
Terror Of The Living Dead

A global catastrophe breaks out, leaving the world helpless and determined to survive. The world is now surrounded by apocalyptic threats and there's no way to escape; no one's certain the government would come to their rescue. Emily is locked up in the world's famous restaurant with her insufferable colleague-miserably weak and slow. Her only chance of survival is to cooperate with him. Even if she want to swallow her pride, she isn't sure if her suffering is indeed safer than all the living dead outside. Ted Oliver, the most arrogant and obnoxious human. He goes out of his way to survive which implies killing everyone he found as a threat or easy target. When his secrets is on the verge of being exposed, Ted kills Mr. Christopher, one of the shareholders of Prestige Restaurant. He thinks of a way to survive with an helpless Emily crawling up behind him for protection. In a quest to survive new relationships are formed, trust are restored and unbroken homes are being repaired. Everyone must learn to watch their backs and stab their best friend when the time for survival suffice. Emily must learn to put up with the one man she vowed to never see again after her boyfriend betrayed her and let her to die.

NuellaDuru · Ciudad
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20 Chs

Chapter 7


       "You almost killed us!" Ricki pummeled Mr. Christopher hard. He was separated forcefully by Dave and Ted. "That guy. Tell him not to come close to me or I'll strangle him before those beasts get to him."

       "How is it my fault?" Adjusting his rumpled shirt, he snapped. "People don't just wake up and see...and see those freaking things! We don't even know what we are dealing with and if it's even real. I'm scared."

       "Well here's the truth old man, we are all scared! Does anyone here look excited to you?"

       "I am." Ted's sarcastic voice flew just before Christopher could process his reply. "I mean, life's boring like damn boring. This is just like real life temple run. I've never felt this much fun in my entire existence. Emily." She looked at him briefly before turning her attention back to her wounded arm. "What's that on your arm?"

       "It's called a wound." She put down the first aid box, getting up slowly. "Why? Does it gross you out?"

       "Was it..."

       "It was only a scratch. Wow. I didn't know you're this sensitive." She could tell he was worried but didn't know exactly why. Pulling out a handkerchief in her pocket, she tied the wound. "Here. It's all covered. Where's Mrs. Hilary?"

       "I have no idea." He replied and shook his head. "I'll go get us...myself something to eat. Oh, just so you know, I saw your boyfriend kissing that girl over there just before all this started. He's probably gonna lie and you'll believe it but I don't care." He stumbled across the room, heading for the kitchen.

       Emily sat down again, nursing her wound. The pain from the wound didn't match the pain she felt within what Ted had said. Ted was many things that included lying. However, the sincerity she saw in his eyes had her second-guessing the trust she had for Ricki. He came to Prestige and didn't inform her despite knowing she worked there. She wondered, if their lives didn't change in just a split second would she have known he was there? Scrutinizing the lady Ted pointed at one more time, she got up and walked over to where Ricki stood. "Baby."

       "Emily." he drew her close to his chest, shutting his eyes. "I thought something bad had happened to you."

       "I saw how you ran in here holding that lady's hand. She must be another dearest employee I guess." her lips curled up in a mockery way. "You must have many beautiful female employees."

       "Seriously?" he jerked off, rolling his eyes in disgust. "Our lives are about to be over and that's what you're thinking about? I'm disappointed."

       "Your reply has nothing whatsoever to do with what she just said." Ted sassed. "Dude, tell her if you're cheating or not. It's really simple."

       "Ted," Emily whispered, signaling to him to leave. He giggled maniacally then turned to leave. "You don't have to listen to him."

       "No, I do. If my girlfriend doesn't trust me, it's disappointing. If you want, I can take you to her. You can take my phone and check it."

       "It's okay." She gestured. "I don't even know what made me believe Ted. I'm sorry."

       Taking her hand in his, he placed a soft kiss on her lips, assuring her he wasn't cheating. Ted's loud and insensitive grin irked him.

       Emily pulled him back. Ted knows exactly how to bring the devil out of someone. Often I wondered if he took a class for provoking people. She sighed.

       Mr. Grande stepped out of the bathroom, pulled the hoodie he was wearing, covering his left hand, and looked around to know if anyone had seen him. Satisfied that no one had seen him, he walked till he got to where Dave sat. Ted stepped out of the bathroom much later, looking sad and distressed. He didn't say a word even when Emily approached him. Suddenly his hunger had dissolved. Taking a deep breath, he brought out his phone and turned on his favorite game. "Isn't Billy's name on free fire, Zeus? If he's online it means he's alive." He whispered.

