
Teasing Intentions (Izuku Midoriya x OC)

Raven Tanuki used to be the ultimate prankster back in her high school days where she attended UA High. She would always pull the most notorious pranks with her partner in crime, Denki Kaminari, and living up to her surname, Tanuki, which meant the Trickster. One day, after going too far with one of her pranks and ultimately ruining someone's birthday, Raven told herself that she would never pull a prank on anyone again and abandoned all that were in progress. 5 years later, her class had graduated and become part of the system. Raven had bettered herself for a good, boring life as a hero. Until, one day, one of her former classmates, Izuku Midoriya--now Pro Hero Deku--runs into her during her patrol. What happens if Deku picks up where Raven left off? What exactly were Ravens intentions back in high school?

SM_Hawkins · Cómic
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21 Chs

Professor - Chapter 2

--6 Years Ago--

Raven swallowed a giggle as she looked at her partner in crime, Denki Kaminari. He was setting down the grocery bags filled with things they were about to use. They were preparing to pull a prank on their professor, Aizawa. That's right. Their terrifying teacher. It's an absolutely crazy idea, but they were set on getting a reaction out of the man.

They had come up with the idea at two in the morning in Raven's dorm room. They even snuck out just to go to the supermarket to buy the supplies!

But, this was their first time pulling a prank on their teacher. They didn't know how it would go.

Sure, they've pulled pranks on their classmates together, but never on their teacher. Too afraid of the consequences that would come of it. But now? They were prepared. The punishment would be worth the reward.

Right now, they had to be completely quiet. It was close to three thirty in the morning right now; they were setting up the prank.

What is the prank, you ask?


They're putting sticky notes everywhere. On the desks, on the walls, on his chair. Literally everywhere.

Denki smiled deviously as he ripped open a package of sticky notes and began placing them, trying to be extra quiet. It would be in vain though, as no one was in the building at this time.

They worked quickly and quietly, efficiently placing all the four thousand sticky notes around the room. Raven built up quite the sweat, having to use one of the chairs to get up to the high part of the walls. She even almost fell, but Denki caught her before any loud noise would be made.

Finally, two in a half hours later, they were finished. They needed to get out of there quickly because teachers would be coming in soon. If they were caught before they were to exercise the prank, it would all be for nothing.

As quietly as they could, they picked up their trash and put it in the plastic bags as they tiptoed their way out of the classroom.

Raven was ecstatic that she could pull off this prank, barely being able to hold in her excitement. She couldn't wait for the others to see. Only, the one person that could ruin it would be Iida, the class representative.

She shook the thought from her mind and she and Denki made their way through the winding halls of UA, making sure to stay out of the line of cameras that littered the ceiling.

'Ohhh, Mr. Aizawa is gonna be so mad!' She thought to herself, getting a little giddy as she ran through the front doors of the high school, leaving Denki in the dust to go throw away the trash in the big dumpsters.

It wouldn't matter if they found the evidence. She was planning on getting caught anyways. Raven was well aware that she was known for pulling pranks on people, so she wouldn't be able to convince people otherwise. That was a downfall in itself.

If someone else were to pull something, she would be getting in trouble for it whether it was her doing or not.

But, Raven didn't mind. As long as she gets the credit for doing something scandalous, she's fine with getting a punishment. Raven is a legacy in her family, so if she does something crazy, she gets put on a higher pedestal for it.

In Ravens family, she is the golden child. She got the golden quirk, and the golden personality. Her parents love her because of it, and her younger siblings and cousins look up to her for it.

One could say her ego is a bit big.

But, Raven didn't care as she finally crashed on her bed at six in the morning, her alarm on her phone blaring as soon as she hit the mattress. She groaned as she rolled over, exhaustion overwhelming her while she turned off the alarm to start getting ready for school.

School starts in an hour. One more hour that she has to wait to see everyone's reaction. She was so excited.

That hour couldn't have passed any more slowly than it did, but when it did, Raven could not calm her racing heart. It wasn't because she was anxious, no, it was more like adrenaline. She didn't know why she was so hyper, maybe it's because she didn't know how this would go, but she was gonna go through with it. It would be too late to back out now.

So, Denki and Raven left together to be the first ones there so they could see each and everyone of their classmates reactions. But, their reactions aren't important right now. It was Aizawa's.

Raven would be lying if she said that her classmates' reactions weren't funny. Everyone was excited to see how he would react--except one--but also scared for the person or people who had pulled the prank.

Then, the moment where everything finally happened. Aizawa came waddling through the door in his famous yellow sleeping bag, eyes flying wide open when they caught sight of his beloved classroom and he stopped in his tracks. People around the room tried to stifle their giggles, especially Raven, when his eyes narrowed in on the most possible suspect.

"Raven Tanuki and Denki Kaminari," Aizawa bellowed as he unzipped his sleeping bag and walked out of it, "You'll be cleaning this classroom for the rest of the year."


