
Tales of Nashirah : As It Is

A boy transmigrates along with gaining the inheritance of a Mystical Cultivation Senior in the world of Magic in the Middle Ages full with mana ,elves ,demons ,demi-humans, Were-wolves ,Vampires ,beasts, dragons and much more allure and hidden secrets. Watch as he adapts in this unknown world and starts his life anew in this world and makes friends and enemies along his path to make something of himself and find his meaning in this life. Will he walk the path of GOOD or path of the EVIL or will he create his OWN path and tread in it with all its glory and imperfections ?? Do Give it a Try (◍•ᴗ•◍) (≧▽≦) ( ╹▽╹ ) **************************************************************** If you are sick and tired of reading the same old isekai, reincarnation, system, and OP MC's then this novel will give you a breath of fresh air. So... Prepare yourself to read a story you've never read before. Prepare yourself to feel things you've never felt before. I'll wait for you in the latest chapters! 1 CHP/week *************************************************************** #Additional Tags# : Team-Growth, Romance, Western-styled World-building, Cultivation, Rising-in-power ***DISCLAIMER*** : This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, places, ideology, theory and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Picture is Generated using Adobe Firefly Ai

Drakal72 · Fantasía
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39 Chs

CHP21 Training and Breaks

Days passed and Sargon had already undergone a week of intensive training.

Wakeup by early morning and practice Qi or what was contemporarily known as Mana Cultivation Technique in Nashirah and have a rest.

Then go to Mana Training Hall and tune in to theoretical lectures from his Mother as well seeing a few wonderful Live demos of those points being discussed .

Have his Morning Meal and practice changes in his mana and undergo intense practical Mana Training to have a better control and 'feel' of his mana.

Have a Lunch to prevent fatigue and Nauseated experience due to mana being sucked dry from his dantian during his training.

Then after that rest perform absorption of qi into his dantian and cycling his mana into his meridians. The sensations of Crawling insects was becoming less and less as he was getting numb from the feeling but the situation regarding cycling of mana was getting worse.

It felt as if he was circulating needles inside his blood vessels. Well figuratively that was the best way to describe the pain, but it was not that exaggerated and was still tolerable. As per his Mother Sofia Apollo 's lectures it was caused due to frequent blockage of mana i.e qi in the meridian of one's body.

He had also asked why the process at the initial phase was much easier with less pain. The answer he got back was that it was due to swelling and bruises in the meridian much like clotting in physical blood vessels. She further explained that although Mana Channel i.e. Meridian was frequently compared with the blood vessels; it was a mere metaphor and it was more of a channel of energy passing in the body than a real physical thing with a sense of touch.

This was going to happen and slowly the pain would recede after a few months of practice when one's Meridian i.e. Mana Channel becomes wide enough to allow the mana to flow more smoothly without blockage.

After all the practices of mana came the practice with the Swordplay.

Pure Practice.

He practiced the Sword art of Master Darth Reliance. The Immortal Art of Thunder Blazing Saber.He didn't understand anything about it though. Just Imitation. That was what he practiced.

His Father would come at 4-5 o'clock in the evening. Sometimes he would come late. He would get fresh and the Lesson would soon follow after some rest.

Slowly after the initial Sword Duel, his father slowly also started to teach him about widely used fundamental stances of his body along with some basic sword moves.

His dad would always slowly pester him to learn sword , and follow the Noble path of Sword.

"Look! How majestic is this Sword Move."

" Sabers can never achieve this beauty of a sword."

"I am worried that you won't be able to get close to any worthy women with this brutish way of Saber."

"blah blah blah" is what Sargon heard him speak in every Sword Lesson.

"What use is Sword to an Alchemist Mage ?", he would retort sometimes when he was doing well on some particular days .

Of course what could he expect except his training got harder and he had a good beating disguised as lessons and his "father-son" bonding had already reached Level 2 then and there.Instant enlightenment.

He had to sleep on his front that night. Ever since then he was more obedient and just listened to his father's somewhat outlandish description of sword. He listened from one ear and threw it out from the other one.

He himself wanted to practice swords and often he had dreamed of being a Sword Immortal, but what could he do? He couldn't complain about why he had to practice with a saber instead of a sword like some main characters from wuxia and xianxia novels. He was indeed grateful for this second chance that he got and didn't want to complain. He reluctantly practiced and increased his "Father-Son" Bonding moment and slowly it had reached the peak of Level 2.

Daily Life had just taken such a hectic turn. Even his parents were surprised that they had such a diligent and hardworking consistent child.

However his mother would sometimes worry thinking whether Sargon was pushing himself too hard. She would converse with Sargon's father about this matter. He would initially reply that is what a man has to do , it's his duty and responsibility as a future protector of our Line.

One such Night in their Bed Chamber with repeated pestering and concern shown by his wife he could only give in.