      "Did you say, Billy?"

       Mr. Grande looked around the room for what seemed like an hour and sighed. He removed his glasses and shut his eyes. He knew he wasn't going to make it. That feeling-the same feeling he had when he lost his first child. His insides were burning-it felt like his bones were being restructured. He struggled to fight it. Tears rolled down his tired eyes. "Son." Not giving him a chance to reply, he said, "Why don't you want to get married to Mr. Festus' daughter? She's an amazing girl."

       Dave shrugged.

       Completely interpreting what that shrug meant, he laughed. Dave's lips parted ways, revealing his front tooth. He hadn't seen Mr. Grande laugh that much with him. Mr. Grande's head twitched. 7 pain-filled hours had gone by since they ran out of the conference room. No one knew what was going on outside. The television wasn't giving any news; It felt like nothing was happening. "I liked that lady. What's her name again?"

       "Hilary?" Mr. Grande nodded. "Come on, Dad. I already told you she's engaged. How did we lose her while running?" he asked softly. "I hope she's alright. The world's gone insane. It's like they are trying to feast on each other." He watched a live video of one of his Instagram followers. Everyone gathered around him to watch. Some of them gasped while others cried. Everyone had the same question in mind but no one to answer. Why did their loved ones try to chop their heads off? Was it a virus? Mr. Christopher and some other customers drew back. "Everyone's gone silent. It's like nobody is aware of what's going on. Do you think it's only this neighborhood that's affected?"

       "Son." Mr. Grande's voice grew colder. His veins popped out-it became visible even to Mr. Christopher who wasn't wearing his glasses at that time. "Why don't you like Mr. Festus's daughter?"

       "Again? Dad, we've been through this already." Dave replied lackadaisically. "She's not my type and I already have a girlfriend, Lizzy. She's amazing. She's not as beautiful and intelligent as Emily but she's better than Mr. Festus's daughter."

       "You never listen to me!" Bones cracking, hand going backward, his legs twisted. "This is exactly why we don't get along!"

       "What's wrong with Mr. Grande?" Christopher asked, his legs set to run at any dangerous movement. "Why's he behaving like that? Is he crazy or something?" It's the same dance vibe that the guy from earlier was giving.

       Mr. Christopher's question drew everyone's attention to Mr. Grande. Dave held until his dad, pushed him slightly to get his attention. "My dad ain't no crazy." he jabbed. "Dad. Are you alright? Did you forget to take your medicines?" Is this even a side effect of the medicine? "Dad." I'll call Mum. Hardly did he dial Mrs. Grande's number, the black balls in Mr. Grande's eyes disappeared, leaving behind two white bloody eyes. He advanced towards him, his left hand around Dave's neck. Dave gasped for air.

       "What are you doing, sir? He's your son." A female customer ran up to them, pulling him away from Dave. She didn't get an opportunity to ask if Dave was alright when Mr. Grande pounced on her, biting and sucking. Everyone stood still, shocked at the sight of what they were seeing. "Help me!"

      "You! Dave is," Mr. Grande growled.

       "Seriously? How many times do you guys get shocked? I didn't want to do this but I have to." Ted snatched the gun from Mr. Grande's P.A and shot him and the female customer.

       "Have you gone mad!" Mr. Christopher and Ricki tried to sever the guys. Dave's wrath and annoyance had no control over him as he rushed for the mop stick close to him and threw it at Ted. "He was my father!"

       "No, he wasn't! Didn't you see what he was doing to that lady?"

       "Ted's right." Added Mr. Christopher. "Mr. Grande looked like he was possessed by some demon. He was sucking that lady's blood. It's the same thing those people outside were doing. If he hadn't killed him, your head would have been next."

       "Guys," Sally called. She examined Mr. Grande's body and discovered he was missing a hand. Pointing out the obvious, everyone turned to look at Ted. Emily narrated to Dave how she witnessed Ted and Mr. Grande come out of the bathroom together.

       Ted's nonchalant attitude earned him another punch. Ricki stood in between, urging Dave to calm down and listen. After several pleas and apologies from everyone, he explained how Grande had sincerely begged him not to tell anyone he had been bitten. "We didn't know what was going on then." he continued. "Your father asked me to amputate his arm in case it was an infectious disease. I didn't want to get involved, but he's Grande after all. I only obeyed orders."

       "I don't get it. You think every maniac out there got infected after coming in contact with the living dead?"