--Present Time--

The struggle is real when Raven tried to put on her skin tight hero costume. Key word: Tried.

After putting on one of her boots, Raven thought about just giving up and succumbing to her place on the floor. But, no. She wanted to do something in her boring life, and if that was going on patrol for no reason, then so be it.

She wiggled and grunted, having already put on most over costume, just the arm sleeves and this one stupid boot that will not get on. Finally, getting fed up with her constant struggling, she stood up and stomped her foot, probably getting some complaints from her downstairs neighbor, but the boot slipped in place. Raven sighed, gathering her sleeves and slipping them on while walking out the door.

Raven's quirk is quite complicated, but also a simple one. If one understands all the basics, then they should be good to go. If they don't.. let's just say it would be hard to get the hang of it without a manual guide.

Her quirk is called Tanuki, literally just her last name. She basically has all the traits of a Tanuki except for the physical features. If you don't know what a Tanuki is, it's a Japanese raccoon dog that is native in Japan.

Her hero name is Mischief. She thinks it fits her pretty well, but only because she came up with it in her first year at UA.

Now for her quirk. She can shapeshift into different people which lets her become great with incognito missions. But, she can only shapeshift into people she's seen before, so she can't just make up a random person that doesn't exist.

She can also possess people much like a voodoo doll, only without the doll. The only way she can possess them is by touching them, even a small touch with one finger is enough for her to possess them. She can only hold them for so long as twenty minutes, so if a fight lasts any longer than that, her quirk will start to wear off.

The last thing Raven can do with her quirk, Tanuki, which might be the most impressive one, is that she can lie and manipulate her way out of any situation, if she uses her words correctly. But, she only uses it when she absolutely has too. It's not like she enjoys lying to people.

All of these things are combined into one quirk, so she doesn't have multiple. It's just the essence of it. Her quirk is all the things of a Tanuki. Maybe not to that extent, but it makes the most sense.

She's trained her quirk for many years because of how she grew up. Believe it or not, but Raven actually got into UA by recommendations. Her family is well known, and for their daughter to get such a powerful quirk that completely ecompasses their way of living? Of course Raven would be the golden child!

But, over time, Raven began to see the Tanuki family differently. Ever since they've outcast her, she's realized that they don't care about other people's well being, as long as they have the situation with their name written all over it.

Raven knows, because she's been there before.

She used to believe that getting into trouble was worth it because she was the one held responsible, the one known for doing the terrible things that she did. But when she quit pranking, she realized the real reason she wanted the attention.

She wanted to be known as the person who pulled genius pranks. Just like she was back when she lived with her family.

Raven wanted credit.

And that's not necessarily a bad thing, but in Raven's case, it is. Credit for doing things that hurt people isn't something you should want.

Raven pulled her keys out to lock her door and made her way down the cold, concrete stairs of her shabby apartment.

She paid way too much for something this shitty.

With a roll of her eyes, she continued with her inner monologue.

Raven has come a long way in realizing her mistakes. So much so, that she made sure to never make those same mistakes again. Maybe even getting a little too obsessive over it, but it did the job. Only making her life miserable in the process.

Raven doesn't like her life.

Sure, she loves saving people, but she doesn't like how she lives her life. She'd rather spend her life making people happy with the pranks she came up with, and the jokes she found on the internet than hiding from the people she unintentionally hurt five years ago.

Like, come on, Raven! It's in the past!

Live a little now!

But, thinking about getting caught up in her pranks again scares her. She doesn't want to be drowned in the thought of pranking again like she was five years ago. Stuff like that consumes you. When you're so obsessed with something that you can't think of anything or anyone else around you.

That's what's stopping her from continuing.

That and the fact that she wouldn't have anyone to prank.

Raven is completely alone. Like she said last time, Raven doesn't have any friends.

She sighed as she casually walked down the path of her patrol, kids pointing at her and gawking while their parents pulled on their arm to keep them walking.

Oh how she wished she could have had a normal life.

This is how she spends most of everyday. Sulking about her boring, uneventful, sad life.

A shove to her shoulder brought her back to the present, making her scowl at the person who had just jolted her out of her inner sob story.

"The hell do you-" She started, but her words were caught in her throat as she slowly took in the appearance of the person who bumped into her.


'This isn't happening' She thought to herself.

Just to be sure, she looked him up and down once again, gulping when it seemed like it wasn't a hallucination.

This is the worst thing that could happen today.

Out of all days, it had to be the one where she was mostly in her head, thinking about That Day.

He was the one that hurt to leave the most.

The man standing before her was none other than the number one Pro Hero Deku, standing in his green and black hero suit that contrasted greatly against her purple and black one.

Izuku Midoriya put his hands in his pockets, as he looked at her bewildered, "Raven Tanuki? Is that you?"