"A Man can only be happy with a woman if he doesn't love her.Indeed", was what had uttered at that moment. Of course in a joking manner.

"Stop joking around!"Sofia pouted, for she knew that this husband was still her fanatic.

"Sargon was indeed working too hard now that he thought about it.In my age I was much more mischievous and got reprimanded by my father. Indeed those innocent days of childhood were what I yearn sometimes now. Family ...."

Sargon, tirelessly trained in the martial arts. His movements were precise, his determination unwavering. It reminded Saifer of his own childhood, when he too had been consumed by a similar passion. But as he looked back on those memories, a pang of sadness crept into his heart.

"In my age, I was much more mischievous," Saifer whispered to himself, his gaze fixed on Sargon's focused form. "I remember getting reprimanded by my father for my antics. But those innocent days of childhood... they were what I yearn for sometimes now."

As the memories flooded his mind, Saifer couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret. He had been banished from his family, cast aside for daring to defy their traditions. The love they shared had been strong, but it had come at a great cost.

Turning his attention to Sofia, who stood nearby, Saifer's heart softened. She had been his rock, his pillar of support throughout the trials they faced. Though she couldn't say much at that moment, her presence alone was enough to bring him comfort.

"Come here, my little Bear," Sofia said, her voice gentle and soothing. Saifer moved closer to her, finding solace in her embrace. They had faced the consequences of their choices together, united in their love for each other and their son.

As he watched Sargon continue his training, Saifer couldn't help but hope that his son would find his own path, free from the burden of their past. He wanted Sargon to embrace his own dreams and desires, even if it meant venturing into uncharted territory.

In that bittersweet moment, Saifer reflected on the complexities of family, the sacrifices made, and the unwavering love that bound them all together. Though he couldn't go back and relive those cherished moments of his childhood, he could forge new memories with his own family, cherishing the love and unity they had created despite the challenges they faced.

Together, they would navigate the uncharted waters, holding onto the bonds of love and resilience that defined them. And maybe, just maybe, they would find a way to bridge the gap between their past and their future, creating a legacy that was uniquely their own.

"Tell Sargon to take some breaks and go meet and relax with his friends. I am tired today, let's sleep honey."

"Uh hum !"


Today Sargon was free from his usual monotonous daily routine of training. So he was going to meet his friends.Well He didn't have that many friends.

It was not that he was an Introvert with a shy nature but the root of the issue was that he would cope inside his room and would always and analyze and try to understand and read about various scriptures that he had to practice and in his free time he would always indulge in cultures and Fairy-tales of Nashirah.

He was not some one with God-like Comprehension nor was he a certain reincarnated Urban Immortal. He didn't also have anyone who could answer his questions and confusion and make the ambiguous concepts mentioned in the scriptures clear cut. He thus had to also further read about other basic philosophies and conceptual theories himself. Thus only he was barely able to grasp the things mentioned in scriptures out of which All-Body Cultivation Sutra was the easiest and Immortal Art of Thunder Blazing Saber was the most difficult.

It was no wonder that he could enter in the 1st phase the Martial Learner Realm the morning after undergoing Sahahda Rite. He just made it look smooth and effortless.

Gradatim Ferociter, Step by Step ferociously was his Motto during this entire time.

Basically, he knew he couldn't skip steps, he had to put one foot in front of the other, things take time, there were no shortcuts, he wanted to do those steps with passion and ferocity.

Passion was bruning within Sargon. Basically if someone else would have been in his position right now, they wouldn't have such patience and made far much less effort to learn about Cultivation.That was what separated him and made him unique.

He had still not been able to choose Essence Body Cultivation and Spirit Cultivation techniques to choose. Master Darth Reliance had given him freedom to choose those types of techniques himself but the problem was there were a butt-load of techniques from which he had to choose.

He didn't want to divert his time and effort from Mana and Saberplay much nor did he have any luxury to do so. Still, he had some rough ideas and had narrowed his Choices to a dozen. Still, he was conflicted.

However he did focus much more on Spirit Force Cultivation. As a man he wanted to focus on his body and have some OtherWorldly Physique and Abs to attract some Fairer Prey.This was one of the few things that could make him aloof while having such fantasy and desires Although he would never say it outloud but he did die as a Virgin.

Coming back to the Point, the main reason he was going to focus on SpiritForce Cultivation was because he had a BeastEgg waiting to be hatched. He had to form a Spirit-Life Contract with the Avian Beast to provide Cultivation benefits to both Beast and himself.

Only then the chubby child beast to be born will be his True Spirit Pet.

This was the power that was given only by the Spirit Force Cultivation which is said to be the most versatile Cultivation System Out of the three Cultivation Systems prevalent in Nashirah.In Nashirah only by entering a basic entry realm can one attempt to make a Spirit-Life Contract successfully without any temporary or permanent backlash and side effects.

