
The red haired Daemon's offer




"I..." the blue haired Daemon hesitated before deciding

"I'd go down fighting than submit" The blue haired Daemon said with a resolute tone

The green haired Daemon just looked at her before deciding to do the same

"It's a pity then, its seem I have to make you two submit by force then" The red haired Daemon said before dashing towards the blue haired Daemon

The blue haired Daemon saw this and used her magic to split into multiple of herself making the punch miss then a magic circle materialized under the red haired Daemon

The green haired Daemon using the chance used her magic to create a flame pillar then adding another magic circle to create a flame vortex

Then the green haired Daemon felt a force on her side making the green haired Daemon fly sideways and hitting wall of rocks on her way

A bunch of blue haired Daemon then appeared and encircled the red haired Daemon, all of the blue haired Daemon then created blue threads entrapping the red haired Daemon

Then a magic circle manifest above the red haired Daemon, the magic circle poured out droplets of water in massive quantities, where the rain drop passed through holes were created, this happened in less than a second

The red haired Daemon then get littered with holes before puffing into smoke making the blue haired Daemon shocked before feeling a force in her gut, the blue haired Daemon was then flown upward and the red haired Daemon appeared and slam the blue haired daemon down to the ground creating a crater

Multiple magic circle then manifested with the red haired Daemon as the center, The magic circle shot out chains made of lightning and pierced the red haired Daemon

Then the red haired puffed into smoke before a massive fire lance fall on top of him, the red haired Daemon appeared In front of the green haired Daemon before kneeing her in the gut which made the green haired Daemon got thrown backwards

The red haired Daemon vanished and appeared behind the speeding green haired Daemon and kicked her on her back sending her back and the red haired Daemon appeared in front of her and drop kick her upward, The red haired Daemon looked like he is playing table tennis by himself

The red haired Daemon was interrupted with a flood of water making the green haired Daemon free from her fate of a Ping-Pong ball

The red haired Daemon appeared on top of the water followed by a thousand of the blue haired Daemon, The first half of the blue haired Daemon rushed while the second half supporting the first half

The second half fired a mirage of water magic while the first half was creating a thread cage with the red haired Daemon as the center

This made the red haired Daemon grin then four big magic circle manifested around the red haired Daemon, The magic circle spewed out fire vortex destroying 125 blue haired Daemon before the magic circle spin and evaporated the water and making the fire magic looking like a fire Beyblade destroyed 253 blue haired Daemon leaving 122 blue haired Daemon who dodge the Fire Beyblade left from the first batch of blue haired Daemon rush

The Fire Beyblade was then put out by a massive raging tornado who was made by the green haired Daemon who is now floating with her wings out and a massive amounts of magicule and magic circle

"-{Nuclear magic: Nuclear Cannon}-" The green haired Daemon chanted

Two magic circle appeared above and below of the red haired Daemon and making a beam of pure destruction was created with the red haired Daemon as the center

The red haired Daemon copied what the pink haired Daemon did and created a cocoon before teleporting atop of the battle grounds

The red haired Daemon now floating with wings out looked down on the 500 blue haired Daemon with the green haired Daemon flying on top of them, he raised a finger and a magic circle appeared with a black flame appearing which is flickering, The red haired Daemon then pointed down

"-{Nuclear magic: Death streak}-" The red haired Daemon chanted

Feeling the danger both the main body of the blue haired Daemon and green hair Daemon tried to teleport away which they succeeded

The black flame then flew at a not to fast and not to slow pace and touch the one of the blue haired Daemon before burning up followed by 2 more then 4 and then 8~~~, With all of the blue haired Daemon now burned out of existence

"Gotcha you little rats" The red haired Daemon said with a grin

The red haired Daemon with a grin teleported to the green haired Daemon first, Putting a palm on her back and flames burst out burning everything on its path, he then teleported at the blue haired Daemon and put a palm on her stomach and flames burst out burning everything behind the blue haired Daemon

"Now you both are my subordinates" The red haired Daemon said ending the fight





Oh boy dialogue making time my favorite!

if you didn't notice I was being sarcastic

Anyway have a great day


Thank you for reading
