
Tales of the love

"There's no love like the first." —Nicholas Sparks No matter to whom we get married, first love will always remain constant and give a spark in our hearts while you think about it. No matter whom you are, you must experience a cute, sweet first love story which is so special to the heart. But when we talk about reality, Someone's first love will be a happy ending and someone's first love will end without a proper start. What will you do when your lost first love enter your life again? Will you embrace it? Well, like everyone Calvin Lewis, CEO of Lewis corporation has a short and sweet love story but due some reasons he has lost it before he completely feel the sweetness of it but still remembered the beautiful memories he shared with her. What happen when he crossed his path with his first love? What will he do when he finds out that his first love is his employee? Will he able to win her back? Will he able to win her heart like he did in childhood? ...... "Why dad? I want Elsa back." Little Calvin said before while tears started flowing down his cheeks "No champ, you shouldn't cry like this." Arthur sighed and said before wiping his five year old son's tears "Dad, Didn't you told me that you will get us married once I become CEO of our company?" Calvin asked "Yes champ, you can marry her—" "How can I marry her when she is not with me?" Calvin asked in between his sobs "I am missing her dad." Calvin said ..... "Babe, Did you ever thought I will be back in your life again?" Elsa asked while snuggling closer to him "I believed you will come back to me in childhood but as years started passing away, I realised you will never come back but —" giving peck on her lips, he added "You came back." "Thank you for everything cal and I love you so much." Elsa smiled and said "I love you more honey." Calvin said and pulled her to his embrace. .... Join me in discord https://discord.gg/r7npQkUA Ps:THIS COVER IS NOT MINE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO THE BELOVED EDITOR.

Shining · Ciudad
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131 Chs

Cal is different

"How can she go on a date with someone else?" Calvin gritted his teeth and asked 

"Who is going on a date with whom?" Nick confused and asked 

When Calvin didn't say anything, Nick sighed and asked again "What happen Cal? You seem frustrated."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Calvin muttered "Elsa is going on a date."

"What? But with whom?" Nick widened his eyes in shock and asked 

"I don't know, maybe with some donkey." Calvin frowned and said 

"Oh come on Cal, How can Elsa go on a date with a donkey? Donkey is an animal, right?" Nick chuckled and said 

Looking at his furious friend, Nick stuck his tongue out and said "Jokes apart, Did Elsa told you that she is going on a date?"

"Yeah," Calvin said and explained everything that happen before an hour from how they are talking to how it turned out into a heated argument.

"Cal, why the fuck did you snap at Elsa, man? You do know that girls hate the man who snaps at them?" Nick scrunched his eyebrows and shouted 

"What? Who told you that? Does that mean Elsa don't like me? How can live without her man?" Calvin groaned in frustration

Nick helplessly shook his head and calmed his friend "No, why will Elsa hates you? No one can hate you, Cal."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I am sure but I don't understand one thing, why did you shout at Elsa when you solve things by talking?" Nick asked 

"I don't know Nick, I lost my patience when I heard that she is going on a date and she called that donkey a funny and interesting man." Calvin sighed and said 

Looking at Nick, he asked "You tell me, Nick, Am I not funny and interesting? Don't I crack jokes Eing?"

"Who is Eing?" Nick confused and asked 

"That man in F.R.I.E.N.D.S who is funny." Calvin scoffed 

"Oh god, he is chandler Bing, not Eing, Calvin." Nick frowned and said 

"Yeah, whatever. Don't I crack jokes like him?" Calvin asked 

"You are funny and interesting but not when you snap." Nick sighed and said 

"What do you mean by that? I snapped because she is wrong. How can she go on a date with some donkey or XYZ when I am here?" Calvin gritted his teeth and snapped in annoyance 

"Cal, Calm down man." Nick sighed and said 

Pausing for a while, he said "How is she wrong? Did you ever propose to her? Why should she stop herself going on a date because of you? Did you ever have her a reason to stop? Did you ever made anything special for her? Did you ever told her that how you feel for her?"


Cutting Calvin off, Nick continued "Look Cal, I know you are taking things slow which a very good thing because your reputation is already bad."

"Hey, my reputation is not bad." Calvin frowned and said 

"I mean she thinks that you are a flirting type of a man, if you make everything fast, she may leave you forever thinking that you are trying to make her as your fling." Nick defended himself

Taking a deep breath, Nick said "Yeah, taking things slow is good but that doesn't mean you have to be crocodile slow. I know the crocodile will win the match but what if the rabbit won't sleep this time? I know it's just been few days since you both are talking but that doesn't mean you have to be reserved with your feelings man? If you won't express your feelings then who will? You can't expect Ava, Martha, Noah Or me to explain? What if someone proposes to her to make her his woman?  Will you live without her?"

"Should I propose her?" Calvin asked 

"I am not saying to propose her dickhead, I am saying to make efforts for her." Nick sighed and said 

"What do you mean by efforts?" Calvin pouted his lips and asked 

"Seriously Cal, you don't know how to court on a girl?" Nick frowned and said 

"I never tried man," Calvin said 

"Fine, I will explain," Nick said 


Elsa's cabin 

"You tell me, Ava, Did I make any mistake? Did I say anything wrong?" Elsa asked after explaining her heated argument with Calvin to her best friend Ava.

"Why did he snap at you?" Ava frowned and asked 

"That's what I am asking, why the hell he overreacted? It's just a date, right? It's not like he is proposing me." Elsa scoffed 

"Anyway, what if that man proposes to me? It's my life and I can date or love anyone, who is he to overreact and snap? He is not a boyfriend or husband, right? Elsa said in frustration 

"Calm down babe," Ava said

"Oh god, he is getting on nerves. How can I calm down?" Elsa muttered 

When Ava chuckled, Elsa asked, "Why are chuckling?"

"From when did my dear best friend allowed a man to get into her nerves?" Ava chuckled and said 

When Elsa frowned, Ava smiled and said "I remember, many of our friends annoyed you but you are never this frustrated."

"Calvin is different." Elsa unknowingly muttered 

"How is Cal different?" Ava chuckled and said 


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