
Post Praimfaya Chapter 37

As expected, Cooper followed her commander's orders and gathers everyone that was still outside, looking great at the fruits and vegetables before she forced them back into the bunker. The rest of our friends pushed their way from within the bunker and stopped beside us. For some reason, as soon as Octavia saw Miller she ordered him.

"Burn it. Burn it all, until there's nothing left."

He froze for a second before turning away, not wanting to have anything to do with this madness and despite being one of the few people that volunteered to live in the second dawn bunker, Nate wasn't exactly all that loyal to Octavia, mostly because of what she did to her own people.

Everyone looked at her in shock, not exactly pleased to see perfectly good food go to waste just because Octavia couldn't understand that war is not the right choice, but Cooper, as the little good follower that she was quickly gathered the guards, directing all of them to set the containers on fire. As Cooper and the guards obediently carried out Octavia's orders, setting one of the containers of food ablaze, I couldn't bear to watch such waste. While everyone's attention was drawn to the burning container, I discreetly slipped away and walked toward the farthest one, leaning against it and waiting for Cooper and her merry band of grounders to reach me.

And when they reached the second containers they looked at me puzzled, halting in their tracks as they didn't expect to see me standing there, seemingly defying Blodreina's command.

"I don't know if you guys are idiots or not! We can't afford to waste this food, not when your people are starving or are simply sick of eating the same thing. Do you really think that by setting the food on fire you will gain anything? Because I can assure you that you won't."

Cooper approached cautiously, eyeing me up and down, fearing that I might do something. "Leon, what are you doing? You heard Blodreina's orders. It doesn't matter, the food must burn."

Some things never change I guess. Burning the food doesn't get Octavia anything other than more unrest amongst her people, then again maybe this is what Blodreina desires. So before Cooper or Grounders could even think of burning this container, I grabbed hold of my knife and put it near her neck, making the woman's eyes go wide open.

"Listen here, this food will go to Mount Weather whenever you like it or not. And believe me, not even Octavia could change that. Now be a good little dog and go back to your master and tell her that if even one of her people tries to burn the food, I will kill them."

Cooper, visibly shaken by my actions, slowly backed away, keeping her eyes away from me. She knew I was serious, and that I wouldn't hesitate to protect the food from being wasted. Without a word, she turned on her heels and hurried back to where Octavia stood, waiting impatiently.

As Cooper approached, Octavia's gaze shifted from the burning container to her loyal follower. There was a brief pause as Octavia glanced in my direction, seeing the supposed container intake and not in flames. After a few moments, she turned her attention back to Cooper, before asking what happened.

"What happened? Why is the food not burning?"

Cooper hesitated for a moment,, but she knew she had to deliver the message. "Leon... He stopped us. He said that the food will go to Mount Weather, and he threatened to kill anyone who tried to destroy it."

"Fine. Let him have his victory. But make sure no one from Wonkru goes near that food. Keep them away at all costs."

Cooper nodded, relieved that Octavia had accepted the situation, albeit begrudgingly. "Understood, Blodreina. I'll ensure no one even thinks about them."

With a dismissive wave of her hand, Octavia turned away, heading down into the bunker. Cooper scurried to carry out her orders, mustering the guards to maintain strict control over the entrance and not letting anyone outside as the message was clear: no one from Wonkru was to get close to the food.

Once I saw that everything worked, I relax putting my knife back in its sheet before returning to my friends, who until now only stared in disbelief at what they saw. When I was beside them, I heard Monty muttering why would I even do something like this.

"Why did you do it, Leon? You know better than all of us that this is not the best course of action you could have taken."

"Mount Weather needs fresh food, same with the second dawn bunker, but sadly for the second dawn, Octavia leads Wonkru and she will not let anyone and I mean anyone disturbs her plans. That includes us, all of us."

Surprisingly enough, Emori was the first one to react to my words, but not in the way I thought any of them might react. "What about John and Raven? Are we just going to abandon them?"

"No, Emori, we're not abandoning them," I replied still not sure about how will I tell Bellamy the deal Dyoza and I have made. "But we have to be smart about it."

Just then the familiar sound of the rover was heard in between the ruins. A minute or so later, Clarke and Zoe park the rover beside us before both of them walks outside to join us. The moment Clarke saw us talking, she pointed out the elephant in the room.

"What's with the burning container and the one overflowing with food?"

"Dyoza's way of showing that she's not the enemy."

"And I take it your sister is not exactly pleased with this is she?"

"No princess, O doesn't want the food anywhere near her starving people. She'd rather send them to war than feed them fresh food. Though Leon managed to save one of the containers so that our people in Mount Weather can eat some fresh food."

Clarke seed surprised to hear about this, almost as if she didn't expect me to do something so selfish.

"That's… unexpected. Let's fill the rover then and one of us will drive to Mount Weather to deliver the food."

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Special thanks to my Tier 3 patrons : 

Bartosz Waszak,Nick Young

Ayub Abd

scifighter,Michael Forsyth

Stephen,Travis cox

Gävert Tim,


Jacob Corona


Andrew Kroupa

Earl GoldPeak

Tom Oni

MeatBunKuncreators' thoughts