
Take’s Hidden Path

Yo, I’m back and just as broke so definitely don’t own Naruto, Danmachi, or any of its assets... like cmon if I did would I be writing trash novels on here? IF YOU RECOGNIZE ANYTHING IN THIS NOVEL FROM SOMEONE ELSES WORK I DO NOT OWN IT WHAT SO EVER...DONT AND I MEAN DONT COPYRIGHT STRIKE MY SHIT YAAA HEAR ME? Have a nice day

Oofdiditagain · Cómic
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42 Chs

Past Revealed

Tobi's body was carelessly thrown into the corner by Take as he urged the Kage to continue despite them being pale and slightly green as the room was coated in bits of Tobi's body Mei looked at Take with a sad smile the talks reluctantly continued ignoring the screams in the background eventually they agreed to an allied shinobi alliance seeing that his time here was up as his body started to break down into motes of light Take did hand seals 'Balance of Life and Death: Fragmented Life'(1) a teen appeared next to Take

"This will be the protector of this world in my absence teach him well"

Giving one last hug to Mei before he body completely broke into dust as this happened he saw Tsunade shake her head having his answer he faded away


Take soon found himself back in the dark abyss traveling through the darkness he faded into unconsciousness waiting till he returns to Haku's side already feeling her warmth


(1 Week Ago [DanMachi])

News of Take's disappearance spread quickly but yet his Familia didn't seem bothered by it so rumors quickly began to spread such as Take not actually being part of the Loki Familia and only a pawn to gain attention and such other things but the Loki Familia kept indifferent to all of these rumors not giving them any fuel in hope that they will eventually die out during this time Ais and Lefiya have followed Chloe and Ryuu to the Valley having been gifted one time keys by the 2 Hostesses upon they arrival to the Valley they were shocked Lefiya more then the rest due to her heritage being more in tune with nature it took a good few minutes for her to catch her bearings in the nature energy filled Valley, here she felt invincible the nature around her seeping into her body in the smallest amounts giving her a giddy feeling seeing this Ryuu had a rather apologetic look

"Sorry, I should have warned you about that… just try to keep your mind calm that's the best advice I can give" resting her hand on the golden haired elves shoulder

"T-thank you… What is this energy, it reminds me of home"

With a slight smirk Ryuu looked around seeing Ais' expressionless face carefully studying the surroundings and Chole attempting to stop Ais from aimlessly roaming around

"Take told us that this was all created through his training, something along the lines of letting his energy diffuse into the surroundings he also explained that he doubted this phenomenon could occur elsewhere if you were to ask me it's probably something within these mountains"

While Lefiya and Ryuu chatted away with Lefiya asking a multitude of questions in an attempt to learn as much as possible, Ais and Chole were talking about what monsters were prevalent in the forest

"During our trips here I haven't seen much more than a goblin or two but they are different from normal goblins more meat on them not really lanky creatures but they tend to stick to the outskirts of the forest, as for animals there is an abundance of bears, deer, rabbits, fish, cows even they all seem to horde into the valley Take explained that once an animal makes it way into the valley it won't be able to leave"

Nodding Ais spoke

"What do you think of Take"

This slightly shocked Chole but she didn't let it show

"Hmm… if I had to put it into simple words I would say that he's a kind soul thinking of others while also making sure that he profits from it while that seems kind of selfish he manages to do it in a manner that everyone benefits from it, He's strong, smart, handy, and relaxing to be with although there is a darkness in his heart that he tries to keep deep within I've seen it surface a once but it was only a glimpse"

Cocking her head slightly Ais replied

"You mean when he's protecting someone… He did release some rather heavy bloodlust in the Twilight Manor when Bete threatened Ghost, made this ball of magic that shaved away at my sword I couldn't even deviate it from its path now that I think about it, it's like someone else was residing inside of him only revealing itself when it's close to losing something important… What ever happened to Ghost?"

This caused Chole to sink into thought

" I honestly don't know he just disappeared one day… then Take came back with Haku it's probably connected but I doubt it he probably found her roaming around and picked her up although they seemed to have some history together… Oh well we are getting close to the Cabin now"

Not even a minute after Chole said that the trees became sparse as a ledge coming off the side of the mountain revealed it self Ais and Lefiya were slightly confused because they didn't see any cabin but Ryuu quickly spoke up to clear the air

"Although Take calls it a cabin it's more of a mound of dirt with a cabin hidden underneath it's actually pretty cool something you would never notice unless you knew what you were looking for"

Walking up a small natural path wide enough for two people to stand side by side they saw small plots of crops a small still moved off to the side and a doorway leading into the mound

"Please don't wander too far the forest is difficult to navigate even with the key seals from what I've seen the valley stretches about 75 miles in both directions and is about 20 miles wide a lot of land to search for you two if you guys do end up getting lost"

