
Terror Of The Living Dead

A global catastrophe breaks out, leaving the world helpless and determined to survive. The world is now surrounded by apocalyptic threats and there's no way to escape; no one's certain the government would come to their rescue. Emily is locked up in the world's famous restaurant with her insufferable colleague-miserably weak and slow. Her only chance of survival is to cooperate with him. Even if she want to swallow her pride, she isn't sure if her suffering is indeed safer than all the living dead outside. Ted Oliver, the most arrogant and obnoxious human. He goes out of his way to survive which implies killing everyone he found as a threat or easy target. When his secrets is on the verge of being exposed, Ted kills Mr. Christopher, one of the shareholders of Prestige Restaurant. He thinks of a way to survive with an helpless Emily crawling up behind him for protection. In a quest to survive new relationships are formed, trust are restored and unbroken homes are being repaired. Everyone must learn to watch their backs and stab their best friend when the time for survival suffice. Emily must learn to put up with the one man she vowed to never see again after her boyfriend betrayed her and let her to die.

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20 Chs

Chapter 2

Emily set the tables right. Glancing at her wristwatch, she surveyed the lavishing and elegant decor around her. It was September 26th, the day Prestige Restaurant opened and over 2500 seats were set around the enormous restaurant. Prestige Restaurant was formed in 2010- since then it had given birth to almost 60 restaurants all over the world. Prestige was known for its diversity and warm welcoming of Its employees. In April 2022, it received 8 awards for the best restaurant in the world and had a special spot on the Guinness Book of Records. It was the first time since 2011 they hosted that many people in the mother restaurant.

       It came as a huge surprise to everyone that the owner of Prestige- the one who achieved great success was a young bachelor, Dave Grande. Dave was the second son of Mr. Grande and the successor to Supreme Chocolate Factory. At the age of sixteen, he moved out of The Grande Mansion to pursue his dream. One could say that no one believed him then, but looking at the great success he achieved; everyone including the man who was rumored to have no heart had nothing but congratulations to say.

       She cradled her mug and watched as Anne Gomez, Stacy Preston, and Celine Preston set flowers in the middle of each table. She admired their matching outfits while taking a sip out of her mug. Anne Marie wore a black gown with purple roses at the back, black red heels, and a boyfriend jacket while Stacy Preston wore a purple gown with pink roses above her belly, sneakers, and a jacket, and Celine was known for being different. She wore her anti-cancer t-shirt, black crazy jeans with roses by the side, and a face cap. She wiped the heat from her forehead, her right hand supporting her waist. Her heavy eyes and vibrating feet had a lot to say.

       "Nothing's gonna go wrong today. I have a good feeling about this. We can do it." All Emily needed was a little positivity to get her worries off her chest. She twirled around slowly to where such positive words came from- Mrs. Angela was munching the last piece of burnt meat in the frying pan. She winked back at Emily, moving quickly into the store to refill her tray. Gazing up at the wall, Mrs. Angela's picture hung beside Dave's portrait.

       2010-2022. She beamed. What a consistent lady she is. "Excuse me!" Emily called out to their gas refilling guy "Put that in there. There's still one in the storage room."

       Walking ahead of her into the kitchen, he asked, "Really? Why did sir ask me to bring in another one?"

       "Isn't it obvious?" She smiled. "Ted is the biggest jerk ever. He's been a gigantic jerk since he got a promotion." Taking the receipt from him, she sighed. "I'm sorry about the stress."

       "Hey, my pleasure. Prestige has saved me multiple times. I owe my life and that of my beautiful wife to you guys, honestly." With that said, he lowered his head and then stepped out. Emily admired him as he reached for the exit door.

       She pulled out her phone which had been vibrating the entire day. Unlocking the phone, a voicemail popped up. "Hey knucklehead, how are you doing?" It played. "Knucklehead, you need to get out of there with my girls. It's not..." A loud shattering noise was heard from the background before disconnecting.

       "Hello! Hello, Uncle Chris!" 

       "Did you say, Dad?" Celine ran up to her, wiping the sweat on her forehead with the back of her palm. She threw the rag in her other hand at Stacy to draw her attention. "What did my old man say?"

       "Nothing much," Emily replied. "He just said we should get out of here and it disconnected. I'm trying to call him but he ain't picking up. You think everything's alright over there?'

       Stacy and Celine nodded simultaneously. Stacy flipped through the order papers in her hand. "That's how our old man is. He's probably in the forest doing some dumbass research again. He never listens to anyone."

       "She's right, honey. You of all people know my old guy so well. I haven't seen him since I got employed here. That's like um..."

       "4years!" Emily screamed in disbelief. She couldn't believe her ears. If she didn't know Celine that well, that would have been a good time to give her an earful. "How could you stay away from him for 4yrs? You know how difficult it was for him after he lost your mum."

       "That's exactly why I stayed away from home." her expression dulled. It was obvious she didn't want the conversation to proceed- but also didn't want to pick a fight with her best friend. "It's all in the past now." She continued. "I called him three nights ago. He's doing okay. Plus, we agreed to do a little family reunion this Sunday."

     "True," Stacy added. She wasn't much of a talkative as her sister. Rumor had it that she counted every word she uttered per day. Stacy was only 5 years when they lost their mum to cancer. The trauma became unbearable for her and Celine they were immediately taken out of the country by their aunt.

       Emily frowned but knew better than to say more. The girls didn't like to discuss their family matters. Determined to change the subject and lighten the room again, She took a brownie from Sally's tray, "Mrs. Angela made this. It's her newest dessert. Our customers will be so dazzled if they had a slow munchy bite of it."

       "If they'll get a chance to enjoy it." Sally danced away with her tray.

       "If y'all are done with your little girly chat, I would like to inform you that we have thousands of customers coming in today and Dave is already giving his appreciation speech down in the conference room." Ted Oliver sassed.

       Dave? Did he just address the boss by his name? Whatever. She exhaled. Dropped her phone in her purse then turned and asked, "Now? Oh no. How could I forget about the speech." Uninterested, rude, and Sarcastic. Ted could read a lot of negativity in her response.

       His lips curved into a snarl. "No need to panic. I never trusted you anyways." his proud sarcastic smile made Celine slam her palm on the table close to them. "I've taken care of everything. Come down quickly; Dave's waiting for you. I don't know why and I don't even want to know. It's not like you are useful to us." he mumbled. Taking one of the desserts from Anne Preston's tray, Ted walked away.

       Emily had her eyes fixed on him the whole time until he was out of sight. She raised her mug a little higher and drank the last coffee. Ted reminded her of the little demons she used to watch in movies many years ago. There was no difference between him and them. Glancing at the portrait of Ted on the wall, she let out a soft sigh. Promoted my ass. He doesn't deserve this award.

       Celine snapped her fingers to draw her attention. When she was indeed certain Emily was listening, she danced to the music blaring from Danny Drill's music player.

       "Prestige Sister," One of the employees pointed at Celine. "Where do I put this?"

       Oh geez. We are like family in Prestige doesn't mean you should call me that hideous name. Prestige Sister? How unfortunate I am. She mimicked. "In the kitchen. Give it to Angela."

        As some of the employees stepped out, they sent out their greetings to the girls. Stacy moved her body along to the song. She raised a thumb at the customers that cheered for her. "One family. I don't think I'll quit this job if I get married."

       "Find a husband first and we can talk about this."

        Sister. She says the meanest things with a straight face.   

       One of the waitresses stopped to embrace Ted. He jerked away, wiping his shirt swiftly. "I play solo. Fuck this fake family shit y'all doing." His eyebrows furrowed.

       The lady turned to gaze at Emily and the others.

       Angry egoistic jerk.

       As if they could read Emily's mind, everyone turned and nodded in agreement.

       "Sir, I'll help you with the files. You can leave it here."    

       Taking one scrutinizing look at the waitress, he shrugged and held his files firmly. Does she love me? Why is she being so persistent? Disgusting. She ain't my type.

       "Can you stop being an a-hole for once and do as she says? She's only trying to assist you." Emily's reply resounded in his ears. He's impossible. He works in another man's restaurant and he's so full of himself.

       Irritating. He balled his eyes. Clutching the files firmly, Ted pulled out a leg and tapped his feet on the floor. "Learn to let go of the past, Dimwit. You're still hurting because I took credit for an idea you came up with. Old man, forget and move on."

