

Scanning her top to bottom, Felix asked, "Veronica, are you feeling well?" 

Veronica grinned. "You bet. I woke up and heard I won. What can be the most entertaining news after waking up?"

"I guess you are right." Darius came forward. "I mean you are not a puny kid anymore. You are a warrior now. People are looking for you all over to recruit you. How can you not feel well?"

Veronica giggled at his teasing, not a bit offended. "I'm so famous. I don't know what to do anymore."

Darius suggested, "Just go to the street and announce, 'I'm the famous lady archer' and then start giving autographs to everyone."

"Is that a thing nowadays?" Veronica was surprised. 

Felix shook his head. "No, he is joking. Don't listen to him. I'm glad you are on two feet. We were worried about you. We were giving you a hard time, didn't we?"