
The 100 : The duty of a leader

(Slow Pace) When he died, Leon wouldn't have imagined that he would have a second chance. A new world, a new life, stripped of memories of the past ,remembering only what he loved and nothing more, armed with nothing other than his guts and body , how will Leon survive in this world torn by nuclear war and ruled by primitive civilizations ? Note : I don't own The 100 or any other characters that may resemble in any kind of way any characters form various shows and games. If I were to say that I own something, that would be my idea of changing a world, but that's what fanfiction is ain't it?

MeatBunKun · TV
Not enough ratings
190 Chs

Chapter 119 - Sardines

"These people are not our enemy. They're being controlled by A.L.I.E and we can save them."

"O, we can't risk everything for one or two grounders. Besides if we were to capture them then A.L.I.E would have overheard our plans."

Not liking what she had just heard, Octavia simply scoffed at her brother before turning away, not bothering to help or talk with anyone at all.

While the two brothers were arguing about the way, we took those two guards out, Miller and Sergey stood to watch near the corners, getting ready to retaliate when A.L.I.E sends her minions to capture them. "There's gonna be a lot more of these controlled guys if we don't move."

"We can hold them for some time, but there's no way we can hold them forever. So let's do this fast."

As soon as she heard the boy's warning, Indra glanced at the elevator before grabbing the wheel.

"I'll be the one bringing this thing down. Just make sure no controlled freak gets his hands on me."

With that taken care of, the only thing remaining was to tell our new companions what we are here to do and how we would do it.

"Listen up people. I don't care if you hate each or love each other, however, I do care for people to do what they are told to. We are here to kill A.L.I.E as all of you know, but for us to do that, we have to stop A.L.I.E from sending people up there where Ontari and Clarke are. Therefore, once Bellamy, Octavia, Murphy, Sergey, and I are up, I want the rest of you guys to blow the elevator to kingdom come and then climb after us. If it's not too hard to do, I'd like you guys to destroy the ladder behind you."

"Roger that, Leon. You guys are careful up there."

"You too Miller, A.L.I.E won't care if she loses a few of her minions if that means getting her hands on us, so by all means aim to kill, don't risk your lives for a small chance."

"Duly noted. I think I speak for everyone when I say that neither one of us plans to die today."

After the elevator was brought down, my entire group was about to step inside when Murphy in all of his pessimistic glory decide to bring forth a rather serious question.

"I don't know if you guys are ignoring this or not, but you do realize we don't have a way down, right?"

Sending him a glance that made our professional cockroach shiver, I smiled at him as I walked inside.

"A problem for another day, Murphy, or do you miss someone so bad that you want to quickly get down to her once we get rid of A.L.I.E?"

Both Sergey and Murphy got inside before Bellamy and when he did walk inside, he turned back seeing that his sister wasn't in the elevator, he looked at her, with a confused and worried look on his face.

"What happened, O? Didn't you want to stop A.L.I.E as well?"

"Look, guys, I want to come with you up there, but if anything goes wrong down here, they'll need my help. Sorry, but I can leave them down here, so go without me, we got this."

Despite agreeing to work with the guy that killed her lover, Octavia didn't forget what Pike had done to her. Only a blind person would have missed those glances filled with fury and anger directed at the chancellor, and to be honest she had a good reason to feel that way. However, killing Pike right now wasn't exactly the best course of action, yet not the worst either, it was more of a middle ground I guess. Nevertheless, I could let her risk all of their lives for revenge, at least not now, so before she could walk away from the elevator, I pulled her into a hug, catching everyone off guard seeing this sudden reaction from me, but that didn't stop me from whispering to her as softly as I could, hopping that no one might be able to hear my words.

"I know how you feel Octavia, but don't risk everyone's life right now. Wait for the best moment and then kill Pike, after all a worthless man is as good as dead, right?"

My words earned me a smile and nod from the younger Blake, making her brother look at us strangely not knowing how to react. After she nodded at me, Octavia walked back to Indra to help her as the doors to the elevator closed bringing us up to where our target was located. A minute of silence was all that we got before Murphy, once again decided to make everyone regret bringing him with us.

"I hope you guys know that we are screwed like genuinely screwed, right? A.L.I.E already knows that we are coming after her ass, so she most likely has her minions waiting for us, with all of their weapons, heck I even think she might just kill us to get rid of us."

"Here come the cockroach fears…Damn Murphy, should I throw you out?"

"Calm down guys, no one needs to get thrown out, at least not right now."