       Dimwit? Old man! Emily's face reddened and her throat tightened as she glared at him with every last laser in her eyes. "That's the only reason you got promoted, you ungrateful hag!" Calm down, Emily. Today is a special day for Dave and Prestige Restaurant. I can't let this freak get to me. "You don't deserve anything you've gotten so far. But I'm willing to let go. To be fair, I did let go a long time ago."

       Let go of my foot. Is that the face of someone who has forgotten? "Just to be clear, your idea contributed 2% to my promotion. Don't get ahead of yourself." As he was about to walk away, he twirled around and said in an authoritative tone. "Get me a magazine when coming. I haven't read one in two days. I feel like an illiterate."

       Magazine! "What does a magazine have to do with a restaurant? Plus, we are co-workers. He can't order me around, right?" He's so annoying.

       "His obnoxious attitude is always dismissed every time someone reports him. His dad serves this country and he's one of the stockholders of Prestige." Anne noted. What a lucky kid. God, why do you always bless the wrong people?

       "What do you expect?" Celine sighed. Stockholder my fucking foot!"

       Ted frowned at her audacious reply. He hesitated for a while then stormed out angrily. She's the worst. I can't stand her. No matter what I do, she's always ahead.

       "Don't let that asshole get in your head." She advised and took a piece of cake from Anne's tray. "He's a piece of shit. Girl, you gat to start wearing that bulletproof. Pricks like Ted shouldn't have a right to hurt you." Are they serving the meat for free?

       "Yeah. Only Dave Grande has the right to your heart." Anne and Stacy corresponded as if it was planned. Turning to each other in astonishment, they blushed. "He's so damn hot."

       Celine nodded. "He is. I thought you guys were gonna come back as a couple last summer. What are you still waiting for?"

       "Hello." She waved. "Let me remind y'all that Dave is our boss and the owner of Prestige Restaurant. Plus, he's never asked me out before so how could I just push myself at him? I'm not cheap."

       "Maybe he's just shy."

       "Or he ain't interested in her," Danny said softly but in a stern voice. He made faces at the girls and then continued with what he was doing.

       "He still loves you. He's so cute when he's jealous." Celine teased. She placed her hand in her pocket and pulled out a small book and pen. "Emily, what does Mrs. Smith like?" I should write all these down before I forget again. "I can't wait. I'm already feeling the adrenaline rush."

       "You mean my mum!" She's at it again. I can't believe this girl. When did she become a matchmaker? "Is it for Uncle Chris?" her eyes showed no sign of interest in Celine's craziness but at the same time excitement for them. She couldn't care less who her mum ended up with as long as she was happy.

       Looking up at Emily, she replied, "Who else? It's pretty obvious those two love each other like crazy. I heard Mrs. Pattie talk over the phone the other day that Dad plans on proposing to your mum once he returns."

       "This means, I'll have to see you every day?" Emily screamed intentionally. Celine's expressionless face drew her out of her joke. "Just kidding. I would love it if we became actual sisters. Ted would go crazy if he found out."

       "I better go check on my chicken in the oven," Anne noted. "Hey, Em. Have you noticed that Celine's been hyper since morning?" Her shoulder rubbed against that of Emily's.

       "I was so busy that I didn't. Oh my! Is she..." She returned the vibe, signaling gossip mode.

       "You bet your cinnamon she is. Not just it- he proposed to her."

       "Thanks a bunch, Anne Preston," Celine said, her mouth curled to the side, glaring at Anne as if she wanted to kill her. "I didn't hide it from you intentionally." She explained. Emily was already giving her the look she long anticipated. Emily was going to find out one day. She didn't expect Anne to blow it out without a warning. "We started dating 6 months ago. He proposed to me yesterday and I said yes. I love him so much, Emily. I'm sorry for not letting you know." 

       "Are you kidding?" Brushing away the hair on her face, she continued, "You must have your reasons."

       "Reasons?" Anne giggled. "Her reason is so ridiculous." The emphasis on 'So' was highly noticeable. "She wanted to get you and the boss together before telling you everything. Your dear friend, Celine, plans on getting you and the boss drunk tonight."

       "What?" her voice echoed. Mrs. Angela looked up in fear, to be sure there wasn't another earthquake. She covered her pot of soup and moved to the side. "You three planned this? I've said so many times that I'm in a relationship with Ricki Ross. If he found out about your plan, he'll be so mad."

