
Tales of Nashirah : As It Is

A boy transmigrates along with gaining the inheritance of a Mystical Cultivation Senior in the world of Magic in the Middle Ages full with mana ,elves ,demons ,demi-humans, Were-wolves ,Vampires ,beasts, dragons and much more allure and hidden secrets. Watch as he adapts in this unknown world and starts his life anew in this world and makes friends and enemies along his path to make something of himself and find his meaning in this life. Will he walk the path of GOOD or path of the EVIL or will he create his OWN path and tread in it with all its glory and imperfections ?? Do Give it a Try (◍•ᴗ•◍) (≧▽≦) ( ╹▽╹ ) **************************************************************** If you are sick and tired of reading the same old isekai, reincarnation, system, and OP MC's then this novel will give you a breath of fresh air. So... Prepare yourself to read a story you've never read before. Prepare yourself to feel things you've never felt before. I'll wait for you in the latest chapters! 1 CHP/week *************************************************************** #Additional Tags# : Team-Growth, Romance, Western-styled World-building, Cultivation, Rising-in-power ***DISCLAIMER*** : This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, places, ideology, theory and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Picture is Generated using Adobe Firefly Ai

Drakal72 · Fantasía
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39 Chs

CHP13 Celestial Shahada Seals of the Eight Archangels-Part-2

Sargon was facing a crisis. Not of painful kind, but of a kind he could do nothing about. His Spine started to stich from the bottoms to the up. Not only was it itching it was followed by ticklish feeling.

He couldn't open up his back and itch the inside of his spine nor could he control when the ticklish feeling would come next knocking on his head to laugh it out.

"You have to Control yourself as a Man. If not you can't go forward in life, you can't see far into the future. Control is the fuel of Patience. And only Patience can make u persevere. It is quite simple as that."

Suddenly a flash of memory of his father's advice and warning appeared in his mind.

He took a deep breath in and mustered his inner strength.

After a few deep breaths , the rumbling and shaking Sargon was no more. He was as stable as the mountains.

Seeing this the high-priest was plenty satisfied and a smile not so smile formed on his face.

"Very well. Close your eyes and enter into a state of deep meditation.", High Priest suggested.

Sargon, was after a few minutes closely focusing on channeling all his mental prowess to stay in meditative state. He no longer cared how many Priest were staring at him as if he has slain their wives. Who was dancing and who were the ones that were chanting.

"ShahRaab, the Great One, the Lord of the Mana, we ask for your blessing on this young cultivator. May your magic flow through their veins, may your wisdom guide their steps, and may your power protect them from harm."

Senator Radu and Grandpa stood to one side of the room, watching with a mix of pride and anticipation as Mc underwent the ritual. They knew that the Age of Rites was a pivotal moment in the life of any Nashirahn, and were curious to see how Sargon would fare.

Aleister, the next initiate in line, stood nervously behind them, watching with a mixture of awe and envy.

Meanwhile, the Demonfolk, Bryant Ivar, watched from the shadows, his eyes narrowed in a disdainful manner.

Reeve Helena, unfortunately couldn't see the matter more clearly and was now starting to worry seriously.

After finishing that chant, High-Priest grabbed a handful of white ashes , "Ashes of Re-birth" and threw that towards the Sargon , especially the fire surrounding him.

"Witness the Sight of the Divine.", said all priest.

Sargon slowly opened his eyes.

The other priest down, below also soon followed and then the remaining 6 priest in the octagon also soon started to throw the 'Ashes of Rebirth' onto the fire as Homa-Offering.

Then the fire danced and crackled, the water suddenly began to bend and play with the flames. Winds Began to manifest around the Platform controlling and divining all these steps.

'Water of Grace' slowly transformed after passing through ever-burning 'Sacred Fire'and had a paste-like viscosity and flow, it resembled the color of the turmeric.

Which was then applied to the Mc's body through divine magic by the gracefully dancing liquid by coiling around the body of mc like a snake.

The paste was cool and soothing to the touch, and the Mc felt a sense of purity and cleansing wash over him.

After it takes time for a an incense stick to finish, the Air created a tornado-like structure for some-time with Sargon at it's centre and dispersed all other 3 elements of water, fire and earth from and near the body of Sargon.

Finally, the High Priest climbed forward to the circular platform of yin and yang, holding a box, out of which came 8 small Silver Needle-like instrument in his hand. Each Needle representing an Archangel and his power.

He then punctured specific points of MC's body with these Needles.

Then he took out another middle-sized Golden Needle, with a brush on the other side of the needle.

"Today, you will receive the Rune Tattoos, inscriptions of magic that will guide you on your path to mastery of the mana. Do you understand the significance of this rite? Do you want to submit to the Will of God , his Commands/Hukam/Hukum and place this inscription onto your body and soul.", asked High-priest in a serious tone for the first time since there meeting.

"I do", came a stern reply.

