
That Gay Friend

Scarlett Athena was a timid girl in her high school year. Changed into the life of the party type of girl when she earned her dream job that made her rich rich. She enjoys her life until one fine young man— Clifford Cox, a well-known guy who also likes guys came to her life to shuffle. "Let's be friends." "Friends." They agreed. Not until one night, the plot of their relationship changed. Warning: Do not read if you know you're not allowed to. STRICTLY NO MINOR ALLOWED.

Me_333 · Ciudad
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33 Chs

Chapter Two; In line

The streets of Makati are soaked and slippery due to the heavy rain that lasted for a whole day.

"Shit. Is there a storm? I hope it doesn't rain tonight!"

Said the girl talking to herself as she put the wet umbrella into the elevator of the building.

The wind was gusting and strong and her umbrella aren't enough for it to cover her previous bag from Gucci from the rain.

Which caused her to be even more annoyed with the world.

Besides being tired and exhausted from the traffic, Scarlett couldn't help herself but be more mad when she entered her condominium and noticed that there's no light when she pressed the light switch on.

Annoyed, she bit her lower lip and continued walking towards the kitchen with the use of her flashlight from her cellphone.

Only then did she realize that her refrigerator had no light when she opened it.

She tried to turn on the oven, but this time, it didn't heat up like it is used to.

She slammed it back. "Fuck." She hissed.

After a while, she heard the ringtone of her cellphone indicating a call.

With the lightless condominium, Scarlett put her phone near her ear and spoke.

"Girl, Bad timing. I guess I'm not going tonight." She said.

A pretty laugh from the other line was heard, saying.

"Oh, no, no I won't be agreeing you not coming Sca. Come on! It's just one at a time! Can't you just... Put that freaking problem aside?"

She laughed softly. "Bea, I'm having electric issue here in my condo. I couldn't just go to party while I'm—"

"Naur way! Then tell the electrician and do their job! You're not paying with a stone." The girl on the other line exclaimed.

It made her to smile, looking around the cold and quiet condo she owns, she then came to words.

"Okay, I think I'm also in need of relaxation. I mean, applying for a new job is as tiring as it seems! Bish I don't wanna experience this anymore!"

Fast forward ⏩

A loud music from the live band was playing in the front corner of the party Bea launched.

Bea Sorociana Kim, daughter of the CEO of Dé Jav Perfume who has been her friend for a long time since college.

When Sca saw her friend talking to the other rich guests, she immediately smiled.

"Girl!!!!! Oh my god!!! You're so pretty with your champagne gown! God! I feel like I'm seeing a goddess tonight!"

Bea screamed out of excitement when she saw her friend walking in her direction.

She felt heat right in her cheeks when she heard Bea.

She bowed slightly and smiled quietly.

"Hey, sh! maybe someone will hear you, huhu, it's embarrassing!" Scarlett whispered to Bea and laughed.

"And? and so what? You're really pretty! God! you should meet some of my cousins tonight. We don't know... you might like some of them. I mean they are really good looking too. Plus, they're rich rich! And I'm pretty sure, you're the girl they're also looking for." Bea scoffed, hugging her best friend out of excitement.

"I'm sure of that. Bestie, you're gorgeous, AS HELL! And smart, independent, knows a lot of things, maybe Ethan will like you, or Stefan, or maybe brother Ezekiel... "

Bea said as she played with her hair on her finger. "oh yeah! Maybe Cycy too!" She added.

Scarlett chuckled.

"How can you just suggest your cousins to me without hesitation, Bea? I mean. They may have someone they endear?" Scarlett commented.

They sat at a grand table with a few men in suits and Bea quickly greeted them.

"Oh! Dad! Hello, Uncle! Hello, Hello. She's my best friend, Scarlett Athena. And Sca, he's my Dad,"

Bea introduced her best friend.

Scarlett was a little embarrassed because of the looks of the three men who were sitting in their seats who immediately stood up when they saw her.

"Hello Darling, I'm Fabio Arisson, her dad and this is my brothers, nice to meet you gorgeous!" A man in his early 50's said then offered to shake hands with her.

she accepted it, with a reddish cheeks as she saw how genuine Bea's Dad and uncles were to her.