       "Relationships are meant to be broken. Trust me on this. Only I know what's best for everyone here. I'm a relationship pro." Celine bragged. "Look, you ain't even sure if Ricki is being faithful to you right now. There's no guarantee he ain't cheating on you with some random girl in his office."

       "He isn't." Emily took a deep breath and twirled around happily. "He loves me." Ricki would never cheat on me with some other girl. When her phone rang again, she pulled it out of her pocket and answered.

       "Emily Smith?" The receiver called out in a harsh tone.

       You called and you're still asking if I'm Emily Smith. "Yeah. Mr. Fetcher, I haven't fled the country. I remember." Her eyes bored into Celine's. A nod was enough for Celine to know who had called.

       "It's not about not fleeing the country." He replied. "Plus, if you do that then I'll be forced to open a case against your family. You need to pay up your Dad's debt, Emily. The more time you waste, the higher the interest. I won't help you even if I can."

       Asshole. She disconnected the call and dropped her phone in her back pocket. I have to clear his loan as soon as possible so I don't get to see this bastard ever again.

       Stacy gazed at the security check outside the entrance door. The sun seemed to be saying goodbye to California for the day. Customers had already started flooding in. In no distant time, 1600 seats were already occupied by hungry customers. Youths had the highest number- especially ladies ranging between 16-26 years. Some came just to catch a glimpse of Dave Grande. Their intentions didn't matter as long as they ordered food.

       The older ones amongst them sat together around 8 large tables, sending out their greetings to Stacy and the others. No one felt discriminated against. Everyone was allowed to eat freely regardless of what gender or age they identified with.

       "Excuse me." A young lady about their age walked over to them. Dressed in an Italian gown, a pink fascinator, and long heels- her long blond hair danced in the air. The girls observed her in amusement; that didn't imply Celine. One glance at the beautiful damsel was all she needed not to drool over her. "Where's Dave? I mean your boss."

       Celine placed her right hand on her waist. Even before getting an introduction from the girl, she could feel what was going on. "Why do you want to see Dave? Was it that urgent you had to come to his workplace?" Celine asked in a tone that could wake the dead.

       Trying not to be envious, Emily said, "Forgive her for whatever she just did or might have said. He's in a meeting. You can wait for him in his office over there." She smiled reminiscently.

       "Thanks um,"

       "Emily. Emily Smith."

       "Thanks, Emily."

       "I don't feel sorry for anything I said." Celine stood defensively. "This is our workplace. Make sure you close the door on your way out." I didn't know Dave had a girl. I guess Emily is trapped with her Ricki man.

       Having known Celine for that long and for forcefully putting up with Ted, she sympathized deeply. Only people who knew these two didn't get hurt by their words or maybe it was just her who didn't see a reason to get affected. It was difficult to get used to being insulted especially when you knew it was meant from the heart.

       "I'm Lizzy Gills." Returning to the main matter, she asked, "Does your friend know me from somewhere? I get the feeling she hates my presence." her hazel eyes blinked innocence and pity. She wasn't at fault- no one was. She and Dave never had a relationship. "Did I do something wrong?"

       Emily shook her head. She shuddered at the thought of Lizzy as Dave's girlfriend. No one was going to force her to date him again. Finally, he was taken. "You love zombie movies?" She asked, determined to ignore her question. "Don't mind me. I guess you must think I'm nosy. I just saw the tickets in your bag."

       "It's okay." She tilted her head to gaze at a gorgeous Emily, wondering why Dave didn't go for her instead. "It's our six months together and I just felt there was no better way to celebrate it than going to watch Dave's favorite movie. Dave lives these movies. He's so obsessed with zombies. I literally can't stand the sight of those disgusting creatures. It's a good thing they ain't real. I mean, if they were, the world would go bizarre. Like, there's no place to hide." 

       "Yeah. I don't watch it either." She flipped her hair. "One time I watched my first and last zombie movie, I had a terrible nightmare. Train to Busan. How the damn hell does a zombie run faster than Usain Bolt?"

       Their conversation ended in a long-lasting hug initiated by Lizzy. She waved goodbye and then walked away, thinking about what Emily said. Maybe I should introduce Train to Busan to Dave on Netflix. He would so love it and me. Yay!

       Finally getting an opportunity to talk, Anne said with an impeccable trace of a British accent, "My lady, may I introduce you to Angela's newest dish on the menu."

