
Teen Wolf: The Singer

Mathew. Someone who was the entire world knows, is blessed by god. Every single instrument he had picked up since the age of 5, he had mastered with relative ease. It took him a year with the piano, to reach levels current musicians took decades to reach, and he was only a good. Only his talent was not a blessing but was a curse. Being taken advantage of since the age of 7, he was destined to live a life of sorrow. When he was 14, he was taken away from the public eye since he had finally broken down. His progress in instrument stopped. He started playing worse, getting sick more often, and the only reason he stayed alive was for Archer. However one day when he was 16, 2 years after being taken away from the publics eye, even Archer wasn't enough for him to stay alive. But when he opened his eyes one day, he was different. Mathew had changed, and now, he would travel to a certain part in the world, to find out why God had placed this curse on him. I do not own the cover or any characters that are not original in this work.

Fat_Cultivator · Película
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27 Chs

Chapter 21: Skills

Chapter 21: Skills

"Fucking court mandated therapy." I muttered, as I drove back to school to meet Elaine.

As I walked into the room the school had provided to her to do her counseling, she was looking at the clock while patiently waiting for me.

As I walked in, the first thing she said was, " Augestine. Can I know the reason you were late today?"

I had to make sure to wear an oversized hoodie so that she wouldn't realize the extreme change in my physique.

It was fine if I gained a bit of mass but changing overnight she would definitely want me to go to a hospital to check if I had taken steroids.

Even that wouldn't justify this though.

"I forgot. A lot has been on my mind recently." I said as I sat on the couch opposite her.

"Like? Are you feeling stressed about school? It isn't really great moving into a new environment is it." She asked, as she wanted for my response.

She didn't take notes like normal psychologists did, mainly because I had admitted in my last session it freaked me out for being judged.

I wouldn't mind it if I was a stranger, but if I am going to spend 2 hours every week with a person, I don't need a voice in the back of my mind doubting her thoughts on the subjects.

However with my skill I could clear as day see her emotions.

Right now, she was just patient, probably dealing with patients like me before.

"It's actually been fine. I joined the Manga club like I had planned to and am planning on creating a music band." I admitted.

"That's wonderful. Donna did mention something about you being good at instruments. Do you want to talk about how you became skilled at them?" She asked.

Elaine wasn't someone who knew about my backstory. Donna was able to pull some strings to get a professional psychologist who travels around the world to tend to her clients. Someone who is extremely busy and doesn't know too much about the music world.

"My dad taught me. That's about it really." I told her, not really wanting to talk about the subject.

Sigh…I hate therapy.

After about 30 minutes, Elaine had to leave since she needed to catch a flight to go to Paris.

Right now, I was going to go meet Scott, Kira and Ethan at a local burger place for dinner.

Scott and Ethan were coming back after practice and Kira admitted to me that she was tagging along to try to spend more time with Scott.

Kira treated me as her close friend, and now that I was in on the supernatural business she felt relieved that she could talk to someone about her worries.

When I reached the place, I quickly found an empty spot and ordered a milkshake while waiting for the trio.

As I did, I checked my phone for any notifications. I always kept my phone on to not disturb it so as not to get distracted from my normal life.

I first replied to Benjamin's message.

[Benjamin: Just like planned. We changed the company's name to Instagram. Honestly the idea is unique to say the least. Like a more interactive facebook.

Me: That was the plan. How long will it take to launch the product?

Benjamin: Around a month? I can speed up the process but Mike said he would have to take care of some due diligence before we could start.

Me: Alright then, keep me updated.

Benjamin: Thanks for the Mcd gift card, I have been using it every day.

Me: Benjamin soon you could probably buy a franchise of Mcd]

Following that I went on to see Mike's message, hoping for it to be something about the due diligence Benjamin spoke about but when I saw the message I simply ignored it.

[Mike: (Photo). I bought these for Archer]

After about 15 minutes the trio arrived and we ordered some food for us to eat.

"Augestine, we were able to find something out about your powers." Scott admitted, as he showed me a text from Allison.

"It's apparently something about you being an apostle of God."

I didn't correct him, since according to Noshiko, whom I trusted more in this issue, I was a messenger of God. Meant to first pass down his message and then my secondary role of representing him.

It was basically the same meaning, but probably why Allison couldn't find anything else regarding a Cherubim in the bestiary.

"So what am I gonna be in the future? A pope or some shit?" I asked as a joke and ate my second burger.

None of them seemed to get my joke since they didn't reply.