He was thinking of what Spirit Force Cultivation would be most suitable for him as he was walking towards Reeve's House and finally he reached his destination.He knocked the door a few times and Reeve answered slowly after.

"Hey, Reeve, how have you been these days ?"

"Welcome guest, how many days have you been all locked up in your room and you still couldn't contact your only friend ?"casually said Reeve Helena while pouting, showing that she was already used to this frequent bouts of "Seclusion of Young Master" Mode of Sargon.

"It was not in my "Seclusion Room" this time. My Parents have been grinding me as if i am wheat to be grinded to make fine flour. Uff what do u know !" Sargon expressed his difficulties.

"Hmph! Do you think I don't have a Sister ? I was also trained day and Night by Her. Its like she turned from an Angel to a Devil in an instance.It sends shiver down my Spine" professed Reeve.

"I was not only taught Magic and its theories and what not but also was made to practice Spirit Force too since she found out I was proficient and had talent too. You had it easy.Comparatively, I suffered more.Do you see me celebrating my Suffering, do you ?" Sargon rebutted.

"ya! What do you know ? I also practiced Mana Cycling, Absorption , listened to theories then when it finally came to rest and chill out in evenings then that Devil of Dad came and had to practice sword fencing. That was truly Hell."

"But our Guardians are indeed thinking hard for us. That is their own way of showing Love and Care. It is all for us to Successfully form a Covenant with ShahRaab. We would have no one else to lean on but ourselves and our Strength to prepare for the worst during our hunt in the forest. Who knows what kind of Strong and ruthless creatures come about in the Woods." Sargon further reprimanded Reeve.

"You are right, we indeed have to be Cautious to the extreme. There is no need to bicker about who is more hard-working since even a blind man can clearly see it's me.", Reeve countered in her childish charm.

'Aii…. She is still a child , I forget that sometimes. Why do I have to be on the other side of the Generation Gap in this World? It truly is not a pleasant feeling.'

"Alright Alright Brat then shall we test what you have learned so far? Let's test your Spirit Force training results , aye."

"ok let's go to the training Stage adjacent to the Church nearby ?"


They exited from the backdoor and proceeded to the Open Skyed Training Stage. As Kaur Helena had made a deal with the Priest of Church , Reeve had gotten an excellent quality Training stage which was even much better than Sargon's own.

Priestess Samraghya was teaching the Kids of the Church about Spirit Force and how it is the energy that is closest to the ALmighty God ShahRaab.

They waited for the Kids there to finish their lectures.Sargona and Reeve exchanged greetings and pleasantries with the Priestess Samraghya.

"Ok children. I have a busy Schedule. Let's meet you again someday. Sargon comes sometimes to the Church and with my authority I could still at least teach you some tricks about Spirit-Force or are you shy to meet because I was your Midwife and know you from top to bottom ?"

"How can I not come? Priestess please. Haha. Come Come , I will of course come.But please restrain from making such jokes. It doesn't suit your demeanor.", Sargon flustered while his ashen white cheeks were red as blood.

"Haha . You are but a child , don't I even have the right to Tease you a little as your Midwife? Ok , this time I am really in a hurry so I will take my leave. May the Path Flow through You."

"May the Path flow through that.", replied Sargon and Reeve replied in a courteous manner.

Sargon selected Saber and Reeve selected a Spirit Long Wand they then both got on the Training Stage which was designed with more specific focus to Spirit Force Sorcerers.

They had a Stand-off for a few breaths in Cowboy Style.

"Spirit Manifestation MirkWood Branches!!!" saying thus Reeve made some Hand Gestures with one Hand while her Wand's pointing tip was towards Sargon. Her back which contained the Sahada Runes glowed slowly.

With this combination of actions the tip of Wand manifested dozens of illusory branches from that single point. The Branches were Dark Black with barks outline of Golden color.All the branches moved in a simple manner in a straight line



Even if they somewhat moved in a crude fashion. With the illusory yet beautiful appearance of Mirkwood branches the visual scenery produced by the effect was beautiful. Yet Sargon had no time to stay still and savor the moment, else he would be humiliated that too by a lash.

Sargon was nonetheless completely befuddled and was caught off-guard. He changed his footing and rotated his upper body . It was a fast reaction that was instilled upon him by those precious tear-jerking "Father-Son Bonding".

Sargon barely dodged that blow .


The Mirkwood Branch Manifestation just now had a sprout manifested and it grew a branch all of a sudden and this newly branch perpendicular to the old was coming for his Head.

With swift movements and poise Sargon used his saber to parry the attack. The Branch attack barely fetched him in his face.

Although it took a lot of time to explain this, all of this happened quite fast within mere seconds.