
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · Cómic
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67 Chs

Battle Against Madara

Once Hiroki activated his sharingan, he instantly pounced towards Madara. Hiroki's speed was too fast for Madara to dodge and he suffered a punch straight to his face, sending him and the big chair to the wall of the cave.

As the dust cleared, Hiroki saw Madara was getting up from the ground.

"Hahaha. You might be able to give me a thrill. Let's dance Hiroki." Madara said as he got in his fighting stance.

Hiroki smirked and also got into his Muay Thai stance. This time, he would be going full offense. Madara used his eyes to analyze Hiroki's stance and didn't see any flaws that he could approach to gain an advantage over the teenager.

Hiroki leapt towards Madara, while swinging his left elbow towards Madara's head. Madara saw Hiroki's motion and calculated where he would hit and moved his head backwards. Hiroki wanted this to happen as he continued his swinging motion and added more spin as his right elbow sped towards Madara's head once more. This time, Madara felt that he could only jump backwards to dodge, and he did.

'Right where I wanted.' Hiroki thought.

As Hiroki was still in his swinging motion, he stepped back with all his strength while he aimed his elbow right on Madara's right eye socket. He also used his left hand to add force into his elbow. As Madara's head swung back due to the force, Hiroki grabbed it and pulled it down while he jumped and kneed Madara on his nose.

A crunching sound rang out. Hiroki let go of Madara as the old Uchiha clan leader stumbled backwards as blood gushed from his nose and mouth.

"Damn it. Fuck. What the hell is this fighting style? I underestimated you Hiroki. You are much stronger than I expected. You would be the perfect Uchiha to continue my plan. Unfortunately, I have no choice, but to kill you.

Susanoo." Madara said as he started to be enveloped by a dark blue skeleton and then the skeleton became humanoid with two faces and four arms. There was also an undulating blade that it was holding.

'Is he trying to gauge my power? He didn't activate the complete body and neither the armored version on. His susanoo doesn't even have the normal size of one. It is one third the size of the original. I'm certain it is because his weak body can't take much. He's living thanks to the gedo mazo he is using to supply him with vitality. I'll need to weaken him as much as possible to rupture that connection.' Hiroki thought as he saw a something similar to a flexible tube coming from behind Madara and going under the ground.

Hiroki seeing that the fight was starting to get more serious, he activated his sage mode as black lines started to spread around his eyes.

"I guess I'll have to get serious." Hiroki said as he opened his right palm and he started forming a rasengan while running towards the susanoo. The rasengan started getting bigger and bigger until it was a quarter of Madara's susanoo.

"Senpou: Odama Rasengan" Hiroki said as he struck towards the left rib cage of the susanoo. It was powerful enough to push Madara's susanoo away.

As Madara's susanoo was skidding backwards. Madara saw Hiroki disappear from his spot and then he felt the temperature raise behind him and the area they were fighting became the color of a deep dark orange. When Madara turned around, he saw a large sphere filled with intense flames as it danced on the surface of it.

"Senpou: Katon Odama Rasengan"

Hiroki then unleashed the giant fire rasengan right on the Susanoo's back. As the sphere started spinning and burning the susanoo, after a few seconds, it exploded. The force was strong enough to send the susanoo into a wall, sinking him inside.

"Argh. You could have become the ruler of this world together with me. Everything and everyone would be in the palm of your hand. You would dictate the world." Madara said as he started coughing. His susanoo was starting to disperse. Right now, Madara didn't look one bit like the original. His nose was broken and his front teeth were broken due to Hiroki's knee. His face bleeding a lot as well. He also had a black eye thanks to Hiroki's elbow.

If one thing, Hiroki right now was feeling pity for him. Madara used to be one of the strongest shinobi to walk this world and he was now not even a fraction of what he used to be. But this was inevitable. Hiroki needed to put an end to this.

"I'm sorry, but I value my freedom and everyone else's. I can't ask for other what I don't want for my self. What I want is a peaceful world. If I have to kill a few like I did in the last war, I will do it. I'm not a righteous person, but I don't have the desire to control the lives of others as well. I feel sorry for you, Madara. You were manipulated and didn't even notice it. You should have trusted Hashirama and put that pride of yours away." Hiroki said as his right hand started to shine with lightning and fire and took the form of a blade.

Madara started walking away very slowly and weakly from the wall that he had sunk into. His susanoo finally disappeared and what was left now was only the man himself.

Hiroki made a hand seal and a clone popped right next to him. The clone was a small rasenshuriken and threw it in the direction of the tube connecting Madara to the gedomazo. As the rasenshuriken cut the tube, Madara stiffened, but then became limp as Hiroki's right hand penetrated his heart. Madara gave his last breath. Hiroki spread out his lighting fire blade inside Madara's body, burning it and not leaving any ashes behind.