"Very well. By the power of ShahRaab, I inscribe this tattoo, may it be a symbol of your commitment to the path of the inner and outer cultivation, and may it bring you strength, wisdom, and protection."

The room was now buzzing with a sense of anticipation as Sargon braced himself for what was to come.

The high-priest and the other priests and priestesses had now taken their positions around the platform, other priest holding a delicate musical instrument in their hands.

The tattooing needles glinted in the flickering light of the fire, and Sargon felt a chill run down his spine. Small Lightning were clearly Visible on the tip of the Needle.

As the first needle touched his skin, Sargon felt an intense jolt of pain course through his body. It was as if a thousand Lightnings were piercing his skin all at once.

The high-priest began chanting in a low, rhythmic voice, his words slowly becoming clearer as Sargon's mind cleared of the pain. Other Priest below the Platform were playing their intricate music embodied by their mana.

The Whole Chamber was ecstatic, except Sargon and the other female child.

With each stroke of the needle, the rune grew more intricate and complex in his body. With each stroke, the chanting Grew Louder, the music more serene and beautiful.

Sargon gritted his teeth and tried to focus on his breathing, but the pain was almost unbearable. He felt as if his entire body was on fire, every nerve ending screaming in agony.

But somehow, through sheer willpower and assistance of the soul-soothing music , he managed to hold on. As the runes began to take shape on his skin, he felt a strange sensation building inside him.

It was as if he was being filled with an otherworldly energy, something primal and powerful that he could not name.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the pain subsided. Sargon slumped forward, panting and covered in sweat. The high-priest stepped forward and inspected his work, nodding in satisfaction.

"The ritual is complete," he said, his voice low and reverent. "The boy is now one with the divine. "

"Congratulations, young cultivator. You are now a full-fledged cultivator of Nashirah. Your training has only just begun, and in one year's time, you will be expected to hunt a beast and make a covenant with ShahRaab, using the sacrifice of the hunt. Only then will you truly be a master of the mana".

"Thank You High-Priest. I will certainly make a covenant."

"Now contemplate here fro few minutes while all of us will remain Silent and Clear the Platform for Next-in-Line."

"Yes "


Sargon felt a moment of disorientation as his vision started to blur, and then suddenly he was transported into a psychedelic and spiritual journey.

He felt like he was floating in space, surrounded by stars and galaxies. He could see his own body from above, lying on the platform with the rune tattoo glowing on his skin. As he watched, his body started to dissolve, and he felt like he was being pulled into another dimension.

He found himself in a strange, dreamlike world that was both beautiful and terrifying at the same time. He saw visions of his past lives, and he relived moments of joy and pain. He saw the faces of loved ones who had probably long since passed away, and he felt their presence surrounding him.

He climbed through a series of landscapes that were both familiar and alien. He passed through a fiery realm where demons and angels fought for supremacy, and he felt the heat of their battles on his skin. He climbed through a forest of silver trees that sparkled in the moonlight, and he heard the whispers of ancient spirits as he passed.

Finally, he reached the top of a mountain, and he saw a figure waiting for him. It was a being of pure light and energy, and Sargon knew instinctively that it was an Archangel of ShahRaab. The being spoke to him in a language that he couldn't understand, but he felt its message in his heart.

He realized that the journey he had taken was a test, a trial that he had to endure in order to prove himself worthy of the power of the rune. He felt a surge of energy coursing through his body, and he knew that he had passed the test.

As the psychedelic journey came to an end, Sargon found himself back in the Shahada Chamber, lying on the platform with the completed rune tattoo glowing on his skin. He felt a sense of peace and clarity that he had never experienced before, and he knew that he had been changed by the experience.


He had never felt so alive. The runes that had been etched into his flesh glowed with a soft, pulsing light.

As Sargon descended the octagon platform, he felt his mind and body aligning with the universe. The eight priests and priestesses' chants filled the chamber, and their mantras resonated within him, infusing him with strength and vitality.

Looking around at the others in attendance, he could see that they too were affected by the ceremony. Some looked awed, others envious, and still others resentful. But all of them could sense the power that radiated from him now, and they knew that he was destined for great things.

The High Priest's spell of magic expanded Sargon's consciousness beyond the physical realm. He understood the true meaning behind the inaudible chants of the priests and priestesses.

The Rune-Tattoo's application empowered Sargon deeply. It was not just a physical mark but a symbol of his spiritual connection to the universe, representing his commitment to his spiritual journey.

He had for a little time, heard the inaudible and stopped hearing the audible. In that state he could understand the essence of the inaudible chants the priest were chanting on the platform. Such was the connection in the universe.

The ritual had opened a door inside him, a door that led to a world of wonder and magic. He knew that he had been forever changed by the experience.

The Age of Rites ceremony was an initiation into the spiritual world of Nashirah. Sargon emerged from it feeling more connected to the universe and empowered to fulfill his destiny. It was a deeply spiritual journey filled with symbolism, ritual, and divine energy.