
Chapter 120 - A.L.I.E

With Murphy in the lead, we quickly made our way down the hall, passing by the knocked-out bodies of the controlled grounders and guards. Sadly, for us, we had to keep the mask on at least until we made it next to the throne room where A.L.I.E had gathered all of the things we needed to get rid of her. As soon as reached the boss room as Murphy calls it, I kicked the door open and all of our eyes fall on the girl that was chained to a pole, restrained probably tortured by A.L.I.E, doing everything she could to break Clarke without actually hurting her.

"Leon, help my mom!"

For a second I froze then I immediately follow her gaze over to her right, where Abby was hanging from a noose, struggling for breath. No doubt, this was A.L.I.E's twisted way of forcing Clarke to become one of her puppets.

While Sergey and Bellamy went to stop Jaha and the guards from reaching us, Murphy and I run toward Abby, hoping that will make it in time. Thankfully, I was able to reach her just in time for me to grab her legs and ease the tension on her neck, saving the mother of my friend. However, there was no possible way for me to cut her noose, thus making me glance at Murphy, who was busy fending off two grounders.

"Murphy, take my knife and cut Abby's noose!"

Pushing the grounders to the ground and shooting them in the legs, Murphy turned towards me almost as soon as his pistol fired before pulling the knife from my holster. Not wasting any time, he then grabs the box that I presume Abby used to climb, before quickly cutting her down, dropping the woman in my arms. For some reason A.L.I.E didn't react to Abby being saved, maybe the near-death experience freed Abby from A.L.I.E's control? However before a verdict was given, I decided to check if our doctor was still alive. Just as I pressed my fingers on her neck, Clarke, who by now has been freed from her own restraints shouted from across the room, desperately hoping that her mother was still alive.

"Is she alive? Is she breathing?"

"She's breathing, Clarke!"

While Clarke sighed in relief, Bellamy dodges another guard when he saw Jaha attempting to leave thanks to the brawl that broke out.

"Jaha has the Flame. Stop him, guys!"

If that wasn't bad enough Ontari was also bleeding on the ground thanks to the same man, unfortunately for Clarke and Bellamy, they couldn't go after Jaha if they want to save Ontari at all. And when they thought that nothing could happen to change this, Sergey shouted at them.

"We can't let Ontari die. You guys have to stop the bleeding. I'll take care of that son of bitch."

However, there was no way he would be able to stop all of the grounders alone, not when A.L.I.E would do anything and everything in power to stop us from getting the first chip.

"Go, Leon. I'll keep an eye on Abby. Worst come true, I'll just knock her out again."

"Be careful, John, A.L.I.E likes to play with people's hearts and minds."

"I know her better than you do. Don't worry, I have everything under control."

As I was keeping the grounders from interfering with both Clarke and Bellamy as well as Sergey, I managed to overhear Clarke's conversation.

"Her pulse is weak."

"At least she's alive."

"Here, Bellamy, hold this to the wound."

"Clarke, she's losing a lot of blood. We have to do something!"

Clarke digs around in the medkit and pulls out a small flashlight, before prying open Ontari's eyelid and shining the light in her eyes, finding the worst thing that could have happened to the Nightblood.

"Her pupils are unresponsive. Damn it!"

"What? What does that mean?"

"It means that she's brain dead. She can't give us the kill code. It's over, A.L.I.E has won…"

"Do-does that mean…"

"We're trapped here."

Reality sets in quickly for all of us, and within moments, Octavia and the others burst through the door catching Jaha just before he was about to leave, pinning the ex-chancellor to the ground before taking the flame from his hand. Seeing that his sister had made it up here, Bellamy immediately leads them all away, taking Jaha and the other guards with them, and leaving you and Clarke alone. She looks up at you. "Do you still have the EMP?"


"If Ontari's brain is dead, it's useless on her. We can use it on your mother instead."

I picked Abby up and carry her towards the throne so that our princess can get better light from the windows. Clarke quickly takes the EMP from the backpack that Bellamy left for her, before telling me to lay Abby's head on my lap. Not long afterward, Clarke and I put prepared the EMP on Abby's head and as soon she flipped the switch to activate the EMP, her mother woke up, crying out in pain, before passing out once more. Thanks to my new girlfriend, the EMP got a massive upgrade to how it was when they saved Raven, Now they would automatically "suck" the liquefied remains of the chip out of the head of the one who got the premium treatment.

