
That Time me and my Classmate got Reincarnated in Another World

Hikaru Tanaka, a high schooler suffering from severe mental illness and bullying decides to take his life to escape his pain, spending his last day with his half-sister, Hana Tomura. He decided to jump off the high school roof, but, to his dismay, Hana was still there trying to save him, in an unfortunate turn of events they both fall to their death, in the last moments of their lives they hear a voice that speaks of another world and reincarnation. Shortly they wake up in another world, summoned by the Wieka Kingdom to help in the holy war led by goddess Ifrit against monsters, but to everyone's surprise, Hikaru and Hana were reincarnated as monsters. The king himself exiled them from the castle but, in a turn of fate, the king revealed the truth about goddess Ifrit and her plan to enslave and destroy all monsters. The king's last wish before Ifrit brainwashed him is for them to become demon lords and defeat goddess Ifrit.

MenamAishi · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Strike Aftermath (4)

A few hours later

I have gone outside with Rei. I don't know what to do at the moment or how to put our plan into action, I don't know Rei's next move, I thought I knew what he had in mind but it seems that I am wrong.

"Do you know about the outlaws Hikaru and Hana? I mean I think you do know them"- Rei sat under a tree looking directly at me

"Well, I don't know who you are talking about."- I tried to play dumb in front of him

"Well, I brought this magic ball where I have stored a photo of his face. Look, do you know anything about him?"- Rei showed me the crystal ball with my face in it.

"What do you need them for exactly?"- Rei took a step back and smiled

"I want them to help me take over the other lordships as well. Those 2 will be good pawns for me to use"- So, this is how he thinks of me and Hana, well, better lie.

"Oh, now I know. Yes, he is already dead. I found his corpse and the corpse of a girl along with him in that cabin. I don't know how they died, but maybe it's poisoning"- Rei looked shocked for a few seconds.

"Well, that foiled everything I had. Now, I command you not to tell a word of this to Fumiko"- He got up in my face and started to smile.

"There won't be a need for that. Rei, what the hell! Do you want to take over the other Lordships as well? What's wrong with you?"- Fumiko was hiding the whole time with Hana, she knew what she was doing.

"Fumiko, you must not understand, just think about it. If we had those 2 outlaws on our side then we could rule most of the lands of the kingdom. Think about it!"- Rei got closer to Fumiko.

"I had enough of you already! I won't be surprised you didn't have a hand in what happened with my father. I swear to the gods, your greed is something else!"- Fumiko slapped Rei and pinned him against a tree.

"I didn't know your mind developed so much Fumiko. You are less dumber than before"- Rei tried to kick Fumiko but I restrained him with my shadow tendrils.

"I think this is enough, you are a threat to Miss Fumiko and we won't allow that. Any further attempts of violence and we will use brute force on you."- Hana went up to Rei and slapped him.

"You will see what will happen to you 3, just wait. You will be crawling back to me"- I wrapped Rei in my shadow tendrils and threw him into a tree in the forest, using one of my shadow tendrils I made Rei destroy the crystal ball, I can't risk any evidence leaking out.

"Well, now, stay away from Fumiko, got it?"

The 3 of us had gone back, I need to think quickly and take out Rei. I wanted to befriend him but it's too dangerous to do any of that now

!Warning: I detected some evidence on Rei that might incriminate the 2 of you. I suggest immediate dispatching!

"You heard that Hana?"- We started talking over the telepathic network


"Well, I know a way. It will be a perfect crime. I will tail Rei and see what he is up to and then see what I can do. You take care of Fumiko"

"Fumiko. Look, I think I saw some evidence that might incriminate Rei, I will go and gather as much info as possible, you talk with the guards and see what you can do on your own. Look, we need to do something about Rei, we can't let this chance go, you understand don't you?"- I looked at Fumiko's eyes for a little bit. She nodded and then I set out to search for where Rei went.

I arrive in Welcia, I saw Rei standing at a fountain, he had another crystal ball. I put on a different disguise this time and approached him.

"Who are you?"- He looked at me confused.

"I am the person you are searching for, I will tell you more in that alley."- The 2 of us walked into the alley and Rei stood a good distance from me.

"What do you want from me?"

"Well, I heard that you talked about me with that guard. I am Hikaru Tanaka. I just killed 2 people and put their corpses there, a perfect red herring"- Rei's eyes lit up

"So, how are you going to help me?"- He got closer to me.

"Well, I need some things first. Those are from the Lord's mansion. I need them in some ritual I can't speak about, but if you can steal them tonight I can begin to kill the other Lords."- I smiled with a devilish grin.

"Will do. I will be prepared. We will meet in this alley again right?"

I smiled back at him and then left. I bought some rope from a shop here.

A few minutes before Rei arrives.

Let's see. I need to set this up in a good way. I found support for the rope and tied a knot. I will make Rei's death look like a suicide as he looks to cover his tracks, the perfect crime.

I placed the rope in a dark corner where no one can see it in this light.

"Here I am, what do I need to do, I need to be quick, guards are chasing me!"- I pointed to the spot where the rope is and he dropped the knife there.

"Now go up on that chair and jump over, I will take care of the guards!"- I grabbed the rope with one of my tendrils and wrapped it around his neck and with another tendril, I pulled the chair from below him.

"What the hell!"- Those are the last words Rei could get out before starting to suffocate.

"See you!'- I waved my hand and ran back to Fumiko and Hana.

"Are you ok Hikaru?"- She was at the door with Hana.

"Yes, I am ok, but Rei, he stole something from the crime scene, I don't know what. The guards are chasing him"

"No surprise there. Look, let's sleep and see it in the morning"- We slept in and in the morning Fumiko found out about how Rei wanted to cover up the 2 Lords murder and that he had something to do with all of that. This chapter is closed right now. Fumiko can finally take control over the 2 lordships and make out lives a lot easier than they were before.