       "Not bad." She munched slowly, savoring every taste. "Keep up with the accent and you'll be at a Pro level. A huge burden has been lifted off me today." 

       One of the grannies looked through her glass and waved at an excited Stacy. She was one of Prestige's consistent customers. She frequented the restaurant 8times a week with her granddaughter, Emma. Emma was barely 5 when she lost her parents to Covid 19 in 2020-since then she stayed with her granny.

       Seeing Stacy and the girls, she jumped down from her chair and ran up to them with open arms. Throwing her arms around Stacy, legs dancing in the air as Stacy danced around, she cried, "I've missed you."

       "Really?" Stacy regained her posture. "I don't know if I'm right but I think I saw someone this short," She demonstrated. "Fair, big blue eyes, beautiful, and yes, She wore a red dress yesterday. She came here and ordered almost all our pasta. There was hardly any left for our customers. Who could that be?"

       "But it's already 24hrs since I last saw y'all." Emma pouted. "Can't I live here with everyone? My house isn't as fun as this place."

       "Who said we live here?" Emily chuckled. She caressed the little child's face, admiring her excessive beauty and contagious smile. "Granny's gonna miss you if you leave her alone."

       Emma jumped in excitement and said, "Then she can come here and live with us! We'll be one big happy family."

       One big happy family. Emily blinked away the tears trying to trickle down her eyes. "My dear,"

       "Miss. Smith." Ted Oliver called from behind. Arms folded, leg tapping. He had in his right hand a toothpick, a piece of meat on top.

       "Ted, for the hundredth time, don't address me by my late dad's name. I have a name."

       He rolled his eyes. "Give me a break, Smith. He was your father even if he's dead. Why? You've got a new dad now, huh." he stuck his tongue out like a little kid, determined to provoke her. "Come with me quickly. I won't come here again to call you."

       So you do need me. Look who called me 'useless' a while ago. "I'll be right behind you, Oliver."

       "Hey!" he moved forward as if he wanted to grab her and throw her into the trash can. "What did I say about not calling me by that name?"

       "Why? He's your dad after all. Or, you've got a new dad now, huh? I knew Mrs. Oliver couldn't keep her legs closed."


       "That's good." She brushed her hair to the side. "Let's respect each other's privacy. I undeniably loved and love my dad regardless; I just don't feel comfortable being called by that name. It brings back hurtful memories."

       Celine applauded her, her eye winking non-stop. Patting Emily, she said softly but very audibly, "Wow! Girl, I'm so proud of you. This is literally the first time I've seen you talk back to this mutant. I'm such a good teacher. Now take my second advice and date Dave."

       Oh geez. She knows how to say the stupidest thing in a serious moment. Can't she see that they are having a dispute?

       "Talkback?" he scoffed. "Mark my words, Emily. One day you'll need me so desperately to save your life and when that day comes, I'll have you knee before me, your hands folded."

       "Good for you. When that delusional day comes, I'll kneel beside her just to boost your ego a little bit."

       Oh, my Celine. She's gonna buy me more trouble. I hope a day like that never comes. I'll rather have my limbs eaten than put up with him. She smiled, took a drink from Danny's tray, and shot Celine a once-over look. Since she met Ted, she never felt as elated as she did knowing she had served him back his cup of tea. "Ted," She was about to say more when another set of customers rushed in, singing along to The Weekend's recent song playing on the music player. The rising number of customers had Danny and Anne rushing to arrange more seats and tables. Emily was about to leave with Ted when she noticed a guy run into the restaurant, looked around and headed for the toilet. His shirt had mud all over, and his face was as pale as hell. She shrugged. "We don't get to see that every day. Maybe we should check on the guy. I don't think he's fine."

       "Emily darling," he called, so lovingly. For a while there she thought it was someone else. "Our job is to serve food to customers not worry about their health. We only do that if it's related to our food, but it isn't."

       I can't believe I almost fell for the sweet voice. One time I thought he would say something sensible. "At least let's have someone check on him." Ted had a point but her conscience wouldn't let her.  She insisted, promising to do his share of work for the day if he just allowed her to check on the guy.

       I don't get swayed by emotional blackmail but doing my share of work? That shit is real. A broad smile spread across his lips and cheeks. The thought of having to spend the entire day doing nothing intrigued him. Clearing his throat to avoid revealing his excitement, he replied, "Fine. But, Dave is waiting for you so I can't let you go. Moreover, that bathroom belongs to my gender. How unromantic would it be for a guy to open the door and see a ghoul."