My response made both Sergey and Murphy look at me, the first smiling while the other looked at me as if I killed his entire bloodline.

"This plan will work, Murphy, have some faint in us."

I don't know if this was Bellamy's poor attempt at trying to convince Murphy, himself, or maybe both that this won't result in our demise, however, that didn't stop him from trying to make Murphy have just a tiny bit of faint in us.

"By the way, why are you here, anyways? No offense, but you don't strike as someone that cares for the well-being of humanity."

"I'm just trying to survive like everyone else, and what place would be safer than with Leon and Sergey? Besides, you guys aren't the only ones here doing something for someone you care about. I know shocking right?"

Murphy wasn't wrong at all. The only reason Bellamy was here is his sister, I'm here for Raven, Zoë, and Anya while Sergey was surprisingly here because of a grounder girl, more exactly for Indra's daughter for some reason. I don't know how they met or when, but I hope to god that Indra doesn't know about this, or else my friend would have to face one of the most badass women from Trikru.

Suddenly the elevator stopped abruptly, making all of us look at each other before Murphy breaks the silence. "Well, that doesn't look that good to me."

Not long after the elevator stopped, someone from the other side starts forcing their way inside, no doubt at A.L.I.E orders.

"They're coming in, guys!"

"Thanks captain obvious we didn't know. Get ready people, we have some heads to bash."

In the end, all of our attempts to hold the door were futile since the grounders that more strength than us, thanks to A.L.I.E disabling their pain receptors, not to mention that it was easier to force the door open than to hold it closed, at least in this situation.

"Sergey, Murphy, get that batons ready."

"Shouldn't we use the pistols?"

"It's too small for a gun, and I'd rather not die from friendly fire."

Murphy squeezes in between us and shocks the first Grounder before stepping back and letting Sergey shock the second one. A third grounder grabbed Bellamy and almost dragged him out if not for Murphy shocking him, forcing the grounder to drop Bellamy back in the elevator. Sadly, the batons were only effective for a few seconds before the grounders recovered and tried to enter the elevator once more. If before we had a hard time keeping the door closed, now we were struggling to close those doors and they have it mostly closed when they force their way back in again. Murphy and Sergey continue to fight them off again, and as the doors start to close, a fourth-thinner man appears and dives through the crack in the door, just as the elevator starts to move again.

Unfortunately for him, his chance of catching us off guard faded away as soon as he tried to attack four guys in a small enclosed room. Before he could even land, Sergey caught him and slammed him into the wall as Murphy use his knife to stab the man in the stomach. Despite what Octavia said, neither one of us was going to risk dying for a grounder, even less for a controlled grounder.

When the man finally gave his last breath, Murphy turned towards us.

"Guys, they're gonna storm in here as soon as we reach the top. We'll never make it to the throne room at this rate."

As much as I would like to say that he's wrong, Murphy was right, A.L.I.E won't give up this chance and there was little to nothing we could do to stop her. Just as I thought that there was nothing we could do, Bellamy saw the trap door. "Sergey, Leon, help me up."

With our help, Bellamy easily got up on the elevator, and after a few seconds, he peeks inside the elevator with a smile on his face.

"We hit the jackpot, there's enough room for all of us."

"Finally, so good news. Help me up next."

After all, of us made it above the elevator, Murphy opened the vent that led into the building only to stop when he saw the grounders waiting at the door. As soon as the doors opened, they all looked confused as hell, not seeing us inside the elevator.

"Where'd they go?"

"This wasn't supposed to happen!"

Looking at those juice targets, I nodded at my friends and Sergey and Murphy grabbed a knock-out gas grenade each as soon as the cans dropped into the elevator and into the hallway, red smoke quickly filled the rooms. A few seconds later, every single grounder was out, nice and easy. With the threat neutralized, we quickly opened the vent and climb down.

Since other than Murphy, no one from our group had been here, he was the one who lead the way since he was the one most familiar with the layout, while the rest of us acted as guards to him, after all, that was the least we could do for our guide.

"C'mon guys, the throne room is this way."

<Visit my patr3on for more chapters for this novel (at least ten chapter ahead - right now there are 30 more chapters than here - plus R18 chapters) >

< Just change "3" with "e" Patr3on Link : https://patr3on.com/meatbunkun>

Special thanks to my Tier 4 patrons :


Fallout Armagedon

To my Tier 5 patrons :

Brandon M

And to my Tier 6 patrons :

Aaron H

MeatBunKuncreators' thoughts