
Teasing Intentions (Izuku Midoriya x OC)

Raven Tanuki used to be the ultimate prankster back in her high school days where she attended UA High. She would always pull the most notorious pranks with her partner in crime, Denki Kaminari, and living up to her surname, Tanuki, which meant the Trickster. One day, after going too far with one of her pranks and ultimately ruining someone's birthday, Raven told herself that she would never pull a prank on anyone again and abandoned all that were in progress. 5 years later, her class had graduated and become part of the system. Raven had bettered herself for a good, boring life as a hero. Until, one day, one of her former classmates, Izuku Midoriya--now Pro Hero Deku--runs into her during her patrol. What happens if Deku picks up where Raven left off? What exactly were Ravens intentions back in high school?

SM_Hawkins · Cómic
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21 Chs

Procedure - Chapter 5

--6 Years Ago--

It's been about a month since Raven has started teasing Midoriya, calling him by his first name, or just simple flirting tactics. But most of it is general teasing, trying to get under his skin and fluster him.

And, it has all been worth it.

Just being able to see the way her words affect him is enough to get her going, but she holds back on how much she could tease him, and rather goes for what he can handle. That way it leaves him a flustered mess but still being able to function while knowing she has him by the tail.

But, while Midoriya does enjoy this ruthless teasing from Raven, he still doesn't understand why she's been doing it, and for so long at that. Because, no matter how much she teases him, she just started doing it out of nowhere.

That leaves him to wonder why.

Is it just to get a reaction out of him? Does she like him? Does she want something.. more with him? His heart started racing just from the thought.

But one possibility he couldn't cancel out just yet was..

Was this all just some dumb prank?

It couldn't be, right? Raven's pranks are short and harmless. They wouldn't play with someone's feelings, right?

He kept saying that to himself, that she wasn't the type of person to do that to another, but he couldn't make himself rule the possibility out.

He needed to stop thinking about it for now, though, because he was in the middle of class. Midoriya shook his head. He needed to pay attention! He's here to become a hero, not fool around with some girl!

Soon, lunch rolled around and Midoriya headed out with his group, Shoto Todoroki, Tenya Iida, Tsuyu Asui, and Ochako Uraraka. The five of them made their way into the lunch line and took their meals, heading for their usual table in the cafeteria.

What Midoriya--or any of them--wasn't expecting, was the particular purple haired girl that has been on his mind all day to come up to their table and hang out with them--for one person specifically.

Midoriya was eating his lunch, laughing at something Uraraka had said, when all of a sudden he felt a tap on his shoulder. Thinking it was Iida, he looked over, ready to help with whatever he needed.

But, when he looked over, he locked eyes with the purple ones of Raven Tanuki. "Wah!!" He exclaimed, arms flailing around as he almost fell out of his seat, "T-tanuki!"

Raven giggled at his reaction, "Hiya, Izuku!" She exclaimed happily, rocking back and forth in her chair. She had asked Iida to move a seat over so she could sit next to Midoriya, and he obliged reluctantly. As you can tell, the motor man doesn't seem to like Raven very much.

Midoriya composed himself, "W-what are you doing over here? Aren't you usually with Kaminari?" He asked nervously, scared of what she might pull in front of his friends. He doesn't want to look stupid in front of them!

Raven smiled, "Yeah, but I wanted to come over here and talk to you! And haven't I already told you to call me Raven?" She chastised him.

"Ah, sorry Raven!" He scratched the back of his neck, "Um, what did you-" He cut himself short when he noticed her fanning her face, a hint of sweat lining her forehead, "R-Raven! Are you okay?!" He asked frantically, worried she might be sick.

She waved him off, "Nah I'm fine!" She fanned her face again, "Actually, is it hot in here? Or is it just you?" She asked the pickup line so casually, one would believe she was being serious. But the people in her class knew her better than that.

Uraraka literally spit out her drink onto Tsu, causing the frog like girl to gape in astonishment. Todoroki was confused as to how Midoriya would cause the room to be hot, and Iida rolled his eyes at Raven's antics.

Midoriya was sitting there gawking at her like she had just said a curse word. Raven inwardly smirked at his unresponsiveness, preparing for a double kill as she inched closer to his face with furrowed brows, "Hey, are you okay? Your lips look lonely, how about I introduce them to mine?"

That made him snap out of his trance, his face sporting a vibrant red as he turned his attention back to his food, "N-NO! That's okay!! My lips.. have each other! Yeah! The top and bottom ones!" He fumbled, when he realized his mistake, "Not that I have two pairs! No!-"

Raven gasped at his words, "Izuku! Gosh! I didn't know you had such a dirty mind!" She cackled, playfully shoving his shoulder as Uraraka literally exploded into a crimson cloud of embarrassment at his words. Todoroki was completely lost at this point.

Midoriya was quick to backtrack, waving his hands around in denial, "N-no! that's not what I meant at all!-"

"Then what did you mean, Izuku?" She teased him even more, getting up close and pushing his limit of how much teasing he can handle.

"I- I.. I meant-" Izuku tried, coming up blank.

Raven started feeling bad about how much she put him through, so she figured enough was enough. She giggled innocently, putting her hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry! I understand what you were trying to say," She put an end to his torment, facing back to the group of second hand embarrassed kids, "So! What were we talking about?"


