
Technically An Overlord

What else is better than being able to create something that came out of your imagination? Something that can only be left hidden behind our minds, yet here you can freely explore it. Michael, a 20 years old boy, homeschooled, not technically spoiled, but still privileged enough to care about the outside world, was suddenly transported in another world, MID-AIR! However, despite his unluckiness, he seem to be favored by God. As the world he got himself into was the same world of the game he was addicted to. Now, the only problem lies to his self... A selfish bastard who knows nothing of outside world will now have to take responsibility of more than 11500 people... He had to keep these people from both starvation, and of course, foreign threats. // Credits to the rightful owner of the image provided in the cover. // I am an amateur writer of a novel, so if you find something wrong with my explanations, do please give me a comment and I'll try my best to elaborate and change it!

Helfenite · Fantasy
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30 Chs



At free fall, the man in his 50's can't comprehend his situation. He, the lord of Pearson, hailed as the most advanced and prosperous territory of the Maginot Empire, was falling from the sky.

Minutes ago, light has already began flashing before her eyes. His life came as he remember every simple things he did.

His mother, sister of Karl Pearson, urged him to rule the land after the disappearance of him.

His father, the second prince, urged him to open the border of Pearson.

His grandfather, who used such situation to his advantage, urge him as well.

However, his grandmother warned him.

"He did not age, he did not die, he merely disappear, which means he will come back. If you truly desire to rule his land in his stead, then do so with care."

However, instead of taking his grandmother's word to heart, he dispose of it as mere hunch. But that mere hunch became reality, and now he's paying for such sin.

"I'm sorry!!!!!"

His tears are flowing backgrounds as he fall 20,000 feet above ground. In his side is the same person who once was exiled in his 7th birthday, however, his expression is terrifying.

He's laughing.

He's laughing, genuinely feeling happy seeing the same blood of his falling to his death. He's insane.

That's when he knew that his life is currently under the grip of this man, this man who he thought to have died, that also had returned and now seek vengeance for his people.

"I'm sorry, please, PLEASE!!!!"

"HAHAHAHAH!!! In no way in hell would I forgive you! I have no remorse at all, instead, this is the request of the people, my people!!"

His eyes widen, his mouth metaphorically dropped. The fact that he followed the words of the peasant means he's foolish enough to be left unguided.

That's his chance.

"Those peasants!! Those peasants are mere beings who talk about their emotions and not their head! You should not follow their words if you truly seek prosperity, I know, I know very well how to do it!!!"

But immediately after his suggestion came, the face of Karl changed. His once delightful expression became contrary to it, wearing a more serious face.

His eye-piercing gaze filled with blood stare directly at his soul before saying,

"That's where you are wrong, nephew. They are my people, they have every rights to express themselves to me, that's how I achieve prosperity."

Herald was left speechless by his remarks. Soon enough, Karl's hand grip onto the collar of Herald.

"This is enough, it's no fun seeing you dying like this. Instead, I will send you back to your father and mother. And you can return this land to me, the rightful owner. I don't need any of your guidance as well since it sucks, I mean, just look at this. I remember it being so beautiful, lively and clean, and now it looks like a fucking dumpster."

Instantly, they were inside the hall again. The people who once here before are now nowhere to be seen. Instead, only rumbles and guards guarding the blasted double door can be seen. However, despite the begging teary eyes of their lord, they don't see to be moving. They only show a hint of despise directed to Herald.

"Send this man to Rose and tell them to bring him to his father."

"Certainly, milord!"

Soon, the two guards move and headed for the former lord, restraining him using some mysterious shackles to bound his arms and sent him away.


[Karl's POV]

With the man being sent away, I slowly recompose myself. I sat upon the throne dusted by the rumbles from the destroyed ceiling. I held my cheek using the fist while the armrest support my arm.

It ended in anticlimactic manner. Instead of him dying, squashed from free fall, I ended up losing my composure.

But still, I was able to complete my promise. I made him almost pee himself that he would probably came running to his father instead of being sent. However, both are favorable to me.

His arrogant father, to which my people told me, is a person who scheme around just like my father. They both used my land as their source of supply for their wars with the neighboring kingdom depleting the Lotus Town to the extent where it is almost inoperative.

I want to confront them, but I have no way of telling from which is which since the map of this world inside my game is non-existence for it only focused at this landlocked land.

So, instead of troubling myself by travelling across vast land, I want to wait here while I manage the land and bring it back to its former glory. I want to show them once they return that I am the only one capable of developing this land.

Of course, I will utilize every gifts the God gave me. That would be useless after all if left untouched. Don't blame me, I'm a fair player.

Thankfully, the system where I can accelerate time is not here. I can also see the towns in bird's eye view and close range which will help me manage the town efficiently.

Not only that, I can also savor the feeling of becoming the true lord of this town. And since I was able to make this a functioning towns before, I guess it's time to turn it into a perfectly functioning cities.