       "Christopher, I have no idea. If this is just like the zombie movies I watch, then I think everyone probably got infected after being bitten. I mean, Grande was an example. I saw his arm and y'all saw how he was trying to drink that girl dry. And let's not forget those other customers from the conference room."

       "It's insane!" Sally screamed. "Nothing makes sense!"

       "Mr. Grande's death sure makes sense to me. We witnessed how he acted like a lunatic." Mr. Christopher replied harshly.

       "It's only because of you my dad got infected, asshole!" Taking in a deep breath he returned his gaze to Ted. "Why didn't you tell me any of these? You had the opportunity to tell me this for 7 hours!"

       "I already told you. I gave my word to your dad and I couldn't break it. I never go back on a promise, Dave." He strolled back to his seat not minding if everyone was glaring at him. Dave fought back tears, walking briskly towards the kitchen door, he pulled the door knob...

                  *     *      *

       "And that's how we saw Danny. I can't explain how but Ted managed to tie him up in the kitchen." Emily narrated, pausing to catch her breath. "A lot has happened in just seven days, ma'am."

       "Must be sad being locked up alone in here. Nobody to share your pain with." Ted sympathized. He drew closer to Danny, glaring at him like he was seeing his soul. "I know what you must be thinking." Danny glowered. "It's my fault I shouldn't have sent you to check on that customer. It's all Emily's fault. She and her Miss nice lady. You want to meet your friends, huh?" Danny launched forward, hands spread in the air like they were about to grab Ted's neck. Ted jerked off, making sure the rope was tied firmly to the cylinder.

       "Ted! Are you trying to kill us?" Emily asked with horror, misinterpreting what he was doing. She raised her head a little high then hissed a sigh of relief. "Don't take this the wrong way but why is Danny still alive?"

       "Jeez. He was your friend. You don't have to reveal how excited you are seeing him in this state. I know he loved you and you couldn't reciprocate his feelings."

       "Yeah. And I never wished him dead. Not even you or anyone else." She flipped her hair. "He was one of the few people in Prestige who understood me. Danny would do anything to make me or anyone sad smile-even mimicking what you looked like on your first day of employment."

       "He did that?" I can't believe I liked him a little bit and he was making fun of me. "Well, shit happens. Why are you here? I thought you would be so mad at me scheming up revenge with your minions."

       She got up, exercising her cramped legs. "Celine and Stacy ain't my minions."

       "Oh. So they must be your shoulders to cry on, emotional freak."

       "We can't keep him locked up in here with us. This rope ain't strong enough to hold him for much longer."

       "Do you hear that?" Ted's face lit up in excitement like someone who had just touched the moon. "It's almost like Danny's communicating with his fellow freaks outside. Every time he makes a noise, they reciprocate it. It's cute though."

       "No, it isn't." Fear crossed her face. She wrapped her arms around her chest, pacing around in distress. "If they can communicate then we can't keep him here much longer. And, the door can't even hold those monsters much longer either."

       "They ain't monsters. It's called living dead."

       How is he so relaxed? Everything about him is so cynical. "We need to find a way out of here or we will die."

       "Face it, Emily. Your life was miserable before all this. Why do you wanna live longer? It's not like you're certain you still have a family."

       "Fuck you, Ted. Have you never cared about someone before?" Emily asked indignantly. "You've never loved anyone."

       Ted frowned, but before he could reply a husky voice sounded from the doorway. "Forgive me for interrupting this love scene but what's the next step?" Mr. Christopher entered the kitchen, cradling his plate of sushi. "Sooner or later this place will be crowded by those demons."

       Ted gnashed his teeth in agony. He had lost the opportunity to yell at Emily. Not flinching at all, he returned his gaze to Danny, admiring his looks. "Everyone will die one day. Some today. Emily, gather everyone around. We need a plan."

       "Emily? I was looking for you everywhere." Ricki's masculine voice echoed in Ted's ears. For some reason, he felt the unnecessary urge to burst out laughing. "You are with him again?"

       "Baby, you were with her as well. Ricki, for the past several days you never gave me any of your attention. You were by that girl's side."

       "And you? How am I at fault?"

       "Don't start with this again." She warned. "You know I've always disliked Ted."

       "You spent the entire time by his side, Emily. How do you think I felt?"

       "Wow." Ted glanced over his shoulder in excitement. "Gaslighting your girlfriend must be how you've kept this relationship going for many years. Also, you call him babe and he calls you by your name? That's so unromantic and obvious that this love is one-sided."

