
Terror Of The Living Dead

A global catastrophe breaks out, leaving the world helpless and determined to survive. The world is now surrounded by apocalyptic threats and there's no way to escape; no one's certain the government would come to their rescue. Emily is locked up in the world's famous restaurant with her insufferable colleague-miserably weak and slow. Her only chance of survival is to cooperate with him. Even if she want to swallow her pride, she isn't sure if her suffering is indeed safer than all the living dead outside. Ted Oliver, the most arrogant and obnoxious human. He goes out of his way to survive which implies killing everyone he found as a threat or easy target. When his secrets is on the verge of being exposed, Ted kills Mr. Christopher, one of the shareholders of Prestige Restaurant. He thinks of a way to survive with an helpless Emily crawling up behind him for protection. In a quest to survive new relationships are formed, trust are restored and unbroken homes are being repaired. Everyone must learn to watch their backs and stab their best friend when the time for survival suffice. Emily must learn to put up with the one man she vowed to never see again after her boyfriend betrayed her and let her to die.

NuellaDuru · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 3

Ted shrugged, revealing his annoyance at his statement. He wasn't a kid to run away from difficult situations. He passed the instruction to a frightened Emily, rushing to stand behind the gentleman. "Give me a gun, kiddo."

       "Kiddo?" Boom! A bloody head rested on the door. Intense banging and screaming from outside. Ted and the young man stared at each other simultaneously, wondering if to open the door out of curiosity or let their curiosity die just like their feud. "What's going on out there? Paul! Paul!"

       "I'm pretty sure that was Paul's head we just saw," Ted replied, still in shock.

       "We should call for backup. It looks like terrorists have broken in." Before he could place a call, Ted snatched the phone.

       "There's no need. We already called for them and they ain't here. Maybe we should just wait in here a little longer."

       "No." Emily ran for the door, clutching her chest. "We can't just do nothing. My entire life is out there. My family, Celine, Stacy, Anne, Danny, and Emma. If you won't go then just let me go out. Please, Ted."

       He grabbed her forcefully, pinning her to the wall. Eyes peered into hers like a sharp dagger. "And then what, huh? You just want to go out! Have you thought about what you'll do if they catch you? This is my problem with women. You make irrational decisions with your heart and not your brain."

       Dave walked over to where they stood, pulled her away from his firm grip, and said, "As much as you might hate to hear this, he's right. If you step out without a plan, you'll get caught and then someone else will have to go save you." He turned to face Ted. "And Ted, don't degrade women. I won't tolerate anyone speaking irrationally or condemning any gender. If every person made decisions from their heads, trust me, no one will ever be in a relationship. I won't even have hired most of you." Ted felt offended by his last statement. For some justified reason, he felt that was directed at him. "Plus, not all women are the same."

       "Help me!" Someone from outside banged on the door, pulling and kicking. "Help me, please!"

       Emily gasped while pointing at the door. All warnings and threats fell on deaf ears as she pushed Ted out of the way, swiped her card, and opened the door. Anne ran into the room along with many other helpless customers. Emily scanned the room for her family. They ain't here. Her heart raced. Never in her life did she think a day would come when she would pray so hard for the safety of everyone.

       Dave fought his way to the front and shut the door. "What's going on out there?" His hands trembled. Even if they confirmed it, he didn't want to believe what he had just seen while closing the door. "Wh...what were those things_things out there? Someone explain to me!"

       "Outside... everyone is...my wife." A customer shivered. "They've all gone crazy. I don't even know what's going on out there. Let's call the Cops."

       "It's like there's something wrong with the food! I saw it." Another terrified customer cried. "I don't want to die. I had a bite as well."

       "Well, good news old man, no one wants to die!" Ted spat. He sat on Hillary's seat and placed a leg above the other. "And, I'm sure there's absolutely nothing wrong with our food. Emily checked everything."

       Terror overtook Emily's face, and her lower lip trembled. Palms rubbing against each other, she begged, "Ted, my mum, Gracie and Billy....even Celine, Stacy, Emma, Danny, Mrs. Angela..."

