
That Time me and my Classmate got Reincarnated in Another World

Hikaru Tanaka, a high schooler suffering from severe mental illness and bullying decides to take his life to escape his pain, spending his last day with his half-sister, Hana Tomura. He decided to jump off the high school roof, but, to his dismay, Hana was still there trying to save him, in an unfortunate turn of events they both fall to their death, in the last moments of their lives they hear a voice that speaks of another world and reincarnation. Shortly they wake up in another world, summoned by the Wieka Kingdom to help in the holy war led by goddess Ifrit against monsters, but to everyone's surprise, Hikaru and Hana were reincarnated as monsters. The king himself exiled them from the castle but, in a turn of fate, the king revealed the truth about goddess Ifrit and her plan to enslave and destroy all monsters. The king's last wish before Ifrit brainwashed him is for them to become demon lords and defeat goddess Ifrit.

MenamAishi · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Time to strike (1)

We are back in Welcia.

We are with Lord Ikrel in Welcia, we are at the mansion of the local lord that plotted against us with the king to have us killed.

"Halt there"- The guards didn't recognize us.

"They are with me, let them pass, Lord Ikrel especially, he has business with my dad"- Fumiko got in front of the guards and showed them some sort of ID, she has a tattoo on her left arm and some sort of holographic image showed up.

!That is a guild tattoo, only people joined with a certain guild have them, they only work on humans to measure their levels.!- Wait a bit.

"Wait a bit. We don't have those"

"Yeah, but we are members of the guild. Wouldn't it be strange for us to not have them?"

!Negative, they assume that you have them from another guild since they can read your level, they don't know that secretly you are monsters!

"That is good to know. For a second I thought that our cover would be blown."- Hana sounds relieved. It's hard to tell emotions just by voice.

"No luck, my dad is out of town. Can I stay at your place while he returns?"- Fumiko looked at the 2 of us.

"Sure, why not. We even bought some things to make that place more comfy. Hikaru doesn't have a problem with it either"- Hana hit me with elbow without Fumiko noticing.

"Sure, I don't have a problem"- I do have quite the big one. It will be very suspicious to see Lord Welcia's daughter sleeping in the same house as the hunted monsters.

!It will be in your best interest to have Fumiko stay with you. It leads to further bonding between the 2 of you. It is needed that you and the individual named Fumiko form a close bond. You mustn't let her down when she sees her father being killed!- Sia finished talking, she seems to be talking pretty fast.

"So, what did the guards say?"- Lord Ikrel looked at Fumiko and leaned down to be on her level.

"Well, my dad is away for 1 additional day. So, you will have to stay at an inn today, sorry for the delay. I apologize on his behalf."- Fumiko bowed in front of Lord Ikrel.

"No need to bow. I do understand that he is busy tho, every Lord is busy. More time is always welcomed"

!This guy, wants more time to prepare the way that he is going to kill Lord Welcia. We must go in there tonight and set up the scene!

"Hana, you heard Sia. You must stay with Fumiko, but first, charm the guards using your Primordial Skill. After that, I will enter the night and prepare everything that is needed to make it look like a murder-suicide"

"Are we doing it tomorrow?"- Hana asked me somewhat scared.

"Yes, we don't have a choice. You want to live right? This is a new world, a new life. Do you remember who we were in our previous lives, at least?"- I hope she does, I don't want to explain it twice.

"I don't know. Was my past life so bad?"- Hana looked and glared at me.

"Not only yours but mine as well. You have been burdened to take of me for a long time. You associated with me and your school reputation plummeted, you were talked about the same way I was"- And now, I lead her to this other world by deciding to jump off a rooftop. In reality, my decision wasn't impulsive at all, I planned for that date, I moved the hour of when I died a lot sooner than it was supposed to be that day, but hey I would have still died.

"I don't care about those things Hikaru, yes I was affected, but I am affected more by you saying all of this."

"Fine, I will shut up if you don't want to hear me anymore."

"Look, Hikaru, I am worried about Fumiko and how she will take the news of her father being dead. What shall we do in this case?"

!I suggest that you adopt Fumiko and train her into the ruler you want she will rule on both Ikrel and Welcia, she will grant you special status and lie to the king that you 2 were dealt with.!- Sia said in a smug tone, almost felt her making a smug smile as well.

"I think that's a brilliant plan Sia."- I looked at Hana, she doesn't seem as pleased as I am.

"That is just blatant emotional manipulation on our part Hikaru. I don't want to Fumiko to go through that. I know we must kill them both but let's leave Fumiko to make her own decisions!"- Hana is now yelling at me over the telepathic network.

"Fine. I will let her make her own decision. But with how things are currently it will lead to this outcome anyway"

I want to ask myself, can I do it? Do I even have the power to manipulate Fumiko in this way?

!The answer is yes, you do have the power but your morals won't let you!

"Thanks for nothing, Sia, that won't make me feel any better."

I don't think the role of a villain is suited for me anyway, but we must do it to live.

"What are you thinking about Hikaru?"- Fumiko held my hand, she then looked at my face and wiped something off my face with her hand. Was I crying?

! Affirmative!

"It's nothing, my eyes get irritated sometimes. Demons can sometimes get infused with too much magic and cry"- I whispered to Fumiko.

"Ohhh understood, I thought you were sad, I want to cheer you up."

"Thank you, Fumiko, but..."- I couldn't say anything else she hugged me.

"I know that you lied on this one"- She whispered back.

This feels somewhat soothing to an extent.

We continued to move to our place, that run-down cabin that we managed to get it up somehow, in a day no less.

"It isn't like my mansion but it's I can see you 2 are happier living here than in a mansion all alone."- Fumiko took a seat on the bed. She doesn't look surprised by the rough mattress.

"Well, Fumiko, we are about to change some of this stuff, some people, wait for a little outside.

We first changed the windows and barricaded everything that we could, we replaced the mattresses with new ones. Me and Hana also upgraded the stove while we were at it, we fixed some cracks and the oven inside, and we got all the materials that were needed from Ikrel. Now we only have to wait for the night to arrive so that I can prepare everything. I have a feeling that I will meet Lord Welcia in that room as well, my plan will be easier with him there and then I can make the 2 of them disappear for good and Fumiko to take ownership over their lands. I need to do that fast and with no delay.

Welcia Academy will be sending more people to hunt us down, our classmates will become our hunters. I want to see which one of them will take this hunt too seriously.