
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · Cómic
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67 Chs

Battle Against Kumo

Three months had gone by and Konoha was now preparing for war against Kumogakure. Many spies have seen Kumo forces moving closer to the fire countries borders.

In these three months, Hiroki had been passing his time together with his friends. Most days he would spar with them and other days he would spar with Minato. He was also working on his fuinjutsu techniques as well.

Hiroki was now inside Hiruzen's office along Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Minato, Fugaku, the Hyuga clan leader, Shikaku, Choza, Inoichi, Tsume and Sakumo.

"As all of you know, Kumo is roaming the borders of the fire country. We have no choice other than confront them in war. We have been fighting for long now and I can only ask you to finish this as fast as possible. We have already spilled a lot of blood from our children and elders. It is time to put an end to this war." Hiruzen said with a somber look on his face. He then looked at Minato and Hiroki.

"I want you two along with Sakumo to lead our men into this war. We have always been wanting piece, but it is time for us not to wait to it to arrive at our door step. We will be the ones to take it, even if by force. Protect our men, but when you three are in battle fighting the big fishes, be as destructive as possible." Hiruzen said.

Everyone in the room, but Hiroki, were shocked to see Hiruzen like this. He had changed from the always peaceful kage to the kage that will pursue peace even if they have to put mercy aside.

Hiroki didn't know, but this change was brought thanks to him and his actions.

"When are we to depart, Hokage-sama?" Hiroki asked.

"Orders have already been given to those that will participate. Tomorrow, everyone is to leave towards the battlefield." Hiruzen said as he looked at the three. He then looked at Fugaku and the Ino-Shika-Cho trio.

"You will be their support in this battle. Before anything, do be careful. We've already lost many of our men. The others will stay in Konoha to protect it in case other Iwa tries something funny. Suna has been notified and have already sent troops to aid us. You are all dismissed." Hiruzen finished saying.

Everyone then left to prepare.


In the next day, every one that was to head to war was right by the gates headed to the north. Hiroki was upfront together with Minato, Sakumo, the Ino-Shika-Cho.

Hiroki spotted Fugaku coming their way and together with him, was a small child.

'Itachi.' Hiroki thought as he had a smile.

"Hiroki-san, it seems that we'll be fighting together really soon." Fugaku said as he remembered an old conversation they had some while ago.

Hiroki then looked behind Sakumo and asked:

"Who is that? Is it your son?" Hiroki asked.

"Ah. Itachi, greet Hiroki-san. He's young, but one of the strongest shinobi in Konoha."

"Hello Hiroki-sama. It's my honor meeting you. Please take care of me." The small Itach said as he bowed slightly.

"It's a pleasure meeting you as well Itachi-san. Don't worry, I'll take care of you." Hiroki said. He then patted his clothes and then grabbed a scroll from his flask jacket.

"Here, this is a meeting present from me to you. Study it whenever you can and try learning it as fast as possible." Hiroki said as he squatted down and patted Itachi's head after hanging him the scroll.

"Thank you, Hiroki-sama." Itachi said and bowed more deeply this time. Hiroki only smiled.

As Hiroki then went back to the front of the gate, he saw Kakashi, Obito and Rin arrive.

"Hey guys. Ready for battle?" Hiroki asked.

The three of them nodded their heads.

Minato saw the three arrive and called them closer to where he was standing. He then looked at Hiroki.

"Hiroki. It's time." Minato said.

Hiroki nodded his head and then made hundreds of shadow clones. He unsealed a scroll and there were many strips of paper inside it. He coated his voice in chakra to make it louder and started talking.

"Everyone, please pay attention." He said. Everyone turned towards him and started to pay attention.

"As you can see, my clones are handing each and everyone of you a piece of paper. This paper contains a lifesaving seal. We are heading to this battle and we'll try to end it as fast as possible, but we don't want any casualties. If you find yourself in a life and death situation, please infuse your chakra into it and you will be instantly teleported back to the battle ground that has been set." Hiroki finished saying. His clones continued distributing the seals to everyone. There was one clone per person and Hiroki had made them to help teleport everyone to the battle camp.

"Please prepare to be teleported. My clones will bring each of you to the battle camp." Hiroki said. Everyone started getting ready and then they disappeared from Konoha. In the next second, everyone was already in front of the battle camp.

It took some hours for everyone to settle into their tents. Hiroki, Minato and Sakumo were together analyzing the surroundings and where most battles would take place.

Hiroki then felt one of his clones that he previously sent to monitor Kumo's battle camp, dispel.

"Kumo has started to send their troops. From what my clone saw, their troops consist of twenty Jonin level shinobi and a hundred Chunin and Genin mixed in. The jinchuriki of the two tails is there as well. The Raikage, his son A and the Hachibi Jinchuriki are in the camps." Hiroki said.

"Minato, you and Hiroki take some men to..." Sakumo started saying, but was interrupted by Hiroki.

"No, I'll go. I can take care of these many myself. I'm going to attract the big players to the field. You two should standby. I'll let you know if anything happens." Hiroki said as he teleported to were his clone had dispelled. He saw many shinobi heading towards Konoha's battle camp.

Hiroki kept his distance on the side and sped to get ahead of the Kumo soldiers. He was afraid to be spotted or felt by a sensory shinobi and activated his sage mode. He brought out his wings and flew high above them all.