Hiroki's clone took the tube in his hand and felt where the gedomazo was and then dispelled, giving Hiroki his memories. He now knew that it was one hundred meters right below where he was. Hiroki infused chakra on his hand and then punched the ground with full force, while spreading the chakra outwards from his hand. The ground below him trembled and then broke apart. He leapt off from it and stood vertically on the wall as he saw the ground collapse and the statue of the gedomazo appear. Hiroki then made a few hand seals.

A clone showed up. Hiroki blew a fire ball mixed with nature chakra towards the wooden statue and the clone blew a ball of wind, making the fire even stronger. Just as the huge fire ball was about to reach it, a black substance covered the gedomazo.

It was Black Zetsu. He was trying to protect the gedomazo. With out it, there was no way to revive Kaguya. The fire ball was infused with nature chakra and it burned him, but he didn't regret it since it was the best option to protect it. Black Zetsu didn't stay for long and dragged the gedomazo with him underground. Hiroki seeing this only sighed. He couldn't feel Black Zetsu anymore.

'I forgot about that little parasite. Fuck. I'll take care of him later. I better go warn Nagato and his friends about him before Black Zetsu shows up and manipulate them.' Hiroki thought. He looked around the room and saw some book lying around on the ground. Once he opened them, he learned that they were Madara's notes on creating the White Zetsus.

'I guess I'll hand these to Orochimaru. He might get something from these notes.' Hiroki then teleported away.


Hiroki appeared right outside Akatsuki's hideout in Amegakure. As he started going in, two guards appeared.

"Stop. Who are you and why are you here?" One of them said.

"I'm Hiroki, from Konoha." Hiroki said as he pointed towards his headband.

"I'm here to meet with your leaders: Nagato, Yahiko and Konan." Hiroki finished saying.

"Hi... Hiroki from Konoha." The guards trembled. They have heard Hiroki's doing in the war and how he fought against tailed beast and kages and came out as the victor of those fights.

"Please follow me, Hiroki-sama. I'm sorry for delaying you." The guard said.

"No harm done. You guys are just doing your job." Hiroki said as he smiled and followed behind the guards.

Hiroki walked slowly behind the guards for a few minutes until he arrived in a open area. There, he saw Nagato, Yahiko and Konan having a three way spar. Yahiko and Konan were breathing with a bit of difficulty and their clothes were tarnished, but Nagato was perfectly fine. The guards that lead Hiroki, turned back and went to their duty.

"You three are looking busy hehe." Hiroki said as he smiled at the three.

"Ah... Hiroki-san." Nagato said as he was surprised. The other two were surprised to see the young shinobi as well.

"Has Jiraiya come to see you guys? I've told him to look for you three the last time I came here." Hiroki said.

"Hn. Sensei has visited us over the past two years. He comes once every while." Yahiko said.

"That is good to hear guys. So, I'm here to have a serious conversation with you Nagato. I know you trust these two with your life so there is no problem for me to say it while they are here." Hiroki said with a serious face.

"What is so serious, Hiroki-san?" Nagato asked.

Hiroki pointed to Nagato's eyes.

"Do you know the story behind the Rinnegan?" Hiroki asked.

"It was the same doujutsu that the sage of six paths had." Yahiko answered for Nagato.

"That is exactly. But the thing is, those eyes aren't really yours. Those eyes belonged once to Madara Uchiha." Hiroki explained.

Once his words sunk in, the three became totally surprised. Never would they think that this was true. Nagato never remembered seeing Madara. He doesn't even know how the guy looks like.

Hiroki told them the story of Hagoromo and his twin sons and the history behind the Senju and Uchiha clan. He also told him about Madara's plan of the Infinite Tsukuyomi and how he would have become one of his pawns in the future to come if Hiroki didn't stop Madara's plans beforehand.

"Madara was being manipulated by Black Zetsu for decades and his existence is a menace to the world that we know. He might come after you due to your eyes as it is one of the main keys to his plans. He has a special power that is to control the person that he clings himself into. He is a very intelligent and wise being that has been living for a millennium." Hiroki finished saying.

He then looked at Yahiko and Konan.

"I ask you two to protect Nagato and not let him be used by Black Zetsu. He might use any opportunity he gets to tie you guys in."

"We won't let anything to happen to Nagato. Even if we were to lose our lives. This is the fate of the world that we are talking about. I want to protect this peace that we are living in right now." Yahiko said.

"That relieves me. Thank you for listening to me. Here, take these. If you find yourselves in any life threatening circumstance, rip it and you will instantly be teleported to my side." Hiroki then gave each a peace of his teleportation seal.

"I'll be off now. Until next time, guys."