       "A ghoul!"

       "However," he interrupted. "I'll have someone go check on this guy you speak of. Why are you even worried about him? Is he related to your boyfriend?"

       He literally just called me a ghoul. How dare he? "As if I would tell you anything about my personal life." Her eyes rolled like they were on a rollercoaster. "He didn't seem well. What if he committed murder judging from his appearance? Didn't you see his body, his eyes were burning with intense rage, and his skin.."

       "Ok, Miss. I'll stop you right there. Do you ever picture the things you say in your head? I doubt you do."

       "I'm saying the truth." She chased after him, making funny faces. "Oh. I also saw blood on his shirt." Emily paused and stroked her chin slowly. Her eyes went around, stretching to see the employee's toilet door. That guy was covered in blood and dirt. How could I have thought it was mud at first sight? Did he murder someone? "Maybe we should call the Cops instead."

       "No need. We already called them to come to the party but they aren't here yet. I wonder what's taking them so long?" It's a good thing anyway. Food wouldn't be enough if they came. Those hungry devourers. "Danny! Go check on that lunatic in the employee's toilet!" he yelled over the counter.

       Danny's response was a curt nod. "Ted, does it look like I'm just goofing around? Send someone else!"

       "Did you just talk back at me?" He growled. A vein popped out in his neck., ready to charge at him.

       Emily shot him an appalling look, sighing from behind. For one who loved being respected that much, he never gave any respect to his seniors. She walked briskly into the multitude of customers to embrace her mum. "Billy, Gracie! Mum, you didn't tell me you were coming." Embracing her younger siblings, she continued, "And with Billy and Gracie?"

       Mrs. Smith grumbled. She curled her arms together like a resisting child. "If I told you, you wouldn't have let me come. It's been almost ten years you've been working here and you've never invited me. Are you ashamed of me?"

       Emily could smell the strong stench of emotional blackmail. Her mum knew her weakness- she always made sure to press that button every time Emily tried to go against her. "How can I be ashamed of my life? You are my world, Mum." She tagged along. "Since y'all are here, sit and merry. You told her about this place didn't you?" She pulled Gracie to the side and asked.

       Her response was a soft smile and a wink. She pushed her right leg out, making an invisible circle on the 3d glass floor. "I had no choice. She got to me as well. We need to stop allowing her to get into our heads intentionally."

       "Is that the reason?" Emily pointed to the female's restroom to a customer that approached her. "Did you bring her here because of that or is there something else?" Her eyes traced Gracie's. She knew her sister too damn well to fall for emotional blackmail. Gracie had her eyes fixed romantically on Ted. She curled her arms around, blushing from ear to ear. Disgusting and God forbid. Not Ted Oliver. Emily rested her palm on her forehead. No matter how I try she keeps falling for him. She snapped her fingers in Gracie's face to draw her attention. "Make your order and go home now. Billy shouldn't be here. He's only a kid; Can't you see some of these people around here? I don't want him getting influenced negatively."

       "Come on, Sis. He's 7. He's already seen a lot of shit. I mean, I caught this kid watching After We Collided yesterday."   

       "What?" her mouth dropped. Billy lowered his head and fixed his eyes on his Free Fire game. "Mum! You know what? We'll discuss this when I get home. Just eat and leave. I'm going to meet Ted." What kind of parent allows their kid to watch such an interesting but exposed movie?

       "Tell Ted I said hi!" Gracie screamed after her, echoing it a second time to be sure she heard.

       I won't tell him that. Never. "Did Danny finally,"

       "Yes. Why wouldn't he? He knows damn well who's the real boss around here. Are those your family?"

       "Let's agree on one thing." He opened the conference room door and walked in first. The ladies' first rule didn't apply to him. "If you ever see that girl," She pointed at Gracie, not minding what he did. "On the road, walk past her. Don't ever let her say a word to you."

       "I'm not crazy, Sweetie. One of you is enough for the world to handle."

       What? I should be the one saying that to him.

       The meeting was already over by the time they arrived. Mrs. Hilary and Mr. Christopher, two of Prestige's stockholders were still sitting. By Mr. Christopher's left was Mr. Grande, Dave's father and the owner of Supreme Chocolate Factory. He didn't blink an eye. His attention was fixed on the file in front of him.