Getting a nod from both Ais and Lefiya Chole turned back around to see a familiar figure walking out of the Cabin

"Oh is it time to restock already? It seems I've lost track of time or else I would have meet you sooner, it seems you brought visitors with you as well"

As Haku's voice sounded out like a gentle breeze never losing the gentle smile on her face as she did a hand seal 'Summoning Jutsu' causing a puff of snow to appear next to her revealing Ghost standing taller than all of them

"Ghost please occupy our guests and do make sure they don't get lost if they happen to explore, Take would be rather mad if he had to search for them when he awoke"

Slightly surprised that the Snow wolf they were asking about earlier suddenly appeared and quite a bit bigger then before if they had to guess over double his previous size but the most notable change aside from that is the two Oni like horns adorning his head seeing Ghost Lefiya instantly smiled as she approached him running her finger through his soft cloud like fur as she softly spoke

"Look at how much you've grown where have you been mister your the best company to have around always listening to my complaints but never having any of your own"

Pressing his body into Lefiya's hand, who unable to keep balanced due to the change of weight fell over causing Ghost to roll over Lefiya sinking into the abundance of soft fur earning a laugh from the elf as Ghost hurriedly got back up licking Lefiya's face as if it was an apology this ended up getting a giggle from Haku as she covered her mouth with her hand

"I'm guessing you two came to see Take, Ill lead you to his room shortly"

Hearing Take's name Ghost started jumping around as a teal aura surrounded him as he rapidly shrank to the size of a small pup earning an *Awewwh* from Lefiya as she hurriedly picked him up carrying him in front of her pressed into her chest as he faced forward with his legs dangling as he enjoyed being doted upon by his favorite elf, his rapidly changing size earned some shocked looks from the surroundings but they quickly got over it as Ryuu and Chole left to gather supplies while Haku led as they entered the cabin they were shocked seeing the stone walls

"It started out as a cave he blocked off the entrance to the cave with some logs as winter came around and when the snow let up he began to expand making it what it is now under the cement there are logs he made all of this with his bare hands and some tools he made from the surroundings (pulling aside a sheet of hide revealing a doorway to a room with a large king sized bed with an unclothed Take only covered by a hide blanket laying on top of it sinking nearly halfway into the bed showing how soft it was) I'll leave you guys alone if you have any questions I'll be in the next room preparing dinner"

Seeing Take's rather muscular lithe frame Lefiya couldn't help but blush as she hurriedly covered her face with her hands despite peeking through the gaps of her fingers her hands dropped when she noticed Take's body seemingly unending scars this caught her attention but the tattoo like mark placed over his heart seemed to pull her attention from the multitude of scars as she neared him studying the mark she found a weird symbol overlapped by a sword and a bow upon a closer look she saw a network of smaller symbols making up this tattoo against her better judgement she reached out to touch it just as her finger neared the mark Haku's soft voice rung out

"It would be best if you didn't, you wouldn't like what you find…"

Quickly pulling her hand back with an embarrassed look she was about to apologize as Ais spoke up

"What's all these scars from they don't look like their from the dungeon"

With a sigh Haku's mood visible saddened

"What I am about to tell you can't leave this room…( getting a confirmation from the both of them) Let's start with Take isn't from here, well this world and neither am I we come from a far different plane of existence a place where wars are constantly fought over the most meaningless things whole clans wiped out because of fear of the power they hold but this isn't where the story starts… no far from it in a small island few knew the existence of where the sins of man roamed free a place filled with lust, greed, killings, taboo experiments, and many other things among these atrocities was a hidden lab up in the mountains where a single boy, a product of science floated within a vat"

Pulling up a chair for herself she sat down motioning the others to do the same as she continued

"This boy knew nothing but war deep within his mind he was forced to fight against hundreds no, millions of others without a minute of rest while others would have broken after little time this young boy did no such thing this was what his first memories were of death and war were the only things he knew nobody could even estimate the time he spent inside of his mind having to constantly be on guard killing, deflecting strike, or defending during this time his instincts were pushed to the limit as pain was real, death was real but the only difference is that once the pain resided he was thrusted back into this world of pain"

Taking a breath letting her words sink in before she continued

"However one day a group of men raided this Lab in hopes of stealing its research were they eventually found the boy freed from the vat but still stuck in his own mind if you could have seen this boy he was no older than 6 or 7 with an intricate network of fuinjutsu covering his body from the neck down not a sliver of skin was spared, the men tried to talk to this boy but with no response the leader yelled out demanding the boy to answer and surprisingly he did… the first words out his mouth were 'Yes master' this group of men have found themselves the perfect slave and soon threw him into the underground"

