
Tell me everything boss

Raised in an orphanage, Lily has always worked hard in her life. Throughout her life, she has lived by the motto "Nothing in this world is given to you. You have to go out and get it!" This has shaped her into a hardworking and independent woman. However, everyone makes mistakes, including Lily. At one point, she succumbed to the temptations of her boss, which led her to become dependent on him. She became deeply infatuated with her boss, being treated like a queen where her every desire was granted. However, one day Lily saw her boss with another woman! Filled with jealousy and anger, Lily followed them to a hotel, growing increasingly furious. She confronted her boss, expressing her anger and stating that she no longer wanted to see him, resigning from her job. In the following week, Lily, having completed her resignation process, decided to apply for a position and entered the interview stage at a private company. She applied for a secretary position, plunging herself into a new and complicated relationship with a handsome man! Will Lily experience the heart-fluttering emotions once again? Or will this man make Lily feel warmth in her heart once more?

Luwly · Ciudad
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9 Chs

Got a job 1

Drrrr! Drrrr!


Lily woke up from her deep sleep upon hearing the ringing of her phone's alarm.

Lily then reached for her phone and turned off the alarm. She checked her phone notifications, wondering if there were any new messages.

"Hmm? What's this?" Lily noticed a new email notification.

[Delima Putih ….]

Lily felt nervous seeing the incoming email's subject. She was anxious and afraid that she wouldn't be accepted, but she decided to open the email.

[To Miss Lily…



... Congratulations, you have been accepted to our company.]

Lily held her breath while reading and then felt ecstatic as she realized she had been accepted.

"Cind...Cindy, wake up." Lily said, gently trying to wake Cindy. "I got accepted, Cind, I got accepted." Lily exclaimed with joy.

Cindy slowly opened her eyes due to Lily's persistent nudges. "You got accepted?" Cindy asked, half-awake.

"Yes, I got accepted at Delima Putih!" Lily announced loudly.

"Accepted at Delima Putih...." Cindy, still processing Lily's words in her half-awake state. "Lily got accepted at Delima Putih... My friend at the company?!" Cindy then joined in the excitement as she grasped Lily's words.

Cindy got up from bed and rubbed her eyes. "Congratulations, Lily!" Cindy suddenly hugged Lily.

Lily, anticipating Cindy's tight hug, felt an indescribable happiness. Both of them had reached a point where they could feel each other's hearts.

"Look, it seems like your confidence that you would be accepted into the company wasn't just passing. I knew you would be accepted." Cindy genuinely praised Lily.

"Hehehe, thank you for believing in me. I just want to say thank you for always supporting and trusting me, even if it made you doubt." Lily expressed her gratitude to Cindy emotionally.

Lily and Cindy then released their embrace and sat on the edge of the bed. They looked at each other with pure joy.

"But wait, Lily. Did you read the email carefully? Are there any conditions or requirements you need to fulfill?" Cindy asked curiously.

"Oh, not yet. I only saw the title. Let's read it together." Lily took her phone again and opened her email.

[To Miss Lily...

Congratulations, you have been accepted to our company as an assistant. We highly appreciate your qualifications and experience. You are one of the best candidates we selected from thousands of applicants.

As an assistant, you will be responsible for assisting our manager in various tasks, such as preparing reports, scheduling, contacting clients, and more. You will also have the opportunity to learn a lot about our products and services.

We expect you to join us immediately. You should start working today, Wednesday, X month X year X, at 09:00 am. You must come to our central office at X Street No. 123, City X. You will be provided with an ID card, uniform, and other work equipment there.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us as soon as possible. We will be happy to assist you.

Once again, congratulations, and we look forward to working with you.

Best regards,

Delima Putih]

Lily and Cindy read the email carefully. They were surprised and puzzled when they saw that Lily had to start working on the same day, and the time was quite tight.

"Lily, is this for real? You have to work today? Out of the blue?" Cindy asked incredulously.

"Yes, Cindy. I'm also shocked. This is really sudden. I'm not prepared." Lily answered in a panic.

"Oh dear, Lily. It's already 7:30. You only have half an hour to get ready. You need to hurry, take a shower, change clothes, and leave. You don't want to be late on your first day of work, right?" Cindy reminded Lily with concern.

"Yes, yes. I'll take a shower now. Please prepare my clothes and bag for me. Neat and proper. I don't want to make a bad impression at the company." Lily rushed to the bathroom.

"Okay, okay. I'll help you. Don't worry, you can do it." Cindy tried to reassure Lily while picking out suitable clothes and a bag.

Cindy chose a white blouse and a black skirt for Lily. She also took an elegant black bag and comfortable high-heeled shoes. She placed everything on the bed and checked if anything was missing.

"Phone, wallet, keys, makeup, perfume, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, comb, headband, hair clip, earrings, necklace, bracelet, ring, watch, glasses, mask, hand sanitizer, tissue, sanitary napkin, candy, water bottle, notebook, pen, business cards, flash drive, power bank, charger, earphones, umbrella, jacket, and neck pillow. Looks like everything is complete." Cindy counted the items she placed in Lily's bag.

Lily came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body. She dried her hair with another towel and quickly put on the clothes Cindy had prepared.

"How do I look? Do I look okay?" Lily asked, showing herself in front of the mirror.

"You look beautiful and professional, Lily. You'll surely catch everyone's attention at the company." Cindy genuinely praised Lily.

"Thank you for choosing my outfit, Cindy. I would have been in trouble if I had to handle this alone." Lily sincerely replied to Cindy's compliment.

"Of course, Cindy does that. You have to treat me after this." Cindy said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, I'll treat you after this. Please pray that I won't encounter any mishaps on my first day of work, Cindy." Lily requested to be prayed for something good by her friend.

"I'll pray for you, Lily. You also don't forget to pray for me, okay? Hope I can work well and smoothly." Cindy prayed sincerely.

"Amen, amen. I'll pray for you too, Cindy." Lily prayed sincerely.

Lily and Cindy then hugged again and gave each other encouragement. Cindy knew that today was an important day for Lily. That's why Cindy continued to provide encouragement to Lily so that she wouldn't be nervous on her first day at work.