
New Companions

"Sir! The ceremony is about to begin. Please make your way to the academy."

"Yes I know, I just need to confirm something with Kami regarding the 4 men squads, I shall arrive after please make your way out." Said an old man

"Yes sir!"

"Anyways, are you sure you want to take on the responsibility of taking care of that child? I can tell you right now it won't be an easy task." his voice was full of concern as he said this.

"I'm sure I'm confident that I'm the only one who can suppress him when his power is unleashed. After all, I'm no ordinary sorcerer, I'm even more powerful than you." Said Kami with a smirk on his face.

"Hmph fine then, please don't let him spiral out of control. And by the way, you only beat me when I turned into an old man." Said the old man while laughing.


"I wonder who I'm going to team up with." Manjiro whispered to himself. Initially Manjiro wasn't granted permission to be a Tataku sorcerer, the people of Heiwa no Mura feared that him becoming a sorcerer would bring out the power within him, the power that Manjiro himself doesn't know of. To his surprise, the leader of Heiwa No Mura changed his mind and granted him permission to become a Tataku Sorcerer.

"All right, rookies! Please line up the ceremony will start shortly" as everyone started to line up an old man with below-average stature who wore a plain green robe with wrinkles and liver spots from old age on his face stood on the stage.

"Woah, it's the sorcerer-king Kenja" A rookie whispered to his friend.

"Alright rookies! My name is Kenja also known as the sorcerer-king, as you know I am the leader of this land. When you become Tataku Sorcerers you shall come to me for a mission with your 4 men squad, speaking of which is the reason you guys are here." The room was silent. "Now when I call up your name please stand forward, Manjiro Akuma, Shita Ryushutsu, and Lavender Shizen. You will be assigned to team Kami!"

"Shit I got Miss. Royalty and Mr. EdgeGod on my team shit couldn't get worse." Manjiro whispered

" I heard that Mr. I barely passed the academy," Lavender said. Lavender was a girl who possessed wavy purple hair which went to her shoulders, and blue eyes. She wore a black uniform with gold buttons and matching colored tabi socks and hakama pants, tucked into a white butterfly pattern. She was born into a wealthy family and was characterized to be calm but was known for releasing her built-up anger onto Manjiro.

"Yeah, Yeah at least I passed. I didn't need to get good marks like that other fucker on our team!" Manjiro said shouting

"Shut up he'll hear you," Lavender said all red from embarrassment

"I want him to, that's why I shouted!"

"Umm Manjiro can you and your teammates please make your way to the halls." Kanja said unpleasantly. After a while, in the halls, Kami finally made his way to his students breaking the awkward silence.

"Hello my name is Kami Shinto, I will be your so-called sensei so please refer me to that, and I don't care for your names because I already know them so I want you to answer this one question, why are you so keen on becoming Tataku Sorcerers?" Kami Shinto was an above-average male who had while silverish hair and wore an all-black high-necked jacket with matching black pants and black dress shoes. And wore some sort of bandage covering his eyes.

"What do you mean by that?" Lavender said confused

"What is your goal?" Kami said curiously

"Well me I'm going to be the number 1 Tataku Sorcerer in the world and kill all the demons that raid this world, " Manjiro said proudly with his head held high.

"Well, I could've predicted that from you," Kami thought to himself "Now let's hear the others Lavender how about you?"

"Well….I want to prove my father wrong, he believes women shouldn't be allowed to be sorcerers and I'm going to prove him wrong."

"Hmmm how about you Shita"

"I'm going to kill a certain race of people who betrayed me and kill the man who ruined my life," Shita said in a cold tone. Shita was the tallest amongst the three standing at 5'1, he had black eyes, Long black hair that goes past his ears, and wore a brown poncho over a black tunic and torn black pants and a large headband that restricted his wild hair.

"He thinks he's tough. I could beat him if I felt like it." Manjiro said quietly so only Lavender could hear him.

These rookies have a different vibe than most others, maybe there's a chance they can survive their first mission, well they do have me so most likely they're going to. "Anyways, now let's get into what we Tataku sorcerers use to kill demon sorcerers, it's called cursed energy"