
Tenno's Chat Group

Ryuuto Azusagawa was just your every day otaku but one day while he was going home from the grocery shop he suddenly died. After his death he found himself in front of a ROB that granted him three wishes. And this is his story. ______________________________________________ Noob author here, I'll be grateful for every advice and constructive critic you readers give me and I hope you'll enjoy this story and if you're wondering whether or not I'll write sex scenes then no, I won't at very least not for a while. P.S. The title is only temporary if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me

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69 Chs

18- Back At UA And Battle Trials.

(A/N Hey guys! I opened a discord, if you want to join this is the link.


As soon as Ryuuto woke up he saw Rias' face with a large smile plastered on it.

'I guess it won't hurt to skip today's training.'

After thinking that he put his arms around her waist and hugged her tightly, Rias' smile, as if she felt his hug, grew even bigger and her hands hugging his back tightened their hold.

Unfortunately this couldn't last forever since Ryuuto had to go to school so he woke Rias up by stroking her hair and back and whispering in her ear.

"Rias, wake up, it's morning."

"Mmmmh... 5 more minutes."

"If you don't wake up I won't kiss you for all of today."

As soon as she heard that Rias woke up immediately and kissed him on the lips.

"Good morning Darling!"

"Good morning to you, can you get off now? I need to prepare for school."

While wearing his school uniform Ryuuto remembered all the tickets that he still has to use.

"Hey Rias, give me a good luck kiss, I'm going to summon some angels."

"Mmh, did I not already give you a kiss?"

"That's a good morning kiss, it's different."

After a small giggle Rias gave Ryuuto another kiss on the lips while also getting dressed up since she always slept naked.

"Thanks, my love."


{Congratulations Tenno for getting married, and what can I do for you?}

'Use all the summoning tickets I've got.'

{As you wish Tenno... Since you've summoned multiple angels I'll show directly the result of all the upgrading all of them went through.

- Gabriel -> R+

- Muse (New) -> R

- Shennong -> R+

- Anubis (New) -> R+

- Nemesis (New) -> SR+

- Erebus (New) -> SSR }

(A/N Images here.)

'Good, almost everyone of them leveled up and I got some strong angels.'

Once done summoning, both him and Rias went downstairs to eat breakfast, after being done eating and preparing their bags Kyoka, Ryuuto and Rias started going towards the train station to reach the school.

"Rias-san why are you coming with us?"

"I'm just accompanying my Darling and I wanted to see where you two go to school so I can come get my Darling after school."

"I see, then we should introduce you to our classmates."

<Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess: Hey Darling, could you do me a favor?>

<The Last Tenno (Admin): What is it?>

<Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess: Can you keep an eye open for someone that could be added to my peerage?>

<The Last Tenno (Admin): Sure, I'll tell you if I find anyone worthy.>

<Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess: Thank you Darling!>

Soon after the three had reached school and thanks to Rias' beauty they attracted a lot of attention.

"Are you sure you can get back on your own Rias?"

"Eheh, don't worry Darling, have a nice day, I'll wait for you after school."

After saying that Rias and Ryuuto shared a chaste kiss that made all the girls looking at them blush while the boys got extremely sad that a beauty like her is already taken.

Soon after a small chat Ryuuto and Kyoka left to go to their classroom, once inside they saw that some other students still hadn't arrived and while Kyoka went to greet her friends, Ryuuto just seated on his seat and waited for classes to start, just before this could happen when everyone was inside and doing their own things a group of guys consisting of Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero went towards him and Kaminari asked him.

"Hey dude, who was that chick with you at the entrance to school."

"That 'chick' is Rias, my wife."

Even though he wasn't screaming or speaking loudly everyone in the room heard him since they were talking softly since classes were almost starting.

"WHAT?! When did you get married?!"

"What does it matter? and I think you should go to your seats, Aizawa-sensei is here."

Hearing that everyone sprinted for their seats and soon enough they saw him enter the classroom, this time without his yellow sleeping bag.

After some normal classes it was time for lunch and once all the school's students had a chance to eat the 1-A went back to their classroom waiting for the next lesson to start.

While they were wondering who their teacher would be they all heard a voice.


Hearing that voice everyone already knew who it was without even watching, All Might.

"Welcome to your first class of Basic Hero Training, during these classes you'll learn how to become pro heroes and the first step to do that is to get your costumes."

Once he said that from the wall 19 suitcases appeared with name tags on each of them stating to who that particular suitcase belonged to.

"Now, go get changed and meet me at training ground beta!"

Saying that All Might disappeared in a burst of speed.

While everyone went to change Ryuuto directly headed to the training ground.


Inside the girl's changing room.

"Nee Kyoka, is it true that your brother got married?"

Mina Ashido, a pink skinned girl with an energetic personality, asked Kyoka what was inside the mind of almost all the girls inside there.

"Yes, it is, if you girls want you can meet her once school is over, she should be there so they both can get home together."

"Are you sure they won't mind us, ribbit?"

Tsuyu Asui, a girl with frog features, asked since she didn't want to intrude on their married life.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'm sure she'll also like to know you since she's new here in town."


Back to Ryuuto.

After waiting for some time he saw the other students arrive at the training ground.

"HAHA, you all look splendid with your costumes on. Now for this class you will be doing mock battles in 2 v 2."

"All Might-sensei how are we going to decide the teams?"

Tenya Iida, the tall blue haired boy that the first day of school was arguing with Bakugou, asked All Might while moving his hands like a robot.