       "Shut up, loser." Ricki cursed. Fumbling and groaning he punched his hand in the air. "You have been trying to take her away from me."

       "Now that's an unfair accusation, Sir." He replied sarcastically.

       "Well guess what? Emily is better off with me than you."

       "Beg to differ, Sir, Emily is better off without you. Emily, go tell everyone what I said. There's no time left." Damn. I've become too soft since a few minutes ago.

       "Sure." With that said, she stormed out. Ricki walked after her, yelling.

       Mr. Christopher drew closer. "Ted Oliver. I admire you a lot. I've always known you to be a man of impetuous passion. Sadly, your precarious hold on your temper is the reason we never became friends."

       "No, Chris. We never got along because we never shared the same approach. I wanted to succeed through hard work but you were always greedy for money and fame. We both wanted success but our approach was different." Throwing a piece of meat at Danny, he continued, "You robbed Prestige. Have you thought about what would happen when we get out of here? I'm not going to keep turning a blind eye to your crimes."

       "What then?" Mr. Christopher asked with resentment. His voice grew colder and more confident. "Will you tell him everything or should I do it? Dave would be so delighted to know the man he trusted so blindly has been deceiving him."

       Two minutes of silence were observed between them as Ted needed enough time to process everything. He didn't do it intentionally. If only he knew those foreigners were scum, he wouldn't have done it. There was no point trying to prove or tell Dave when he didn't have any evidence. Slowly and expectantly an evil grin formed on his lips leaving Mr. Christopher dumbfounded. Did he make a wrong choice by confronting the devil about his sins? he sat on his knees very close to Ted, trying his best not to reveal fear. "Forgive me." Ted broke the long awkward silence. "I was just thinking about how we'll escape this place. There's more we need to know about those living dead outside to be able to escape and I was wondering how and where we'll get that information." Pulling out a knife from the drawer, he got up. "We don't even know how long it takes a person to transform into that." his index finger pointed.

       "Sadly there is no way to find out. Wow. I can't believe this used to be Danny. He's so disgusting now."

       "Yeah. I bet someone would be saying the same about you in the next few minutes." he stepped backward, exploring the kitchen.

       "Right. So what do we do about Emily after this?"

       "Huh?" he pressed his lips together.

       "Prestige doesn't need her. She acts like she's the boss just because Dave favors her. I tell you, make use of this opportunity and get rid of her. If Emily gets to know about your reality, she might destroy you even before you get a chance." Just then he jumped to his feet. Twirling around in Ted's direction, he asked, "What did you say earlier?"

       What's wrong with him? "You've been doing the talking since. I didn't say a word."

       "What was that about someone saying the same about me in the next few minutes? I did hear you so don't deny it."

       "I am Christoper and I'm scared." he teased, laughing uncontrollably. "So sorry. I'm your biggest fan like crazy. You're so hilarious. Oh, you're serious." Clearing his throat again his eyes burned with devious desire. "Mr. Christopher, you shouldn't have done that. I told you several times that we are the same person. The only difference is I'm smarter and younger and obviously more handsome. Okay, there are three differences."

       "You are a monster and a psychopath. You stay away from me unless I won't hesitate."

       "I may be many things but I ain't no monster. And I'm sure everyone here wants the same thing I do."

       "Or maybe they want what I'm about to do." Before Ted could get a grip on the situation, Mr. Christopher's hands were on his neck, pulling him towards Danny's open arms. "I'll end your story and no one would know what happened. You will die just like Emily's dad."

       He seriously has a grudge against Emily. I thought he was just being immature.

       "Ted! Come quick! We are unable to hold the door for much longer!" Emily's voice echoed from outside.

       When Ted wasn't looking, Mr. Christopher snatched his knife and slashed him on the cheek. He jerked off, moaning in pain. Looking at his wounded face in the mirror by the sink, his eyebrows snapped together angrily. "That does it. Thank you for making what I'm about to do look like self-defense." Not giving him a chance to speak, he shoved his fist at his face twice; making him land on his back. Mr. Christopher didn't get up. His short legs and round stomach made it difficult to get up immediately. His right hand held the dishwasher firmly as support. His left hand didn't make it to the dishwasher when Ted's foot flew across his face-pushing him back. This time falling underneath Danny.

       "No-no-no. Ted, let's sit and discuss this. We don't have to resolve our feud like this." he sobbed. "I'll give you anything just mention. Please don't do this! My family is waiting."

