
Talentless In One Piece

Riku was a normal man who had just graduated from school. He was now busy working daily to support himself and had grown tired of life. Somedays when he went home he would pick up his favorite manga, ONE PIECE. He would spend hours reading it, as it brought him joy. One day while enjoying his off day he died an unexpected death, he then found himself in the world of one piece but talentless.... ** MC does have a system but it's not quest-based or omniscient in any way. He can only look at and review his stats and has to work hard to be given anything. (ALSO: I still suck at writing, so it may be hard to be motivated and put out a lot of chapters so please support this novel!)

doubtedvillain · Cómic
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: New World

Riku sat at a small table. One chair was placed underneath and that's where he sat. A small apartment meant for multiple yet he lived alone. He had recently graduated from school about 7 months ago, and now he was living all alone while working 2 jobs just to keep up with rent. He wasn't the smartest kid in school and often goofed off and didn't care much about his studies. Which inevitably led to him not getting a great job that pays well. 

He was surprised he had even survived this long, when he turned 19 he was kicked out of the house and had to get a job and live on his own. He worked hard at both of his jobs and usually went home tired, just to have to get up and go to his 2nd job. By this point he felt empty, he had no lover, his parents never called, and he could never have the time to enjoy himself. He now felt he despised living, yet didn't want to die.

The life he despised would soon come to an end though. One night, Riku sat on the floor of his nearly empty apartment, and a small TV sat on the floor with him, just near the wall. He had a bag of chips next to him and was snacking on them with swiftness, but he was moving too fast and a chip that he didn't end up chewing slid down his throat, and he started to gasp for air. Seconds later he could feel himself blacking out and knew this was his end.

His life flashed before his eyes, all the times he goofed off in class, the friends he made, his ex-girlfriends, his first kiss, the times he went to the dentist, and even school, he knew surely he was dying. The faces of those he made bonds with spun in his mind, but soon he would lay on the floor of his apartment building, lifeless. He thought this was his end, no....he knew this was his end but why? why is he in the middle of the ocean on a small island now?

He looked around, he saw small buildings, people, and children. It looked to be a small village but why was he here? is this hell? heaven? he wondered. His mind never came to a conclusion, and he started believing this may be a dream, maybe he didn't die, maybe it was a nightmare turned great dream. He put his hand on the ground and felt the dirt, the sand, and breathed the air. It all felt too real to just be a dream, even lucid dreams don't feel like this.

He looked down at himself and was astonished. His arms seemed shorter than usual and so did his legs, he felt his face, and his hair, and wiggled his body. It felt natural but unfamiliar, and his assumption was right. Memories flooded his brain and he was even more confused.

Mitsutsune Zicrow, that was his name. Or the name of the body he now occupied. He fell to the ground and held his thumping head, where was he? why is he even here? is this truly a dream? thoughts raced through his mind again and again. He calmed himself down and stood up.

He wasn't very young but wasn't very old either. Mitsutsune seemed around 14 and was decently tall. His body was skinny but it wasn't a life-threatening skinny. Mitsutsune walked into the part of the village that was most populated, and two more boys ran up to him screaming his name.


He was startled by the sudden screams of the two boys and spoke up, "W-What is it?"

'Who the hell are these kids? do I know them?'

He tried to remember their faces and in his memories, they appeared. For a long time, these two boys picked on him for no apparent reason, they just enjoyed the thrill of messing with those weaker than them. Mitsutsune was taller than the two boys yet was extremely weaker, the two boy's names were Minn and Linn they seemed to be brothers of some sort and often bullied him.

Also, Mitsutsune was an orphan. When he was just 4 his father went insane and killed some residents of the village and once he was done he went and killed his wife, even making Mitsutsune watch the horrifying sight. Mitsutsune was scarred for life and Riku, now Mitsutsune can even feel the trauma from just thinking about it.

But this had him thinking, if he took over the body of Mitsutsune then what happened to Mitsutsune? if this is a transmigration then that means he had to have died and so did the original owner of the body. So how did he die?


They slapped Mitsutsune, he didn't care and just took it like a champ. He stared into the Minn and Linn's souls. They were surprised by this and started to yell again. 


"Y-YEAH!" Linn added on.

Minn then said something that confirmed Mitsutsune's suspicions. 

"We thought you had died! after we put your face in the water you stopped moving for a while! WHY WOULD YOU TRY TO SCARE US LIKE THAT?"

Linn, the yes man to his brother also added on to the sentence, "YEAH!" 

'So, these two boys ended up killing Mitsutsune? how did no one notice this? does no one say anything? why?'

He realized something, he looked around and noticed the eyes of the people. They seemed disgusted and resented him for some reason, but Mitsutsune knew exactly what the reason was. It must have been because of what his father did, the people of this village must hold a deep grudge against him because of something his dad did.

"You bastard's..."

Mitsutsune swung at Minn, but Linn noticed this instantly and tackled him to the ground immediately. Mitsutsune started to elbow Linn's back over and over, trying to get him off of him. Linn got a hold of him and raised his fist in the air and just before he punched him Mitsutsune rolled his body to the left which got him off top of him.

Mitsutsune raised his fist and Minn and Linn did as well. The people looked at the ongoing brawl between the three and just watched in surprise. Even while being ganged up on Mitsutsune stood his ground, he threw his fists with some precision and power but Linn and Minn just dodged them and constantly kicked, punched, and threw him to the ground.

Mitsutsune fought back but it was clear he was going to lose, and so what did he do? he ran, it may seem cowardly and may make him seem like a pussy but it was the most logical thing to do. He ran long and hard, Minn and Linn chased after him but they soon gave up, and eventually, Mitsutsune's body grew tired and he could barely move his feet any longer.

He rested under a tree and as he was trying to catch his breath a notification popped up in front of him.

[+2 Stamina Points]

[+1 Agility]

"H-Huh? no fucking way....a system?"

He said the magic word, "Status"

[Name: Mitsutsune Zicrow]

[Talents: None]

[Skills: None]


Attack Power: 0.87

Attack Speed: 0.77

Strength: 1

Agility: 2

Stamina: 3

Endurance: 2

Dexterity: 1

*Will Power: (LOCKED)*]

He was flabbergasted, he had nothing. No talents no skills, and his stats weren't even average. He was the bottom of the barrel, pure trash. All he could do was look at and review his stats, he couldn't change them and only went up in agility and stamina due to running which told him one thing. That he could only grow stronger through his own means. He was disappointed at first because he thought he was going to obtain an OP cheat system but got this instead.

He didn't grow sad or angry and took this as a challenge. He stood up and walked to the only home he had, a small orphanage that looked run down and old. When he walked in about 5 children greeted him, some young and some just about his age. 

He said his hellos and instantly laid down on the hard floor with some light cushion underneath him. In seconds his fatigued body fell into a deep sleep.

It's DONE! man, this was hard...the first sentence alone took me forever, but here it is. I hope whoever has read this enjoys it because I haven't felt this good writing a story in a long time. So add it to your library and be sure to read it often!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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