

after tens of thousands of years of guarding the system one of the first 12 Tenno was fed up and for the first time in 130,000 years a Tenno left his position but not for another’s gain but his own. this is a story about one Tenno on a mission to bring back his species from extinction. disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING THAT IS MARVAL AND OR WARFRAME BASSED just my own characters

Voided_fox · Película
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11 Chs


Looking at the what I got for choosing the black the black hole thingy I couldn't help but be amazed because unlike the other schools that had all kinds of path this one only had five and I couldn't see what they were but that didn't stop me from unlocking the center most middle one.


You become intangible for 10 seconds, physical attacks can't hurt you nor can you hurt others while this ability, while this ability is active energy spent will have a 70% return %%#|>€£.

After rereading the description I couldn't help but be impressed and sure I alrady have a abilities like this one but this doesn't cost energy or at least what I can see the only thing that irritates me is that I couldn't get more but I had time so my irritation wasn't that high.

Opening my eyes I let my self fall onto my pillow and enjoyed the comfort that it gave me bet then a problem slowly came to my mind.

'What am I going to do now?'

Laying on the bed that same thought echoed through my head I mean sure my main objective is to replenish our numbers but with out a system to protect I was bored extremely so but at the same time I have never felt so free but that brings me to my dilemma what do I do in the mean time.

Groaning I got off my bed and made my to the door but instead of opening it I used my new ability to walk through the door and made my way outside and after some time I found Gamora sitting by herself with a far off look on her face.

Siting down I closed my eyes and leaned back slowly enjoying how the sun beat down on my face wean suddenly Gomara started talking.

"Why did you do it?" She asked tiredly

However that confused me because as far as I know I haven't done anything since I have been here.

"Umm what do you mean?" I asked after all I am confused.

"I mean this." She said before she taped her arm a little bit and pulled out a hologram that showed me surrounded by dead bodies with a bounty on the bottom middle of the hologram.

Looking at the hologram I could help but be shocked after all I was just there.

"Would you believe me if I told you that I was in the wrong place at the wrong time." I asked while chuckling.

However she just looked at me like I was stupid.

"No, but now there's a bounty for you so I would wach your back if I was you." She said.

"Well then why did you guys bring me along if I am so 'dangerous'." I asked useing my hand to quote dangrus which got me an eye roll.

But as silence fell on us and the beautiful wind tussled our hair while the sun beat down our face but as we sat there I started to hear a booming sound that broke the peace and forced me to look at the ship that was comeing in hot and even hotter wean they started fire there guns quickly prompting me and Gamora to get up and run.

Seeing a small cliff me and Gamora jumped off narrowly avoiding the rain of bullets on our tail.

"Psychopath." Gamora said.

before picking me up and running along the cliff wall and luckily there was a cave so we, no she haul ass barely makeing it to the cave before dropping me to catch her breath.

"What the fuck was that all about?" I asked as I leaned against the cave wall trying to catch my breath too but she couldn't respond because the ship came back and started shooting again makeing us have to get up and run again however I wasn't so lucky this time and was thrown up into the air and hiting the window I saw exactly who the perpetrator was.

"Nebula." I said in irritation but my irritation only grew wean she activated the window wipers and caused me to fly off the window and hit the cave wall and although it it didn't knock me out it still dazed me enough to sit me on my ass.

After a couple seconds of laying down I got up but my vision and my hearing was still impaired so as I stumbled towards the grunts and sounds of impact as well as the crackling of fire.

However wean I arrived I saw that Nebula had Gamora by the throat with a knife primed to strike but from the look in her eyes I could see that she wasn't going to do it so instead of interrupting I sat down and tried to clear my head

"I win, I win, I bested you in combat." Nebula said while Gamora choked for air.

"No, I saved your life." Gamora said while catching her breath.

"Well you were stupid enough to let me live." Nebula refutes.

"You let me live." Gamora shaped back.

"I don't need you always trying to beat me!" Nebula snapped back.

"I am not the one who flew across the universe just because I wanted to win."

"Do not tell me what I want!"

"I don't need to tell you what you want it's obvious!"

And Gamora was right it was a little too obvious but hay then again this was my first time seeing such a thing so I didn't express my opinion out loud.

"You were the one who wanted to win and all I wanted was a sister!" Nebula yelled effectively silenceing each other but at that time I kind of lost interest so instead I just slid down and made my presence known.

How? Well simple I picked up a medium sized rock, slid down and smashed Nebula in the face.

"That's what you get for slamming me into the wall." I said with a smile before turning intangible so that she couldn't connect the punch that immediately came my way.

" whoops let's calm down you hit me first that was just pay back." I said before takeing a few steps back and puting my hands up and smileing.

This seemed to piss her of even more and she was about to strike while I pulled out my sword but Gamora got in our way.

"Stop! Just stop why are you even fighting?" Gamora said while looking at both of us.

"She started it." I said while pointing my finger at Nebula.

"Wha—you hit me!!" Nebula tried defending herself but Gamora was haveing none of it and pushed us out of her way.

"Your both children ughh let's just go." She said before walking deeper into the cave and we followed but I still got some glares from Nebula.

“you can’t get someone’s attention by just simply taping them on the shoulder.”

“you have to hit them over the head with a sledgehammer then you will realize that you have there strict attention.”

one of the greatest quotes ever.

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