--Present Time--

Raven has been avoiding Midoriya at all costs, ranging from hiding whenever she sees him in public or ignoring him when he calls out to her across the street. She just couldn't stand to face him after their last encounter.

Like, seriously?? He didn't think about what would happen with her literally sitting on top of him? That's some poor planning on his part.

Every time she thinks about it, the horrid embarrassment creeps up on her and makes her wish she never had gone to that stupid gym in the first place. After that, Raven needs to switch gyms.

Right now, Raven is on her way to the supermarket. She had camped out in her apartment the last couple days in hopes of avoiding the broccoli haired man and, in the process, ate her whole pantry. Let's just say there were some downsides in becoming a hermit.

Raven just hopes she doesn't run into him the one time she's out of her apartment.

But, fate never lets your hopes get too high.

She walked into the market, grabbing a shopping cart and heading to her the first aisle that she saw. She needed to get a lot of stuff today. Rest in peace her bank account. But as she was in the process of grabbing herself a loaf of bread, she looked up just in time to see a tuft of green hair flash across her vision, making her heart jump into her throat.

Every time she had gone out after the gym incident, she had come to find out that Midoriya and her actually cross paths quite a bit. Ever since bumping into him on the sidewalk that one fateful day, she had seen him everywhere.

So, it wasn't any bit of a surprise when she saw him at the grocery store today. In fact, she just sighed and accepted her fate as she knew he would find her quick enough.

Raven continued on her way to get eggs next, unconsciously trying to look inconspicuous so Midoriya wouldn't recognize her straight away.

But again, fate decided against her when she felt a tap on her shoulder, making her jump and turn around. Cringing, she looked up at the man in front of her, "Hey, Raven!" Midoriya piped, causing her to groan at his bright personality, "Didn't think I'd see you here, since I haven't seen you all week!" He pouted at her absence, crossing his arms, "Have you been avoiding me?" He gasped in realization.

Raven turned around, grabbed a carton of eggs without checking if any were broken inside and placed them in the basket, continuing on her way to her next destination.

Ignoring the man was harder than anticipated, as he was just talking her ear off and she was forced to listen as they walked around the grocery store, Midoriya following her like a lost puppy.

"Hey," He caught her attention after blabbing her ear off for ten minutes straight, "Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?" He asked with a devilish smirk, causing Raven's purple eyes to widen in surprise--before she deadpanned.

"No, you should keep walking," She responded, the unpleasant memories of six years ago creeping up on her from his new attempt at teasing her. Unlike him, she had comebacks.

Midoriya was taken aback at her quick recovery, but that only spurred him to try harder. Afterall, he doesn't quit easily. "Well, if being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged," He said smoothly, resting his arm on one of the shelves.

Raven scoffed, "And you'd be bailed out immediately," Grabbing a bag of cereal off the shelf behind him.

Midoriya laughed, "So you think I think you're sexy?"

"I don't need your commentary to know I look good," Raven said, barely acknowledging his presence right beside her as she walked.

Midoriya nodded in understanding, "So aside from being extremely hot, what else do you do for a living?"

Raven rolled her eyes, "Try to avoid stupid broccoli heads who seem to enjoy annoying the fuck out of me," She finally replied to one of his pickup lines, though, it wouldn't be seen as something nice.

He shrugged, "It's becoming a habit of mine," He admitted, "By the way, can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back," He asked with puppy dog eyes.

"No, I don't need your gross broccoli germs," Raven scrunched up her nose.

Midoriya pointed it out, "That was adorable!"

She immediately scowled and smacked away his hand, getting flustered, "No it was not!" She said firmly.

"Yes it was! You looked like a little kitten! Do it again!" He cooed, which only made her get even more flustered.

"I swear to god, if you don't-"

Midoriya laughed at her current state, "Man, you're in an extra grumpy mood today! You must be tired from running through my mind all night."

"The only thing I'll be doing is running away from you," Raven growled, he was pushing her limits.

He put his hands up in surrender, "Alright, alright, you win! I don't need an angry Raven on my tail," He said as they made their way to the check out station.

Raven looked at him, wondering why he was even in the grocery store in the first place if he wasn't getting anything, "Why are you even here?"

"Hm?" Midoriya asked as she started checking out, with him bagging the things she scanned.

Raven swiped her bread through the scanner before she looked up, "Why are you here? You're not getting anything," She pointed out.

Izuku smiled at her, "Because you're here!" He said with his usual golden retriever energy.

Despite what Raven thinks, Midoriya actually wants to be around her. He unconsciously likes teasing her, otherwise he would have stopped thinking about her after their first encounter on the sidewalk.

He doesn't know it yet, but he likes to see her grumpy face. He likes to see her eyebrow twitch when she gets frustrated. The thing is, he misses her bubbly personality that she used to have. He knows what happened to her, but at the time, he didn't want to talk to her and make her upset with him.

He was afraid of losing something they never had.

After That Day, she lost everything that made Raven, Raven. He wants to change that. But he doesn't know how. Right now, he believes he wants to get back at her for something that terribly hurt him. And as much of a right he has to do that, sometimes, we believe things about ourselves that are not always true.