
That Time I Toke Over Heaven and Became God

A Boy got reincarnated as Kanda Sorata and forgot his pass life name after meeting the the heroine Shina the Origin Skill activated .AU The Pet Girl of Sakurasou Village .AUDXD .AUMiss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid .AU Tensura elements .AU IS IT WRONG TO PICK UP GIRLS A DUNGEON .AU GABRIEL DROPOUT .AU The Devil Is A Part-Timer! .Au God's Blessing On This Wonderful World ect.

unknown_20281 · Cómic
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7 Chs

Chapter 6 Heaven System Changes

3rd Pov

Originating from Heaven, the Angels are powerful beings who serve the Biblical God and have the powers to inflict pain upon Devils/demons and by extension the Fallen Angels, due to their light-based powers. After the death of the God of the Bible in the Great War of the Three Factions, the Angels were incapable of increasing their numbers normally until the creation of the Brave Saint system which allows humans to be reincarnated into Angels.

The angels are very sad to see their beloved has disappeared. Micheal has gone into a depression but toughened himself to serve his people.

Gabriel crys now and then but still hasn't gotten over it

Uriel is just smiling while hiding his pain behind his smile

but today was different.

Michael, Uriel and Gabriel sence it and the Heaven system started to change the color become brighter and it started to spread out and cover the whole 7 Heavens at this moment the Angels knew their father has came back but suddenly they all heard a Female robotic voice.


{The individual Sorata Kanda Evolution is about to begin. Upon its completion, all Monsters in his Faction will receive their due gifts.}

{The Evolution has begun. Your bodily structure will be reconstructed in order to evolve into your new species.

Super-evolution from type "Human" to type "True God" successful. All bodily attributes have been greatly enhanced. The material and spiritual bodies are now freely transformable.

Intrinsic skills Infinite Regeneration, God's ambition, True God Haki ,Holy Lightning ,Primordial Light ,Death Evocation ,Death ,Clairvoyance ,Holy Voice ,The Almighty ,All-Seeing Eyes ,Angel Wings & Flight, Demon of hell, Primordial Darkness and Creator of All Acquisition Successful}

{New Resistances , All Resistances have been Acquired}

{Notice used the leftover energy to begin Creating Ultimate Skills According to The individual Wish has been Requested....}

{Request Confirmed Ultimate Skills [Prideful King Lucifer] ,[Hope King Sariel], [Greedy King Mammon],

[Charity King Raguel], [Gluttonous King Beelzebuth].

[Justice King Michael], [Lustful King Asmodeus],

[Purity King Metatron] ,[Slothful King Belphegor], [Knowledge King Raphael] , [Wrathful King Satanael] ,[Patience King Gabriel],[Envious King Leviathan] and [Covenant King Uriel] has been Acquired}

{Individual Sorata Kanda's Evolution is now complete. The monsters in his Faction will now receive their due gifts.}

Before they could make sense of the voice everyone felt sleepy especially the archangel and then they heard the voice again but this time it was addressing them.

[Now, all Beings under Individual Sorata's Faction will receive their gift].

[Evolution of individual Gabriel will commence now]

[Evolving Species from Archangel to Seraphim


[All Physical and Magical aspects and abilities have been increased greatly]

[Material and Spiritual bodies can now be transformed freely]

[Next Acquisition of Intristic skills will begin...]

[Intristic Skills; Light Power ,All language ,Hyper Regeneration, Combat Mode, Higher Magic Sense have been acquired!]

[Nullifiers; Thermal Nullification, Abnormal Condition Nullification, Pain Nullification, Physical Attack Nullification, and Spiritual Attack nullification

[Resistances; Spiritual Attack Resistance, Thermal Resistance, Natural Affects Resistance, Magical Attack Resistance, Holy/Demonic Attack Resistances have been acquired]

[Next commencing evolution of all Skills]

[Ultimate Skill; Patience King Gabriel has been acquired!]

[Unique Skills; Parallel Existence, Magicule Manipulation, (Law Manipulation; Time), Ice Manipulation have been acquired]

[The Evolution has finished]

And so it when on on till everyone woke back up happy and surprised.

Same happen to all the archangels and heaven began to change although it was only the first heaven which got and extra floor underneath The Garden of Eden . There was a white floor with Nothing but Ultimate Class Angel with no will and ego and there some Super Class Angels, this was the Ultimate Skill Michael got .

As the evolution process continued, the celestial energies surrounding the Archangels intensified, enveloping them in a cocoon of radiant light. The very fabric of their being seemed to shimmer and transform, as their essence was refined and elevated to a new level of existence.

Uriel embraced the transformation with grace and serenity, feeling the newfound power surging through his transformed body. His once hidden pain now felt distant, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose and determination. As a Throne, he understood that his role was now even more vital in maintaining the balance and order in Heaven.

Gabriel, now evolved into a Seraphim, felt a profound connection to the divine energies coursing through her. Her tears of sorrow were now tears of joy and awe as she realized the magnitude of her evolution. With her bew enhanced physical and magical abilities, she knew she was ready to face any challenges that may come her way.

Michael, witnessing the transformation of his brethren, felt a surge of pride and gratitude. The energy around him crackled with power, and he knew that his own evolution was imminent. With a newfound sense of purpose and determination burning within him, he stood tall, ready to embrace the divine changes that awaited him.

As the evolution process unfolded for each Archangel, the very foundations of Heaven trembled with the magnitude of the transformations taking place. The once somber atmosphere was now filled with a sense of hope and anticipation, as the Angels prepared to step into their new roles as celestial beings of immense power and purpose. The future of Heaven was being reshaped before their eyes, with endless possibilities stretching out before them.

jest read and enjoy

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