
That Devil

Yeong Ja a young beautiful girl striving to be loved only to be betrayed by someone she thought would get married to her. Life kept playing a crucial joke on her because almost immediately she lost her dad whom she considers to be her everything until all hope was lost. She became a low life although she was to inherit all of her dad's wealth which was also being snatched from her. When will all of this endless trouble finally come to an end? She was in Coma for 4 years of her life and after that, she met Dal Chan. He was rumored to be the devil. Yeong Ja thought that she would never find love until she met this devil. Even her relatives who she thought were good turned out to be after her life and father's properties. Eun and Haneul! These two were hellbent on making Yeong Ja loose face to the world, but all it took for them to be annihilated was just by a snap of the finger. ----- Guilty4 on Facebook! On Instagram!! Join my private group "DaoistLv Official Readers" You will get information about me and my other books on other platforms!!

Peterson_89 · Fantasía
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67 Chs

Uncle Changed

His guards quickly gathered him, because the crowd was finally coming back out. And with the way he followed that girl, everyone must have noticed that it was the only girl that has ever caught his interest, Yeol Chan immediately sent out paparazzi that would gather pieces of information about the girl in question, who just left. Even Li Haneul and Hana couldn't even say that they were related because of fear, the event ended just like that and it was said to be the last event of the year.

Scarlet Hill~3pm,

finally, Yeong Ja's car came to a halt at the said location. Ja was shocked, those emotions, those strange feelings she felt that had surged powerfully within her was long gone already, she could no longer feel it. It was as if her nerves were never awake, Ja relaxed on the headrest of the car's seat. After a while, she stepped remembering about that devil, perhaps she wasn't going to ever meet with him again. She walked in to check the place out, because it has been ages since her mom stayed there until she died. Even after her dead, dad didn't even check the place out not once, so it looked dusty and unkept. Looking at the outdated cushions and furnitures, the broken lampshade, all of the scattered books on the floor, the broken shelves..damn, she had a lot of work to do, to get this place looking like home. Quickly she grabbed a broom as she started from pulling out the cobwebs hanging around, although she had never done dirty work like this before. Hours of cleaning and dusting went by quickly and she was done, she ordered for a new furnitures and fancy cushions and some necessary equipment and when it was delivered, the house now looked like home.

Not quite long, she started handling her dad's business right there in Hongdae as the new owner of "Yeong's Construction". It's been a complete two days and she has been indoor, not gone out, no fresh air, she didn't even buy the idea of sitting in a spot for some hours let alone staying at home for days without going out, she had been working non-stop and it was really frustrating so she handed the duty back to the companies C.E.O Luis Yang.

Indeed it's been two hell of a day for Ja because she couldn't do anything for fun, quickly closing her laptop she sighed. Suddenly Hyun woo's image flashed in her mind again but it seems she wasn't regaining her memories yet, the sound of her phone buzzing returned her back to her real world. It was her uncle Haneul on the line

"Uncle, how are you?" Ja's voice rang coldly but the man's tone of voice surprised the girl, it was rather harsh and sharp. "Come home now I want to see you"

She wouldn't blame him, it's Eun's fault by the way, she might have turned him against her but she doesn't care less. Ja realized that Eun wanted her G90 vehicle like badly, that car her dad bought on her birthday, if Eun really wanted Genesis G90, why not she buy it? at least Haneul was well to do, but why aim for hers?" Ja wondered. She decided that she would use one of her mom's bike, first things first, if she goes with this car now, she definitely won't be returning back with it. Yeong Ja freshened up, she was putting on a black T-shirt and a white jersey shorts, like she was going for a tennis tournament. She locked her house and drove out, putting on a black helmet.


Soon she arrived at the mansion, she slowly climbed down the bike and walked majestically into the house, but she halted at the door after she had entered the house.

"Uncle!" she called out, her hands deep in her pocket. Immediately Haneul came out with Eun by his side "where's your car?~ can I have the keys?" his first order rolled carefully from his lips, but his sudden order didn't move Ja even for a bit. "Car had an accident! brutal, so forget about it...oh and, if this was your sole purpose of calling me here, then you are a damn fool" Yeong Ja said as Haneul's face turned in anger but Eun was quick to divert his mood "Haneul, don't listen to her, call men to Scarlet Hill and force the car out, she's lying" Eun said and immediately Ja's eyes shot daggers towards Eun. "Listen Eun, I don't want to see men at my place, because if I do, be sure to hear from me" Ja said but Haneul kept taking her by surprise

"what will you do?..I can see how terribly you lie...did you forget that I detect lies?" Yeong Ja's eyes narrowed.

"Uncle, actually...um,i~dont want men...at my place or..." Ja threatened, she clicked her tongue as she walked backwards out of the house as her eyes never left them and Eun prayed she fell off the pavement but to her dismay, it didn't work. So quickly Eun walked out in an attempt to meet Ja and give her a piece of her mind. She grabbed Ja's cloth and slowly Ja stared at her hands that were on her cloth and slowly raised back her gaze towards Eun "No wonder your both parents died, leaving you. They left you because you're a cursed child, you're useless..when other ladies are acting like the pretty ladies that they are, you are here acting like a man, you are possessed" Eun hissed. But the only words ringing like bell in Ja's head was ~your both parents died leaving you alone because you're a cursed child~

Yeong Ja's brow bended sideways as her emotionless heart raged. She glared at Eun as her mind processed something devilish, slowly her gaze lowered to Eun's hands and she snatched the keys in her hand as her eyes pierced on the black jet car in the garage. What was in her heart to do to Eun couldn't Clear off unless she had done it. "she had the guts to call me a cursed child"

Eun wanted to snatch the keys back from her but Ja pushed her. Yeong Ja strolled towards the car and unlocked it, she slipped into it and soon began to fire up the car. Eun who thought that Ja wanted to leave with her car stood in the way so that Ja wouldn't be able to drive out. But to Ja, that was not the case, she wanted to run her over, make her hospitalized in such away that when she recovers, she never know to mess with someone like her again. Yeong Ja stepped on the gas as the car accelerated quickly but in no time Haneul pulled her out that the car swept by and hit the wall destroying the front part of the vehicle. It was a really bad timing for Ja.