'I don't want to kill them, but I need to get the Raikage, A and Bee in this. I'll use large scale jutsu to attract their attention.' Hiroki thought.

As he had already arrived in front of the Kumo troops, Hiroki sped downwards and landed on the ground.

The Kumo shinobi saw something falling from the sky and stopped.


As Hiroki landed on the ground, an explosion was heard. A lot of dust rose up into the air and clouded everyone's eyesight.

As the dust cleared, they saw Hiroki and along with him were one hundred clones. They noticed his headband and became hostile immediately.

Yugito Nii, the two tails jinchuuriki saw him and smirked.

"Oy, kid. Do you have a death wish or something. Or could it be that Konoha has sent you to your death? No matter how many clones you have, there's only one of you."

Hiroki heard what she said and smiled. He took one shuriken from his pouch and threw it. His clones did the same thing. As the shuriken were in air, Hiroki and his clones did one hand sign and the one hundred shurikens transformed into a thousand.

When the Kumo shinobi saw the many shuriken, they became wary and started dodging and intercepting the shuriken's trajectory. When they saw that they hadn't hit any of them, they started laughing wildly.

Hiroki only smirked as he made a one handed sign. Yugito felt that something was up and immediately cries out.


The Kumo troops didn't understand why, but it was too late.

"Katsu." Hiroki said.

The shuriken exploded near the Kumo shinobi. Hiroki delayed the explosions to that it wouldn't be one concentrated explosion, but a few minor ones so that there wouldn't be many casualties.

In Kumo's battle camp, the third Raikage, A and Bee heard the explosion sounds and looked towards it. They became worried as the direction of the explosion was the one their troops had gone to.

The Raikage and A instantly activated their lightening armor and sped towards the troops.

After some minutes, Hiroki felt the presence of the two arriving were he was and Bee's presence a little farther away.

The smoke from the explosions cleared and there were many down on the ground and many injured as well. There were only a few that died. When the Raikage and A saw this, they felt anger, but at the same time, they felt fear for their troops. Bee arrived a few seconds behind them and saw the same scene.

Yugito was coughing as she was standing up with some difficulty and had a chakra cloak around her. The three that arrived saw her and went towards her to understand what happened.

"Yugito, what happened?" A asked.

Yugito pointed to her front and said with some difficulty. "Konoha Shinobi... intercepted..."

The Raikage and A turned towards where she pointed and saw a teenager. He was not short, but not really tall as well. He had short black hair and black eyes. His clothes were black as well. They looked around the whole area to see if they could find others, but it was to no avail.

"Bee, stay together with Yugito. Protect her. We don't know where the others are and they could ambush us any time like they did with our troops." The raikage said.

"No... others... only him..." Yugito said weakly as he chakra cloak started to fade.

When she finished saying that, the eyes of the Raikage and A became like large balls.

"Impossible. A mere child was able to take out and intercept hundred of our shinobi." The raikage said, not believing what Yugito just said.

"No. It is true. If it is who he seems to be. He can take out thousands of shinobi by himself. This should be the one that the short old man from Iwa is so afraid of." Bee said behind. He then looked at Hiroki and asked: "You are Hiroki, right?"

"Yes. I'm Hiroki. I wish I could have met you three in a different situation. I have a war to stop and I'm sorry for the ones I have killed today." Hiroki said.

The raikage disappeared from his spot and then appeared in front of Hiroki as he punched him. Hiroki didn't move from his spot and grabbed onto the raikage's punching hand. He used the force of the punch and added more strength to throw the raikage towards a large rock. The raikage was in midair and everything was so fast that he couldn't adjust his body before he hit the large rock. The rock instantly burst into pebbles as dust rose.

"Damn it. How is it possible? Tou-san is the fastest shinobi alive. Not even I can see him when he's in full speed." A said.

"That's not true. Your father is the third fastest. Minato-ni and I are equal in speeds and we are faster than him." Hiroki said as he arrived behind A.

A turned around instantly and punched towards Hiroki's voice, but hit nothing. He looked back once more and saw him in his original spot.

"Such young shinobi with such power. Konoha really is blessed. Unfortunately, you'll have to die today. You killed our men so you should die for it." The raikage said as he walked out from the dust. He then sped even faster and punched once more towards Hiroki's face.

Hiroki turned around and saw the punch coming his way. He placed his right hand between the punch and his face. He grabbed the fist and stopped the force from it completely, also stopping the Raikage. The raikage threw another punch with his other hand, but it was also stopped by Hiroki. He tried pulling his hands back, but no matter how much force he used, he couldn't budge.

Hiroki used this opportunity to send a kick towards the Raikage's face and sending him towards A that was sneaking behind to strike him. A and the Raikage met on the way and fell on the ground. They both seemed to be perfectly fine.

Hiroki made three clones and as soon as they appeared, they teleported.

"You guys are quite sturdy. That lightening cloak is really great for your defense. But too bad that it isn't completely impenetrable. Right Raikage?" Hiroki asked as he looked at the raikage's scar on the chest.

"Listen kid. If you have the power to run, you run. We are in four, we have two jinchuuriki with us and you are all by yourself. No matter how you look at it, you will not come out of this alive." The raikage said. What Hiroki said was like a knife piercing through his pride.

"It would be true if I was a common shinobi, but the thing is, I'm not. And one more thing, I'm not alone." Hiroki said as he activated his sage mode. His clones had arrived together with Minato, Sakumo and Fugaku.