
Tellus: The Second Evolution

A mass extinction known as the K-T extinction event occurred on the plane of Tellus 66 million years ago. Roughly 80% of Tellus's animal population was eradicated. That was when the plane of Tellus underwent its first evolution, a fact unknown to the current civilisation of the plane of Tellus. Approximately 3200–3500 years ago, the plane of Tellus experienced the first trail of its second evolution. The Tellus plane may have been able to overcome the trail, but it ended up destroying nearly every known civilisation in the process. The ignorant called it "The end of the Bronze Age." And the final trial of the second evolution is here. Will the plane of Tellus survive? Those ancestors who made it through the initial ordeal were smart enough to leave a legacy that would prepare their descendants for the inevitable end of days. He fits into that category. He had no idea of his own identity and remembered nothing past the meteor shower. The good news is that he wasn't alone. The last trial has finally begun. Schedule: From Tuesday to Saturday at 12-12:30 GMT (5 chapters/week) P.S. Tellus is a latin term for…

Finale_one · Fantasía
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12 Chs

9. Lunar Devil


Several monsters, about the size of dogs, were licking the blood from under the hanging carcass. They, too, started howling.

When the group-howling stopped, some feasted on the spilled guts on the side while others attempted to jump and bite the hanging carcass.

He'd never seen or heard of these creatures. Their total was slightly more than ten. However, their sizes were too negligible for Sleagh to be concerned.

*Boom* Boom*

The pair of guardians, controlled by the tall man and the girl, started to move again. Again the front door of the tower closed without giving him any warning.

Sleagh sighed and looked back at the tower. Soon, he found the twin and Biggie running on the roof. Biggie even waved his hand at him.

However, he didn't have time to worry about the other. He took one of the burned spears from his back and threw it at one of the unsuspecting bird-headed monsters.


The dog-sized beast cried out in agony as the burn-headed spear impaled it. More and more blue blood escaped from its body as it struggled to free itself.

The more blood it spilled, the harder it fought. All of its struggles came to an end before it could free itself.

The other bird-headed attempted to assist their brother, impaled on the ground with a long spear. However, they lacked both the size and strength to do so. Their brother soon abandoned them.

[You have killed Juvenile Lunar Devil (raven)]

[1 exp earned.]

[<Leach> activated.]

[Dexterity increased.]


Before he could check the notification, They started to howl again. This time, the cry was much louder. The fur stood on the bodies, forming a silver mane around their bird heads.

Sleagh had yet to learn what they were attempting to achieve. But he had no intention of letting them succeed. He drew out another spear and attacked them without hesitation.

Something else had reached the monster first.



The heavy club slammed into them, turning a few of them into a blue-blooded paste on the ground. The blue blood dripped down as the stone guardian raised its club.

"You don't have to fight by yourself. We will assist."

Sleagh frowned as he turned his gaze to the tower. They couldn't see his expression, so they assumed he had agreed.

The stone club and the stone swords of the guardians came down again. The bird-headed monsters were agile. And with prior experiences, they had no intention of becoming menaced meat again.

However, Sleagh was faster. This time, he used his 'Stone' grade spear. Rather than impaling them, he attempted to cut the small dog-sized beast in half.

His intermediate spear mastery wasn't enough to defeat all the monsters with a single swing. And a few of them escaped with minor injuries. A stone club and sword quickly reduced those to meat paste.

Sleagh wanted a better outcome. He had no intention of sharing his exp with others.


On top of that, he could hear another monster howling in the forest. Fearing that more monsters might appear, Sleigh didn't dare to waste any more time.

He stopped resisting the sensation that was constantly overpowering his mind. After all, it wasn't a feeling he was fond of.

He tracked down every single one of them using <Resonance>. He soon noticed something was different about the skill.

He could almost predict their next move based on their subtle movements the more he concentrated.

However, all the monsters died before he realized what was happening.

[You have killed Juvenile Lunar Devil (raven)]

[1 exp earned.]

[<Leach> activated.]

[Dexterity increased.]

A long list of notifications appeared, practically drowning out his hearing. However, he didn't get to reap the results of his labour.

His head began to throb incessantly. The resonance that his skill detected made him dizzy. It was so intense that the body wanted to flee immediately.

He recognised what was causing him disorientation and...


The ground beneath him exploded, scattering stone shards everywhere.

Fortunately, he trusted his instincts and jumped out of the way. However, the assault did not stop.

He could sense the presence of something frightening using <Resonance>, but he wasn't quick enough to pause and look at his attacker.

Every time he moved his feet, another spear pierced the ground where he was standing. They were short spears with dazzling blue stones at their heads and a few feathers wrapped around their necks.


And he leapt. Yet no spear came. His assailant came to a halt just outside of his area of effect. When the club-wielding guardian launched an unexpected strike, the attacking frenzy stopped.

'Biggie controls that one.' Before checking his attacker, he muttered his gratitude to the big guy in his heart.

It was completely covered in black fur. The only exception was the half-moon-shaped sliver patch around its throat.

Unlike the dog-sized monster, it had a human-sized body. And because of the scar on its eye and the large black beak, that raven head appeared fearsome.

The monster was dressed in a piece of animal skin that covered its crotch. There was nothing else on its fur-covered-yet-muscled body besides the bone necklace.

It held a short spear in its talon-like fist, aimed at Sleagh. With a couple of spears tied to his back, it opened its toothless beak and screamed at him.


The defining howl was cut off as the sword-wielding guardian swung its sword.

However, the sword hit nothing but air. It rolled across the ground, stopping where the stone club was about to strike its head.


The club met the spear. Despite successfully deflecting the club, the spear shaft cracked. The raven-head threw it away without hesitation.


The monster snatched the burned spear from the air Sleagh had thrown at its head. Despite the fact that it was fighting two stone guardians, it never took its gaze away from Sleagh.

Sleagh threw another 'Wood' graded burnt spear. Again it caught the spear as if it was nothing and threw it back at Sleagh.

The charred spear went halfway into the ground before shattering.

Sleagh could only imagine what would have happened if he hadn't moved out of the way. But he didn't have time to be concerned.

His remaining burnt-headed spears were squandered on the dog-sized bird-headed monsters, leaving only his 'stone' grade spear in his arsenal.


The monster charged at him with another short spear as soon as it discovered the opening in the guardians' attack pattern.

His agate spear collided with the short, thick-shafted spear, causing a solid recoil that shattered the flesh between Sleagh's right thumb and index finger.

But all he could do was grit his teeth and tighten his grip on his blood-soaked spear. The monster swung its short spear once more.

Rather than confronting the attack, he attempted to deflect it. He was successful, but the pain returned. His grip became slippery.

"Ahhh." He whimpered in agony as he wiped his hand on his already-soiled shirt.

However, the monster did not wait for him to finish. The blue crystal spear slithered through the air, aimed at his head.

He thought he'd gotten away with it, but a fine line appeared on his cheek. Warm blood poured from it.

'I need to escape.' His instinct was screaming, telling him to flee. Yet, all he could do was grip his spear and block the relentless assault of the 'real' monster.


Schedule: Tuesday to Saturday 12:30 GMT

Finale_onecreators' thoughts