
Shizue Izawa

"AHHHHHH!!" a voice screamed in terror.


"Calm the hell down"

There was a tiny goblin staring at us in shock.

It was understandable since we had just appeared out of nowhere. 

Immediately, the goblin recognized Rigurdo and bowed.


This is funny. They're treating him with so much respect because he's an ogre now, when earlier they would have been equals.

Well, goblins and other weaker races in general are naturally attracted to strength, so it's expected that they would flock to whomever they think is the strongest and can offer them protection.

"You fool!! I am not the one you should be bowing down to, while Lord Ashborne is in your presence!!"

"It's not their fault Rigurdo, I'm hiding my Aura."

To make it easier for the goblins, I unleashed a small portion of my restrained aura.

"I-I'm deeply sorry for my mistake, L-Lord Ashborne."

"Call your leaders, little goblin." I ordered.

He scurried off as fast as his legs could carry him, toward where I assumed the goblin chiefs were situated.

"Anything I should know about before meeting them Rigurdo?"

"They came here after experiencing a sudden stop in Direwolf attacks. Upon investigating more, they seemed to have found out about a village ruled by a Great Majin which includes direwolves and other monsters. They then unanimously decided to seek protection from this 'master'. However, these are just a fraction of the total goblins in the Great Jura Forest."

"The ones gathered here amount only to about 500, whereas there are more than 15000 goblins in the whole of Jura, scattered all over in various tribes and villages."

Hmmm... not much is different from canon. I guess this won't be too difficult.

Let's see how this goes.....


One tiny goblin could be seen running with all his strength toward a collection of make-shift houses.

"CHIEF!! CHIEF!! IT'S AN EMERGENCY!!" he screamed out.

"What! What is it?" an older goblin asked, accompanied by many others, who were slowly coming out of the houses one by one.

"Chief, the Lord of the Monsters has awakened!! He's here, accompanied by the Ogre Chief."

"He has finally awakened!!"

"We must go meet him!!"

"Where is the Lord? We have to go there!!"

"He is waiting for us, come on quickly!!" the young goblin replied.

The goblins scurried toward the Lord's position, afraid to enrage him by being late.

They couldn't afford to lose such a chance, a chance to gain the protection of an extremely powerful master of the forest.

According to the what the various goblin scouts from different tribes, the new force in Jura was led by a fearsome Majin who commanded Direwolves, Evil Centipedes as well as ogres.

To the goblins, this was an unfathomable power.

They were a mere E-rank lower race, while the Ogres were an existence that reached B Rank and sometimes even higher.

And a Majin who could rule over such monsters could be considered a deity compared to them.

In just a minute, the goblins had reached their destination.





'Ohhh my God!!'

That was the singular thought running through all the goblins' minds.

The surroundings seemed normal, but that didn't matter, due to the grand setting before them.

There was a gigantic throne. A throne of flames.

It was fully black, with spikes of fire rising from behind it.

However the most menacing thing was the one seated on the throne.

He could only be described as 𝘥𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘦. His eyes open with a sinister look. His flowing silver hair glowing in contrast to the black flames.

His ethereal amethyst clothes were shining with a deathly aura.

"You're here." 

Even his voice was otherworldly.

"You have been granted permission to speak in the presence of Lord Ashborne, Ruler of the Legion of Death" the Ogre Lord spoke from beside the throne.

"We greet you, Great Lord."

"We humbly ask beg of you to listen to our plea."

These were the the goblins' simple initial requests, since they couldn't state their demands directly in front of such an overlord.

"I already know what you're here for. And I'm willing to take you all under my command. However, I have a few irrefutable conditions."

"Of course Great Lord, anything you say!! We'll do anything!"

To gain the protection of a lord as powerful as Ashborne, the goblins were willing to even sacrifice some of their own.

"Relax, the conditions are simple." his voice reverberated.

"I demand absolute loyalty to me and my Legion. In return, I shall grant you protection and power..... So, how about it??"

The Lord's gaze sharpened as he laid down his demands.

And then a wave of pressure slammed into the goblin leaders.


"Y-Yes... We accept. I speak for all of us, and we wholeheartedly accept."

He smiled, seemingly satisfied with their answer.

"Niice!! That's good, I really didn't want to use any other methods to convince you." He spoke in a merry voice.

His personality totally flipped, but he was still just as intimidating.

"Now then, it's time for you all to be added to the Legion."



Dark Miasma shot out from the Ruler of Death's hands and rushed toward the frightened goblins.

But his words had a weird calming effect, causing them to settle down and accept whatever was going to happen to them.


The goblins died, and in their place, powerful 'Dark Ogres' were born.

"We thank you, Lord Ashborne!!" they shouted in a chorus.

"Hahaha.... I'm always glad to expand the Legion. Serve me well!!"


Hoooo.. I'm glad that's over.

I thought I should try out being all cool and demon lord-like but that was just plain embarrassing.

Honestly I feel violated.

But I'm just exaggerating, it wasn't THAT bad...hopefully.

It was Rigurdo and Magna who came up with the idea of the flaming throne, and I decided to change into my other outfit for the meeting.

It all turned out perfectly in the end so it doesn't matter.

I now have 500 more Legionaries, that brings the total to almost 800.

Wait-- I have to name them all now.

I'm already regretting my decision. Can't do anything now, this was bound to happen.

Steeling my resolve for the arduous task ahead of me, I started calling the goblins one by one, for the naming ceremony.


"What is this!!?"

"Ashborne-san, you're really something else!!" voiced Shizue.

She was shocked at what was happening before her eyes.

'Am I still dreaming? How can someone name 500 people at once!'