"Anyways we were hoping you would avoid meeting Lydia for a bit. Since she is going to be extremely attracted to you." Ethan asked me.

I just nodded as I continued to eat.

"Why isn't the attraction both ways? It doesn't make sense that only Lydia is attracted." Kira asked.

(Author's note: Not really a hard part, but if you're able to answer it I will let the first one who answered it change 1 thing about the story as long as I am okay with it.)

"We still need to figure that out. We also need to teach you how to control your powers." Scott told me.

"And we need your help to find Stiles." Ethan asked.

I first looked at Scott and answered him, " We barely know what my powers are. How about finding them out and then training?"

"And what do you mean finding Stiles?" I asked Ethan.

Scott looked at Kira and questioned, "Is he not in the group chat?"

"He's not."

"Well it's time to add him."

"So I can use sound waves to heal as well." I muttered out loud, as I figured that skill out. Sound therapy, a neat skill. Probably not going to use it on myself due to my supernatural speed at healing which was way faster, though.

Now, I just needed to figure out how to move at the speed of sound…if I could even do that.

Right now, I was sure I could beat a Beta with no doubt in my mind. With their enhanced hearing, they wouldn't be able to beat fighting me since their eardrums would rupture instantly.

That, and I had a stronger body than most average Alphas according to Noshiko. Probably not at Ducalians level but I couldn't be sure due to my demigod bloodline.

'I should probably study more about sound waves. If I could manipulate sound waves at a molecular level…if that's possible, can't I make auditory illusions?' I thought.

As I went on my PC and types: Sound waves and all about it.

Sound waves are a type of wave that travels through a medium, such as air, water, or solids. They are produced by vibrations in the medium, which create changes in pressure that propagate as waves through the medium. When a sound wave reaches our ears, it causes our eardrums to vibrate, which our brains interpret as sound.

Some key characteristics of sound waves include:

Amplitude: The amplitude of a sound wave refers to the maximum displacement of the medium from its equilibrium position as the wave passes through it. This is what determines the loudness of the sound.

Frequency: The frequency of a sound wave refers to the number of complete cycles of the wave that occur in one second. This is what determines the pitch of the sound.

Wavelength: The wavelength of a sound wave refers to the distance between two consecutive points on the wave that are in phase, or at the same point in their cycle. It is related to frequency by the equation wavelength = speed of sound / frequency.

Speed of sound: The speed of sound varies depending on the medium through which it is traveling, as well as the temperature and pressure of the medium. In dry air at sea level, the speed of sound is about 343 meters per second (1,125 feet per second).

Sound waves can be described using mathematical equations, such as the wave equation and Fourier analysis. This makes it possible to manipulate sound waves in various ways, such as by adding or removing certain frequencies, amplifying or attenuating certain parts of the waveform, or using the waveforms to create new sounds entirely.

Sound waves are used in a wide variety of applications, from music and entertainment to medicine and science. Some examples include:

Music: Sound waves are the foundation of music, and are used to create and manipulate musical sounds.

Communications: Sound waves are used in a variety of communication technologies, including telephones, radios, and public address systems.

Medical imaging: Sound waves are used in ultrasound imaging to create images of internal body structures.

Sonar: Sound waves are used in sonar systems to detect and locate objects underwater.

Acoustics: The study of sound waves and their properties is known as acoustics, and has applications in architecture, noise control, and environmental soundscapes.

Alright so now I know which subject I have to take to learn more about sound waves in the future…physics.

For now, I should focus on being able to make the auditory hallucinations skill.

Following that I will look into the manipulation of the amplitude frequency and wavelength of sound to see how my attacks can hit harder.

Probably when I am reaching close to mastery of my powers, I will be able to travel at the speed of sound.

Right now, I have around 5 Million left, enough to last me a couple months till instagram is up and running probably.

The purchasing of instagram took out a chunk of my money but a couple of million for a couple of billion seemed fair.

And after having money I could invest into other things.

Hiring some mangaka and making my own studio.

Definitely focusing on music.

And the easiest of them all, a super long term investment that would make me a billionaire in a couple of years just like instagram. However I needed to remember… when is bitcoin going to come out again?

After doing some research, I checked my youtube statistics. I haven't opened it for the past 2 days since Mike told me he had uploaded my songs.

Seeing that both on youtube and spotify it could get a couple hundred views…wait….wait…couple hundred million views?! What the fuck is going on?

Authors note: sneak peak to the next chapter.

Chapter title: The First Calling

If we hit 150 PS I'll drop it. Either that or if the novel hits 15 reviews. NOT BOTH.