
Terror Of The Living Dead

A global catastrophe breaks out, leaving the world helpless and determined to survive. The world is now surrounded by apocalyptic threats and there's no way to escape; no one's certain the government would come to their rescue. Emily is locked up in the world's famous restaurant with her insufferable colleague-miserably weak and slow. Her only chance of survival is to cooperate with him. Even if she want to swallow her pride, she isn't sure if her suffering is indeed safer than all the living dead outside. Ted Oliver, the most arrogant and obnoxious human. He goes out of his way to survive which implies killing everyone he found as a threat or easy target. When his secrets is on the verge of being exposed, Ted kills Mr. Christopher, one of the shareholders of Prestige Restaurant. He thinks of a way to survive with an helpless Emily crawling up behind him for protection. In a quest to survive new relationships are formed, trust are restored and unbroken homes are being repaired. Everyone must learn to watch their backs and stab their best friend when the time for survival suffice. Emily must learn to put up with the one man she vowed to never see again after her boyfriend betrayed her and let her to die.

NuellaDuru · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Chapter 6

She got up from the chair, hoping he would stop her. Everyone gave her a sympathetic look except him. His foot tapped, waiting anxiously for her.  

       "Ted, stop this. It's embarrassing even for her. What would you gain by doing this?"

       "Satisfaction," Dave begged again and tried to reason with him but he remained defiant.

       His response pierced her heart like a bullet. Is it worth it? Choosing to become like the monsters outside seemed like a better option to her. Her right knee came down slowly before bringing the other left knee down. Joining her hands together, she begged, fighting off the tears trying so desperately to roll down. "Save me, Ted. Please save me." It felt like her world had collapsed at that moment.

       Gratifying. Ricki smiled.

       This isn't fun anymore. He walked away, unsatisfied with the reaction of everyone. He darted back from her in fury and yelled, "She ain't dead! Stop giving me that dirty look." They react to the most insignificant thing.

       Emily's eyelids shut- allowing her to process everything that had happened.  She got up with the help of Dave. Staring at him pitifully, Emily's foot dragged itself to the back, going towards the toilet. "Hey."

       Stacy's head came out first, revealing her teary eyes. Emily rushed over to where she squatted, lowering her head. Celine sat still, pressing her phone; she didn't notice when Emily walked in. Stacy's soft tap on her shoulder drew her back to reality. She waved and then returned her gaze to her phone. "Already eaten?"

       "Yeah. Feels like I haven't."

       "Why?" Celine asked-eyes still fixed on her phone. "Didn't taste good? Angela always makes the best food."

       Emily returned her a wry smile. She squatted close to Stacy, taking her hand in hers. "Still not able to contact your dad?"

       "Yeah. I've been trying to call every damn FBI that works in that department but no one's answering or returning my calls. I hate when people do this. I don't even know if I should pray for his safety or..."

       "No-no-no." Stacy jerked, pulling her hand away. "He's alright. Nothing's going to happen to him. He's really strong and courageous. Those monsters out there are no match for him."

       "Stacy's right." Emily inhaled. "Doc Chris is an incredulously intelligent guy. Often I wondered how a man like that existed. I mean, he's good-looking, intelligent, talented, and more. People used to say there was no perfect man, but Doc Chris is the epitome of perfectionism. He deserves a Guinness record. Can't wait for when he finally becomes my dad too. If mum is still alive." her face dropped at her last statement, hoping her family was still alright. "Oh!" She gasped, remembering something. Her hand flew right into her pocket, pulling out something wrapped in a napkin. "Here. Mrs. Angela gave me this earlier. I was going to share it later with," Celine's eyes traced hers to the wall. Danny was in there. He got infected after coming in contact with the customer earlier. If only she didn't force Ted to check on the sick customer maybe the virus wouldn't have spread, Danny would have still been with them, her family would have...She smiled softly, trying not to think about the present. "Mrs. Angela's cookies taste good. He always wanted to have one."

       "Too bad he never got to tell you how he felt. I never liked him that much but I also didn't hate him. Prestige's going to miss him."

       "You think Prestige would exist after this?" Stacy's baffled look seemed like an infection as they were staring at each other with the same question in mind. "If the government can't come up with a remedy for whatever's happening, how do they intend on reviving California?"

       "You think?"

       "They are going to burn down this city?" Celine cut in sharply. "That's insane."

       "What's insane is thinking the American government would save almost 50,000 infected people." Stacy's fist clenched on her lap. "I didn't even fall in love. I used to think I will get married to this dashing prince from England. I'll be like Meghan Markle. You know her, right?"

