
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

An Unexpected Visitor

Two months had gone by and right now, every kage was sitting around a U shaped desk. In the space in between another person was sitting and behind him were two samurai. This person is Mifune. He was the one mediating the Kage summit. Each kage had a one shinobi behind them just for security. The one that attracted the most attention was no one other than a twelve year old boy standing behind Hiruzen. Other than Rasa and Hiruzen, the rest of the Kage's had an uncomfortable look on their faces.

"Ahem. Gentlemen, as you all know, we are here to sign a peace treaty between all five hidden villages..." Mifune continued.

After five long hours, the summit was finally over. The kages talked mostly about the compensation for the war and what they had to give up in exchange for the treaty to finally be agreed and signed by all. Hiroki could have made the other kage's afraid and sign the treaty one way or the other, but he knew that if he forced them, the "peace" would be short lived. Either way, Konoha was one of the villages that didn't really have to lose anything to the other villages to have the treaty signed. It would only need to have the missions that were closer to said village be given to them and they would then give a percentage to Konoha.

As Hiruzen got up to leave, Hiroki waved at the others. "It was nice seeing all of you once again. Take care." Hiroki said as he grinned.

The other kages could only feel an unconscious fear of him.


Another month had gone by and Hiroki had been living peacefully. He had used the time to have spars with Kakashi, Obito, Minato, Gai, Sakumo, Asuma and many others from his class. When spars finished, he would go to Ichiraku's and talk with Ayame and her father while eating ramen. He would also visit Kushina and stay hours together with her, just like he was doing now.

They were interrupted as Minato opened the door and rushed inside their house.

"Kushina, Hiroki, I have great news." Minato said as he stopped in front of them.

Hiroki guessed what it was and he already smirked.

"I've been chosen by Sandaime-sama as the Yondaime Hokage." Minato said as he grinned. He face was bright while showing happiness. Kushina processed the news and jumped at him, hugging Minato tightly.

"Our dream. Our dream came true." She said happily.

"Congratulations Minato-ni. I always knew that you would achieve your dream." Hiroki said as he gave Minato a hud as well.

"En. Thank you Hiroki. Hokage-sama said that this will be announced to the village in a few days. Hokage-sama also said that Sakumo and Orochimaru were two other candidates, but they rejected. He also told me that someone put in good word for me. I wonder who that is." Minato said as he faked a thoughtful face while looking at Hiroki.

"Who could it be? Must be someone that sees great potential in you, Minato-ni." Hiroki said as he lifted his arms in innocence.

"Hehe. Anyways, I'll have to spend some days at the Hokage office so the transfer of power becomes as smooth as possible." Minato said.

He and Kushina were filled with joy while they continued talking. Hiroki found an opportunity to leave and got up from his seat.

"Hiroki, where are you going?" Kushina and Minato asked.

"Oh. I still have something to solve really quick. I'll come see you both tomorrow or the day after. You guys don't need to worry, I'll come back really quick. Tell the old man I said he should stop smoking. He can't be doing this anymore with his age and body condition." Hiroki said as he Hiraishined.


Right outside a cave near the borders of Kiri

Hiroki had arrived to his destination. He could have come here earlier, but he wished to take care of a few things before, including the war.

He walked inside the cave and saw that it was completely dark inside it. If he was someone normal, he wouldn't be able to see one meter ahead of him. He saw that the cave was not really wide and he reached a wall five meters ahead.

"This is a really nice place to hide. Specially when placing two genjutsu to keep people away." Hiroki said. The darkness was a genjutsu and the wall right after was also a genjutsu. It was a powerful one, but to Hiroki it was nothing. After dispelling the genjutsu, he saw that the passage became clearer and that there were many paths in the cave.

Hiroki activated his sage mode to feel the chakra of those he was after. Once he did, he found that something was moving fast while coming his way, but it was moving through the ground.

'Zetsu.' Hiroki thought as he felt the special chakra coming his way. Once it was arriving in front of him, Hiroki activated chidori and stabbed towards the ground in lightning speed just as Zetsu arrived. Hiroki then pulled out from the ground the dead Zetsu and burned it's body into ashes.

'He came from the one on the right and there's also a chakra signal coming from that way. This cave is truly a labyrinth.' Hiroki thought as he started walking towards the right path. The paths intertwined in many ways and it was truly a labyrinth.

After walking for half an hour, Hiroki finally arrived in front of a large door. He felt the chakra signal coming from behind it. He deactivated his sage mode and pushed the door. Once the door opened, he walked in normally as if he was walking in to his home.

As he walked inside, Hiroki saw a large room with a tall ceiling. A man with long white hair sitting on a large chair in the room. His hair was covering one eye while the other was shining red.

"Madara-sama, this is the one that had captured one of my clones in the past while I was observing the young Uchiha." White Zetsu said.

"Oh. So you are the shinobi from Konoha that has been intervening in my plans." Madara said.

"Yeah. I'm Hiroki, I wish I could say it is nice meeting you Madara, but it is not really a good time." Hiroki said. He felt excited to see the living legend right in front of him, but he knew that the Madara in front of him wasn't even half of when he was in his prime.

Madara took a deep look at the twelve year old. He could feel that this young shinobi was powerful, but could not see his limit. This got his attention.

"What is the purpose of your visit?" Madara asked.

"It's really simple. I know of your plans. I know you have been monitoring Obito for some time and you have also planned ways to make him loyal to you and use him for your purpose, Infinite Tsukuyomi. I've come to stop you. Specially since you have also been used in someone else's plan for all these years." Hiroki said.

When Hiroki mentioned Inifinite Tsukuyomi, Madara got startled instantly. He became serious, but didn't get up from his chair.

"You said I have been used in someone else's plan. Who would that person be?" Madara asked.

"It is your will. Well, you thought you created him to perform and help you complete your will, but he is actually Kaguya's will and also her son. Isn't that right, Black Zetsu." Hiroki said.

"Black Zetsu? Impossible. I created him with my will. He would be the one that would guide my successor to complete my will." Madara said.

"Hahahaha. Sorry, but this guy has been alive and kicking ever since Kaguya has been sealed. Isn't that right?" Hiroki asked towards Black Zetsu that was coming out from the ceiling above Madara.

"He has been manipulating the Uchiha clan even before it was formed. He is also the one that changed what was written on the Uchiha Stone Tablet. He used the Uchiha clan and is using you as a marionette to do his will, Kaguya's will, which is revive her and perform the Infinite Tsukuyomi while she feeds on the lives and chakra of every living being on the planet." Hiroki finished saying.

Madara processed everything that Hiroki said and he understood that he could not have made up everything in such detail. There was a foundation in what he was saying, but he still had some doubts.

"If you still don't believe me, I can say what great plan you have. You want to find an Uchiha than puts your plan in practice. Retrieve the rinnegan from the Uzumaki you implanted the eye with. Capture every bijuu into Gedomazo, revive you with the king of hell. Unleash the ten tails while becoming it's jinchuriki then expelling it out and transform it into the God Tree and cast Inifinite Tsukuyomi. But that's where the catch comes. Black Zetsu would betray you and use you as a vessel to absorb the planet's chakra to revive Kaguya. You would then die just like that." Hiroki said.

Madara realized that no matter how he thought, this young boy knew exactly what his plan was. He then had a thought.

"Since you know all of this, could you be interested into being part of this?" Madara asked. He as the past Uchiha clan leader, knew of Hiroki's Uchiha blood with just a glance.

"Haha. Are you serious? You might be too old, but I don't think you are deaf. I said I came here to stop you and your plan." Hiroki said as his sharingan was activated and the tomoes in it started spinning.