
Tale Of The Shining Cultivator

Yang Yu wandered the streets of Dawn City as an orphan, he had no purpose, apart from his one goal, to join the Sky Spirit Sect and become a cultivator. His fate was bleak, at most he'd be above mortals but be one of the weakest cultivators, but on his last job, everything changed. --------------------------------------------------------- Release Schedule: 2 Chapters a Day

Dragonic_Dao · Oriental
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32 Chs

Chapter 23 Beast Tide

"What was that?" Yang Yu asked in shock. "I-I don't know, it could be anything really." Wang Haotian said as he looked towards a direction. "No, its definitely a strong Demon Beast." Zhao Shen said as the ground began to rumble.

"Of course that's what I meant, but its not time to get heavy on the specifics, we need to decide, to run, or to fight?" Wang Haotian said as the rumbling got worse and worse.

"Fuck running, we've wasted so much time waiting for those damn fruits, we're going for them." Zhao Shen said. "...I agree barely anything in this forest can compete with us." Chen Feng said.

"Yes, but what about Junior Brother?" Wang Haotian said as he looked towards Yang Yu. "Don't worry, as long as its a Grade 1 Demon Beast I'll be fine." Yang Yu said as they all nodded.

'If I am not going to gain experience now, when am I? I mean they're 3 of the top 10 Inner Disciples, if they can't keep me safe practically no one can.' Yang Yu thought as a cloud of dust began to appear over the horizon.

Seeing this, the trio put down their bags and brought out their weapons. Zhao Shen's weapon was gigantic 2.5 meter long double edged axe, its blade length over a meter. Chen Feng's weapon was a bow silver in colour and about 1.5 meters long.

Wang Haotian's weapon on the other hand was a sword, its blade was about 80 centimetres long and its handle extremely plain, the odd feature of the weapon though, was that it was completely azure in colour.

Yang Yu stealthily placed his bag in the Crimson Steel Ring and hurriedly took Midnight off his back, and went into a stance. These last 3 days Yun Zhu had been teaching him "The Basics of the Spear" a mostly looked over but extremely important guide on how to use the spear properly.

Mere seconds later, 100s of beasts appeared in front of them and to the sides, so much so that all the tree in front of them were crushed. Most of the Demon Beasts couldn't care about them, and simply ran past, but a few launched forward in attack.

"River Dividing Sword!" Wang Haotian said as a Grade 1 Demon Beast Wolf lunged towards him, immediately it was sliced in 2 but the smell of fresh blood attracted more beasts.

"Damn it, we should have retreated." Wang Haotian said, as 10 wolves began to attack the group. Immediately Chen Feng nocked 3 arrows, before shooting them piercing the heads of 3 wolves.

Zhao Shen jumped forward and slashed his axe out in a wide swing. "Mountain Splitter!" He said as his axe split 4 wolves into 2, this strength was extremely impressive.

The other 2 wolves attacked Wang Haotian, but he made quick work of them. The final wolf looped around the group and charged Yang Yu. "Just thrust." Yun Zhu said as Yang Yu nodded, turning towards the wolf, before thrusting the spear into its head, killing it.

This wasn't the end though, as more and more beasts began to flood in. "Fuck! We can't retreat, but I know a place we can stay nearby, we'll have to charge through!" Wang Haotian said as he dashed forward slashing through his foes.

Chen Feng, and Zhao Shen quickly follow suit leaving Yang Yu no time to think, but almost immediately after he ran after them.

Beast after beast appeared, slowing down Wang Haotian and co, luckily for Yang Yu though, it left him with sufficient time to catch up.

Eventually they made it to a small opening in a hill, and they all quickly dashed in, luckily for them, the beasts were too frantic to care about them after they entered the cave.

"What the fuck was that? I have never seen anything like it." Zhao Shen said as he dropped his axe, drained of his energy. "I have no clue, but it can't be anything simple that's for sure." Wang Haotian said as Chen Feng nodded.

"But what about the treasure you guys are aiming for? Won't it be crushed by now?" Yang Yu said as he gazed out of the cave, the devastation was incredible, and more and more beasts were still running away.

"Don't worry about it, even in such a frantic state of being, the Demon Beasts wouldn't just destroy such treasures, and they still need a week to ripen, at minimum." Wang Haotian said as Yang Yu nodded.

"Seriously though, what could cause such a disturbance? A Grade 3 Demon Beast?" Yang Yu asked. "It could be, regardless though, the Elders will clear this up, its nothing much for them to kill a few Grade 2 and Grade 1 Demon Beasts." Wang Haotian said as his eyes began to close.

"Ahhh, I am really tired, can someone else keep watch?" Wang Haotian asked as he gazed at Chen Feng and Zhao Shen. "I'll do it." Chen Feng said as Wang Haotian nodded before shutting his eyes.

"Good night." He said before dozing off, his head resting on cold hard wall of the cave. "I am going to head to bed as well." Zhao Shen said as he held his axe tightly, before also dozing off.

Yang Yu though just stayed awake as he watched them. "....You?" Chen Feng asked, a bit confused as to why his Junior was still awake. "I am used to staying up a lot." Yang Yu replied. "Senior Brother, may I ask you something?" Yang Yu said as he watched the night sky.

Hearing this Chen Feng nodded. "Why do you cultivate?" Yang Yu asked simply. "Strength, to protect what I hold dear." Chen Feng replied with conviction. "Have you always cultivated because of this, or was it something you grew to realise?" Yang Yu asked in curiosity.

"....Back when I was younger, I cultivated because my family did, but one time I had gone out in the forest, and I saw 2 Demon Beasts fighting. One was a mother protecting its cubs, the other a snake who wanted a snack. After a hard fight, the snake won, and ate the mother along with its cubs, I just sat there and watched." Chen Feng said as Yang Yu nodded.

"It may be cruel, but since the mother and her cubs weren't related to me, it wasn't my business to interfere, but they taught me one cold and harsh truth. Without strength, it doesn't matter who is right or wrong, without strength you will be bullied, without strength you won't survive. In simple words the world is cruel." Chen Feng said with a fire in his eyes.

"The Sky Spirit Sect though, is a fair place, this may not prepare our disciples for the real world, but if I can protect this fairness and keep my fellow disciples safe, then I'll be happy." Chen Feng said as he gazed back at Yang Yu.

"Long story short, to protect what I love, that's why I cultivate." Chen Feng said. 'The strong rule the weak, I knew this truth all along, but didn't want to admit it, at least Senior Brother Chen Feng opened my eyes, I need to grow stronger, not just for myself, but to protect anyone or anything I may acquire in the future.' Yang Yu thought as he gazed at the ground.

"I'll be going to bed, goodnight, Senior Brother." Yang Yu said as he shut his eyes. Seeing this Chen Feng smiled as he watched the night sky. This was the longest conversation Yang Yu ever had with Chen Feng and also, the most impactful.

Any and all feedback will be appreciated and, thank you for reading.

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts