
Tangled journey in Harry Potter.

WARNING- The author its not an English native-speaker, sorry about the grammatic errors. We are following our MC in his rebirth in the HP world, but with a much more complicated world that in the cannon, with a priviliged mind, eidetic memory and the previous knowledge of his previous life as his goldfinger.

MordredIVV · Others
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26 Chs

Heeeeeeeeeello Thereeeee!!

Now I know that there's a lot in your reader's mind and you are asking why the heck this dude didnt continue to write about this stories and dissapears, well I have my reasons part of it my constant and tiring job also when I usually write my novels is because I have some writer urges that's why I didnt just put the novel in HIATUS or DROPPED, now I am going to put them in semi HIATUS, I am going to post some update chapters in some of them but I am going to focus in my new novel because I have more writer urges about it and also I have more fresh ideas about that novel so I wellcome you to watch it and also to told you to be aware of NEW CHAPTERS in this novel that I am posting someday near.






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