"We'll be choosing teams using lots! In this way we'll also choose which team will be the villains and the heroes."

"Isn't there a better way to do this Sensei?"

"You won't always be able to choose whose your teammates be so you need to be able to adapt to the situation! Now, in this battles one team will impersonate villains and the other heroes. Villains will have to defend a fake bomb while heroes will try to capture them or secure the bomb within a time limit, if time's end villains will win."

After that All Might made the students draw lots and all the teams were the same as canon, except that Ryuuto got teamed with Momo since Mineta was expelled.

The first battle was the same as canon, Izuku and Ochako versus Tenya and Bakugou, other than being the same teams it also went the same way with Bakugou blasting explosions and shouting and Izuku running away and trying to find new bones to break.

Once that battle was over and Momo had explained what happened when All Might asked why Tenya was the MVP.

'Mmh, Momo could be a good addition to Rias' peerage, she's basically a walking armory and an excellent observer, moreover she could learn to use mana instead of body fat to create objects.'

(A/N Thanks to OverdoseOnSleep for the idea.)

After that the other battles went just like canon except for the one that would be coming up right now.

"Next battle will be Denki Kaminari and Kyoka Jiro, team G, as heroes and Momo Yaoyorozu and Ryuuto Azusagawa, team C, as Villains."

"We're fucked..."

"Don't say that Kyoka-chan, if we try hard enough I'm sure we can win."

"You can say that only because you never fought against my brother, you can't win against him, no matter what."

While Kaminari was trying to cheer Kyoka up Ryuuto and Momo were directed inside the building containing the fake weapon.

"Azusagawa-san we should start planning on how to defeat the heroes team and for that we should know more about each other. My quirk allows me to create anything as long as I understand it's molecular composition and I have enough lipids."

"Mine allows me to manipulate what I call dream energy, with it I can do more or less anything."

"You're Kyoka's adopted brother, right? Can you tell me about her quirk?"

"Kyoka's quirk allows her to use her to manipulate her jack's shaped earlobes, she can extend up to six meters and use her heartbeat vibrations do damage objects she stabs them into she also has an excellent hearing and can ear through thick walls by stabbing her earlobes into them."

"Then I'll make some muffling boots and an insulated suits against Kaminari's quirk."

"While you do that I'll go place some traps to make them waste time."

Saying that Ryuuto equipped Ivara and started putting Dashwires everywhere on the floor from the entrance' door to just outside the room where the fake bomb is, he also connected this wires with Noise arrows to disrupt Kyoka's hearing so it would take much more time finding the bomb.

Once done with that he went back to Momo and told her he was done placing traps while she passed him a pair of boots and an insulated suit.

"The trial starts NOW!"

Soon after they heard All Might voice through the intercoms.

"Yaoyorozu-san I'm going to overcharge the lights and make them go off."

Equipping Volt Prime Ryuuto used a simple Shock and all the light bulb inside the building started exploding, once done he unequipped Volt.

'What should I do while waiting for them... Yeah, that could work, I also wanted a pet for some time now.'


Just before Denki and Kyoka entered the building.

"Are you ready Kyoka-chan?"


At that moment they heard All Might voice telling them the trial had started, hearing that they went inside and the first thing that happened was Denki tripping on a wire and soon after a loud noise resounded in the room making Kyoka wince in pain.

"Look where you're going! You dumbass!"

"What the hell was that?!"

Just as Denki finished speaking they saw all the lights in the corridor they were in explode and the only source of light was the open door behind their backs.

"Aaand now we're in an horror movie... perfect! Next what?! A monster will appear?!"

As soon as Kyoka finished saying that they heard some strange sounds coming from in front of them.

"Did you really have to say that Kyoka-chan?"

Soon after they saw a strange dog-like creature come out of the shadows, formed by the lack of light, and started running towards them while making loud sounds to scare them even more.

(A/N Image here)


And that was how the whole battle trial went, with poor Kyoka and Denki running away, while trying not to trip, from that strange creature.

"Time's up! The villain team wins!"

As soon as they heard All Might voice Kyoka and Denki turned around and saw that the monster wasn't there any longer so they rapidly headed for the exit.

Once outside they saw Ryuuto playing with the creature that would give them nightmares.

"Whose a good boy? Whose a good boy? Yes! You are!"

While both Denki and Kyoka's jaws were hanging so open you could fit an egg inside, they saw Ryuuto approach then with the strange dog following him, when they were near them the dog went towards Kyoka and rubbed it's head on her leg.

"He's saying he's sorry for scaring you and hopes you can forgive him."

"Onii-san, wh-what is he?"

"He is an helminth charger, something I created while training one day and then sent back since I didn't really know what to do with him."

After some more explaining all five of them went back to the control room to watch one last trial.

Once the trials were over they all went back to change while Ryuuto and his helminth headed to class, once the other students reached the classroom they saw the helminth snuggling on Ryuuto's leg while he petted it's head.

Soon after class stared and Aizawa warned that Ryuuto would need to notify the school if he were to bring some pet the next time.

After some time classes ended and the entirety of 1-A, except Bakugou and Midoriya that were having their discussion about who would be on top, followed Ryuuto and Kyoka to meet Ryuuto's wife.

Arriving at the school's gate they saw a red headed beauty standing there.

"Darling! How was your day?"

Saying that she jumped on Ryuuto while shocking the students for their show of affection.


(A/N Please give me some names for the pet, my naming sense sucks.)

Eighteenth Chapter.

First pet gotten.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ILMATTEOcreators' thoughts