       "If you're going to keep listing everyone's names, just say your loved ones. I'm already bored." he yawned. "We all are gonna die one day. Sadly, theirs was today." he studied the papers on the desk, signed them then moved to Mr. Grande's side and placed his hand on his shoulder. His shoulder was firm. Ted glanced down into his big green eyes and was amused by the burning energy and wealth he saw there. Never had he come that close to him. It was an achievement that needed to be marked on his to-do list. His sharp eyes took notice of the very expensive wristwatch on Mr. Grande's wrist. "Tiffany and Co?" Mr. Grande nodded in agreement and drank down the wine in Dave's glass. Man! I need to work harder. 

       "They can't be dead. I'm certain..."

       Celine's strong perfume filled the room, giving her a little rare of hope. She smiled tremulously, wishing she wasn't hallucinating. "I can't believe you thought I was dead. You still don't get me after all these years." Emily didn't wait to hear her scolding, she threw her arms around her, sobbing like a little kid. She hoped everyone she knew would appear just like that in front of her.

       "I'm so grateful." her response was almost inaudible. "I thought I lost you."

       A first Celine shrugged but succumbed to Emily's hands around her neck. They were pulled back to reality when Dave and Ted approached them. Dave's comforting voice relieved them of their burden while Ted's sarcasm annoyed Celine. "I don't know where Stacy and Emma went. The last time I was in the hall, Stacy was helping Sally to arrange more tables while Emma served drinks along with Anne. I hope my sister is safe where she is."

       "Stacy's a brave girl." The humor in Dave's voice amused Emily. How could someone be this cool in such a difficult situation?

       "Emily!" Sally ran up to her, breathing heavily. "I'm really scared."

       "What's happening out there? I still can't believe it." Mrs. Hilary asked.

       "You don't know?" Celine moved two steps forward. "Didn't you see it? The police...our restaurant. Everyone's gone crazy. I don't think it has something to do with the food. I mean, I already took a plate of tacos but I'm fine."

       "Sally, you served food to my mum. Do you know if she left the restaurant before..."

       "I'm sorry." She cut in, looking very remorseful. "I have no idea if she was there or not." She shrieked. "Nobody would survive this."

       "My baby girl!" One of the customers that managed to run in yelled. Her legs spread on the floor. "My baby girl is out there."

       "Ma'am, are you alright?" Emily ran up to her with a glass of water. She placed her hand on the lady's shoulder, massaging it gently. "Everything's going to be fine. Dave, I think she's having a seizure. We need to call the doctor, now!" 

       That ain't no seizure to me. Ted observed. Closing the distance between him and Mr. Grande's P.A., he pulled out the gun in his pocket.

       "Shit. Doc ain't answering my calls. Ma'am," Resting the lady on the wall, he sat beside her. Emily leaned on the other side of the wall. "Just breathe in. Nothing's going to happen to your baby."

       "My little angel." The lady groaned and growled. Her hands twisted backward, bones cracking. Everyone stared at her in astonishment-no one knew what was going on. Just then, her eyes closed.

       "Oh, my God. I think she's..." Dave didn't complete his sentence when the lady's eyes opened immediately, revealing two white balls. Taking one deadly look at Emily, she rushed towards her. Emily's struggle and yelling fell on deaf ears as everyone was still dazzled by what was going on. "Ma'am, what are you doing? Someone help me get her off Emily! Ted!" With the help of Ted and Celine, the lady was flung across the room. She jumped up hastily, running faster than usual, her head twisted and her hands assisting her legs in a marathon. Her teeth were about to penetrate Dave's neck when a loud gunshot was heard across the room. "Ted, you just killed this lady."

       "I just saved your ass. She's not normal. She was about to kill you, didn't you see!?" How would you see that when you were struggling and screaming my name for help?

       "What happened to her?" Emily shrieked. She tried to remain calm and positive, hoping the worst hadn't happened to her family. "I saw this lady earlier. She looked pretty normal to me. Why in the world was she trying to kill Dave?"

       "It's the same thing happening outside!" Another customer yelled. "My boy was with me when we went to meet that staff. He wanted to make an order." His hands trembled. "Before my boy could make his order, that insane staff dragged him across the counter and bit him. I don't know. I thought he was only being unreasonable and drunk."