       Mrs. Hilary got up, whispered into Dave's ear then stepped aside for Emily to come forward. She greeted each person, piercing her fingernails into her skin to reduce tension. Dave had his usual welcoming smile while Hilary and Christopher mumbled and cursed at her. I already told the boss that I don't like being here. Why does he do this to me all the time? "I'm so sorry, Boss. I had to take care of some important issues in the hall."

       "Important issues?" Mrs. Hilary scoffed. "What could be more important than this meeting? This was the most important meeting Prestige's ever had since the Covid 19 outbreak and you missed it. Do you have any idea how many people were waiting for you? Not just stockholders and Dave- every single important person who has contributed to the success of Prestige since 2010."

       "I'm sorry!" She yelled. The moment Ricki and I get married, I'm quitting this job. She doesn't miss an opportunity to try and bring me down. "It was never my intention to come in late."

       "She can be very irresponsible, negligent, and insensitive," Ted added rudely. Grinning maniacally. "But I assure you, ma'am, Emily is very diligent when it comes to her job. Her customers are her priority."

       "May I ask what you're doing, Ted? We are colleagues. You ain't my boss to apologize on my behalf." He's getting on my nerves intentionally. Calm down, Emily.

      "I guess we'll need to add rude and ungrateful to her resume." Mr. Christopher added, adjusting his glasses to observe her expression. "He's trying to help her and all she could do is disrespect him in public. I blame her parents for their failed upbringing." Shameless.

       "Oh, so it wasn't disrespectful when he spoke rudely about me? What's wrong with the world?" she gestured. "Y'all don't respect women at all. Our opinion doesn't even matter and we are forced to stay silent when being wronged. Bunch of asshole clowns! One more thing, Christopher" She jabbed. "Don't you ever say anything bad about my parents or my upbringing? Maybe you should ask your daughter where she was last night.  Excuse me. And yes, I'm not sorry if I spoke too much. I'll email my resignation to you once I get home." Oh God! What did I just say? Please call me back, Dave. I don't want to lose this job. She walked slowly towards the door, counting every step. I shouldn't have overreacted. Where am I gonna get another job like this? I don't even know if Ricki will marry me soon. God, send just anyone. Please. I'm sorry for my foolishness. She inserted her card into the door, looking above her shoulder to see if anyone would stop her. "This is it." Mum was right about me. My big mouth eventually landed me into a big mess.

       Just as she was about to pull her left leg out, Mr. Grande's hoarse voice circulated the room. He applauded her, raising his half-full glass of tequila in the air. She was about to say he looked exactly like Dave when she realized it was an irony. A tree didn't look like its fruit rather the fruit looked like the tree. His broad smile filled the room, revealing two missing front teeth. No one said a word- Mrs. Hilary's mouth fell open, and her heartbeat could be heard even from a distance. Mr. Christopher buried his head in his glass, knowing their plan to get her far away from Prestige wouldn't work.

       Mr. Grande made a cheer and then drank the entire drink, leaving behind an empty cup. He flipped the cup over and sat, very close to his son. "She's good. You were right. There could be no better person for the job than her. I guess, I'll be losing a million dollars to you today." She's so good.

       "I told you. You shouldn't have bet so much money." His Assistant said jokingly, pulling out a check in the small bag he was carrying. "Dave never makes a bet without being sure. He takes after you."

       "What's going on?" Her voice became more confident than before. "Is this some kind of prank or what?"

       "None that I know of." Mr. Christopher lowered his glasses, wiped them with a white handkerchief then wore them back, placing them slightly below his nose. "What's going on, Dave? Why is your dad applauding this wild girl?"

       The moment I choose to stand up for myself, I'm a wild girl. She couldn't care less what was going on. She didn't get fired; that was more important. Closing the door hastily, she ran up to Dave, breathing heavily as if she had done a 100m race. "I've been saved today. I was wondering how I was going to pay off my dad's loan."

       "What?" he looked up.

       "Forgive my foolishness, Sir. If I may ask, what was your dad saying earlier?"

       "It's nothing to worry about." Their conversation was interrupted by a loud gunshot from outside. Mr. Grande's Personal Assistant pulled out his gun and ran towards the door, signaling Ted to take his boss and his son away.

Dave and the others glared at the door, heart beating as loud as a music player.