks to my cursed vision I was able to meet a angel.

Abb…! Sorry we didn't mean to hurt you ab… we were trying to shoot on this dumba…[ one of the guy from them]

"it's unforgivable! This was god's blessing that I saw an angel today" but you must pay now for lifting dirt on an angel it is a serious crime!" says.

"You shall pay!" (in an aggressive tone) [He said].

Ehh? What did you say!(in a aggressive tone) wait.. Isn't she..?"[Someone from them says after looking at the girl's face]

"Isn't she twin sister of the president, man this is not good if they caught us we won't be making out alive moreover she's the daughter of roger's family!" "Jai! we'll come for you if we make it out alive…![ and they ran away repeating the same line ]

I don't know who she is, though I remember rocky telling me about president that she's a strong girl though I didn't hear much, looking at her god she's damn cute as hell!

"Abb! You okay? I mean do you need help that damn idiots don't understand running away like this after doing this!" Jay says, [You idiot you're the one in fault too]

"Ehh? Ab… no I'm okay I just this mud…" she said. [ the girl I bet she's thinking the same as I'm]

"Let me help you if you don't mind" Jai says,

"No its okay but, ab… do you min telling name" she asks,

"ohh yeah myself Jai Deshmukh, I'm an second year I was transferred in this academy recently" Jai says, "yeah I know you!, she said my… myself Sara Rogers feel fre to call me Sara" Sara says,"I'm also an second year like you!"

"oh you know me... yeah! I guess you might have saw my battle right with that senior!" Jai says, 

"No ab.. I mean, I've watched your duel but I think you might don't know I actually sit next to you" Sara says

"Ehh! I mean I don't believe these there was an angel sitting next to me, Jai in his mind, and I don't even know about that it's truly humiliating" [ that what he was thinking in his mind ]

"Abb!.. I think it's getting I should get going now" Sara says,

"yeah I mean I'm sorry for not noticing but if you don't mind can I treat you something as an apology" Jai says,

"abb!… yeah bye" [saying that she went her way and this idiot was still blushing like an idiot while looking at her back.]

"What are you smiling that weirdly for? I bet you found a strong opponent!" sudden voice comes from Jai's back,

"ohh! Rocky you're here, yes! I found a very strong opponent who's driving my heart crazy" Jai says,

"So when is the duel?" Rocky asks, 

"ehh! What're you talking about?" Jai asks,

"what you are talking about? Rocky asks,

"I was thinking you're again going to fight someone to become strong" rocky says,

"no man I was talking about... leave the topic aside why am I even talking to you about that, and well where's Gaja?" Jai asks,

"He's on some errand he said" Rocky says,

"ohh! Is that so I'm gonna fucking kill him now if I met him, and what about our new roommate?" Jai says,

"He just left too early saying "I have an urgent business" I was thinking of inviting him for mock battle though" Rocky says,

I see why he left so early (jai in his mind)," so what are you doing here? didn't find any strong opponent? Jai asks,

"no I was wanting to inform that I heard a news about you that president is targeting you for something" Rocky says,

"hmm! These is strange I didn't even met her up-until now and she's targeting me hey- hey tell me is she hot! how's she?" Jai asks,

"Abb… strong, powerful I heard she has a mythic type A.I and moreover I also heard she's upper A rank" Rocky says,

"that's not I was talking about ( Jai in faint voice ) Ahem! Ok I'll be careful if that's it?" Jai says, Rocky was shaking not in fear but some thing else his head was down,

"hahaha...(laughs loudly) I knew it my bud will never fear anyone after all you're my best- friend ha- haaaa! ( saying in a high spirited tone while laughing as some kind of villain from Anime) well now I've informed you incase any matter[ matter= is used as a slang in hindi to refer when there is some fight or some disputes] happens just call out my name! see ya" Rocky leaves,

Ranks as B, A, S these ranks are divided into sub ranks as lower, mid and at-last upper rank these by the way I'm just promoted to lower B rank cause I defeated someone who was about to become a lower B rank but still these is not enough to reach my goal.

Let's keep aside I didn't even do something to get president's eye over me! that's a joke i know her from the start She's my ex fiancee abb..[Bastard realises what that A rank depressed idiots said] ehh!

Don't tell me she's behind me cause I was flirting on her sister? What should I do I think what do you think Flay "pyun- pyun!" (flay) Ya so let's go and have some hot chocolate [block headed idiot! These is a serious situation well who care's] flay is nickname of my A.I whose real name is 'fluffy-flare'.

Yes! That's what I name her when I turned seven and I still regret it, my parent's, family every single one left me cause I didn't had a skill based on combats but Flay didn't left me that time, you may've gotten a doubt like if I don't have a skill based on combat how the fuck I became a lower B rank, so after being kicked my as ass out of my family was no more allowed to stay in Maharashtra[ the state in India where the Deshmukh's have a lot of influence]

so I left the state while using my left expenses, after leaving Maharashtra I came to Delhi so that they don't see me but cause of traveling from one state to another, I went low on my expenses, I still remember the winter that year the winds were too strong that they were shaking my bones,

I was lying on the street cause of hunger I was not having strength to even move my hands it was like Lord Yamraj[ Yamraj=Yama is known as the god of death in Indian mythology] is waiting for me that's when I heard voice of two guys "look is he even alive or not!" "He's breathing but I can sense he's verge of death" "then let's take him home when hurry up dude!"

When I woke up I was in a room and there were two guys looking at me later I explained them what happened and how I ended up on the streets and hearing that one of them asked me so now what you're going to do just living like these.

that time I didn't understand that this guy is asking me that am I just going to accept the defeat here! Giving up and cursing them for leaving me alone whole life or training hard become stronger and make them realise that they were wrong about me! Even though I wasn't able to understand the meaning I said

"I'll have my revenge on them I'll make them regret I'll become stronger and stronger and then I'll become an A.I master!" hearing that they made me stay with them.

Yes! And the one who saved me that they were none other than Gaja and Rocky who were just like me leaving away from family alone. It was like Gaja left his home cause his didn't wanted to be a tool of making money for his father and Rocky left his home to become stronger they both and a coincidence is that we all left house the same time Gaja and rocky met each other at a Dhaba[ Dhaba refers to road side restaurant in India]

when they arrived Delhi and later they again met as the roommates when they buy a house on rent and cause I was having no money at the moment Gaja and Rocky paid my rent and from that very moment I decided that even if the world went upside down I'm not going to leave their hands.[ after having 4 cups of hot chocolate with Flay, Jai went back to his class]


hey there i know you're enjoying the series so from here on you'll get the narration of Jai our Mc and sometimes of side character's if you got any idea's for the series pls comment let me know your thoughts!

see you soon and if you're inerested in the series you can join my discord

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