       "You said he bit your son?" Ted asked inquisitively.

       "Yes. My boy had those special brownies one of your staff was serving while waiting for his order. I was still having a conversation with him when he started to act strange. And the next thing, my son was trying to murder me. I'm sure it's the brownies. It's the first time it's on the dessert menu so it has to be it."

       "Yes, that's true!" Other angry customers affirmed. Some threatened to report Prestige to the Cops as soon as they were out of there.

       "Enough everybody!" Climbing on the table, Ted continued, "I'm sure those brownies had nothing whatsoever to do with what's going on. I had it. I have one in my pocket and I'm going to eat it to prove that it ain't no brownie." Some tried to dissuade him from taking it. He tossed the wrapper into the thrash then threw the last brownie up and caught it in his mouth. "See? I'm alive and not trying to murder Emily who happens to be my number one victim on my murder list if I ever become a murderer."


       "Then explain what's going on out there! My wife loved me but that lady I saw out there," the customer pointed aggressively. "Looked like a freaking Halloween monster. She would fight anyone who raised their voice at me but a few seconds ago, she tried to murder me."

       "And you murdered her anyway." The sarcasm in Ted's voice drew Mr. Grande's attention. He admired him from where he sat.

       "I had to survive! She was on me, strangling and biting my neck. She was acting like a lunatic. It was only self-defense."

       Self-defense my ass. "Wait. Did you just say you were bitten?"

       "That was a part of the story not the point of the story. How does that have anything to do with what's going on."

       Ted pulled the trigger, aiming the gun at him. "Mr. I don't know his name said his son started acting weird after he was bitten."

       "I said after having brownies and my name is Ben."

       "I already had the brownie so we can all affirm it wasn't the cause. However, something that stands out in your story is that your son was bitten, Mr my wife's murderer, got bitten and that lady that tried to murder Dave, had bite marks on her neck."

       "Saying it that way doesn't make it any less confusing." Just then the man choked, his legs moved around like he was in an acrobatic, head twitching and his bones restructuring.

       Ted stood afar, waiting for everyone to finally see for themselves.

       "Oh geez. What's happening?" Helpless Sally cried. She shut her eyes tight, hoping everything was a dream. "This isn't real. It's not happening."

       "Sally, get out of the way!" Ted fired the gun at him. "You could have died, weakling."

       "Zombies!" Mr. Ben screamed. "They are fucking real!" Is that even feasible?

       "Well, congrats. Reality bus was just about to leave before you jumped in."

       "This is just silly. There's no such thing as zombies." Mr. Christopher pushed his chair back, groaning at the massive crowd of people in the room. "Someone's pulling a prank on us."

       "Shut up, old man." Ted's voice echoed. It's not even Halloween season.


       "Sit down, Christopher, or I'm gonna blow your head out with that gun over there." Celine's threat had heads turning.

       Ted grinned, scanning her from head to toe. "What she said." he pointed. "For the first time, Celine and I are on the same page. We definitely are alike."

       "No, we aren't."

       "Yeah. We are."

       Everyone was so preoccupied that they didn't see Christopher reach for the door. He looked back at them, still holding onto his belief that they were kidding, "There's no such thing as zombies. It's for the movies and books. I refuse to be a part of this madness!" Hardly did Dave's hand reach for him, he swiped his card and pulled the door open.

       "Wh... what...what are those things!" Mr. Grande jumped from his chair running towards the back as the living dead ran into the room. Ted and his Personal Assistant pulled their trigger aiming at their heads as per Ted's instruction. Dave fought tirelessly with the rod by the door while more flooded the room, biting, sucking, and tearing. Celine grabbed a chair and threw it at one of the living dead strangulating Emily.

       "Help me!" Anne cried. Her voice was inaudible even to her. She pushed and kicked. The more she tried to get away from them, the living dead drew closer. In no distant time, she was lying under five blood-slurping cannibals. Ted tried to shut the door but it was already late. They were surrounded by death itself with no means of escape.

         Emily took notice of one of the living dead climbing in behind Dave. She opened her mouth to scream but didn't hear her voice. Just as it pounced on him, revealing its razor teeth, she screamed.
