
The aftermath




After both the blue haired Daemon and green haired Daemon have fully healed up the red haired Daemon appeared in front of them both

"Now both of you are my subordinates" The red haired Daemon said in a tone where you have no choice

"Understood" the green haired Daemon said while kneeling making the blue haired Daemon look at her

Seeing the green haired Daemon the blue haired Daemon followed her example and did the same

"Understood" the blue haired Daemon said making the red haired Daemon nod before vanishing somewhere else entirely

"Hick" after a while a sound was heard from the blue haired Daemon

The green haired then looked at the blue haired Daemon who is on the verge of tears again

"I~~ Lost again" The blue haired Daemon said before finally crying

"T-This... HICK is the HICK second t-time HICK" The blue haired Daemon said in between sobs

"Its as expected, Even the pink hair lost against him during their fight" The green haired Daemon explained with a trace of disappointment which made the blue haired Daemon notice

"Hah HICK even you HICK are bitter HICK your loss" The blue haired Daemon said trying to tease the green haired Daemon but failed miserably

The green haired Daemon just ignored the blue haired Daemon before standing up alerting the blue haired Daemon

"Hey HICK where are you going?" The blue haired said where she stopped crying "HEY" The blue haired shouted at the blue haired Daemon

The green haired Daemon just stayed silent, She then left the desolate place followed by the blue haired Daemon

They Travelled on foot this time because of this they overheard some greater Daemon talking at each other

"Another Fight between The Primordial Daemons happened" The Greater Daemon with blue skin said to the other Greater Daemon

"OH who is it this time?" The red skinned Greater Daemon asked making the Blue skinned Daemon whisper something to the red skinned Greater Daemon

Both The blue haired Daemon and the green haired Daemon hear mumblings

The green haired Daemon then hold the blue skinned Daemon neck and lifting up in the air making the red skinned Daemon looked at her with fear before fleeing

"Speak more of this Primordial Daemon you call about" the green haired Daemon said making the blue skinned Daemon pale

"Say all the things you now about this primordial Daemons you talked about" The blue haired Daemon said making the blue skinned Daemon even paler

The blue haired Daemon felt a connection between her and the Blue skinned Daemon but dismissed it

"Start From the very beginning" The green haired Daemon said in a condescending tone

"THE PRIMORDIAL DAEMONS ARE THE VERY FIRST OF THE DAEMONS THAT APPEARED" the blue skinned Daemon Explained in a hurry he then continued

"They are called the progenitors of the Daemon race having the Daemons after them have a color based on them" The blue skinned Daemon said with trace of fear

"The Primordials don't have names but they have monikers based on the color of their hair" making both the blue haired Daemon and green haired Daemon eyes widen

"They are called

The Primordial Rouge the first of the Primordial and the Strongest Primordial

The Primordial Noir Tied with the Primordial Roseate in strength

The Demoness trio corresponding of Primordial Blanc, Primordial Jaune and Primordial Violet

Then The Duo who is tied with the Demoness trio Primordial Bleu and Primordial Vert" The blue skinned Daemon explained

Both of the two Daemons shocked at the fact that their fight was notorious enough to give them monikers

The blue haired Daemon then looked at the blue haired Daemon with new understanding on what the connection she felt meant

"Which Lineage are you from" The green haired Daemon ordered

"I am part of the Bleu Lineage under the Primordial Bleu" The blue skinned Daemon explained

The green haired Daemon then chocked the blue skinned Daemon before she got interrupted by a voice

"Wait" The blue haired Daemon said making the green haired Daemon stop what she was doing before looking back at her

"If what he said is true then he's part of my Lineage" The blue haired Daemon said making the green haired Daemon stare at her

"We can use him for intelligence gathering" The blue haired Daemon further explained making the green haired Daemon drop the blue skinned Daemon

"I didn't know you can actually think of something smart" The green Daemon said with an expressionless voice

"HEY, Did you just called me dumb" The blue haired Daemon barked back

"You are words not mine" The green haired Daemon replied

"YOU!!" The blue haired Daemon said while trying to attack the green haired Daemon, The green haired Daemon just dodged the incoming attacks

The blue skinned Daemon who now know what his attackers identity is and making him sigh with relief

"Thank you my lord for sparing my life" The blue skinned Daemon said while kneeling making the blue haired Daemon stop

"Umu, now my first order Is to gather information and while your at it gather both The Vert and Bleu Lineage to help with the information" The blue haired Daemon said before marking the blue skinned Daemon followed by the green haired Daemon

"Understood" the blue skinned Daemon kneeled and said before vanishing

"Now what?" the blue haired Daemon asked making the green haired Daemon sigh





Yey now they also know that they have lineage and now not only Roseate knows about it

Making dialogue is hard, I give more of my respect to the authors to create dialogues

Anyway here is your daily dose of chaps


Thank you for reading