       "I'm sorry. I wish I wasn't a monster and a psychopath. I'm not doing this because I hate you. I have to save the others and to do that I need to know more about what we are dealing with. Just assume you are the second Jesus Christ. One man already died for us; it won't hurt if another dies." Have fun, Danny. It's my gift for all your hard work and dedication to Prestige. Snatching the knife from him, he untied the rope preventing Danny from attacking then fell back on the wall, watching Danny attack Mr. Christopher.

       "Isn't that Mr. Christopher's voice?" Stacy stammered. She hid behind Celine, hands shivering. "What happened to him?"

       "He's a dramatic guy. I'm sure it's nothing serious." Celine sighed. The color had drained from her face since the news of her dad's death. Stacy needed someone to rely on. Revealing the emptiness she felt within wouldn't help either one of them. Drawing Emily's attention, she asked why they were forced out of the bathroom.

       Emily shook her head. Even she didn't know what was taking Ted so long to come out.  She paced around worriedly, hoping nothing had happened to him or Mr. Christopher. Despite knowing how much those two guys hated her, she never wished death on them. Maybe there was still some good left in Ted and he just needed to discover it. She used to think. Her fingernails pierced her skin through her cloth. Maybe I should check on them. "Guys, I have to go in. I'm really worried something bad might have happened."

       "No." Dave drew closer. "I already lost someone very important to me. I won't lose another one."

       "Dave, I have to tell you something." Sadness filled her body as she narrated Lizzy's visit and why she couldn't tell him earlier. She wasn't certain if Lizzy nor her family were alive.

       Dave's reply was a gentle nod and wry smile. He remained calm. Ted ran out of the kitchen, passed Emily, and almost stopped to talk to her. But he kept walking. Why tell her anything? He wasn't obliged to report everything about himself to her. Just as she was fast approaching him, Mr. Christopher ran out of the kitchen screaming for help.

       He rushed to the door, trying to open it but was pulled forcefully by two firm hands. "Enough drama, oldie." The young footballer screamed. "You already took the lives of many humans then and you tryna do the same thing again?"

       "Him!" he pointed, making sure everyone saw whom he was referring to. "He's a murderer. He tried to kill me."

       "Everyone get away from him! Mr. Christopher's been infected." 3,4,5. he counted.

       "No-no-no! It's a small bite. I'm alright." Everyone except Ted stepped away. He stood close to the doorway. "Ted did this! He pushed me!"

       "Why would I do that, huh?" 7,8,9. "I don't have anything against you. Where's the gun? Dave, you need to shoot him right now!" 

       "No!" Mr. Christopher screamed. The chairs used in preventing the door from opening fell. The infected outside fell on the door, growing and scowling. "I won't die! Never!"

       We have to get out of here. Sooner or later this place is going to be bloody. "Dave, Celine take that guy," he pointed at the footballer. "Go check if you can open the bathroom window. All of you go! I'll hold the door. Get out quickly!" 14,15,16... Just then Mr. Christopher pulled Stacy away from Emily. All efforts to separate them failed as he had reached his final stage.

       Still trying to fight it, he yelled, "I told you I'm not going alone."


       "Damn it! Where the hell is that gun? Dave! How the fuck is he Mr. Grande's son? He's such a waste. Dave!" Before Dave could pull the trigger, Mr. Christopher had already bitten Stacy. The young footballer snatched the gun from Dave and pulled the trigger, aiming directly at his forehead.

       "The toilet is a bad idea. There's more of...." her statement was halted by the sight of blood gushing from her sister's neck. "What's going on? What happened? Stacy. Emily what happened to my sister?!" Taking Stacy's hand in hers, her eyes flooded with tears. "It's going to be alright. How did y'all let this happen? I was gone for 2minutes and my sister,"

       "16 minutes. Stacy has exactly 16 minutes before she changes into those things. Till then you can say your final goodbyes. Ricki, come with me. Make yourself useful if that's the only thing you'll do before dying." Ted's insensitivity didn't sit well with Celine as her fist was already kissing his cheek. She raised her hand in the air, pulling him by the shirt. "Why didn't neither of you do anything?"

       "What could I have done?" he yelled defensively. "My knife was with Christopher and the only weapon we had was with Dave. He couldn't even shoot the fucking gun at that bastard! He's the reason your sister is in this condition not me." Jerking away from her, he ran into the toilet along with Ricki. Everyone seriously has a grudge against my handsome face.

       "I'm sorry, Celine. I was here but I couldn't do anything."

