
Technically An Overlord

What else is better than being able to create something that came out of your imagination? Something that can only be left hidden behind our minds, yet here you can freely explore it. Michael, a 20 years old boy, homeschooled, not technically spoiled, but still privileged enough to care about the outside world, was suddenly transported in another world, MID-AIR! However, despite his unluckiness, he seem to be favored by God. As the world he got himself into was the same world of the game he was addicted to. Now, the only problem lies to his self... A selfish bastard who knows nothing of outside world will now have to take responsibility of more than 11500 people... He had to keep these people from both starvation, and of course, foreign threats. // Credits to the rightful owner of the image provided in the cover. // I am an amateur writer of a novel, so if you find something wrong with my explanations, do please give me a comment and I'll try my best to elaborate and change it!

Helfenite · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
30 Chs

Unjust and unruly

Long story short, I didn't die. I don't know how it happen, but I am sure when I almost touched the ground, I stopped.

And upon walking a few meters, I arrive at an Inn which I presume to be where people stay temporarily. When I entered, I was met by strange gazes by the people. Especially this one who's staring daggers at me.

I then got her name when she introduce herself. She's Rebbeca, and she seems to be working at this Inn. She's also quite beautiful, well decorated, and pretty childish.

However, when I gave my name which I was asked to, her expression, or rather, the entire people within the Inn's expression, suddenly changed.

And there I realize that the name that I used as my in game's name trigger such happening. All of them kneeled then prostrated, then begged?

"We beg of you, My Dear Lord. Please...don't leave us no longer. For we are mere peasants and we still seek and need your guidance." He exclaim, with a hint of emotional tone proof that they had a hard time when I left them.

I smile wryly, but it seems I cannot do so, so instead I reach for his head which touches the ground and gave him a pat.

"Worry not..." I reassure him.

And I surely can reassure them all. For the moment I was sent here, I was given a power, powerful enough to cause a disorder in this world. A menu for building this territory, and as if it were not enough to, the mods I once used in the game is included to my power. A tool menu that can give me unlimited seeds, food, clothes, tools, minerals, stones, woods, fuel, etc.

There's also features that I never once saw such as magical institutes, weapons, walls, castles, etc. This... This is something I knew I find boring, but why do I feel a sense of excitement that boils within my heart?

Wait, is my former personality coming back?


That night of the same day, west of Edelweiss.

In the outskirts of Edelweiss, there is a figure wearing a dirty robe that is running through the dense forest.

"I-I must tell the others."

A hint of exhaustion in this man's ragged breathing is obvious. However, this doesn't stop him from running.

Even if his life were at stake, he will deliver such important news to everyone in Rose.

"He's here... He's here at last..."

A smile is visible in this person's face while continuing his journey to spread the news of their master's return. His excitement overwhelm his weakening body.

"Thank Goodness..."

His teary eyes soon began to swell from tears, but instead of wiping it, he let it flow. For this tears are due to a joyous reason.


At the same time, east of Edelweiss.

There's also a man wearing a dirty robe, running through the forest, heading for the mining town of Lotus. The message, "The Lord has returned."

His smile is visible, and tears are also forming in his eyes.

"At last, he returned."

For the past 25 years, ever since his disappearance, despite being young, the man keeps on dreaming of his return. The youngster may not have experience it, but the time of his ruling was the best, most comfortable, and peaceful time of his life.

No war, no famine, no unrest. Nothing at all.

However after his disappearance, everything turn for the worst.

Another lord came and tainted the utopia that their master built. War was waged from the neighboring kingdom which promptly depleted the resources of the Lotus town.

But now... He have returned.

"I want to know and see more of his lordship, but for now, I must deliver this important news."

Truly, everyone was excited of his return.

Except for one.


"What?!! What could be this foolishness you are talking about!"

In the Castle of Edelweiss is a raging middle aged man as his subordinate just reported an unbelievable statement.

"That's impossible!! That's person's death!"

"Milord, he was spotted at the peasants' inn."

"No! That's an impostor, that just someone imposing his face, this comes with an execution. Immediately send this man to me, I will give these delusional people an example!"

However, promptly after his angry remark, the door suddenly blasted, revealing a tall man, with a feature of an early adult person wearing a black long coat.


However, upon realizing the true image of the man, he trembles in fear.

"No way... No way this could be happening! You didn't even age, you are an impostor! Guards, arrest this man!!!"

He remember very well the face of his uncle that was exiled right after his 7th birthday. The man who exactly have the same features of the Willemson bloodline.

Black hair, red daggering eyes. So beautiful, yet so dangerous.

Contrary to his calling, no one seems to be capable of moving. The majestic figure of man that just entered the hall made everyone froze, baffled by the sight to see.

"Good evening, you must be the current lord of the Pearson territory. I must say, you did a pretty bad way of maintaining it. The people keeps on complaining about your unjust and unruly behavior that even the guard itself despise your presence."

"That's foolishness, I am the Lord of Pearson, I am the one who govern this land, those who fail to obey my words are traitors of the empire! Everyone have to obey me! If they fail to do so, they can leave!"

"Now, now. That's really not a good temper you have there. But, I can't actually say so for myself since I am also feeling quite a little anger within me."

Soon, the people within the room felt shivers upon hearing his last line. Those within the room knows very well what could that mean.

"I just noticed this, but it seems I can fly according to my desire. Hey, you're a great subject for my new power, care to join a ride?"

Before anyone could notice, the man by the name of Karl grabbed the lord of Pearson by the neck and flew right through the castle's roof, destroying it in the process.

Those who were left inside the hall won't even dare to make a sound. For everyone know that they have no courage to do so.

Whilst at it, in the sky, two people are in a still manner.

"Great view, isn't it? I remember when I was governing this land for the first time, it's barely habitable. Trees are there but barely living, rivers flow, but no fish are moving, the people, they are also so thin that if you were to leave them for a second, they might die.

But I didn't let it get in my head, and instead nurture it for almost 30 years. And I was told that it hailed as most prosperous territory of this nation. However, right after I left, you came and destroyed it, even the foundation that I have built. Just imagining it gives me headache. Surely, you are not so much of a fool, aren't you?

Seeing the calm face of the man, Herald, the lord of Pearson, known for his fierce ruling, was now trembling in fear, and any moment something might came leaking.

"L-Let's talk... Let's just take it slow... I know, I know what I have done... I-I'm ready to pay for it, but please... At least put me down..."

"Did you know, just earlier, I was also falling from the sky? The experience I got is somewhat anticlimactic, I don't know why. Perhaps you could give me a reevaluation?"

Instantly, the grip that was holding the collar of the lord suddenly loosen. And that's where he knew that his life will soon flash in his eyes.