       "Yes. She's the American girl who sold me that Gucci bag last Saturday." Celine sassed. "She's just like Dad. She acts like she knows it all."

       "I didn't tell you to drop out of college." Stacy munched the last cookies in her hand, not blinking an eye in her sister's direction. She already anticipated the murderous look Celine was giving her. "You are right. It tastes really good. Why does the last bite of everything have to be this good?"

       "I hope you choke on that cookies."

       "Be careful what you say." Sally walked into the bathroom. She sat in the bathtub. "The last time someone said something dangerous, it came to pass."

       "What's she saying?" Celine questioned. She loves gossip a lot. This is exactly why we don't get along. I wonder if she's right this time. She tossed the used napkin into the trash can, turning to face Sally. "You were saying?"

       "Just let it be," Emily said, just as Sally was about to inform Celine of the incident that happened earlier. "It's nothing. She's just being her usual self."

       "I smell something fishy."

       "Me too." Stacy grimaced. "No. For real, I'm smelling something fishy. I knew it!" She exclaimed, at the sight of the finished sardine container in Sally's hand. "You had fish the entire time and didn't share? You know the number one rule in Prestige. Never eat selfishly."

       "Come on, I was too worried to think about that. And, Ted made Emily knee and beg to save her life." That came out even before she could give it a second thought.

       "What?" She exploded like a bomb. Her attention was drawn again to the message that popped up on her phone. "Who the hell is Aguilera and why is she with my dad's phone?"

       Stacy's answer flew in immediately, excited that Aguilera was with Doc Chris's phone. She quickly narrated who Aguilera was and how she saved Danny from going to jail.

       Not giving any thought to what Stacy had to say, she continued, "Why did you kneel before Ted? Don't you have any self-respect left in you? I'm so mad right now! I can't believe you let me down so much. You've given him the satisfaction he needed. Congrats."

       "If I didn't do it, I would be dead by now. Sometimes life___"

       "Fuck life shit!" She cursed. "People who wrote those quotes don't even follow them. On one hand, they tell you, to fight for what is yours, and then they say again, don't fight; if it's truly yours it would come back. I'm disappointed. He must be feeling so hyper right now. And who the hell did you say is Aguilera again?" She asked, returning her gaze to Stacy.

       "She says she's with Dad's phone but doesn't know if he's still alive." Stacy read, almost inaudibly. Her voice trembled. "Doc Chris was locked up in a separate cell before the attack." She continued, determined to reach the end hoping for a positive twist. "After she and Inspection Fred made it out of the interrogation room and the building, Dare..." Gently and slowly, the phone fell from her hands. Burying her face in her hands, she sobbed endlessly. "Why him? He didn't do anything wrong so why did they arrest him?"

       "Dad couldn't even create a vaccine; how the hell did they think he created this virus? He killed someone?" She scoffed, at the last line of the message. "My dad killed someone." She didn't say another word when a continuation of the previous message came in. "Oh. They thought he killed someone. Removing her apron, she fell back on the wall, dialing the number again. "Aguilera?"

       The receiver on the other end waited for a while before replying, "Yes. Am I speaking to Doc Chris's daughter?" She whispered. It sounded like she was hiding in a corner.

       "No. You are speaking to his security guard. Impractical question. Where is my dad?"

        Stacy nodded in agreement, waiting for the lady's reply.

       "I'm sorry. I take full responsibility for your father's death."

       "Who else did you think would take full responsibility? Me?" 

       "Celine." Emily's melodious voice filled the room. After hearing of Doc Chris's death, her attention drifted. She couldn't stop imagining the worst had happened to her family. She drew her lip between her teeth and said, "She didn't intend for any of this to happen. They saw a dead man in his house, no one knew what was going on then so it only makes sense to think they arrested him. Anyone would have assumed the same."

       "My dad is dead." She nibbled on her bottom lip as the weight of the grief crushed her timid heart. Her eyelids dropped as she tightened her fist. "I never even had a chance to patch things up with him since Mum died and now he's gone. He's dead." She echoed in disbelief.

       "Emily, where's Ted?" One of their customers brought her head in through the bathroom door. "It's getting problematic to stop those monsters...living dead...whatever those things are from coming in." 

       On their way out, the customer stopped. She asked politely what had happened to Mrs. Hilary, Danny, and Mr. Grande. News had gotten out before everything happened that Mr. Grande was going to attend the party in Prestige. Emily's face dropped. She inhaled deeply and exhaled then narrated, "Well,"