"Hello young lady, my name is Frank. Bea's gorgeous Uncle. Nice to meet you."

Another man wearing a black suit with a red rose on it said with a smile.

Bea immediately laughed. "Uncle Frank loves to joke, don't worry."

"And my dear I'm Fred. You must have a boyfriend, right? You're too gorgeous to be single." A man with a royal blue rose on his suit said.

It made the girl to laughed. "That's why I also bring her here, Uncle Fred. She must have met Ethan, or Ezekiel, or maybe brother Stefan and Cycy?" Bea scoffed.

"No, darling not Cycy. He's a she." Fred joked.

Laughter filled the entire table while Sca just stared at the plate in front of her.

When Bea saw Sca's strange silence, she immediately spoke.

"Why sis? don't you like the food? are you bored? do you want to go somewhere else? or drinks?" she asked.

Sca immediately looked at the woman next to her and shook her head. "No, Bea. I just uhm... I just wanted to—"

"Bea! Uncle Fabio! Uncle Fred! oh God I'm sorry I'm late."

from behind Fred, a tall man appeared, wearing a khaki suit with a good posture, gentle eyes and brown hair.

She immediately stopped at what she was going to say when she heard the young man's voice.

The same as to the young man who immediately saw her and temporarily stopped speaking.

"Ethan you're here! here, have a sit, son." Fabio said, whom Ethan immediately Followed.

"I didn't know that we had someone here." Ethan commented and immediately looked at her.

Sca smiled quickly when her eyes met with Ethan's which causes her to looked away.

"That's right, Brother Ethan. Meet Scarlett Athena, my best friend. And... Sca, my first cousin, Ethan Solomon." said Bea.

Ethan stood up again to extend his hand to the girl who was now standing and immediately accepted her handshake.

"You know, Brother. I'm not going to be mad if you'll date my best friend. You two are both perfect to be honest." Bea commented.

"Yeah son, she's gorgeous and single." Fred said.

Sca immediately let go of her hand and went back to sitting.

She can feel every thrill that Bea feels for her and Ethan while she almost doesn't know what to do.

The food arrived in front of the fancy table.

There is ham, there is salmon, there are fruits and different types of fruit that can only be found exclusively in Japan.

There is also a side dish of pork lechon and some sweet leche plan for dessert.

She immediately fell in love with the food.

but aside from the shame of taking the food served right away, the woman thought that Bea's family might have a few more traditions before eating so she waited.

After the prayer led by Ethan, they were happy to take what they wanted.

On her way to have smoked salmon and a cheesey lasagna, someone spoke again from in front of her.

"Oop. I'm sorry Bea but your cousin texted me, Ezekiel said he's so busy at a hospital and can't get here. That kid is really busy being a doctor." Frederick said.

It caused for Bea to frown. "Is that so uncle? Tell him to be safe then and don't work too much. And I missed him already."

She said, sounding sad as soon as she heard the news.

"If I didn't make it here, would you missed me too, Bea? It's always Ezekiel You're treating well, how about me?" Ethan said jokingly.

Bea's gaze abruptly changed. She rolled her eyes and pursed her lips and say.

"No I'm not. I hate you. You're my number one enemy remember?" Bea replied.

"Ouch, so I'm gonna go now since you're not happy that I'm here!"

the young man responded to his cousin and acted sad.

Fabio laughed at what he saw. He immediately wiped his mouth with a napkin and spoke.

"You two really like a dog and a cat, from then until now." he said laughing.

Bea laughed and spoke too.

"Nah I'm just kidding, So cous, how's your life as a lawyer? I've heard that you've kinda won a lot of cases in the court these past weeks, I wonder what kind of cases are you handling ..."

"Mmm. You're curious now huh? well uhm... those cases were about abuses and some are... crimes. But don't worry, once a case were under me, it will surely win in the court." He replied confidently.

Fred and Fabio and Frank laughed.

"That's a blood of Frevar, confident and strong." Fabio said.

When he's about to turn his gaze on the other side, he saw Scarlett who's also looking at him at the same time and smiled.

"And you, young lady... Tell us something about your life..." He said, talking to Scarlett.