
That Time me and my Classmate got Reincarnated in Another World

Hikaru Tanaka, a high schooler suffering from severe mental illness and bullying decides to take his life to escape his pain, spending his last day with his half-sister, Hana Tomura. He decided to jump off the high school roof, but, to his dismay, Hana was still there trying to save him, in an unfortunate turn of events they both fall to their death, in the last moments of their lives they hear a voice that speaks of another world and reincarnation. Shortly they wake up in another world, summoned by the Wieka Kingdom to help in the holy war led by goddess Ifrit against monsters, but to everyone's surprise, Hikaru and Hana were reincarnated as monsters. The king himself exiled them from the castle but, in a turn of fate, the king revealed the truth about goddess Ifrit and her plan to enslave and destroy all monsters. The king's last wish before Ifrit brainwashed him is for them to become demon lords and defeat goddess Ifrit.

MenamAishi · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Time to strike (2)

Tonight is the time to strike:

Lord Welcia and Lord Ikrel are having a meeting as we arranged. Tonight I need to prepare for the strike, it's still dangerous since some classmates are still around and listening to the king and hunting us down, it wouldn't be a problem to take them out but I want to avoid doing things like these unless they are needed for our survival like this situation needs me to kill both of the lords to keep me and Hana safe.

"It's so cool to see cooking done in front of you!"- Fumiko looked at Hana while she cooked.

"Well, you can try it as well if you want to. Here I will teach you"- Fumiko got closer to the pot where the stew is boiling.

"Thank you. I wonder if Hikaru can cook as well"- She looked at me, I think she expects a no response from me so that we can do that all 3 of us.

"Yes, Hikaru knows how to cook pretty well. I specialize more in sweets while he specializes in ramen, udon, and most noodle-based dishes"- Fumiko looked at Hana confused.

"What is ramen and udon?"- Fumiko turned to me.

"Well, they are types of noodles made out of different types of grains. We use different flour types for each type of noodle that we make. If you could bring me some brown flour and white flour maybe I could make some noodles, since I have almost all of the ingredients for the Ramen and Udon.

"Well, I have almost everything in my dad's mansion. But I don't know if I can go in there just yet."

"Well, too bad. Maybe after their meeting, I will prepare some Ramen or Udon for you."- I better do. I bet Fumiko won't feel like eating anything. It's now or never.

"Still, I wonder, how do you guys know the recipe for this stuff, I never meet things like these in this world, well, similar ones like noodle soup with different types of noodles but that's it."- Fumiko looked at us with child-like fascination.

"Do you want to know the truth?"- I leaned down to Fumiko's level.

"Yes, very much so"- Fumiko took a seat on the bead, we sat in 2 chairs in front of her.

"Well, if your father hasn't told you yet. We are reincarnations, we arrived in this world along with the other summoned heroes"- Fumiko looked at us confused.

"You were summoned with the other heroes? Why is everyone treating you so badly then? Makes no sense"

!The difference between reincarnation and transportation is the next. A Reincarnation stays in this world permanently and has more skills while reincarnated, transportation is granted 1 powerful Legendary skill and a few other common skills. Transportations have lower base stats than reincarnations but can grow x4 times as fast!

"Well, Reincarnations have died in their past world. We are from the same world as the heroes. But at the same time they were summoned, we died."- Fumiko looks like she saw a ghost.

"You died in the world you were from? How? Was it painful?"- Fumiko asked me, somewhat scared.

"As painful as jumping from 30 meters gets"

"Wait, you 2 killed yourselves?"- Fumiko jumped out of bed in front of us, looking pale.

"I didn't, but I wanted to catch Hikaru who wanted to do that, I didn't have enough strength to pull him up and the 2 of us ended up falling to our deaths"- Hana put her left hand to the back of my head, grabbing my hair and pulling it hard.

"So, it's Hikaru's fault. By the way, what's the deal with the 2 of you? You seem close for friends"

"Well, we grew up together, we were raised by the same parents."

"Hikaru is your brother?"- Fumiko took her seat back and looked at us with curiosity.

"No, my parents died while I was little, Hikaru's mom was a good friend of mine, so they decided to take care of me, I also had a grandmother but she couldn't take care of me so Hikaru's parents were the only ones who could do that"

"So, you 2 just grew up together, but there isn't any bond like a brother or sister would have, right?"- Fumiko looks tense, what is she thinking?

!She thought that the 2 of you are siblings that have a romantic relationship, and you get along too well for friends... Honestly, you can be so dense Hikaru, by the way, you act with Hana it's obvious to other people that you have a crush on her or that you love her, even if you don't feel that yet.!

"Yes. We just get along too well for our good"- What?

!Hana realized it sooner than you did Hikaru. I swear, you are the perfect isekai protagonist as to how dense you are!

"Sia, stop. Don't turn my jokes against me!"

!I won't stop, it's too funny making fun of you when you do or say something stupid!

I can hear and see Hana giggle over my fight with Sia.

"Are you ok Hana? Why are you laughing?"- Fumiko looked at Hana concerned.

"Nothing, just remembered something funny"- She looked at me still having a smile on her face.

6 hours later:

It's night-time and the perfect time to strike, or at least prepare to strike.

I am on the streets of Welcia going to the mansion of Lord Welcia.

"Ohhhh, where to this late in the night"- I can hear Lord Welcia's voice.

"I was searching for you. I have everything prepared, if you have any poison you would like me to use in particular just tell me right now"- I put my hands up to make him more comfortable, if he tries anything funny he won't be able to move, I already have my Shadow Tendrils wrapped around him.

"Well, use the poison from this flower, it's very potent and will kill quickly"- Lord Welcia gave me a strange flower.

!Warning: That flower is toxic to both monsters and humans, he will try to kill the 2 of you as well. I think you already knew that but a heads-up is always good!

"Ok, I will make the poison when I reach home. Take care now"- While going back home I can hear him laugh.

I stopped in a dark corner and had the flower in my hand.

*Use skill: Predator*- I devoured the flower and crafted it into poison inside my spatial storage. With my Predator skill, I can put and remove poisons from any drink or anything.

!Or instead, you can acquire the skill Poison Resistance or All-Poison-Resistance!

"That should work too"

I returned home, Hana is looking after Fumiko, she doesn't suspect a thing, good.

Tomorrow is the big day that I have been waiting for, 2 Lord with one poison.