Her sense of normality must have been broken.

"You'll have to get used to this Shizue, if you're going to be living with us." I told her.

A weird look appeared on her face. It was only for a split-second and she tried to hide it, but I noticed.

What could it mean?? And why would she try to hide it from me?

Well, it's her choice.

Anyways, I had just finished naming all the goblins, who had successfully evolved into 'Dark Ogres'.

This time, I had tried something new. I remembered that my skill [Necromancer] made it so that the whole Legion functioned as a single organism.

That meant that I had access to the whole Legion's magicules.

So using this exploit, I devised a new method for mass-naming.

I call it 'Successive Naming'.

It went like this--

Whenever someone is named, their soul get's a surge of power and a lot of magicules are produced. When this someone is in my Legion, I get those generated magicules.

I use those magicules to name the next person. Then the magicules generated in the second person's naming are used to name the third, and so on.

The magicules which are generated and which are required for naming aren't usually equal, but the extra magicules are taken from the Legion as a whole.

So no Legionary feels a substantial drop in their magicules, and I'm not put out of commission each time I conduct a mass-naming session.

I'm really proud of myself of thinking up such a ingenious technique. I reckon this will solve almost all my naming-related issues.



This is so freaking FUUN!!

I was flying insanely fast, over 5000 meters (or 16000 feet) in the sky.

I was doing this using a combination of 3 skills, [Gravity Flight], [Lightning Transformation] and [Ultra Acceleration].

"Please slow down a little Ashborne-san!! This can't be safe." Shizue screamed from beside me.

Oh yeah Shizue was with me too.

We were travelling at speeds around Mach 1(Speed of Sound) or 1200km/h.

This was nowhere near my top flying speed though.

My lower body was transformed into lightning, so it looked like a bolt of lightning flashing through the sky.

I had covered Shizue with semi-permeable barriers to counter the Wind Resistance.

I didn't need barriers since my body was naturally durable enough.

"Don't worry Shizue, I won't let anything happen to you!" I shouted back.

I actually didn't need to, since we were talking using [Thought Communication], but it'd the thought that counts.

"LET'S GOOOOO!!" I yelled in delight.

The feeling can't be explained. It's-- It's 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨.

One can't understand unless they experience it for themselves. I never thought I would ever be able to do this, but here I am.

And it's better than I ever thought it would be.

We didn't have any particular destination in mind, but we were headed in the general direction of the Dwarven Kingdom.

At the speed we were going, it would take us less than an hour to reach.

I originally planned to relax after finishing the naming, but changed the plan when I remembered that I could freaking FLY.

Shizue suggested that we could go to the Dwarven kingdom, and I accepted since I had some work there anyway.

And now here I was, soaring at Mach speeds through the sky.

"So Ashborne-san, what's your story??" Shizue asked hesitantly.

"You can ask me anything Shizue, no need to be shy." I replied to ease her worries.

She smiled at my response. 

Her smile looks so beautiful.

"To answer your question, I'm an otherworlder just like you Shizue. A recently reincarnated one at that."

"What?? You're, you're just like me??" she asked, bewildered.

"That's right. It's been only 4 months since I've reincarnated, and I've managed to adjust pretty well I'd say."

"Are you kidding!! It's amazing what you've managed to accomplish in such a short while!!"

"It's all because I had the right circumstances, of course I'm not discrediting myself, but still."

"By any chance, are you also from Earth, Ashborne-san?" she asked.

"Yeah I am, from India actually. You too?!" I feigned mild surprise.

"Oh the British Colony?? I'm from Imperial Japan."

Oh yeah she's from the 1940s. So she wouldn't know about India's independence.

"Ohh Japan!! By the way, India gained independence soon after World War 2."

"From which time period are you?" I continued.


This is awkward, I accidently brought up her dark past without consideration.

DUMBASS!!--Should not have done that.

"Uhh you don't have to answer if you're not comforta--"

"NO it's not like that!!" Shizue interrupted.

"It was 1945 when I died. I met my end in Tokyo when we were bombed from above."

"You were a casualty in the Bombings of Tokyo? I'm sorry about that, didn't mean to bring up those memories."

"It's fine really, I've already come to terms with it. What about you Ashborne-san?"

"I died in the year 2022, so quite a bit in the future for you."

"WOOOAAHH!! That's so cool!!"

She looked like an innocent kid filled with wonder.

"PWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!! You're such a kid! Hahahahhaha!!" I laughed.

"Heyy!! Don't laugh at mee!!" she complained, pouting.

"HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA... I just can't help it."

"Come on!! You're making me embarrassed!!" 

"Hehehe... Okay I'll stop."

"You're very mean, you know that Ashborne-san?"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry..... But it's fun to make fun of you." I replied.

"Hmph..." she pouted and looked away.

It feels refreshing to chill like this after so much has happened.

Still looking away, Shizue asked, "Will you tell me about the future?"

Grinning, I replied, "Gladly!! I would love to."

And it was true, I was really excited to share things about my past world anytime.

Shizue brightened up immediately at my reply, and turned around to face me.

Looking at her expectant face, I said, "So what'd you like to hear about first?"

"Tell me YOUR story Ashborne-san, tell me about your life. That's what I'm most interested in."

"Sure!!" I replied enthusiastically.

And then I started speaking, and I didn't stop, all while Shizue listened with a big smile on her face.


A/N: New chapter is here!!! Did ya'll like this one??

I would really appreciate it if you REVIEWED this story and dropped some POWER STONES. It helps the story to reach more people and also serves as good motivation for me.

Stay tuned for the next chapter, will probably be out by Monday!!