
Tamers and Bonds

A young man finds his way through a world revolving around taming and evolving beasts while steadily fighting against the evils of the world.

omeroford · Fantasía
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71 Chs

Chapter 26. Odd Entity

A Crunch sound could be heard as a small purple being stood over a seemingly long alligator. It was a Rose tongued alligator; a beast that was of (f+)rank. Silver skin, a red sword shaped tongue, and bulky limbs. The tail and tongue both had a rose mark signifying it's inherent skill, [Sanguine Rose].

A generally hard beast to kill with that particular aoe bomb skill. Even more concerning was the fact that these beasts lived in groups. A back lined by thorn like protrusions and sharp teeth, the beast was a fearsome one.

The four-armed purple goblin looked famished as it ate even the rock hard skin of the beast. After eating the bones, it moved over to the next carcass out of about 20 different bodies. It's beady eyes glowed in the night as muscle all over its body moved when stuffing more content into it's mouth.

The double row of teeth mashed and crunched as it made no care of the noise made. A boy in long robes covering his body watched from a distance.

He had no idea what that thing was but decided to kill the beast as it would provide ample experience and good material. He was desperate to improve and eventually take over his sec. Even if it meant killing his father, it was a small sect, but a stepping stone for his rise to power. His confidence came from contracting a Blue-flamed Herculean Beetle.

It had only been a day after coming to the realm when he had lost all of his sect members to fighting the creature in that subterranean hell, but the result was worth it. Using his sect's forbidden soul binding technique, he subdued the beast. It was dumb as a rock but strong like an ox.

Taking out his chakras, the man preformed three auxiliary techniques for aim, speed, and strength on himself and his beast. Still hidden a distance away and it seemed as though the beast didn't notice him. He commanded his beetle to preform [Blazing Assault]. Immediately afterwards he threw his chakras with all his might. He expected this to grievously injure the beast, then his bond would then be able to finish the monster with it's attack.

The chakras flew towards the oblivious goblin with impressive speed. Following not too far behind was the now wheel shaped Blue-flamed Herculean Beetle gaining both speed and accumulating fire. The chakras suddenly speed up and hit the beast that was still eating from both sides, afterwards the man's bond hit the goblin creating an explosion of energy as trees were destroyed. Flames burned wildly before dying down.

Heat lingered in the aftermath but the boy was looking at the center of the explosion. As the dust settles he was surprised to see the goblin standing there perfectly fine. The chakras had cut at both sides of the head but no damage could be seen.

As for his bond, it stood still as it was confused that it's skill caused no damage. The little goblin turned it's head slowly in his direction. The beast's black eyes emitted a dark light as it turned and punched the beetle. A loud crack followed by an unnatural roar was all the tamer could hear before he saw his beetle lying on it's side missing all the flesh where the goblin had punched. Pain assaulted him as his bond died but the boy still tried to escape.

The tamer knew the beast was strong as it could kill all of those alligators. However he and his beast were skilled enough to do the same. He had not thought that this goblin would be this powerful. His skill plus the dual physical and fire affinity that his bond had, was something to bit proud of. Goblins could evolve or even become variants but this was something else entirely. 

The tamer immediately executed an escape move but his feet never left the ground. He was confused until he looked down and saw the small, knife sharp hand in his chest. His heart violently ripped out as the beast gulped it down.

He studied his killer as his eyes grew heavy. Why does a goblin have four arms, and why is there writing on the beast's forehead? He lamented his foolishness, this was most likely not even a goblin. As he died the beast's eyes glowed black with black light even in the night as it inhaled something from the dying boy.

For the first time the little goblin smiled. It proceeded to devour the boy and his beast, then finish the remains of his previous feast. Flexing its muscles the goblin like creature spoke, "Still too weak."