
Tangled journey in Harry Potter.

WARNING- The author its not an English native-speaker, sorry about the grammatic errors. We are following our MC in his rebirth in the HP world, but with a much more complicated world that in the cannon, with a priviliged mind, eidetic memory and the previous knowledge of his previous life as his goldfinger.

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26 Chs

Making up and new classes.

(Recommended song for this chapter: Ed Carlsen-Rain)

I just enter the Great Hall and started to walk to the Slytherin table, when I just fell a pair of hands behind me I was going to react to them but then I recognize them as they wrapped me.

-Chloe, what are you doing?!

-What was that yesterday? What make you so sad an lonely? It was me? I dont want to lose you but If I make you feel like that then... then I am going to leave you alone from now on.

-Yea dummy because that makes sense, I am sad and lonely and now you are going to left me alone, hahaha.

-Ian!!! I mean it!

-It has nothing to do with you, you actually make me remember some bad moments that happened to me, you didnt do something wrong, is just that when I was happy with you those bad moments came at me and I have to deal with them, It's my issue not yours dummy, now are you still gonna hug me because I am now the most hated wizard in the whole school?

Chloe recalled that she was in the frigging Great Hall.

-You are so brazen my dear! And you add a ton of enemies to my list haha.

-Hummp well that's what you get for making me worry yesterday!! Also the poem that you said... you mean it?

-Yea I actually feel that way to you but I have something that's holding me back and until I am done with that I would came to you, Its that ok?

-I also feel that way and I am ok with you get that stuff done, just dont keep me waiting too long.

-Now let's going to eat!

Thousands of death stares are looking at me, what are you looing bastards, she already said that she's mine just keep your lustful fantasies to yourself and fuck off.

Bella its fucking annoyed with these bastards so just stare and keep looking at them remembering their faces, I dare you to make one move and that ll be your last one freaks.

I pet her and make Mary and Wibby give her breakfast some nice winged horse meat perfectly cooked and with some spices, one of her favorite dishes.

Chloe and I just start eating our breakfast today I have my first classes and this is going to be an imortant step in the future plan If i do well in the first examination I can make those professors my private lesson teachers from now on, I try to found Harry and he was talking with Blaise and Pansy.

-Where is Fleur?

-She have to deal with some council issues but she is not going to late for breakfast, maybe in a few minutes she will come.

Harry, Blaise, Pansy, Daphne and Ian finish his breakfast and started to go to their first class Charms, as the first class they are going to have an examination, with all of the three teachers present, first its going to be a quick introduction of basic spells and movements of the wand, then the examination is going to take place about the introduction and movements and all of the theory talked a few moments before, it also have more advanced movements, and charms that are on the examination that could give you extra points and would valuated you better, then its a practical examination of the basic spells and charms talked and the followed movements of the wand, Its easy to see that there are a huge probability that if you dont know anything about the magic world and you dont porperly read the books from this year your first examinations would grade poorly, that's why all of the magic families have advantages on this and if you dont catch up you wouldnt be better than the pure or half blood wizards.

We enter the charms classroom, there were three professors asking us for our quills, Harry and I give them our Fulgor Nocturnus fountain pen they check out the magic core and see that everything was allright they also cast some Anti-Cheating Spell on them and give us back.

-Now welcome to your Charm class young wizards my name is Filius Flitwick and I am the High level teacher of Charms in Hogwarts, I dont know if your head of house told you but there are three level of teachers low, medium and high and you can learn from them only if you are qualified if your examinations from today graded an [E] or an [O] you can learn from me if not you are going to learn from other professor, you also can go up levels if you learn yourself and work hard on your charms from now on in the year we have 3 examinations the first one is today and the others have a 3 months period from each other, now I am going to explain you the movements of the wand this is extremely important for a wizard if you want to cast a spell you need to make one or a combination of movements in your wand while you speak out loud the spellwords of your wanted spell, some spells also need you to have some emotional feelings to cast them, or other requirements for you to properly cast them.

There are 10 basic movements of the wand that you have to do, combine and also make a pattern with these to properly cast a spell there are:

1.-Roll clockwise your wand.

2.-Roll conter-clockwise your wand.

3.-Flick up your wand.

4.-Flick down your wand.

5.-Flick left your wand.

6.-Flick right your wand.

7.-Pull forward your wand.

8.-Pull back your wand.

9.-The big swish.

10.-The big back flick.

Flitwick do all of these movements three times for each one of them.

-Now you have to follow these movements in a pattern for the desired spell but there are a specific pattern for all of the spells known so you need to learn the pattern and the movements of the spell to sucessfully cast it.

Now we are only going to told you what are the charms for this year, there are:

Levitation Charm, Wand-Lighting Charm, Wand-Extinguishing Charm, Lumos Solem, Fire-Making Spell, Bluebell Flames, Softening Charm, Severing Charm, Unlocking Charm, Locking Spell, Mending Charm, Dancing Feet Spell, Revealing Charm, Descendo and Knockback Jinx among others we are also going to learn some basic spells for the life of a wizard like cleaning spell, repair as new among others.

-You have to sucessfully known about what are the movements of the wand and its pattern, also the correct spellword of each of this spells, and also sucesfully cast them to have at least an [E] if you cast them properly, quickly and also there are measurements for the power of the spell that are in a good level, then you would have an [O].

-Now with this is finished the first introduction of charms now keep down your notes because here it is your first examination.

Then we all focus on the test in front of us the majority of the questions are from the lesson that we have earlier, I answer all of them pretty quickly, when all of them were done the next section were from more difficult questions that I am sure that most of the first gen cant answer right now if they dont read the charms book first, so I also answer them pretty easily and then I just give Flitwick my test paper and went out, a few minutes later Harry also went out, followed by Pansy, Blaise and Daphne its obvious that we have to be the first ones if we are the council members, then 15 minutes later Draco left the classroom also he have some cocky face that I dont know why he have it because we clearly finish before him, all of us just smirk at him and go to the Slytherin common room.

We then go to the council room we have to prepare some documents for the freshman wizards with the rules of Hogwarts, some of the extra-curricular subjects that are:


Art is a class where students paint, draw, and otherwise, depict artistic things (presumably controlling the paint and pencils with either a spell that repeats the same thing over and over or a spell that stands upright over the paper or canvas and draws in the direction that the wand moves).

Ghoul Studies

It is assumed that students learn about ghouls like poltergeists, vampires, Veela, etc. and how to defend themselves from these creatures.

Magical Theory

It presumably covers magic from a purely theoretical view.


Music is a class in which students are taught musical instruments and possibly sing in the Frog Choir.


Another form of prophecy.

Harry and I go to the headmaster's office and convinced Dumbledore of creating another extra-curricular subject for Muggle music and also our own club.

Remember that all constructive criticism and new ideas are welcome in this story.

What do you think of this first class? Let me know in the comment section!!!

Thanks and Enjoy!!!

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