       "That's your problem. You never do anything."

       "Emily's not to blame." Stacy's voice grew weaker. "And, I don't want you and Emily to separate because of me. You said I was a lot like Dad, right? I can't live without him. Maybe this is for the best. I'm futile. I'm of no use to you at all. I can't do anything. While growing up whenever I was in trouble I always came to you for help. Remember what you would tell me?"

       "Shut up."

       "You'll say, Stacy, you are not a coward. Learn to stand up for yourself. One day I won't be there to save you. You'll go on yelling, Stacy be brave! Don't let anyone push you around. Don't be gullible. A day will come when I might not be there for you."

       "I'm sorry." She cried, drawing Stacy close to her chest. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to save you. I never meant any of that. I never meant it. I'm so sorry, Stacy. Please don't leave me. Mum's already left and then Dad and now... Please Stacy don't leave me."

       "Finally. Finally, I get to see tears in my sister's eyes. I told you that one day you'll cry just like me. You used to call me a crybaby but who's the biggest crybaby now, huh? I wish I had my phone on me; you should see yourself right now."

       "Stop saying silly things. It's not funny. Does it hurt?" Celine placed her hand on her neck. "It hurts, doesn't it? I shouldn't have left you alone."

       "It doesn't hurt. It's kinda cool. Celine, this is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I couldn't be brave as a human but I know I'll make a very strong monster. I'll stand up for myself now, right? Now I feel really powerful and brave. I'll finally get to be with Mum and Dad. Don't cry, Celine. It doesn't suit you. I used to brag about how my sister never cried; you are letting me down here."

       "The door!" Ted's voice came through. He and Dave had succeeded in opening the kitchen window. Everyone was almost out. "Crap. Dave, get everyone out quickly! We don't have much time." he fired the gun. The young footballer stood beside him fighting off the living dead with his rod. "Emily, get Celine out of here, right now!"


        "I'm not leaving without Stacy. She's still my sister."

       I have to do something or she'll get us killed. Killing the infected by his side, he pointed the gun at Stacy. "I'm sorry, Stacy."

       "Wait!" Emily stood in between. "It's been more than 20 minutes and she's not changed. Maybe she ain't gonna be like them."

       "She's right. I feel normal. I can think, I can talk, I see well and I do not feel the urge to bite anyone's head out." Stacy leaped in excitement. "Please don't kill me. I don't want to die."

       "She's alright, Ted. You don't have to kill my sister."

       How's that feasible? I'm sure I counted correctly. It took Christopher 16 minutes to change. No. I can't risk the lives of everyone just because of one person. "I can't believe it even if I want to. Everyone who got bitten changed, Emily. No one's made it. Maybe hers an hour or so but I can't risk it."

       "Have you lost it? She's my sister!"

      "Ted, their number is increasing! We have to get out of here now! We can't fight them off alone!" the young man signaled. "Dave!"

       "Shit! The toilet." Dave picked up one of the woods on the floor and fought along with the young man. "Ted, we have to go. It's getting pretty difficult to kill them."

       I ain't taking no chances. He cocked the shotgun at Stacy. "Emily take Celine out of here."

       "Ted!" Emily pulled her forcefully as she sobbed. Stacy leaned back on the wall, assuring Celine it was the best thing and the only option. She felt Ted made the right choice. There was no guarantee she wouldn't change. After hugging Celine one last time, she jerked off, running into the bathroom. "I have to go after her. Let me go!"

       "Celine, wait!" Stacy slammed the door, turning a deaf ear to Celine's plea.

       Ricki ran towards them and lifted Celine, allowing her to climb out through the window. "You're not the only one who hates him." He replied. "I do. You can only get revenge if you survive."

       "Hey! Go quickly. I'll keep them busy." After everyone had climbed in, Ted grabbed Emily's hand and ran for the window, living dead chasing after them. "Ricki, take Emily's hand quickly."

       "There's no space for anyone again. I'm sorry."



       "He closed the window from the other side. He left me."

       "Emily, this isn't a time to think." His stick went into the head of one of the living dead advancing towards them. "We have to survive no matter what. Ready?"

       "There's too many of them."

       "As soon as they all enter the room, fight and run as fast as you can. Come in, you freaks!" He yelled. 

       This is it. Mum, if you're alive, I want you to know I'm very sorry for not telling you about my job earlier. I was never ashamed of you at all. Ted's voice echoed in her ears like a whistle. She grabbed the knife and mopstick on the table, fighting desperately to survive.