"The underground was essentially a coliseum were slaves were pitted against each other for the entertainment of the various parties that frequented the island placing bets on various fighters in hopes of making some money, this boy soon made a name for himself in the coliseum thanks to his experience in his mind, but there was one thing about this boy that anyone could notice with a single glance… the lack of emotions this was thanks to the seals which suppressed all emotions, free will, thoughts everything that makes someone unique he was nothing more than a weapon in the eyes of everyone and a good one at that, the men that found him lazily trained him not really paying the boy much attention other then when they wanted to have some… 'Fun'"

Pointing at the small needle prick scars on Take's neck

"These for example was from this boy being used as a dart board (pointing at a large scar marring the ribs) this was from being flayed and there are so much more all of these scars except one were due to his 'masters' simply being bored and seemingly finding amusement in hurting the boy despite him not feeling it nor showing any change from his blank facial expression this only made such things worse as they slowly did worse and worse…"

By this point Lefiya had tears pulling in the corners of her eyes as she looked over the many scars while Ais although looking calm except for the small frown marring her face and her eyes showing pure hatred not directed at anyone in particular

"Eventually these men decided to 'Loan' this boy out in an attempt to make some easy money and forced the boy to be dragged by the ship telling the boy to 'walk on water' as the boy tried to accomplish this task with everything he had in him unknowingly one of the seals started to weaken causing his emotions to start to show, it didn't take long for this to happen and once it did he killed his masters before taking up a business contract to be a bodyguard for a rather large business tycoon who had his hands in the dark side of society"

"Time passed like this with the boy completing missions for the business tycoon, the boys morals were already skewed due to being desensitized to death at a young age causing the boy not to think twice about it sometimes even causing him to be cruel to his enemies, this boy had no friends, no one he could trust, no one he could lean on, no one he could speak his mind to not that he would know how causing him to bottle up all these feelings deep inside when suddenly on a mission to kill a noble he ran into some troubles and got away injured this wasn't a important thing to note as he completed the mission none the less and returned to the business tycoon… Realizing that his strength wasn't enough the boy devoted himself to training non stop barely sleeping but even when he did he was forced into an endless battle not giving him a moment of peace"

With a slightly reminiscent look Haku continued as Ais and Lefiya intently stared at her while they listened

"Eventually along the line of doing missions the boy started refusing to do missions which resulted in innocent deaths causing the tycoon to look for someone that will… this lead him to two people… Zabuza and Haku"

Lefiya opened her mouth to talk but was stopped as Haku put her finger to her mouth as if to tell her to be quiet

"Yes I am the Haku from this story… Upon the tycoon introducing these two to the boy as his new partners the boy instantly released bloodlust taking the small girl Haku into his arms and pressing a blade to her throat threatening the man Zabuza to explain why they were her asking if they were out for revenge, It took a while to talk the boy down with the helping the Tycoon whom I will call Gatō from now on"

"Eventually this boy started to see these two as someone he might be able to put his trust into and slowly started to open up to them while helping them train their skills while they did the same for him unknowingly to the dense boy (shooting a glare towards Take's unconscious body) Haku began to develop feelings for him she didn't exactly know what these were but she felt compelled to protect and help him on his journey due to the fact that they both had rather harsh childhoods his being far worse then hers but she felt a sense of belonging around the boy"

"However… One day when Haku and Zabuza went out for a mission they came across a small team of four including 3 trained kids and a highly experienced adult while Zabuza the more skilled of the two went of to deal with the adult, Haku was left to handle the kids that were around her age… Gato being the scheming bastard he was had planned this to some extent and used the boys feelings in an attempt to get rid of them all, He approached the boy looking quite nervous and shaken hurriedly informing the boy of his companions troubles causing the boy to leave in a hurry"

At this point Haku's eyes had a certain softness in them

"When the boy arrived he watched as an attack made of Lightning charged straight for Haku's heart the thought of losing one of the only people he could call a friend unshackled something deep within him causing his eyes to change into something that was feared by everyone… The Sharingan… the sharingan was something people called a optical kekkei genkai, a dojutsu a bloodline trait of the Uchiha clan known for their cycle of hatred but this was partially wrong, members of this specific clan loved harder then anyone else and what happens when that love disappears"

As if she could relate to this Ais solemnly replied


With a nod Haku continued

"Exactly this hatred fueled a desire to grow stronger allowing these eyes to awaken but they were different mainly being modified by fuinjutsu...but upon seeing this an unbelievable amount of killing intent exploded from his body as it reacted on its own sending a Lightning clad arrow to the attack redirecting it enough to narrowly stop any fatal damage, drowned in anger he unleashed a poison like attack upon these people fatally poisoning one while trapping the other in an illusion causing the adult to pick up their bodies and flee"

(1) Some bullshit power I have him essentially he turned a portion of his ‘other side’ into a baby

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