As soon as the chip was finally out of her head, I step away and give Clarke some alone time with her mother, after all, I wouldn't have liked to interfere in their bonding moment especially when Clarke was gently caressing the back of her mom's hair.

"Mom? Can you hear me?"

Seeing that she wasn't responding to anything she was doing, Clarke starts to tear up, imagining the worst. While I wasn't exactly the best person for these kinds of things, I couldn't watch my friend crying because her mother wasn't responding, and like a good friend, I tried to bring Abby's mind back to working order by doing the only thing I knew would work.

"Abby! I know you're in there. Come back to your daughter, she needs you. "

While it wasn't the best thing I could do, I was neither a doctor nor someone even slightly knowledgeable about these matters, however, if I was good at one thing that was to make people steel themselves and prepare themselves. Even though this wasn't the same thing it did work as Abby's eyelids flutter open, and I couldn't contain my smile seeing the mother and Daughter looking at each other.

"Hi, mom. You're okay, thank god, you're okay."

Looking at Clarke having difficulties sitting her mother up, I quickly helped her. A few seconds later, Abby's eyes locked themselves on Clarke's chest wounds. No doubt, another one of A.L.I.E's attempts to torture Clarke. Most likely using her own mother to inflict those wounds on her, was truly a sick and twisted method, however one that would have worked nevertheless. Surprisingly enough, at least for me, Abby burst out into tears looking at those wounds before gently hugging her daughter.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, mom. It doesn't matter anymore."

"I'm so sorry."

Abby's head drops onto her daughter's shoulders as her crying grows harder, and Clarke reaches out to lift her head again, gently reassuring her mother.

"Mom, please stop. It wasn't you. A.L.I.E was the one who did it, not you."

"No, no, no, no, no. You don't understand."

"No, it wasn't you. Mom pleases. I need your help."

Before Clarke can tell her why, the doors to the throne room burst open, and Sergey, Bellamy, Murphy, and Pike come running in. As soon as Bellamy sees that Abby was awake he almost raised the gun to shoot at her, but Sergey's voice calmed him down.

"Calm down, Blake. Look at their feet."

"He's right. We have used the EMP. My mother's back."

"Well, what about Ontari? I thought you said we had one shot with that thing."

"I told Murphy, Ontari is no longer an option for the Flame. She's brain-dead. There's nothing we can do to help her."

"What's the situation, guys? Is the floor secure? "

"For now. Jaha and the guards are tied up in a bedroom, but I reckon that won't stop A.L.I.E for too long."

Before I could respond to their answer, Pike added his own report, almost making me open my eyes in shock, after all, he wasn't exactly one to follow orders.

"Before we climbed we destroyed the elevator and everything in that room, as well ladder. Luckily for us, the stairs had been blown up for some time, thus making it the only way for the controlled people to climb hell. After all, there's no way they would be able to clear and [pair either one of those paths in a few minutes."

"Good. Then we have time to go with plan B."

"Wait a damn minute, princess! What's plan B?"

"An Ascension Ceremony. We are going to do one and find the kill switch."

Murphy gives her a look of bewilderment. "Ascension? You just said Ontari wasn't an option. Besides, she's still chipped, and we no longer have an EMP."

"We're not putting the Flame in Ontari's head. We're putting it in mine."

"What? Clarke, that thing killed Emerson in seconds, liquefied his brain. "

"Emerson wasn't connected to a Nightblood, Bellamy. We, on the other hand, have one alive, albeit barely."

"So are we doing a transfusion then?"

"Not exactly, it would be…"

"Just like how the grounders were connected in Mount Weather."

"We have everything we need for that to happen in the medkit. We can still destroy A.L.I.E and save everyone."

Despite being extremely dangerous, this might be our only chance of getting rid of A.L.I.E for good, however, I don't like how dying is probably the best ending for Clarke if she does go with this suicidal plan. Thankfully, I wasn't the only one who thought that this was madness.

"No, Clarke, it's too dangerous, and there are too many variables! "

"Mom, we don't have any other options. Please, we have to try, otherwise, everything that we did and everyone that had died would be in vain."

Abby tried to open her mouth, seemly ready to argue with Clarke again when Octavia burst into the room, panic, and fear written on her face.

"Whatever you guys are doing, you'd better do it fast or we won't have another chance."

"Why? What happened?"

"They're climbing. All of the controlled people are climbing the tower!"

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Special thanks to my Tier 4 patrons :


Fallout Armagedon

To my Tier 5 patrons :

Brandon M

And to my Tier 6 patrons :

Aaron H

MeatBunKuncreators' thoughts